32 resultados para Thermodynamic Cycles


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We report well-dated Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary precessional climatic cycles, recorded by rhythmic carbonate maxima and minima in South Atlantic deep sea sites. Spectral analyses of digitized sediment color, a suitable carbonate proxy, show prominent regularities in the spacing marl-carbonate beds. Magnetostratigraphic dating over a number of magnetic chrons constrains the duration of the cycles, which can be detected over at least 20 Myr of sedimentation at 7 coring locations. Their mean absolute period of 23.5 +/- 4.4kyr agrees closely with the predicted late Cretaceous precessional period of 20.8 kyr. Because they can be matched to a physical forcing mechanism with a known repeat time, the cycles offer a new high-resolution tool to measure rates of climate change before and after the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary. From counts of carbonate cycles, we derive the position of the K/T boundary within C29R at 350 kyr after the base of the reversal. The constancy of cycle thickness (linearly related to sedimentation rate) and amplitude up to the "boundary clay" does not give evidence for climate instability preceding the boundary. Orbital chronometry records a step-function decrease in sediment accumulation rate at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary that is consistent with a geologically instantaneous event.


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Sedimentary cycles are observed in the nearly complete Lower Cretaceous to Eocene pelagic carbonates at Site 762 on the Exmouth Plateau off northwest Australia. The high-frequency cycles of variable clay and foraminifers in nannofossil chalk appear as color cycles repeating on a scale of centimeters to meters in thickness. Measured cycle thickness indicate that the dominant cycles appear to be related to the precession and obliquity periods. To evaluate the high-frequency variance observed on the gamma-ray curve, spectral analysis of the log was performed on two intervals: 260 to 365 mbsf in the Cenozoic, and 555 to 685 mbsf in the Mesozoic. Average Cenozoic sedimentation rates of 10.5 m/m.y. are high enough to show that variance is present in the full suite of eccentricity bands (413-123-95 k.y.). Spectral analysis of the Mesozoic section failed to produce dominant peaks that could be correlated to predicted orbital periods. The bioturbation observed in the cores in this interval may be responsible for diluting the signal and producing high-frequency noise, which is manifested in the spectra as low, broad amplitude peaks. Orbital forcing may be affecting sedimentation on the Exmouth Plateau by influencing cycles of increased carbonate production or dissolution. Alternatively, clay abundance cycles may be related to eolian deposition during cycles of increased aridity in western Australia. Four low-frequency events were also identified at Site 762 from the core and log data. The duration of these events is approximately 13 m.y., and the conformable boundaries of these sedimentary cycles correlate with observed nondepositional surfaces in other wells in western Australia. The causal mechanism for the onset of these events may be eustatic, but alternatively may be regional tectonism with associated circulation pattern changes.


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Low-temperature (LT) magnetic remanence and hysteresis measurements, in the range 300-5 K, were combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) in order to characterize the magnetic inventory of strongly diagenetically altered sediments originating from the Niger deep-sea fan. We demonstrate the possibility of distinguishing between different compositions of members of the magnetite-ulvöspinel and ilmenite-hematite solid solution series on a set of five representative samples, two from the upper suboxic and three from the lower sulfidic anoxic zone of gravity core GeoB 4901. Highly sensitive LT magnetic measurements were performed on magnetic extracts resulting in large differences in the magnetic behavior between samples from the different layers. This emphasizes that both Fe-Ti oxide phases occur in different proportions in the two geochemical environments. Most prominent are variations in the coercivity sensitive parameter coercive field (BC). At room-temperature (RT) hysteresis loops for all extracts are narrow and yield low coercivities (6-13 mT). With decreasing temperature the loops become more pronounced and wider. At 5 K an approximately 5-fold increase in BC for the suboxic samples contrasts a 20-25-fold increase for the samples from the anoxic zone. We demonstrate that this distinct increase in BC at LT corresponds to the increasing proportion of the Ti-rich hemoilmenite phase, while Fe-rich (titano-)magnetite dominates the magnetic signal at RT. This trend is also seen in the room-temperature saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (RT-SIRM) cycles: suboxic samples show remanence curves dominated by Fe-rich mineral phases while anoxic samples display curves clearly dominated by Ti-rich particles. We show that the EDS intensity ratios of the characteristic Fe Kalpha and Ti Kalpha lines of the Fe-Ti oxides may be used to differentiate between members of the magnetite-ulvöspinel and ilmenite-hematite solid solution series. Furthermore it is possible to calculate an approximate composition for each grain if the intensity ratios of natural particles are linked to well-known standards. Thus, element spectra with high Fe/Ti intensity ratios were found to be rather typical of titanomagnetite while low Fe/Ti ratios are indicative of hemoilmenite. The EDS analyses confirm the LT magnetic results, Fe-rich magnetic phases dominate in the upper suboxic environment whereas Ti-rich magnetic phases comprise the majority of particles in the lower anoxic domain: The mineral assemblage of the upper suboxic environments is composed of magnetite (~19%), titanomagnetite (~62%), hemoilmenite (~17%) and ~2% other particles. In the lower anoxic sediments, reductive diagenetic alteration has resulted in more extensive depletion of the (titano-)magnetite phase, resulting in a relative enrichment of the hemoilmenite phase (~66%). In these strongly anoxic sediments stoichiometric magnetite is barely preserved and only ~5% titanomagnetite was detected. The remaining ~28% comprises Ti-rich particles such as pseudobrookite or rutile.


