119 resultados para Recreation areas--Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (N.J. and Pa.)--Maps.


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Five widespread upper Cenozoic tephra layers that are found within continental sediments of the western United States have been correlated with tephra layers in marine sediments in the Humboldt and Ventura basins of coastal California by similarities in major-and trace-element abundances; four of these layers have also been identified in deep-ocean sediments at DSDP sites 34, 36, 173, and 470 in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. These layers, erupted from vents in the Yellowstone National Park area of Wyoming and Idaho (Y), the Cascade Range of the Pacific Northwest (C), and the Long Valley area, California (L), are the Huckleberry Ridge ash bed (2.0 Ma, Y), Rio Dell ash bed (ca. 1.5 Ma, C), Bishop ash bed (0.74 Ma, L), Lava Creek B ash bed (0.62 Ma, Y), and Loleta ash bed (ca. 0.4 Ma, C). The isochronous nature of these beds allows direct comparison of chronologic and climatic data in a variety of depositional environments. For example, the widespread Bishop ash bed is correlated from proximal localities near Bishop in east-central California, where it is interbedded with volcanic and glacial deposits, to lacustrine beds near Tecopa, southeastern California, to deformed on-shore marine strata near Ventura, southwestern California, to deep-ocean sediments at site 470 in the eastern Pacific Ocean west of northern Mexico. The correlations allow us to compare isotopic ages determined for the tephra layers with ages of continental and marine biostratigraphic zones determined by magnetostratigraphy and other numerical age control and also provide iterative checks for available age control. Relative age variations of as much as 0.5 m.y. exist between marine biostratigraphic datums [for example, highest occurrence level of Discoaster brouweri and Calcidiscus tropicus (= C. macintyrei)], as determined from sedimentation rate curves derived from other age control available at each of several sites. These discrepancies may be due to several factors, among which are (1) diachronism of the lowest and highest occurrence levels of marine faunal and floral species with latitude because of ecologic thresholds, (2) upward reworking of older forms in hemipelagic sections adjacent to the tectonically active coast of the western United States and other similar analytical problems in identification of biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic datums, (3) dissolution of microfossils or selective diagenesis of some taxa, (4) lack of precision in isotopic age calibration of these datums, (5) errors in isotopic ages of tephra beds, and (6) large variations in sedimentation rates or hiatuses in stratigraphic sections that result in age errors of interpolated datums. Correlation of tephra layers between on-land marine and deep-ocean deposits indicates that some biostratigraphic datums (diatom and calcareous nannofossil) may be truly time transgressive because at some sites, they are found above and, at other sites, below the same tephra layers.


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Distributions of dissolved oxygen concentration, pH, and concentrations of dissolved silica, phosphates, strontium, calcium, fluorine, and boron in mouth areas of small rivers (Niva, Kolvitsa, Knyazhaya, and Keret') entering Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea were studied. Strontium, calcium, fluorine, and boron showed conservative, silica and phosphates showed non-conservative behavior caused by their biological consumption.


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A series of long-chain (C37, C38, C39), primarily di and tri-unsaturated methyl and ethyl ketones, first identified in sediments from Walvis Ridge off West Africa and from Black Sea (de Leeuw et al., 1979), has been found in marine sediments throughout the world (Brassell et al., 1986 doi:10.1038/320129a0). The marine coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi and members of the class Prymnesiophyceae are now the recognized sources of these compounds (Volkman et al., 1979; Marlowe, et al., 1984). Experiments with laboratory cultures of algae showed the degree of unsaturation in the ketone seris biosynthesized depends on growth temperature (Brassell et al., 1986; Marlowe, 1984), a physiological respons observed for classical membrane lipids (vanDeenen et al., 1972). Brassell and co-workers (Brassell et al., 198; Brassell et al., 1986b) thus proposed that systematic fluctuations in the unsaturation of these alkenones noted down-core in sediments from the Kane Gap region of the north-east tropical Atlantic Ocean and correlated with glacial-interglacial cycles provide an organic geochemical measure of past sea-surface water temperatures. Using laboratory cultures of E. huxleyi, we have calibrated changes in the unsaturation pattern of the long-chain ketone series versus growth temperature. The calibration curve is linear and accurtely predicts unsuturation patterns observed in natural particulate materials collected from oceanic waters of known temperature. We present evidence supporting the proposed paleotemperature hypothesis (Brassell et al., 1986, Brassel et al., 1986b) and suggesting absolute 'sea-surface temperatures' for a given oceanic location can be estimated from an analysis of long-chain ketone compositions preserved in glacial and interglacial horizons of deep-sea sediment cores.


