717 resultados para Sea of Marmara


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Foraminiferal assemblage and stable isotopic data are presented for three Quaternary piston cores from Ulleung Basin, East Sea of Korea ((ESK) Japan Sea) near the Korean Peninsula. Major changes in both temperature and salinity strongly affected surface and deep waters of the ESK during the transition from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the middle Holocene. Local environmental effects dominated during the LGM and the Bølling/Allerød (B/A) when the ESK became semi-isolated from the Pacific Ocean. Regional/global influences dominated following the B/A, after sufficient reconnection with the Pacific. This is reflected in the foraminiferal d18O record which was largely salinity-controlled before the Younger Dryas (YD) and temperature-controlled after the YD. Paleoceanographic changes in the ESK during the last deglaciation reflect sequential reconnection with the Pacific Ocean, through gateways, first (B/A) in the north (Tsugaru Strait) and later (Holocene) in the south (Korea Strait).


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Data on distribution of dissolved and particulate organic matter obtained during Cruises 21 and 24 of R/V Akademik A. Nesmeyanov in June-August 1992 and 1993 are presented. In general a remarkable heterogeneity in distributions of both dissolved and particulate organic carbon is revealed. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon vary from 98 to 700 µmol/l and those of particulate organic carbon vary from 3 to 50 µmol/l. Maximum concentrations are commonly observed in the shelf region while minimum concentrations - in the central basin. Run-off of the Amur River raises dissolved matter concentration in the Sakhalin Bay, while oil exploitation at the Sakhalin shelf maximizes particulate organic carbon concentration and minimizes dissolved one. Concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in the surface microlayer were estimated for the first time and are shown to be 1.5-2.0 times higher than in surface waters.


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A study of distribution of live individuals of benthic foraminifera in sediments of the Sea of Okhotsk and of the Northwestern Basin of the Pacific Ocean shows that they can be present in sediments up to depth of 30 cm and probably can live there for long periods, sometimes forming high concentrations. Living individuals in the subsurface layer often account for more than 50% of total biomass, which varies from 1 to 21 g/m**2 in different morphological structures. The largest biomass values are attained in underwater rises embedded in relatively warm, oxygen-saturated Pacific waters. Minimum total biomass concentrations occur in deep-water depressions where stagnation phenomena are observed. Foraminifera biomass everywhere decreases gradually with increasing depth from the surface of sediments regardless of relief, depth, and nature of sediments.


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Features of sedimentation of carbonate mineral associations in the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin and other regions of the Sea of Okhotsk are considered. Special attention is paid to correlation between carbonate neoformations and abnormal fluxes of methane. In bottom sediments with high contents of methane carbonate-sulfide associations occur, their generation has been influenced by gas (mostly methane) fields. Joint consideration of distribution of gas and geochemical fields and mineral associations in the Sea of Okhotsk allows to understand better a mechanism of mineral generation in bottom sediments, possible formation of ore accumulations, and to use them as indicators for prognosis of mineral resources.


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Distribution trace element contents in the upper (up to 5 m) Holocene-Upper Pleistocene sediment layer along the northern and southern sublatitudinal profiles in the northern part of the Deryugin Trough is discussed. Mathematical processing of chemical analysis data has been made. On the basis of the cluster analysis 16 elements have been combined into 5 geochemical groups. Two of them (1 - Ag-Mo group and 2 - Mn-Ba-Ni-Sr group) were considered in detail. Analysis of Ag and Mo distributions in the sediments and findings of molybdenite permitted to conclude that enrichment of the sediments by these elements resulted from edaphic washing of magmatic rocks containing Ag-Mo mineralization and probably located on the northwestern slope of the Deryugin trough. The second geochemical group is most likely connected with hydrothermal barite mineralization found in the northeastern part of the Deryugin trough. Considering Mn distribution in bottom sediment cores supply of Mn was pulsating. This allows concluding that during Holocene - Late Pleistocene three cycles of hydrothermal activity occurred in the Deryugin Trough, and the most intensive one was in Holocene.


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New data on microstructures and mineral and chemical compositions of ferromanganese crusts sampled from the western slope of the Kuril Island Arc in the Sea of Okhotsk during cruises of R/V Vulkanolog are discussed. The study of the crusts using analytical electron microscopy methods revealed that their manganese phase is represented by vernadite, Fe-vernadite, todorokite, asbolane, and asbolane-buserite, while iron phase consists of hematite, hydrohematite, ferroxyhite, and magnetite. Lithic mineral assemblage includes apatite, quartz, epidote, and montmorillonite. According to chemical analysis most of the crusts contain significant part of volcanogenic and hydrothermal material. It is evident from elevated values of Mn/Fe and (Mn+Fe)/Ti ratios, low concentrations of some trace elements, and positive Eu anomaly.