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A methane surplus relative to the atmospheric equilibrium is a frequently observed feature of ocean surface water. Despite the common fact that biological processes are responsible for its origin, the formation of methane in aerobic surface water is still poorly understood. We report on methane production in the central Arctic Ocean, which was exclusively detected in Pacific derived water but not nearby in Atlantic derived water. The two water masses are distinguished by their different nitrate to phosphate ratios. We show that methane production occurs if nitrate is depleted but phosphate is available as a P source. Apparently the low N:P ratio enhances the ability of bacteria to compete for phosphate while the phytoplankton metabolite dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is utilized as a C source. This was verified by experimentally induced methane production in DMSP spiked Arctic sea water. Accordingly we propose that methylated compounds may serve as precursors for methane and thermodynamic calculations show that methylotrophic methanogenesis can provide energy in aerobic environments.


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At sites 390 and 392 (Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 44) on the Blake nose, thoroughly lithified Lower Cretaceous limestone more than 250 m thick is abruptly overlain by a condensed sequence of Barremian to Eocene pelagic carbonate ooze. The Lower Cretaceous sediments consist of three units: limestone with moldic porosity (base), oolitic limestone, and fenestral limestone. Subaerial diagenesis of the limestone section is recorded by (1) caverns with vertical dimensions of up to 10 m, (2) stalactitic intergranular cement, and (3) meniscus sediment (or cement). Compatible with these subaerial features are mud cracks, fenestral fabrics, intraclasts, and cryptalgal structures. Inasmuch as these shallow-water and tidal-flat deposits are now beneath 2,607 m of sea water (plus 99 m of younger sediments), they serve to dramatize the apparent degree of Barremian and later subsidence of this part of the Atlantic outer continental shelf. Porosity and permeability are high in vuggy samples, which are common in the skelmoldic limestone. Cementation has destroyed most of the extensive primary porosity of the two younger units.


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Laboratory experiments show that undercooling to about -5°C occurs in colonized Beacon sandstones of the Ross Desert, Antarctica. High-frequency temperature oscillations between 5°C and -5°C or -10°C (which occur in nature on the rock surface) did not damage Hemichloris antarctica. In a cryomicroscope, H. antarctica appeared to be undamaged after slow or rapid cooling to -50°C. l4CO2 incorporation after freezing to -20°C was unaffected in H. antarctica or in Trebouxia sp. but slightly depressed in Stichococcus sp. (isolated from a less extreme Antarctic habitat). These results suggest that the freezing regime in the Antarctic desert is not injurious to endolithic algae. It is likely that the freezing-point depression inside the rock makes available liquid water for metabolic activity at subzero temperatures. Freezing may occur more frequently on the rock surface and contribute to the abiotic nature of the surface.


