136 resultados para SW-CMM
Several open-ocean mesoscale features, a "young" warm-core (or anti-cyclonic) eddy at 52°S, an "older" warm-core eddy at 57.5°S, as well as an adjacent cold-core (or cyclonic) eddy at 56°S, were surveyed during a R/V S.A. Agulhas II cruise in April 2014. The main aim of the survey was to obtain hydrographical and biogeochemical profile data for contrasting open-ocean eddies in the Southern Ocean, that will be suitable for comparison and modelling of their heat, salt and nutrient characteristics, and the changes that occur in these properties as warm-core eddies migrate from the polar front southwards into the Southern Ocean. A total of 18 CTD stations were occupied in a sector south of the South-West Indian Ridge, along three transects crossing several mesoscale features identified from satellite altimetry data prior to the cruise.
The response of phytoplankton assemblages to hydrographical forcing across the southern Brazilian shelf was studied based on data collected during wintertime (June/2012), complemented with MODIS-Aqua satellite imagery. The in situ data set was comprised by water column structure properties (derived from CTD casts), dissolved inorganic nutrients (ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and silicate) and phytoplankton biomass [chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration] and composition. Phytoplankton assemblages were assessed by both microscopy and HPLC-CHEMTAX approaches. A canonical correspondence analysis associating physical, chemical and phytoplankton composition data at surface evinced a tight coupling between the phytoplankton community and hydrographic conditions, with remarkable environmental gradients across three different domains: the pelagic, outer shelf Tropical Water (TW); the mid shelf domain under influence of Subtropical Shelf Water (STSW); and the inner shelf domain mainly under influence of riverine outflow of the Plata River Plume Water (PPW). Results showed that intrusion of low salinity and nutrient-rich PPW stimulated the phytoplankton growth and diversity within the inner shelf region, with enhanced Chl a levels (>1.3 mg/m**3) and a great abundance of diatoms, ciliates, dinoflagellates, raphidophyceans and cryptophytes. Conversely, other diatoms (e.g. Rhizosolenia clevei), tiny species of prochlorophytes and cyanobacteria and a noticeable contribution of dinoflagellates and other flagellates associated with lower Chl a levels (<0.93 mg/m**3), characterized the TW domain, where low nutrient concentrations and deep upper mixed layer were found. The transitional mid shelf domain showed intermediate levels of both nutrients and Chl a (ranging 1.06-1.59 mg/m**3), and phytoplankton was mainly composed by dinoflagellates, such as Dinophysis spp., and gymnodinioids. Results have shown considerable phytoplankton diversity in winter at that section of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean.