308 resultados para Scale 1:1,000,000None
The geological map shows the northeastern part of the polyphase deformed Sivorg Terrane in the Heimefrontfjella/Dronning Maud Land. The basement was affected by late Mesoproterozoic and Cambrian deformation and metamorphism. Geological mapping was carried out during the Antarctic Expedition 2000/01 of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. Topographic data were obtained through stereoscopic aerial photo interpretation. The photogrammetric photo flights were undertaken in 1986 by the Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt/M. Horizontal ground control points required for aerial photo interpretation were determined by means of Doppler satellite observation during the 2nd German Neuschwabenland Expedition 1985/86. Vertical ground control points were taken from unpublished map drafts at 1:100 000 scale by Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo. The elevation above mean sea level was transferred to Heimefrontfjella barometrically. For this reason assertions concerning the absolute elevation (referred to sea level) are uncertain. Contours and spot heights presented on the map were obtained from the photogrammetric evaluation of the photography taken in 1986; relative elevation data (height differences) are accurate to approximately ±10 m. Published by Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen & Geologisches Institut, RWTH Aachen.
The geological map shows the border area between the polyphase (late Mesoproterozoic and Cambrian) deformed Sivorg Terrane and the Kottas Terrane where a pervasive Cambrian tectonometamorphic overprints is lacking. Geological revision mapping was carried out during the Antarctic Expedition 2000/01 of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. Topographic data were obtained through stereoscopic aerial photo interpretation. The photogrammetric photo flights were undertaken in 1986 by the Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt. Horizontal ground control points required for aerial photo interpretation were determined by means of Doppler satellite observation during the 2nd German Neuschwabenland Expedition 1985/86. Vertical ground control points were taken from unpublished map drafts at 1:100 000 scale by Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo. The elevation above mean sea level was transferred to Heimefrontfjella barometrically. For this reason assertions concerning the absolute elevation (referred to sea level) are uncertain. Contours and spot heights presented on the map were obtained from the photogrammetric evaluation of the photography taken in 1986; relative elevation data (height differences) are accurate to approximately ±10 m. Published by Geologisches Institut der RWTH Aachen & Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Bremen.
Topographic data of this geological map were obtained through stereoscopic aerial photo interpretation. The photogrammetric photo flights were undertaken in 1986 by the Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt. Horizontal ground control points required for aerial photo interpretation were determined by means of Doppler satellite observation during the 2nd German Neuschwabenland Expedition 1985/86. Vertical ground control points were taken from unpublished map drafts at 1:100 000 scale by Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo. The elevation above mean sea level was transferred to Heimefrontfjella barometrically. For this reason assertions concerning the absolute elevation (referred to sea level) are uncertain. Contours and spot heights presented on the map were obtained from the photogrammetric evaluation of the photography taken in 1986; relative elevation data (hight differences) are accurate to approximately ±10 m.
This paper describes a 1 : 2 500 000 scale aeromagnetic anomaly map produced by the joint efforts of VNIIOkeangeologia, Polar Marine Geological Research Expedition (PMGRE) and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWl) for the Weddell Sea region covering 1 850 000 km' of West Antarctica. Extensive regional magnetic survey flights with line-spacing of about 20 km and 5 km were carried out by the PMGRE between 1977 and 1989. In course of these investigations the PMGRE flew 9 surveys with flight-line spacing of 20 km and 6 surveys with flight-line spacing of 5 km mainly over the mountain areas of southern Palmer Land, western Dronning Maud Land, Coats Land and Pensacola Mountains, over the Ronne lee Shelf and the Filchner Ice Shelf and the central part of the Weddell Sea. More than 215 000 line-kilometers of total field aeromagnetic data have been acquired by using an Ilyushin Il-14 ski-equipped aircraft. Survey operations were centered on the field base stations Druzhnaya-1, -2, and -3, from which the majority of the Weddell Sea region network was completed. The composite map of the Weddell Sea region is prepared in colour, showing magnetic anomaly contours at intervals of 50-100 nT with supplemental contours at an interval of 25 nT in low gradient areas, on a polar stereographic projection. The compiled colour magnetic anomaly map of the Weddell Sea region demonstrates that features of large areal extent, such as geologic provinces, fold-belts, ancient eratonic fragments and other regional structural features can be readily delineated. The map allows a comparison of regional magnetic features with similar-scale geological structures on geological and geophysical maps. It also provides a database for the future production of the ''Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map of Antarctica'' in the framework of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research/International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (SCAR/IAGA) compilation.
