The Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCFZ) in the Pacific Ocean is characterized by organic carbon-starved sediments and meter-scale oxygen penetration into the sediment. Furthermore, numerous seamounts occur throughout its deep-sea plain, which may serve as conduits for low-temperature hydrothermal circulation of seawater through the oceanic crust. Recent studies in deep-sea environments of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans have suggested and presented evidence of an exchange of dissolved constituents between the seawater flowing in the basaltic crust and the pore water of the overlying sediments. Through high-resolution pore-water oxygen and nutrient measurements, we examined fluxes and geochemical interactions between the seamount basaltic basement and pore waters of the overlying sediments at three sites located on a radial transect from the foot of Teddy Bare, a small seamount in the CCFZ. At three sites, located 1000, 700 and 400 m away from the foot of the seamount, we found that oxygen concentrations initially decrease with sediment depth but start to increase at depths of 3 and 7 m towards the basaltic basement. NO32- concentrations mirror the oxygen concentration profiles, as they increase with sediment depth but decrease towards the basement. We performed transport reaction modeling and determined at one site the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the pore water and the bottom water overlying the sediments, which indicated that the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the pore water at the bottom of the sediment column is similar to the seawater Transport-reaction modeling revealed that (1) the diffusive flux of oxygen from the basaltic basement outpaces the oxygen consumption through organic matter oxidation and nitrification in the basal sediments and (2) the nutrient exchange between the sediment and the underlying basaltic crust occurs at orders-of-magnitude lower rates than between the upper sediment and the overlying bottom water. Our results suggest an upward diffusion of oxygen from seawater circulating within the seamount crust into the overlying basal sediments. The oxygen profiles presented here represent the first of their kind ever measured in the Pacific Ocean, as they indicate an upward flux of molecular oxygen from a basaltic aquifer, something that has so far only been documented - at one other location worldwide - the North Pond site in the Atlantic Ocean. We show that the diffusion of oxygen from the seamount basaltic basement into the overlying pore waters affects the preservation of organic compounds and helps to maintain a completely oxygenated sedimentary column at all 3 sites near the seamount.
'Hyperthermals' are intervals of rapid, pronounced global warming known from six episodes within the Palaeocene and Eocene epochs (~65-34 million years (Myr) ago) (Zachos et al., 2005, doi:10.1126/science.1109004; 2008, doi:10.1038/nature06588; Roehl et al., 2007, doi:10.1029/2007GC001784; Thomas et al., 2000; Cramer et al., 2003, doi:10.1029/2003PA000909; Lourens et al., 2005, doi:10.1038/nature03814; Petrizzo, 2005, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.198.102.2005; Sexton et al., 2006, doi:10.1029/2005PA001253; Westerhold et al., 2007, doi:10.1029/2006PA001322; Edgar et al., 2007, doi:10.1038/nature06053; Nicolo et al., 2007, doi:10.1130/G23648A.1; Quillévéré et al., 2008, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.10.040; Stap et al., 2010, doi:10.1130/G30777.1). The most extreme hyperthermal was the 170 thousand year (kyr) interval (Roehl et al., 2007) of 5-7 °C global warming (Zachos et al., 2008) during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, 56 Myr ago). The PETM is widely attributed to massive release of greenhouse gases from buried sedimentary carbon reservoirs (Zachos et al., 2005; 2008; Lourenbs et al., 2005; Nicolo et al., 2007; Dickens et al., 1995, doi:10.1029/95PA02087; Dickens, 2000; 2003, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00325-X; Panchuk et al., 2008, doi:10.1130/G24474A.1) and other, comparatively modest, hyperthermals have also been linked to the release of sedimentary carbon (Zachos et al., 2008, Lourens et al., 2005; Nicolo et al., 2007; Dickens, 2003; Panchuk et al., 2003). Here we show, using new 2.4-Myr-long Eocene deep ocean records, that the comparatively modest hyperthermals are much more numerous than previously documented, paced by the eccentricity of Earth's orbit and have shorter durations (~40 kyr) and more rapid recovery phases than the PETM. These findings point to the operation of fundamentally different forcing and feedback mechanisms than for the PETM, involving redistribution of carbon among Earth's readily exchangeable surface reservoirs rather than carbon exhumation from, and subsequent burial back into, the sedimentary reservoir. Specifically, we interpret our records to indicate repeated, large-scale releases of dissolved organic carbon (at least 1,600 gigatonnes) from the ocean by ventilation (strengthened oxidation) of the ocean interior. The rapid recovery of the carbon cycle following each Eocene hyperthermal strongly suggests that carbon was resequestered by the ocean, rather than the much slower process of silicate rock weathering proposed for the PETM (Zachos et al., 2005; 2003). Our findings suggest that these pronounced climate warming events were driven not by repeated releases of carbon from buried sedimentary sources (Zachos et al., 2008, Lourens et al., 2005; Nicolo et al., 2007; Dickens, 2003; Panchuk et al., 2003) but, rather, by patterns of surficial carbon redistribution familiar from younger intervals of Earth history.
Oxygen minimum zones are expanding globally, and at present account for around 20-40% of oceanic nitrogen loss. Heterotrophic denitrification and anammox-anaerobic ammonium oxidation with nitrite-are responsible for most nitrogen loss in these low-oxygen waters. Anammox is particularly significant in the eastern tropical South Pacific, one of the largest oxygen minimum zones globally. However, the factors that regulate anammox-driven nitrogen loss have remained unclear. Here, we present a comprehensive nitrogen budget for the eastern tropical South Pacific oxygen minimum zone, using measurements of nutrient concentrations, experimentally determined rates of nitrogen transformation and a numerical model of export production. Anammox was the dominant mode of nitrogen loss at the time of sampling. Rates of anammox, and related nitrogen transformations, were greatest in the productive shelf waters, and tailed off with distance from the coast. Within the shelf region, anammox activity peaked in both upper and bottom waters. Overall, rates of nitrogen transformation, including anammox, were strongly correlated with the export of organic matter. We suggest that the sinking of organic matter, and thus the release of ammonium into the water column, together with benthic ammonium release, fuel nitrogen loss from oxygen minimum zones.
The Logatchev hydrothermal vent field (14°45'N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge) is located in a ridge segment characterized by mantle-derived ultramafic outcrops. Compared to basalt-hosted vents, Logatchev high temperature fluids are relatively low in sulfide indicating that the diffuse, low temperature fluids of this vent field may not contain sufficient sulfide concentrations to support a chemosymbiotic invertebrate community. However, the high abundances of bathymodiolin mussels with bacterial symbionts related to free-living sulfur oxidizing bacteria suggested that bioavailable sulfide is present at Logatchev. To clarify if diffuse fluids above mussel beds of Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis provide the reductants and oxidants needed by their symbionts for aerobic sulfide oxidation, in situ microsensor measurements of dissolved hydrogen sulfide and oxygen were combined with simultaneous temperature measurements. High temporal fluctuations of all three parameters were measured above the mussel beds. H2S and O2 co-existed with mean concentrations between 9-31 µM (H2S) and 216-228 µM (O2). Temperature maxima (<= 7.4°C) were generally concurrent with H2S maxima (<= 156 µM) and O2 minima (>= 142 µM). Long-term measurements for 250 days using temperature as a proxy for oxygen and sulfide concentrations indicated that the mussels were neither oxygen- nor sulfide-limited. Our in situ measurements at Logatchev indicate that sulfide may also be bioavailable in diffuse fluids from other ultramafic-hosted vents along slow- and ultraslow-spreading ridges.
Rivers represent a transition zone between terrestric and aquatic environments, and between methane rich and methane poor environments. The Elbe River is one of the important rivers draining into the North Sea and with the Elbe potentially high amounts of methane could be imported into the water column of the North Sea. Twelve cruises from October 2010 until June 2013 were conducted from Hamburg towards the Elbe mouth at Cuxhaven. The dynamic of methane concentration in the water column and its consumption via methane oxidation was measured. In addition, physico-chemical parameters were used to estimate their influence on the methanotrophic activity. We observed high methane concentrations at the stations in the area of Hamburg harbor ("inner estuary") and about 10 times lower concentrations in the outer estuary (median of 416 versus 40 nmol/L). The methane oxidation (MOX) rate mirrowed the methane distribution with high values in the inner estuary and low values in the outer estuary (median of 161 versus 10 nmol/L/d respectively) Methane concentrations were significantly influenced by the river hydrology (falling water level) and the trophic state of the water (biological oxygen demand). In contrast to other studies no clear relation to the amount of suspendended particulate matter (SPM) was found. Methane oxidation rates were significantly influenced by methane concentration and to a weaker extent by temperature. Methane oxidation accounted for 41 ± 12% of the total loss of methane in summer/fall, but only for 5 ± 3% of the total loss in winter/spring. We applied a modified box model taking into account the residence times of a water parcel depending on discharge and tidal impact. We observed almost stable methane concentrations in the outer estuary, despite a strong loss of methane through diffusion and oxidation. Thus we postulate that in the outer Elbe estuary a strong additional input of methane is required, which could be provided by the extensive salt marshes near the river mouth.
