274 resultados para Subcontinental lithospheric mantle


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According to Wilson's (1963a, b) hypothesis, the volcanoes of the Hawaiian-Emperor Chain are formed as the Pacific lithospheric plate moves over a source of magma in the mantle. Morgan (1971, 1972) proposed that these "hot spots" resulted from "mantle plumes" that rise vertically from the core/mantle boundary and that are fixed about the deep mantle and rotating globe poles. The age of volcanoes increases with distance away from the recent "hot spot" beneath Kilauea volcano. The Hawaiian-Emperor bend indicates that the direction of motion of the Pacific plate changed about 40 m.y. ago.


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The proposed origins for the Enriched Mantle I component are many and various and some require an arbitrary addition of an exotic component, be it pure sediment or an enriched melt from the subcontinental lithosphere. With Pitcairn, Walvis Ridge is the 'type-locality' for the Enriched Mantle I (EMI) component. We analyzed basalts from DSDP Site 525A, Site 527 and Site 528 on the Walvis Ridge with the aim to constrain the history of its source. The isotopic compositions we measured for the three sites overlap with the values obtained by Richardson et al. (1982a) and extend towards less radiogenic Sr and more radiogenic Pb and Nd isotopic compositions. We used our new trace element and radiogenic isotope (Hf, Nd, Pb and Sr) characterization in combination with the literature data to produce the simplest possible model that satisfies the trace element and isotopic constraints. Although the elevated 207Pb/204Pb with respect to 206Pb/204Pb predicts an ancient origin for EMI, none of the proposed origins had modeled it as such. The data is consistent with the EMI composition being formed by the addition of a melt to a mantle with bulk Earth-like composition followed by melt extraction of a low degree melt. The timing of these two events is such that the metasomatism has to have taken place prior to 4 Ga and the subsequent melt removal before 3.5 Ga. This confirms the expectation of an ancient character for the EMI component. The Walvis Ridge data shows two distinct two component mixing trends: one formed by the less enriched Site 527 and Site 528 basalts and one formed by the Site 525A basalts. The two trends have the EMI endmember in common. The less depleted end of the Site 527-Site 528 basalts is FOZO-like and can be explained by the addition of a recycled component (basaltic oceanic crust plus sediment). This recycled component was altered during subduction. The sense and magnitude of the chemical fractionation resulting from the subduction alteration are in agreement with dehydration experiments on basalts and sediment. Compared to other EMI like basalts the Walvis Ridge basalts have flatter REE patterns and show less fractionation between large ion lithophile and heavy REE elements. Using the isotopic compositions as constrains for the parent-daughter ratios we were able to model the trace element patterns of the basalts as melting between 5 and 10% for Site 525A and between 10 and 15% for the depleted end of the Site 528-Site 527 array. In all cases a significant portion of melting takes place in the garnet stability field.


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The Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA) has been the subject of intensive research over the past few years, leading to a variety of distinct models for the origin of CAVA lavas with various source components. We present a new model for the NW Central American Volcanic Arc based on a comprehensive new geochemical data set (major and trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-O isotope ratios) of mafic volcanic front (VF), behind the volcanic front (BVF) and back-arc (BA) lava and tephra samples from NW Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Additionally we present data on subducting Cocos Plate sediments (from DSDP Leg 67 Sites 495 and 499) and igneous oceanic crust (from DSDP Leg 67 Site 495), and Guatemalan (Chortis Block) granitic and metamorphic continental basement. We observe systematic variations in trace element and isotopic compositions both along and across the arc. The data require at least three different endmembers for the volcanism in NW Central America. (1) The NW Nicaragua VF lavas require an endmember with very high Ba/(La, Th) and U/Th, relatively radiogenic Sr, Nd and Hf but unradiogenic Pb and low d18O, reflecting a largely serpentinite-derived fluid/hydrous melt flux from the subducting slab into a depleted N-MORB type of mantle wedge. (2) The Guatemala VF and BVF mafic lavas require an enriched endmember with low Ba/(La, Th), U/Th, high d18O and radiogenic Sr and Pb but unradiogenic Nd and Hf isotope ratios. Correlations of Hf with both Nd and Pb isotopic compositions are not consistent with this endmember being subducted sediments. Granitic samples from the Chiquimula Plutonic Complex in Guatemala have the appropriate isotopic composition to serve as this endmember, but the large amounts of assimilation required to explain the isotope data are not consistent with the basaltic compositions of the volcanic rocks. In addition, mixing regressions on Nd vs. Hf and the Sr and O isotope plots do not go through the data. Therefore, we propose that this endmember could represent pyroxenites in the lithosphere (mantle and possibly lower crust), derived from parental magmas for the plutonic rocks. (3) The Honduras and Caribbean BA lavas define an isotopically depleted endmember (with unradiogenic Sr but radiogenic Nd, Hf and Pb isotope ratios), having OIB-like major and trace element compositions (e.g. low Ba/(La, Th) and U/Th, high La/Yb). This endmember is possibly derived from melting of young, recycled oceanic crust in the asthenosphere upwelling in the back-arc. Mixing between these three endmember types of magmas can explain the observed systematic geochemical variations along and across the NW Central American Arc.