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Sites 677 and 678 were drilled on ODP Leg 111 to test hypotheses about the nature and pattern of hydrothermal circulation on a mid-ocean ridge flank. Together with earlier results from DSDP Site 501/504 and several heatflow and piston coring surveys covering a 100-km**2 area surrounding the three drill sites, they confirm that hydrothermal circulation persists in this 5.9-m.y.-old crust, both in basement and through the overlying sediments (Langseth et al., 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.111.102.1988). Profiles of sediment pore-water composition with depth at the three drill sites show both vertical and horizontal gradients. The shapes of the profiles and their variation from one site to another result from a combination of vertical and horizontal diffusion, convection, and reaction in the sediments and basement. Chemical species that are highly reactive in the siliceous-calcareous biogenic sediments include bicarbonate (alkalinity), ammonium, sulfate, manganese, calcium, strontium, lithium, silica, and possibly potassium. Reactions include bacterial sulfate reduction, mobilization of Mn2+, precipitation of CaCO3, and recrystallization of calcareous and siliceous oozes to chalk, limestone, and chert. Species with profiles more affected by reaction in basaltic basement than in the sediments include Mg, Ca, Na, K, and oxygen isotopes. Reaction in basement at 60?C and at higher temperatures has produced a highly altered basement formation water that is uniform in composition over distances of several kilometers. As inferred from the composition of the basal sediment pore water at the three sites, this uniformity extends from up flow zone to downflow zone in basement and the sediments. It exists in spite of large variations in heat flow and depth to basement, apparently as a result of homogenization by hydrothermal circulation in basement. Profiles for chlorinity, Na, Mg, and other species in the sediment pore waters confirm that Site 678, drilled on a localized heatflow high identified by Langseth et al. (1988), is a site of long-lived upwelling of warm water from basement through the sediments at velocities of 1 to 2 mm/yr. The upflow through the anomalously thin sediments is apparently localized above an uplifted fault block in basement. This site and other similar sites in the survey area give rise to lateral diffusion and possibly flow through the sediments, which produces lateral gradients in sediment pore-water composition at sites such as 501/504. The complementary pore-water profiles at the low-heatflow Site 677 2 km to the south indicate that downflow is occurring through the sediments there, at comparable rates of 1 to 2 mm/yr.


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In this study, the Mean Transit Time and Mixing Model Analysis methods are combined to unravel the runoff generation process of the San Francisco River basin (73.5 km**2) situated on the Amazonian side of the Cordillera Real in the southernmost Andes of Ecuador. The montane basin is covered with cloud forest, sub-páramo, pasture and ferns. Nested sampling was applied for the collection of streamwater samples and discharge measurements in the main tributaries and outlet of the basin, and for the collection of soil and rock water samples. Weekly to biweekly water grab samples were taken at all stations in the period April 2007-November 2008. Hydrometric data, Mean Transit Time and Mixing Model Analysis allowed preliminary evaluation of the processes controlling the runoff in the San Francisco River basin. Results suggest that flow during dry conditions mainly consists of lateral flow through the C-horizon and cracks in the top weathered bedrock layer, and that all subcatchments have an important contribution of this deep water to runoff, no matter whether pristine or deforested. During normal to low precipitation intensities, when antecedent soil moisture conditions favour water infiltration, vertical flow paths to deeper soil horizons with subsequent lateral subsurface flow contribute most to streamflow. Under wet conditions in forested catchments, streamflow is controlled by near surface lateral flow through the organic horizon. Exceptionally, saturation excess overland flow occurs. By absence of the litter layer in pasture, streamflow under wet conditions originates from the A horizon, and overland flow.


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Mineralogic, petrographic, and geochemical analyses of sediments recovered from two Leg 166 Ocean Drilling Program cores on the western slope of Great Bahama Bank (308 m and 437 m water depth) are used to characterize early marine diagenesis of these shallow-water, periplatform carbonates. The most pronounced diagenetic products are well-lithified intervals found almost exclusively in glacial lowstand deposits and interpreted to have formed at or near the seafloor (i.e., hardgrounds). Hardground cements are composed of high-Mg calcite (~14 mol% MgCO3), and exhibit textures typically associated with seafloor cementation. Geochemically, hardgrounds are characterized by increased d18O and Mg contents and decreased d13C, Sr, and Na contents relative to their less lithified counterparts. Despite being deposited in shallow waters that are supersaturated with the common carbonate minerals, it is clear that these sediments are also undergoing shallow subsurface diagenesis. Calculation of saturation states shows that pore waters become undersaturated with aragonite within the upper 10 m at both sites. Dissolution, and likely recrystallization, of metastable carbonates is manifested by increases in interstitial water Sr and Sr/Ca profiles with depth. We infer that the reduction in mineral saturation states and subsequent dissolution are being driven by the oxidation of organic matter in this Fe-poor carbonate system. Precipitation of burial diagenetic phases is indicated by the down-core appearance of dolomite and corresponding decrease in interstitial water Mg, and the presence of low-Mg calcite cements observed in scanning electron microscope photomicrographs.


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The combination of multiple sediment sources and varying rates of sediment accumulation in the Celebes and Sulu seas have had significant impact on the processes of diagenesis, mineralization, and pore-fluid flow. Isotopic and mass-balance calculations help elucidate the various reactions taking place in these western Pacific basins, where ash alteration and basalt-seawater interactions are superimposed on the effects of sulfate oxidation of organic carbon and biogenic methane and of dolomitization of biogenic carbonates. Based on the shape of the calcium and magnesium depth profiles, two major reactive zones have been identified. The first is located near the zone of sulfate depletion and is characterized by carbonate recrystallization, dolomitization and ash alteration reactions at both Ocean Drilling Program Sites 767 and 768. The second reactive zone corresponds to the bottom of the sedimentary sequence and is characterized by alteration reactions in the basement (Site 767) and in the pyroclastic deposits beneath the sediment column (Site 768).