388 resultados para Tatge, David B


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Trigger weight (TWC) and piston (PC) cores obtained from surveys of the three sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 105 were studied in detail for benthic foraminiferal assemblages, total carbonate (all sites), planktonic foraminiferal abundances (Sites 645 and 647), and stable isotopes (Sites 646 and 647). These high-resolution data provide the link between modern environmental conditions represented by the sediment in the TWC and the uppermost cores of the ODP holes. This link provides essential control data for interpretating late Pleistocene paleoceanographic records from these core holes. At Site 645 in Baffin Bay, local correlation is difficult because the area is dominated by ice-rafted deposits and by debris flows and/or turbidite sedimentation. At the two Labrador Sea sites (646 and 647), the survey cores and uppermost ODP cores can be correlated. High-resolution data from the site survey cores also provide biostratigraphic data that refine the interpretations compiled from core-catcher samples at each ODP site.


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Well preserved middle Miocene to Recent radiolarians were recovered from several sites in the Weddell Sea by ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) Leg 113. Low rates of sedimentation, hiatuses, and poor core recovery in some sites are offset by the nearly complete recovery of a late middle Miocene to late Pliocene section at Site 689 on the Maud Rise. Although a hiatus within the latest Miocene exists, this site still provides an excellent reference section for Antarctic biostratigraphy. A detailed radiolarian stratigraphy for the middle Miocene to late Pliocene of Site 689 is given, together with supplemental stratigraphic data from ODP Leg 113 Sites 690, 693, 695, 696, and 697. A refined Antarctic zonation for the middle Miocene to Recent is presented, based on the previous zonations of Hays (1965), Chen (1975), Weaver (1976b), and Keany (1979). The late Miocene radiolarian Acrosphaera australis n. sp. is described and used to define the A. australis zone, ranging from the first appearance of the nominate species to the last appearance of Cycladophora spongothorax (Chen) Lombari and Lazarus 1988. The species Botryopera deflandrei Petrushevskaya 1975 is transferred to Antarctissa deflandrei (Petrushevskaya) n. comb.


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Neogene biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic data are compiled from Holes 747A, 748B, and 751A drilled on the Southern Kerguelen Plateau during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120. Neogene sections have excellent to good magnetostratigraphic signatures in many intervals. This, in addition to minimal coring gaps and the occurrence of mixed assemblages of both calcareous and siliceous microfossil assemblages, makes these valuable biostratigraphic reference sections for intra- and extraregional correlations. This paper combines the sequence of biostratigraphic events reported from diatom, radiolarian, planktonic foraminifer, calcareous nannofossil, and silicoflagellate studies of Leg 120 sediments. It correlates microfossil datums with the geomagnetic polarity time scale to test existing age estimates and to refine biostratigraphic age controls for the southern high latitudes. Significant biostratigraphic datums are presented in a series of age-depth plots. Numerous hiatuses are clearly identified through this approach, and the positions of lesser disconformities are suggested. Most Neogene intervals are represented in at least one site, although "regional" unconformities occur in the upper Pliocene, uppermost Miocene/lowermost Pliocene, middle upper Miocene, middle middle Miocene, and at the lower/middle Miocene boundaries. The longest hiatus spanned 6 m.y., with most other hiatuses representing 1 m.y. or less. This paper compiles Leg 120 biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic data for use in future syntheses of southern high latitude biostratigraphy and presents an age model for Leg 120 Neogene sediments.


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During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 178, eight holes were drilled at three sites (1095, 1096, and 1101) on the continental rise along the western Antarctic Peninsula. The rise sediments proved to be good paleomagnetic recorders and provided continuous magnetostratigraphic records at all three sites. Biosiliceous microfossils, particularly diatoms and radiolarians, were present in the upper Miocene through lower Pliocene sections. In the upper Pliocene to Pleistocene sections, biosiliceous microfossils were rare but calcareous nannofossils and foraminifers were present. This paper summarizes the biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy of Leg 178 continental rise sites and is the first attempt at direct calibration of Antarctic biostratigraphic events to the geomagnetic polarity timescale in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean.


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Two cores, one from the Beaufort Sea Slope at 1000 m water depth (core 750) and one from the Amundsen Gulf at 426 m (core 124), were collected to help determine paleo-ice cover in the Holocene and late glacial of this area. Site 750 is particularly sensitive to changes in paleo-ice cover because it rests beneath the present ice margin of the permanent Arctic ice pack. Core 124 was sampled just in front of the former glacier that moved out into the Amundsen Gulf and started to recede about 13 ka B.P. Both cores have a strong occurrence of calcareous foraminifera in the upper few centimeters, but these disappear throughout most of the Holocene, suggesting more open water in that time period than present. In the sediments representing the end of the last glacial period (dated at ~11,500-14,000 calibrated years B.P. (cal B.P.)) a calcareous fauna with an abundant planktic foraminiferal fauna suggests a return to almost permanent ice cover, much like the central Arctic today. Together with the foraminifera there was also abundant ice-rafted debris (IRD) in both cores between 12,000 cal B.P. and ~14,000 cal B.P., but those units are of different ages between cores, suggesting different events. The IRD in both cores appears to have the same magnetic and chemical signals, but their origins cannot be determined exactly until clay mineralogy is completed. There is abundant organic debris in both cores below the IRD units: the organics in core 750 are very diffuse and not visually identifiable, but the organic material in core 124 is clearly identifiable with terrestrial root fragments; these are 14C dated at over 37,000 years B.P. This is a marine unit as it also has glacial front foraminifera in the sediment with the organic debris that must have been originating from subglacial streams. The seismic and multibeam data both indicate glaciers did not cross the core 124 site.