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The ca. 1880 Ma Circum-Superior Large Igneous Province (LIP) consists of a number of discontinuous segments known to cover a significant portion of the margin of the Superior Province craton in North America. New geochemical and isotopic data from western segments of this LIP support a common origin for the these segments and suggest that magmatism in the Lake Superior region may have been fed through the ~ 600 km long Pickle Crow dyke from a source north of the Fox River Belt in northeastern Manitoba. The Fox River Belt, Pickle Crow dyke and sections of the Hemlock Formation in the Lake Superior region possess trace element signatures which are similar to those of more recent oceanic plateaux. The Hemlock Formation displays a heterogeneous geochemical signature. This chemical heterogeneity can in part be explained by lithospheric contamination and possibly by source heterogeneity. The tectonomagmatic setting in which these igneous rocks were formed could have involved a mantle plume. Evidence supporting a plume origin includes high MgO volcanic rocks, high calculated degrees of partial melting and geochemical signatures similar to those of oceanic plateaux.


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Ocean Drilling Program Legs 127 and 128 in the Yamato Basin of the Japan Sea, a Miocene-age back-arc basin in the western Pacific Ocean, recovered incompatible-element-depleted and enriched tholeiitic dolerites and basalts from the basin floor, which provide evidence of a significant sedimentary component in their mantle source. Isotopically, the volcanic rocks cover a wide range of compositions (e.g., 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70369 - 0.70503, 206Pb/204Pb = 17.65 - 18.36) and define a mixing trend between a depleted mantle (DM) component and an enriched component with the composition of EM II. At Site 797, the combined isotope and trace element systematics support a model of two component mixing between depleted, MORB-like mantle and Pacific pelagic sediments. A best estimate of the composition of the sedimentary component has been determined by analyzing samples of differing lithology from DSDP Sites 579 and 581 in the western Pacific, east of the Japan arc. The sediments have large depletions in the high field strength elements and are relatively enriched in the large-ion-lithophile elements, including Pb. These characteristics are mirrored, with reduced amplitudes, in Japan Sea enriched tholeiites and northeast Japan arc lavas, which strengthens the link between source enrichment and subducted sediments. However, Site 579/581 sediments have higher LILE/REE and lower HFSE/REE than the enriched component inferred fiom mixing trends at Site 797. Sub-arc devolatilization of the sediments is a process that will lower LILE/REE and raise HFSE/REE in the residual sediment, and thus this residual sediment may serve as the enriched component in the back-arc basalt source. Samples from other potential sources of an enriched, EM II-like component beneath Japan, such as the subcontinental lithosphere or crust, have isotopic compositions which overlap those of the Japan Sea tholeiites and are not "enriched" enough to be the EM II end-member.


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New heat flow observations have been made in the Iberia abyssal plain off the Galicia margin along the transeat of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 149 drill sites. in order to investigate the nature of this unusually wide and deep continet-ocean transition region. Our results indicate the presence of three separate zones. Average values of 47.5 +/- 3 mW/m in the westernmost zone III agree with predictions of standard oceanic lithospheric models for its estimated age of 126 Ma. In contrast, the heat flow within zone II is 5-15 mW/m higher than predicted. assuming that the mantle heat flow remains constant across the basin. This region of high values is coincident with the location of a major intra-crustal "S"-type reflector east of ODP Site 900. and the anomaly is consistent with the presence of 2-3 km of primarily upper continental crust above the reflector, with concentrations of radiogenic components similar to those from granodiorite samplles dredged off Galicia Bank. It is not, however, consistent with the low values of heat production measured on gabbroic sanhples from its western end at ODP Site 900. In zone I, detailed measurements across the tilted fault block south of ODP Site 901 show consistent variations which closely match predictions due to the effects of basement structure and sediment deposition. There is no evidence for variations due to vertical convective transport along the dipping basement fault block. Once corrected for these variations. measurements in zone I yield average values that agree quite well with previous measurements across Calicia Bank. indicating no systematic landward increase in heat flow with decreasing amounts of continental, extension.


