56 resultados para Stepanova, Aleksandra
Primary sulfides from cores of ODP Holes 158-957M, 158-957C, and 158-957H on the active TAG hydrothermal mound (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26°08'N) have been studied for concentrations of several chemical elements. Based on 262 microprobe analyses it has been found that the sulfides have extremely heterogeneous distribution of noble metals (Au, Ag, Pt, and Pd) and several associated elements (Hg, Co, and Se). Noble metals are arranged in the following order in terms of decreasing abundance, i.e. concentration level above detection limits (the number of analyses containing a specific element is given in parentheses): Au (65), Ag (46), Pt (21), and Pd (traces). The associated trace elements have the following series: Co (202), Hg (132), and Se (49). The main carriers of "invisible" portion of the noble metals are represented by pyrite (Au, Hg), marcasite and pyrite (Ag, Co), sphalerite and chalcopyrite (Pt, Pd), and chalcopyrite (Se). Noble metal distribution in sulfides reveals a lateral zonality: maximal concentrations and abundance of Au in chalcopyrite (or Pt and Ag in chalcopyrite and pyrite) increase from the periphery (Hole 957H) to the center (holes 957C and 957M) of the hydrothermal mound, while Au distribution in pyrite displays a reversed pattern. Co concentration increases with depth. Vertical zonality in distribution of the elements mentioned above and their response to evolution of ore genesis are under discussion in the paper.
Fossil ostracods were investigated in five AMS14C-dated cores from different parts of the Laptev and Kara seas. Three cores from the Laptev Sea shelf are located in river paleovalleys, and one core originates from the western continental slope. The core from the Kara Sea was obtained in the eastern shelf region. Six fossil assemblages were distinguished: estuarine (1), inner-shelf (2), middle-shelf (3), outer-shelf (4), Pre-Holocene upper continental slope (5), and Holocene upper continental slope (6). They show that during the Postglacial sea-level rise there was a transition from estuarine brackish-water environment to modern marine conditions. Assemblages 1-3 are present in the eastern Laptev Sea with the oldest ostracod-bearing samples aging back to 11.4-11.3 cal.ka. Cores from the western Laptev Sea (12.3 cal.ka, assemblages 1-4) and the Kara Sea (8.1 cal.ka, assemblages 2-4) demonstrate similar pattern in assemblage replacement, but contain a number of relatively deep-water species reflecting stronger influence of open-sea waters. Core from the continental slope, water depth 270 m (~ 17 cal.ka) encompasses assemblages 5 and 6, which are absent in the shelf cores. Assemblage 5 stands out as a specific community dominated by relatively deep-water Arctic and North Atlantic species together with euryhaline ones. The assemblages indicate inflows of Atlantic-derived waters and downslope slides due to the proximity to the paleocoastline. Assemblage (6) is similar to the modern local ostracod assemblage at this site.
This work is the first detailed description of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene and Recent Ostracoda of the Laptev Sea. A total of 45 species in 22 genera and 13 families have been identified. All these species are described monographically. Three different ecological assemblages of ostracodes corresponding to different combinations of environmental parameters have been established; they are restricted to three regions of the sea: western-central, eastern, and southern. The recent ostracode assemblages of the Laptev Sea have been compared with those from other Arctic areas and are most similar to those of the Beaufort and Kara seas. Data on recent Ostracoda are used for paleoenvironmental reconstructions on the eastern shelf and western continental slope of the Laptev Sea. For this purpose, ostracodes from five sections obtained from these parts of the sea have been examined. The oldest sediments, which are of Late Pleistocene age (15.8 cal. ka BP), have been recovered in a core from the western continental slope. These yielded five ostracode assemblages, which correspond to different paleoenvironments and replaced each other in the course of the rapid postglacial sea-level rise, thus showing variations in the Atlantic water inflow from the west and freshwater discharge from the subaerially exposed shelf. On the outer shelf of the eastern part of the sea, the rapid sea-level rise in the Early Holocene (lowermost dating 11.3 cal. ka BP) led to a rapid transition from assemblages of brackish-water nearshore environments to those of modernlike normal marine environments; modern environments were established about 8.2 cal. ka ago. Since core sections from the inner shelf correspond to the time when the level of the sea had already reached its modern values, changes in taxonomic composition of ostracode assemblages primarily mirror variations in river runoff.
Physical properties measurements provide a relatively inexpensive and fast way to obtain high-resolution estimates of the variations in sedimentological properties. To better resolve the validity and cause of the geophysical signals measured by the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) shipboard multisensor track (MST) instruments, 223 x 10 cm**3 core samples were collected at 4 cm intervals in Core 167-1016B-17H at the California Margin Conception Transect for the measurements of index properties, carbonate content, and opal content. This core was chosen because hole-to-hole stratigraphic correlation of MST data suggested that Core 17H corresponds to a depth interval that displays the greatest range of amplitude of many physical properties.