The first anhydrite reported from oceanic basalts occurs in altered basalts drilled during DSDP Leg 70 from Hole 504B. Anhydrite has been identified in several samples, two of which were studied in detail. Anhydrite in Sample 504B-40-3 (130-135 cm), which was acquired at 310 meters sub-basement, occurs in a dolerite at the center of a vug rimmed by saponite and calcite. Red iron-hydroxide-rich alteration halos occur from 0 to 310 meters sub-basement; primary sulfides in these halos are oxidized, and the rocks have lost large amounts of sulfur. The anhydrite in this sample has a d34S value of 18.5 per mil, and it is interpreted to have formed from a fluid containing a mixture of seawater sulfate (20.9 per mil) and basaltic sulfur (0 per mil) released during the oxidation of primary sulfides. Anhydrite in Sample 504B-48-3 (14-18 cm), which was found at 376 meters sub-basement, occurs intergrown with gyrolite at the center of a 1-cm-wide vein that is rimmed by saponite and quartz. At sub-basement depths below 310 meters to the bottom of the Leg 70 section (562 m sub-basement), the rocks exhibit the effects of anoxic alteration with common secondary pyrite. Anhydrite in Sample 504B-48-3 (14-18 cm) has a d34S value of 36.7 per mil, and it is interpreted to have formed from seawater-derived fluids enriched in 34S through sulfate reduction. Temperatures of alteration calculated from oxygen isotope data range from 60 to 100°C. Sulfate reduction may have occurred in situ, or elsewhere at higher temperature, possibly deeper in the crust. The secondary mineral paragenetic sequence indicates a progressive decrease in Mg and increase in Ca in the circulating fluids. This eventually led to anhydrite formation late in the alteration process.
Abundant and various diagenetic carbonates were recovered from a 1084-m-thick, Quaternary to lower Miocene section at ODP Site 799 in the Japan Sea. Petrographic, XRD, SEM, EDS-chemical, and isotopic analyses revealed wide variations in occurrence and textural relations and complex mineralogy and chemistry. Diagenetic carbonates include calcite, calcium-rich rhodochrosite, iron- and manganese-rich magnesite, iron- and manganese-rich dolomite and ankerite, and iron- and manganeserich lansfordite (hydrous Mg-carbonate). Rhodochrosite commonly occurs as small, solid nodules and semi-indurated, thin layers in bioturbated, mottled sediments of Units I and II (late Miocene to Quaternary). Lansfordite occurs as unindurated nodules and layers in Unit II (late Miocene and Pliocene), whereas magnesite forms indurated beds a few centimeters thick in slightly bioturbated-to-faintly laminated sediments of Unit III (middle and late Miocene). Some rhodochrosite nodules have dark-colored, pyritic cores, and some pyrite-rhodochrosite nodules are overgrown by and included within magnesite beds. Dolomite and ankerite tend to form thick beds (>10 cm) in bedded to laminated sediments of Units III, IV, and V (early to late Miocene). Calcite occurs sporadically throughout the Site 799 sediments. The d18O values of carbonates and the interstitial waters, and the measured geothermal gradient indicate that almost all of the Site 799 carbonates are not in isotopic equilibrium with the ambient waters, but were precipitated in the past when the sediments were at shallower depths. Depths of precipitation obtained from the d18O of carbonates span from 310 to 510 mbsf for magnesite and from 60 to 580 mbsf for dolomite-ankerite. Rhodochrosite and calcite are estimated to have formed within sediments at depths shallower than 80 mbsf. Diagenetic history in the Site 799 sediments have been determined primarily by the environment of deposition; in particular, by the oxidation-reduction state of the bottom waters and the alkalinity level of the interstitial waters. Under the well-oxygenated bottom-water conditions in the late Miocene and Pliocene, manganese initially accumulated on the seafloor as hydrogenous oxides and subsequently was mobilized and reprecipitated as rhodochrosite within the shallow sulfate-reduction, sub-oxic zone. Precipitation of lansfordite occurred in the near-surface sediments with abundant organic carbon and an extremely high alkalinity during the latest Miocene and Pliocene. The lansfordite was transformed to magnesite upon burial in the depth interval 310 to 510 mbsf. Dolomite first precipitated at shallow depths in Mn-poor, anoxic, moderately biocalcareous sediments of early to late Miocene. With increasing temperature and depth, the dolomite recrystallized and reequilibrated with ambient waters at depths below about 400 mbsf.
Methane (CH4) concentrations and CH4 stable carbon isotopic composition (d13CCH4) were investigated in the water column within Jaco Scar. It is one of several scars formed by massive slides resulting from the subduction of seamounts offshore Costa Rica, a process that can open up structural and stratigraphical pathways for migrating CH4. The release of large amounts of CH4 into the adjacent water column was discovered at the outcropping lowermost sedimentary sequence of the hanging wall in the northwest corner of Jaco Scar, where concentrations reached up to 1,500 nmol L-1. There CH4-rich fluids seeping from the sedimentary sequence stimulate both growth and activity of a dense chemosynthetic community. Additional point sources supplying CH4 at lower concentrations were identified in density layers above and below the main plume from light carbon isotope ratios. The injected CH4 is most likely a mixture of microbial and thermogenic CH4 as suggested by d13CCH4 values between -50 and -62 per mil Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite. This CH4 spreads along isopycnal surfaces throughout the whole area of the scar, and the concentrations decrease due to mixing with ocean water and microbial oxidation. The supply of CH4 appears to be persistent as repeatedly high CH4 concentrations were found within the scar over 6 years. The maximum CH4 concentration and average excess CH4 concentration at Jaco Scar indicate that CH4 seepage from scars might be as significant as seepage from other tectonic structures in the marine realm. Hence, taking into account the global abundance of scars, such structures might constitute a substantial, hitherto unconsidered contribution to natural CH4 sources at the seafloor.