230 resultados para SOUTH-SHETLAND-ISLANDS


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The east coast of the AP is highly influenced by cold and dry air masses stemming from the adjacent Weddell Sea. By the contrary, the west coast jointly with the South Shetland Islands are directly exposed to the humid and relatively warm air masses from the South Pacific Ocean carried by the strong and persistent westerly winds. Systematic glaciological field studies are very scarce on both sides of the AP, among them can be mentioned a mass-balance program performed continuously since summer 1998/99 by the Instituto Antártico Argentino (IAA) on Vega Island, James Ross Archipelago, on the northeastern flank of the AP. Another continuous plurianual glaciological research has been initiated in 2010 jointly by the University of Bonn and the IAA at the Fourcade Glacier on King George Island (KGI) within the framework of the ESF project IMCOAST (FK 03F0617B). Two transects of mass balance stakes were installed from the top of the Warszawa Ice Dome down to the border of the glaciers Fourcade and Polar Club, to serve for calibration and validation of modeling efforts. The stakes were measured at the beginning and end of each summer field campaign in November 2010, February - March 2011, January - March 2012, and especially during the austral winter 2012 up to March 2013 every 10 to 14 days depending on weather conditions. During the austral winter 2013 and until June 2014 the measurements were conducted every 20 to 30 days, weather permitting. Snow density was measured as well in every field trip from June 2012 until June 2104, establishing a rather homogeneous value along the different parts of the glacier. Snow density in late summer, rho_s is usually higher than the one in late winter, rho_w. Seasonal average values were calculated for the area covered by the mass balance stakes, being rho_s= 471 Kg/m**3 and rho_w = 363 Kg/m**3.


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During a field campaign in the Austral spring 2012 the sedimentary architecture of a polar gravel-beach system at the southern coast of Potter Peninsula (Area 3) was revealed using ground-penetrating radar (GPR, Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. SIR-3000). 31 profiles were collected using a mono-static 200 MHz antenna operated in common offset mode. Trace increment was set to 0.05 m. A differential global-positioning system (dGPS, Leica GS09) was used to obtain topographical information along the GPR lines. GPR data are provided in RADAN-Format, dGPS coordinates are provided in ascii format; projection is UTM (WGS 84, zone 21S).


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A new topographic database for King George Island, one of the most visited areas in Antarctica, is presented. Data from differential GPS surveys, gained during the summers 1997/98 and 1999/2000, were combined with up to date coastlines from a SPOT satellite image mosaic, and topographic information from maps as well as from the Antarctic Digital Database. A digital terrain model (DTM) was generated using ARC/INFO GIS. From contour lines derived from the DTM and the satellite image mosaic a satellite image map was assembled. Extensive information on data accuracy, the database as well as on the criteria applied to select place names is given in the multilingual map. A lack of accurate topographic information in the eastern part of the island was identified. It was concluded that additional topographic surveying or radar interferometry should be conducted to improve the data quality in this area. In three case studies, the potential applications of the improved topographic database are demonstrated. The first two examples comprise the verification of glacier velocities and the study of glacier retreat from the various input data-sets as well as the use of the DTM for climatological modelling. The last case study focuses on the use of the new digital database as a basic GIS (Geographic Information System) layer for environmental monitoring and management on King George Island.


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Ostracods from Admiralty Bay on King George Island (South Shetland Islands) represent 29 podocopid species, belonging to 19 genera, one cladocopid and six myodocopid species. They were recovered from Recent marine and/or glacio-marine sediment samples from water depths of up to 520 m. These ostracods constitute a variable assemblage, which is overall typical for the Antarctic environment. Shallow-water assemblages tend to be more variable in terms of frequencies and species richness than deep-water assemblages. The later are low in numbers and remain relatively high diversities. Overall, no linear relation between ostracod assemblage-composition and environmental features analyzed was recognized.