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The thick oceanic crust of the Caribbean plate appears to be the tectonized remnant of an eastern Pacific oceanic plateau that has been inserted between North and South America. The emplacement of the plateau into its present position has resulted in the obduction and exposure of its margins, providing an opportunity to study the age relations, internal structure and compositional features of the plateau. We present the results of 40Ar-39Ar radiometric dating, major-, trace-element, and isotopic compositions of basalts from some of the exposed sections as well as drill core basalt samples from Leg 15 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Five widely spaced, margin sections yielded ages ranging from 91 to 88 Ma. Less well-constrained radiometric ages from the drill cores, combined with the biostratigraphic age of surrounding sediments indicate a minimum crystallization age of ~90 Ma in the Venezuelan Basin. The synchroneity of ages across the region is consistent with a flood basalt origin for the bulk of the Caribbean plateau i.e., large volume, rapidly erupted, regionally extensive volcanism.. The ages and compositions are also consistent with plate reconstructions that place the Caribbean plateau in the vicinity of the Galápagos hotspot at its inception. The trace-element and isotopic compositions of the ~90 Ma rocks indicate a depleted mantle and an enriched, plume-like mantle were involved in melting to varying degrees across the plateau. Within the same region, a volumetrically secondary, but widespread magmatic event occurred at 76 Ma, as is evident in Curacao, western Colombia, Haiti, and at DSDP Site 152/ODP Site 1001 near the Hess Escarpment. Limited trace-element data indicate that this phase of magmatism was generally more depleted than the first. We speculate that magmatism may have resulted from upwelling of mantle, still hot from the 90 Ma event, during lithospheric extension attending gravitational collapse of the plateau, andror tectonic emplacement of the plateau between North and South America. Still younger volcanics are found in the Dominican Republic (69 Ma) and the Quepos Peninsula of Costa Rica (63 Ma). The latter occurrence conceivably formed over the Galápagos hotspot and subsequently accreted to the western edge of the plateau during subduction of the Farallon plate.


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The age of the subducting Nazca Plate off Chile increases northwards from 0 Ma at the Chile Triple Junction (46°S) to 37 Ma at the latitude of Valparaíso (32°S). Age-related variations in the thermal state of the subducting plate impact on (a) the water influx to the subduction zone, as well as on (b) the volumes of water that are released under the continental forearc or, alternatively, carried beyond the arc. Southern Central Chile is an ideal setting to study this effect, because other factors for the subduction zone water budget appear constant. We determine the water influx by calculating the crustal water uptake and by modeling the upper mantle serpentinization at the outer rise of the Chile Trench. The water release under forearc and arc is determined by coupling FEM thermal models of the subducting plate with stability fields of water-releasing mineral reactions for upper and lower crust and hydrated mantle. Results show that both the influx of water stored in, and the outflux of water released from upper crust, lower crust and mantle vary drastically over segment boundaries. In particular, the oldest and coldest segments carry roughly twice as much water into the subduction zone as the youngest and hottest segments, but their release flux to the forearc is only about one fourth of the latter. This high variability over a subduction zone of < 1500 km length shows that it is insufficient to consider subduction zones as uniform entities in global estimates of subduction zone fluxes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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We present new major and trace element and O-Sr-Nd-isotope data for igneous rocks from the western Mediterranean Alborán Sea, collected during the METEOR 51/1 cruise, and for high-grade schists and gneisses from the continental Alborán basement, drilled during the Ocean Drilling Programme (ODP Leg 161, Site 976). The geochemical data allow a detailed examination of crustal and mantle processes involved in the petrogenesis of the lavas and for the first time reveal a zonation of the Miocene Alborán Sea volcanism: (1) a keel-shaped area of LREE-depleted (mainly tholeiitic series) lavas in the central Alborán Sea, generated by high degrees of partial melting of a depleted mantle source and involving hydrous fluids from subducted marine sediments, that is surrounded by (2) a horseshoe-shaped zone with LREE-enriched (mainly calc-alkaline series) lavas subparallel to the arcuate Betic-Gibraltar-Rif mountain belt. We propose that the geochemical zonation of the Miocene Alborán Basin volcanism results from eastward subduction of Tethys oceanic lithosphere coupled with increasing lithospheric thickness between the central Alborán Sea and the continental margins of Iberia and Africa.


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The role of hotter than ambient plume mantle in the formation of a rifted volcanic margin in the northern Arabian Sea is investigated using subsidence analysis of a drill site located on the seismically defined Somnath volcanic ridge. The ridge has experienced >4 km of subsidence since 65 Ma and lies within oceanic lithosphere. We estimate crustal thickness to be 9.5-11.5 km. Curiously <400 m of the thermal subsidence occurred prior to 37 Ma, when subsidence rates would normally be at a maximum. We reject the hypothesis that this was caused by increasing plume dynamic support after continental break-up because the size of the thermal anomalies required are unrealistic (>600°C), especially considering the rapid northward drift of India relative to the Deccan-Réunion hotspot. We suggest that this reflects very slow lithospheric growth, possibly caused by vigorous asthenospheric convection lasting >28 m.y., and induced by the steep continent-ocean boundary. Post-rift slow subsidence is also recognized on volcanic margins in the NE Atlantic and SE Newfoundland and cannot be used as a unique indicator of plume mantle involvement in continental break-up.