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Sediment samples from the Ontong-Java Plateau in the Pacific and the 90° east ridge in the Indian Ocean were used to investigate whether shell size and early diagenesis affect d11B of the symbiont-bearing planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer. In pristine shells from both study locations we found a systematic increase of d11B and Mg/Ca with shell size. Shells in the sieve size class 515-865 µm revealed d11B values +2.1 to +2.3 per mil higher than shells in the 250-380 µm class. This pattern is most likely due to differences in symbiont photosynthetic activity and its integrated effect on the pH of the foraminiferal microenvironment. We therefore suggest smaller individuals must live at approximately 50-100 m water depth where ambient light levels are lower. Using the empirical calibration curve for d11B in G. sacculifer, only shells larger than 425 µm reflect surface seawater pH. Partial dissolution of shells derived from deeper sediment cores was determined by shell weight analyses and investigation of the shell surface microstructure by scanning electron microscopy. The d11B in partially dissolved shells is up to 2 per mil lower relative to pristine shells of the same size class. In agreement with a relatively higher weight loss in smaller shells, samples from the Ontong-Java Plateau show a more pronounced dissolution effect than larger shells. On the basis of the primary size effect and potential postdepositional dissolution effects, we recommend the use of shells that are visually pristine and, in the case of G. sacculifer, larger than 500 ?m for paleoreconstructions.


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Pleistocene stable carbon isotope (d13C) records from surface and deep dwelling foraminifera in all major ocean basins show two distinct long-term carbon isotope fluctuations since 1.00 Ma. The first started around 1.00 Ma and was characterised by a 0.35 per mil decrease in d13C values until 0.90 Ma, followed by an increase of 0.60 per mil lasting until 0.50 Ma. The subsequent fluctuation started with a 0.40 per mil decrease between 0.50 and 0.25 Ma, followed by an increase of 0.30 per mil between 0.25 and 0.10 Ma. Here, we evaluate existing evidence and various hypotheses for these global Pleistocene d13C fluctuations and present an interpretation, where the fluctuations most likely resulted from concomitant changes in the burial fluxes of organic and inorganic carbon due to ventilation changes and/or changes in the production and export ratio. Our model indicates that to satisfy the long-term 'stability' of the Pleistocene lysocline, the ratio between the amounts of change in the organic and inorganic carbon burial fluxes would have to be close to a 1:1 ratio, as deviations from this ratio would lead to sizable variations in the depth of the lysocline. It is then apparent that the mid-Pleistocene climate transition, which, apart from the glacial cycles, represents the most fundamental change in the Pleistocene climate, was likely not associated with a fundamental change in atmospheric pCO2. While recognising that high frequency glacial/interglacial cycles are associated with relatively large (100 ppmv) changes in pCO2, our model scenario (with burial changes close to a 1:1 ratio) produces a maximum long-term variability of only 20 ppmv over the fluctuation between 1.00 and 0.50 Ma.


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Arctic sea ice is declining rapidly, making it vital to understand the importance of different types of sea ice for ice-dependent species such as polar bears Ursus maritimus. In this study we used GPS telemetry (25 polar bear tracks obtained in Svalbard, Norway, during spring) and high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sea-ice data to investigate fine-scale space use by female polar bears. Space use patterns differed according to reproductive state; females with cubs of the year (COYs) had smaller home ranges and used fast-ice areas more frequently than lone females. First-passage time (FPT) analysis revealed that females with COYs displayed significantly longer FPTs near (<10 km) glacier fronts than in other fast-ice areas; lone females also increased their FPTs in such areas, but they also frequently used drifting pack ice. These results clearly demonstrate the importance of fast-ice areas, in particular close to glacier fronts, especially for females with COYs. Access to abundant and predictable prey (ringed seal pups), energy conservation and reluctance to cross large open water areas are possible reasons for the observed patterns. However, glacier fronts are retracting in Svalbard, and declines in land-fast ice have been notable over the past decade. The eventual disappearance of these important habitats might become critical for the survival of polar bear cubs in Svalbard and other regions with similar habitat characteristics. Given the relatively small size of many fast-ice areas in Svalbard, the results observed in this study would not have been revealed using less accurate location data or lower-resolution sea-ice data.


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In the neighbourhood of Oobloyah Bay various phenomena ean be eneountered whieh point to a ularge-seale uplift of shorelines, i.e. to an emergence of 200 m. Delta terraces, deltaic fan terraces and glacio-marine sands are regarded by the author as being the most reliable evidence of this. The marine limit documented by glacio-marine sand is to be found at ~170 m a.s.l. Hints of ancient shorelines located at a higher level exist only in the shape of badly preserved raised beaches. They were classified as less reliable records of past sea-levels, due to the lack of marine fossils and/or drift wood, and furthermore because those forms had been strongly influenced by periglacial processes. Deltaic deposits are of more importance in this context. The glacio-marine deltaic sands of several terrace levels contain terrestrial plant remnants which delivered C14dates. Using these dates und the relative elevations of terraces the emergenee of the area investigated could be recorded. This occured in a series of phases (and steps) which were summarized into two periods: an early period of emergenee which took place from at least 25 300 years B.P. to later than 17 340 years B.P. and a later one from at least 12 870 years B.P. up to the present day. The emergence seems to represent a discontinuous but regular sequence of relative sea level movements without intermittent submergence. Since the deltaic fans of the early emergence period were accumulated by sediments through glacio-fluvial channels of an adjacent glacier body the appropriate location of this glacial stage for one of the glaciers delivering meltwater (Nukapingwa Glacier) could be reconstructed. This stage of the glacier appears to belong to a retreating phase of the Mid-Wisconsin (?). The later period of emergence resulted in six rather glacio-marine delta terrace generations at the mouths of the main rivers with glaciofluvial regimen debouching into the Oobloyah Bay. A connection of this emergence with the glacial history of the field area is discussed. If one may rely on the age determinations of land derived plant fossils and their application for the climatic history of the area investigated, it must be concluded that the Heidelberg Valley, to a large extent, was alreaely deglaciated 25 000 years ago. The existence of a "Cockburn"-Phase in the sense of a major readvanee in Late Wisconsin times appears to be doubtful, or has been developed rather weakly.


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The present study assessed and compared the oxidative and reductive biotransformation of brominated flame retardants, including established polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and emerging decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE) using an in vitro system based on liver microsomes from various arctic marine-feeding mammals: polar bear (Ursus maritimus), beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas), and ringed seal (Pusa hispida), and in laboratory rat as a mammalian model species. Greater depletion of fully brominated BDE209 (14-25% of 30pmol) and DBDPE (44-74% of 90pmol) occurred in individuals from all species relative to depletion of lower brominated PBDEs (BDEs 99,100, and 154; 0-3% of 30pmol). No evidence of simply debrominated metabolites was observed. Investigation of phenolic metabolites in rat and polar bear revealed formation of two phenolic, likely multiply debrominated, DBDPE metabolites in polar bear and one phenolic BDE154 metabolite in polar bear and rat microsomes. For BDE209 and DBDPE, observed metabolite concentrations were low to nondetectable, despite substantial parent depletion. These findings suggested possible underestimation of the ecosystem burden of total-BDE209, as well as its transformation products, and a need for research to identify and characterize the persistence and toxicity of major BDE209 metabolites. Similar cause for concern may exist regarding DBDPE, given similarities of physicochemical and environmental behavior to BDE209, current evidence of biotransformation, and increasing use of DBDPE as a replacement for BDE209.