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Most current methods of reconstructing past sea levels within Antarctica rely on radiocarbon dating. However, radiocarbon dating is limited by the availability of material for dating and problems inherent with radiocarbon reservoirs in Antarctic marine systems. Here we report on the success of a new approach to dating raised beach deposits in Antarctica for the purpose of reconstructing past sea levels. This new approach is the use of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) on quartz-grains obtained from the underside of cobbles within raised beaches and boulder pavements. We obtained eight OSL dates from three sites along the shores of Maxwell Bay in the South Shetland Islands of the Antarctic Peninsula. These dates are internally consistent and fit well with previously published radiocarbon ages obtained from the same deposits. In addition, when the technique was applied to a modern beach, it resulted in an age of zero. Our results suggest that this method will provide a valuable tool in the reconstruction of past sea levels in Antarctica and other coarse-grained beach deposits across the globe.


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The timing of the most recent Neoglacial advance in the Antarctic Peninsula is important for establishing global climate teleconnections and providing important post-glacial rebound corrections to gravity-based satellite measurements of ice loss. However, obtaining accurate ages from terrestrial geomorphic and sedimentary indicators of the most recent Neoglacial advance in Antarctica has been hampered by the lack of historical records and the difficulty of dating materials in Antarctica. Here we use a new approach to dating flights of raised beaches in the South Shetland Islands of the northern Antarctic Peninsula to bracket the age of a Neoglacial advance that occurred between 1500 and 1700 AD, broadly synchronous with compilations for the timing of the Little Ice Age in the northern hemisphere. Our approach is based on optically stimulated luminescence of the underside of buried cobbles to obtain the age of beaches previously shown to have been deposited immediately inside and outside the moraines of the most recent Neoglacial advance. In addition, these beaches mark the timing of an apparent change in the rate of isostatic rebound thought to be in response to the same glacial advance within the South Shetland Islands. We use a Maxwell viscoelastic model of glacial-isostatic adjustment (GIA) to determine whether the rates of uplift calculated from the raised beaches are realistic given the limited constraints on the ice advance during this most recent Neoglacial advance. Our rebound model suggests that the subsequent melting of an additional 16-22% increase in the volume of ice within the South Shetland Islands would result in a subsequent uplift rate of 12.5 mm/yr that lasted until 1840 AD resulting in a cumulative uplift of 2.5 m. This uplift rate and magnitude are in close agreement with observed rates and magnitudes calculated from the raised beaches since the most recent Neoglacial advance along the South Shetland Islands and falls within the range of uplift rates from similar settings such as Alaska.