AWI Bathymetric Chart of the Fram Strait (BCFS) Sheet 581-29-3 Hovgaard Ridge West (Scale 1:100,000)
AWI Bathymetric Chart of the Fram Strait (BCFS) Sheet 581-29-4 Hovgaard Ridge East (Scale 1:100,000)
New maps of free-air and the Bouguer gravity anomalies on the Weddell Sea sector (70-81° S, 6-75° W) of Antarctica are presented. These maps are based on the first computer compilation of available gravity data collected by ''Sevmorgeologia'' in 1976-89 in the southern Weddell Sea and adjacent coasts of western Dronning Maud Land (WDML) and Coats Land. The accomplished gravity studies comprise airborne observations with a line spacing of about 20 km and conventional measurements at over-the-ice points, which were spaced at 10-30 km and supplemented by seismic soundings. Hence, anomalies on the maps represent mainly large-scale and deep crustal features. The dominant feature in free-air gravity map is a large dipolar gravity anomaly stretching along the continental margin. Following the major grain of seabed morphology this shelf-edge/slope anomaly (SESA) is clearly divided into three segments characterized by diverse anomaly amplitudes, wavelengths and trends. They are associated with continental margins of different geotectonic provinces of Antarctica surrounding the Weddell Sea. Apparent distinctions in the SESA signatures are interpreted as the gravity expression of tectonic, deep crustal structure segmentation of the continental margin. The prominent gravity highs (100-140 mGal) of the shelf edge anomaly mapped along WDML are assumed to represent high-density mantle injections intruded into the middle/lower crust during initial rifting of continental breakup. Enlarged wavelengths and diminished amplitudes of the gravity anomaly westwards, along the Weddell Sea embayment (WSE) margin, reflect a widening of the continental slope and a significant increase in thickness of underlying sediment strata. Low amplitude, negative free-air anomalies in the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelves (FRIS) contrast sharply with the dominating positive anomalies offshore. This indicates a greater sedimentary thickness of the basin in this area. Crustal response to the enlarged sediment load is impressed in mostly positive features of the Bouguer gravity field observed here. Two pronounced positive Bouguer anomalies of 50-70 mGal and an average widths of 200 km dominate the Weddell Sea embayment margins towards the Antarctic Peninsula and the East Antarctic craton. They correlate well with very deep seabed troughs (> 1000 m below sea level). The gravity highs are most likely caused by a shallow upper mantle underneath graben-rift structures evolved at the margins of the WSE basin. A regional zone (> 100 km in width) of the prominent Bouguer and free-air negative anomalies (-40 to -60 mGal) adjacent Coats Land to the north of the ice shelf edge may indicate the presence of the thick old cratonic crust far offshore beneath the Weddell Sea Embayment.
During two Antarctic field seasons, western Dronning Maud Land and eastern Coats Land were covered by airborne radio-echo sounding surveys, conducted in combination with magnetic and gravity measurements along the 50 NW-SE-directed tracks, totaling about 11200 km and spaced 20 km apart. The data were collected in analogue form and then processed to compile ice surface, ice thickness and bedrock topography maps in I : 2 500 000 scale which gave a new and/or more detailed information on the region than previous compilations. The maps show that western Dronning Maud Land is dominated by a large mountainous area with altitudes up to 2800 m including rock outcrops of Annandagstoppane, Borgmassivet, Kirwanveggen and Heimefrontfjella. Upland terrains of Vestfjella and Mannefallknausane have an isolated position and are surrounded by a plain with bedrock depressions of 600 m deep below sea level. A narrow strip of north-eastern Coats Land studied by radio-echo soundings exhibits a smooth subice relief with altitudes close to sea level. The structural style of bedrock topography was mostly determined by extensional tectonics.
Topographic data of this geological map were obtained through stereoscopic aerial photo interpretation. The photogrammetric photo flights were undertaken in 1986 by the Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt. Horizontal ground control points required for aerial photo interpretation were determined by means of Doppler satellite observation during the 2nd German Neuschwabenland Expedition 1985/86. Vertical ground control points were taken from unpublished map drafts at 1:100 000 scale by Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo. The elevation above mean sea level was transferred to Heimefrontfjella barometrically. For this reason assertions concerning the absolute elevation (referred to sea level) are uncertain. Contours and spot heights presented on the map were obtained from the photogrammetric evaluation of the photography taken in 1986; relative elevation data (hight differences) are accurate to approximately ±10 m.
Topographic data of this geological map were obtained through stereoscopic aerial photo interpretation. The photogrammetric photo flights were undertaken in 1986 by the Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt. Horizontal ground control points required for aerial photo interpretation were determined by means of Doppler satellite observation during the 2nd German Neuschwabenland Expedition 1985/86. Vertical ground control points were taken from unpublished map drafts at 1:100 000 scale by Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo. The elevation above mean sea level was transferred to Heimefrontfjella barometrically. For this reason assertions concerning the absolute elevation (referred to sea level) are uncertain. Contours and spot heights presented on the map were obtained from the photogrammetric evaluation of the photography taken in 1986; relative elevation data (hight differences) are accurate to approximately ±10 m.
Topographic data of this geological map were obtained through stereoscopic aerial photo interpretation. The photogrammetric photo flights were undertaken in 1986 by the Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt. Horizontal ground control points required for aerial photo interpretation were determined by means of Doppler satellite observation during the 2nd German Neuschwabenland Expedition 1985/86. Vertical ground control points were taken from unpublished map drafts at 1:100 000 scale by Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo. The elevation above mean sea level was transferred to Heimefrontfjella barometrically. For this reason assertions concerning the absolute elevation (referred to sea level) are uncertain. Contours and spot heights presented on the map were obtained from the photogrammetric evaluation of the photography taken in 1986; relative elevation data (hight differences) are accurate to approximately ±10 m.
Topographic data of this geological map were obtained through stereoscopic aerial photo interpretation. The photogrammetric photo flights were undertaken in 1986 by the Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt. Horizontal ground control points required for aerial photo interpretation were determined by means of Doppler satellite observation during the 2nd German Neuschwabenland Expedition 1985/86. Vertical ground control points were taken from unpublished map drafts at 1:100 000 scale by Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo. The elevation above mean sea level was transferred to Heimefrontfjella barometrically. For this reason assertions concerning the absolute elevation (referred to sea level) are uncertain. Contours and spot heights presented on the map were obtained from the photogrammetric evaluation of the photography taken in 1986; relative elevation data (hight differences) are accurate to approximately ±10 m.