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Two sites in the Labrador Sea and one site in Baffin Bay were drilled during Leg 105. Radiolarians were recovered at all three sites, although at Site 645 (Baffin Bay), radiolarians were present in useful numbers only in the mudline sample. Radiolarians of late Neogene age were recovered at Site 646 south of Greenland, while early Oligocene and early Miocene radiolarians were recovered from the Labrador Sea at Site 647. In Site 646, radiolarian and other coarse-fraction abundances vary dramatically from sample to sample and may reflect deep-water depositional processes as well as changes in surface-water conditions. Site 647 siliceous microfossils reach their peak abundance and preservation in Core 105-647A-25R and decline gradually upward into the lower Miocene (Cores 105-647A-13R and -14R). Siliceous microfossil abundances in counts of the > 38-µm Carbonate-free coarse fraction from the siliceous interval are correlated to each other, but not to the abundance of nonbiogenic coarse-fraction components. Radiolarian abundances in specimens per gram (but not diatom abundances) are correlated to bulk opal concentration and to the organic carbon content of the sediment. The abundance of radiolarians and other siliceous microfossils within the lower Oligocene to lower Miocene is interpreted as reflecting changes in surface-water productivity. With only a few exceptions, no stratigraphic indicator species were seen in samples from either Site 646 or Site 647. The absence of both tropical/subtropical and Norwegian-Greenland Sea stratigraphic forms is due to the dominance of subarctic North Atlantic taxa in Leg 105 assemblages. The early Oligocene and early Miocene assemblages recovered at Site 647 are of particular interest, as very little material of these ages has previously been recovered from the subarctic North Atlantic region, and virtually no descriptive work has been conducted on the more endemic components of the radiolarian assemblages from these time intervals. Thus, this report concentrates on providing, at least in part, the first comprehensive documentation of early Oligocene and early Miocene radiolarians from the subarctic North Atlantic, with emphasis on basic descriptions, measurements, and photographic documentation. However, synonymic work and formal designation of new species names has been deferred until additional material from other regions can be examined. The sole exception is the emendation of Theocalyptra tetracantha Bjorklund and Kellogg 1972 to Cycladophora tetracantha n. comb.


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Dark gray laminated silty claystones (Unit II) drilled at Site 901 contain Tithonian benthic foraminifer assemblages that indicate a neritic depositional environment and probably dysaerobic bottom-water conditions. Three benthic foraminifer zones are distinguished within Unit II. The upper part of the unit is dominated by Spirillina polygyrata, contains Globospirillina spp. (Samples 149-901A-3R-1, 10-12 cm, to 149-901A-3R-1, 75-77 cm) and is interpreted as late Tithonian. Samples 149-901A-3R-1, 87-89 cm, to 149-901A-6R-1, 74-76 cm, contain Epistomina uhligi and Lingulina franconica and are probably early Tithonian. The early Tithonian Neobulimina atlantica Zone is characterized by the occurrence of the zonal marker and Epistomina uhligi and reaches from Sample 149-901A-6R-1, 128-130 cm, to the base of the drilled-sequence. The sediments and benthic foraminiferal assemblage characteristics of the Tithonian-aged sequence in Hole 901A are unknown elsewhere in the Atlantic and may represent deposition in a marginal shelf basin with increased terrigenous and organic flux.


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Well-preserved radiolarian assemblages of late middle Miocene to early Pliocene age are found in Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 1138A (Cores 183-1138A-12R to 20R), which was rotary drilled into the Central Kerguelen Plateau. The faunas are typical for Antarctic assemblages of this time interval, and the site appears to have been south of the Polar Front during the time period studied. Despite only moderate drilling recovery of the section, most late middle to early Pliocene radiolarian zones are present, although at the sample resolution used, subzones could not be identified. A significant discontinuity in the section is present at the boundary between lithologic Units I and II (between Cores 183-1138A-12R and 13R), corresponding to an interval from at least 4.6 to 6.1 Ma. Mixed late Miocene-early Pliocene assemblages are seen in the base of Core 183-1138A-12R (Sample 183-1138A-12R-3, 20 cm), and the overlying basal Pliocene Tau Zone appears to be absent. It cannot be determined if the discontinuity is due to incomplete recovery of the section and drilling disturbance or if it reflects a primary sedimentary structure - a hiatus or interval of condensed sedimentation.