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The raw material for these investigations are samples from marine (sub)surface sediments around the northern part of the Antarctic Peninsula. They had been sampled in the years 1981 to 1986 during several expeditions of the research vessels Meteor, Polarstern and Walther Herwig. 83 box core, gravity core and dredge samples from the area of the Bransfield Strait, the Powell Basin and the northern Weddell Sea have been examined for their grain-size distribution, their mineralogical and petrographical composition. Silt prevails and its clay proportions exceed 25% wt. in water depths greater than 2000 m. The granulometrical results reveal some typical sedimentation processes within the area of investigation. While turbiditic processes together with sediment input from melting icebergs control the sedimentation in the Weddell Sea, the South Orkney Island Plateau and the Powell Basin, the fine grained material from Bransfield Strait mainly relies on marine currents in the shelf area. In addition, the direct sediment input of coarse shelf sediments from the Bransfield Strait into the Powell Basin through submarine canyons could be proven. Variations in the grain-size composition with sediment depth are smalI. The mineral composition of the clay and fine silt fractions is quite uniform in all samples. There are (in decreasing order): illite, montmorillonite, chlorite, smectite, mixed-Iayers, as well as detrital quartz and feldspars. A petrographically based sediment stratigraphy can be established in using the considerable changes in the chlorite- and Ca-plagioclase portions in samples from Core 224. For this sedimentation area a mean sedimentation rate of 7 cm/1000 a is assumed. Remarkable changes in the portions of amorphous silica components - diatom skeletons and volcanic glass shards - appear all over the area of investigation. They contribute between 4-83 % to the clay and fine silt fraction. Several provinces according to the heavy mineral assemblages in the fine sand fraction can be distinguished: (i) a province remarkably influenced by minerals of volcanic origin south and north of the South Shetland Islands; (ii) a small strip with sediment dominated by plutonic material along the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula and (iii) a sediment controlled by metamorphic minerals and rock fragments in the area of the Weddell Sea and Elephant Island. While taking the whole grain-size spectrum into account a more comprehensive interpretation can be given: the accessoric but distinct appearance of tourmaline, rutile and zircon in the heavy mineral assembly along the northwestern coast of the Antarctic Peninsula is in agreement with the occurrence of acid volcanic rock pieces in the coarse fraction of the ice load detritus in this region. In the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands chlorite appears in remarkable portions in the clay fraction in combination with leucoxene, sphene and olivine, and pumice as well as pyroclastic rocks in the medium and coarse grain fractions, respectively. Amphiboles and amphibole-schists are dominant on the South Orkney Island Plateau. In the sediments of the northwestern Weddell Sea the heavy mineral phases of red spinel, garnet, kyanite and sillimanite in connection with medium to highgrade metamorphic rocks especially granulitic gneisses, are more abundant. A good conformity between the ice rafted rock sampIes and the rocks in the island outcrops could be proven, especially in the vicinity of offshore islands nearby. On the continent enrichments of rock societies and groups appear in spacious outlines: acid effusive rocks in the west of the ice divide on the Antarctic Peninsula, clastic sedimentites at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and granoblastic gneisses in central and eastern Antarctica. Coarse grain detritus with more than 1 cm of diameter must have been rafted by icebergs. These rock fragments are classified as rock types, groups and societies. The spacial distribution of their statistically determined weight relations evidently shows the paths of the iceberg drift and in nexus with already known iceberg routes also point to the possible areas of provenance, provided that the density of sample locations and the number of rock pieces are sufficient.


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During two field campaigns (Austral springs 2011 and 2012) the sedimentary architecture of a polar gravel-beach system at the western coast of Potter Peninsula (Area 1) was revealed using ground-penetrating radar (GPR, Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. SIR-3000). 21 profiles were collected using a mono-static 200 MHz antenna operated in common offset mode. Trace increment was set to 0.05 m. A differential global-positioning system (dGPS, Leica GS09) was used to obtain topographical information along the GPR lines. GPR data are provided in RADAN-Format, dGPS coordinates are provided in ascii format; projection is UTM (WGS 84, zone 21S).


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During two field campaigns (Austral springs 2011 and 2012) the sedimentary architecture of a polar gravel-beach system at the southwestern coast of Potter Peninsula (Area 2) was revealed using ground-penetrating radar (GPR, Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. SIR-3000). 49 profiles were collected using a mono-static 200 MHz antenna operated in common offset mode. Trace increment was set to 0.05 m. A differential global-positioning system (dGPS, Leica GS09) was used to obtain topographical information along the GPR lines. GPR data are provided in RADAN-Format, dGPS coordinates are provided in ascii format; projection is UTM (WGS 84, zone 21S).


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Morphological and U-Pb isotope studies on sedimentary zircons reflect the orogenic evolution of their former host rocks. The orogenic history of detrital zircons from the Trinity Peninsula Formation (TPF) defines the former geological surrounding of the sedimentation basin of the TPF. Same few weil rounded, polycyclic zircons of Precambrian age and Cambrian overprint give hints for an old cratonic source rock. Because of their very low frequency compared with euhedral types, the contribution of an cratonic shield area to the bulk of the sedimentary debris is neglectable low. Euhedral zircons of granitoid origin and Carboniferous age indicate a derivation from an area of widespread Carboniferous intrusions. Except for southern South America and unsurveyed regions in the Antarctic Peninsula itself, no region could deliver zircons with a Carboniferous age record. The only acceptable explanation for the origin of these zircons is a position of the Antarctic Peninsula during the sedimentation of the TPF approximately southwest of southern South America.