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Time control is essential for the reconstruction of geological processes. We use a combination of relative and absolute methods to establish the chronology and related paleoclimatic processes for Late Neogene lacustrine sediment from the Ptolemais Basin, northern Greece. We determined changes in magnetic polarity and correlated them to the global magnetic polarity time scale, which again is calibrated by radiometric methods, to provide a low-resolution age model for the Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene (7 - 3 Ma). Sedimentary successions show rhythmic alterations of lignites, clays, and marls. Using photospetrometry we measured this variability at 1-cm resolution, and correlated the pattern to known changes in earth's orbital parameters, namely to eccentricity and precession. For 230-m long borehole KAP-107 from the Amynteon Sub-Basin we obtained a high-resolution age model that spans 2 myr from 5.1 to 3.1 Ma, with age control points at insolation maxima (20-kyr resolution). We recommend using photospectrometry as reliable tool to establish orbital-based chronologies and to reconstruct paleoclimate variability at high resolution.


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set provides continuous measurements of partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2), using a ProOceanus CO2-Pro instrument mounted on the flowthrough system. This automatic sensor is fitted with an equilibrator made of gas permeable silicone membrane and an internal detection loop with a non-dispersive infrared detector of PPSystems SBA-4 CO2 analyzer. A zero-CO2 baseline is provided for the subsequent measurements circulating the internal gas through a CO2 absorption chamber containing soda lime or Ascarite. The frequency of this automatic zero point calibration was set to be 24 hours. All data recorded during zeroing processes were discarded with the 15-minute data after each calibration. The output of CO2-Pro is the mole fraction of CO2 in the measured water and the pCO2 is obtained using the measured total pressure of the internal wet gas. The fugacity of CO2 (fCO2) in the surface seawater, whose difference with the atmospheric CO2 fugacity is proportional to the air-sea CO2 fluxes, is obtained by correcting the pCO2 for non-ideal CO2 gas concentration according to Weiss (1974). The fCO2 computed using CO2-Pro measurements was corrected to the sea surface condition by considering the temperature effect on fCO2 (Takahashi et al., 1993). The surface seawater observations that were initially estimated with a 15 seconds frequency were averaged every 5-min cycle. The performance of CO2-Pro was adjusted by comparing the sensor outputs against the thermodynamic carbonate calculation of pCO2 using the carbonic system constants of Millero et al. (2006) from the determinations of total inorganic carbon (CT ) and total alkalinity (AT ) in discrete samples collected at sea surface. AT was determined using an automated open cell potentiometric titration (Haraldsson et al. 1997). CT was determined with an automated coulometric titration (Johnson et al. 1985; 1987), using the MIDSOMMA system (Mintrop, 2005). fCO2 data are flagged according to the WOCE guidelines following Pierrot et al. (2009) identifying recommended values and questionable measurements giving additional information about the reasons of the questionability.


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Shallow- to deep-water environments are represented by the sediments and rocks recovered from the Walvis Ridge- Angola Basin transect. These calcareous oozes, chalks, limestones, and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks are used to define and correlate four lithostratigraphic units. The sediments were deposited in cycles which represent recurring tectonic or Oceanographic events and may be related to climatic fluctuations and orbital perturbations. Turbidites are the most common and easily identified sedimentary cycle. They are Late Cretaceous to Paleocene in age and are repeated in intervals ranging from thousands to tens of thousands of years. They are also found interbedded between basalt layers. Turbidites are easily distinguished from the other cycles present by their sedimentary structures, mineral composition, alteration products, and physical properties (GRAPE) data. Large-scale turbidites, debris, or slump breccias are found at or just above the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary and indicate an event of considerable energy possibly related to intense tectonic activity. Diagenetic cycles, interpreted as small-scale dissolution cycles or sequences produced by biogenic activity, occur in early Paleocene chalks. The recurrence intervals average -20,000 y. but have a wide range of values. Variations in CaCO3 content, color, gradational boundaries, and trace fossil content characterize these sediments. These cycles reflect bottom-water conditions. Ooze-chalk cycles occur in upper Oligocene to upper Paleocene sediments and represent conditions that once existed at the sediment/water interface where they obtained their diagenetic potential. These oscillations are repeated over tens of thousands of years and may have no modern analogs. Color variations in sediments at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary indicate local fluctuations in oxygen content within the sediments or the water column. This situation lasted for several hundred thousand years and is not repeated elsewhere in the sequence. Large dissolution cycles are recorded in the sediments at Site 527 that are of middle Miocene and early Oligocene to middle Eocene age. During this time the seafloor at this site appears to have been located at or subsided to a depth occupied by a fluctuating CCD and lysocline.