83 resultados para Pore forming


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Evidence of considerable overpressuring of pore fluids in the sediment drilled during Leg 84 was obtained from direct measurement of pressure by two methods. The first involved measurement of back pressure when the annulus of the drill hole became constricted with unremoved drill cuttings or constriction was caused by plastic inflow of the drill hole walls. The second involved measurement of pressure ahead of the bit in conjunction with in situ water samples and heat flow. All measurements indicated abnormally high pore pressure even in slope deposits of the Middle America Trench off Guatemala.


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Other than halite diagenesis and organic matter degradation, Cl- and Br- are considered to be conservative in marine pore fluids. Consequently, Br-/Cl- ratios should remain constant during most diagenetic reactions. Nonetheless, Br-/Cl- molar ratios decrease to 0.00127 (~18% less than seawater value) in pore fluids from Site 833 in the Aoba Basin of the New Hebrides convergent margin despite the lack of halite diagenesis and little organic matter. Sediment at this site is largely volcanic ash, which becomes hydrated with depth as it converts to clay and zeolite minerals. These hydration reactions remove sufficient water to increase the concentrations of most solutes including Cl- and Br-. The resulting concentration gradients drive diffusion, but calculations indicate that diffusion does not decrease the Br-/Cl- ratio. Some Cl- may be leached from the ash, but insufficient amounts are available to cause the observed decrease in Br-/Cl- ratio. The limited source of Cl- suggests that proportionately more Br- than Cl- is lost from the fluids to the diagenetic solids. Similar nonconservative behavior of Cl- and Br- may occur during fluid circulation at ridge crests and flanks, thereby influencing the halide distribution in the crust.


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During Leg 136 drilling was conducted at two sites in pelagic sediments of the north central Pacific Ocean. In this report, pore-water analyses for major seawater constituents, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, silica, Ba, Fe, Li, Mn, and Sr are presented. Although concentration gradients are generally weak, resulting from slow sedimentation and concomitant diffusive communication with overlying water, there is evidence of sediment/pore-water interactions, associated sediment diagenesis, and formation of authigenic minerals. Bulk major and trace element compositions of the sediments are consistent with reactions inferred to occur within the sediments and with the lithology and mineralogy. Elemental compositions of the sediments are not strongly affected by diagenesis and are primarily related to the dominant mineralogy. Sediments are typical of deep ocean pelagic settings with a significant contribution from the alteration of volcanic ash and the formation of zeolites. Sedimentary rare earth element patterns also provide evidence of active scavenging processes by Mn and Fe oxide phases in the deeper sediments at Site 842.


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Early diagenetic dolomite beds were sampled during the Ocean Drilling Programme (ODP) Leg 201 at four reoccupied ODP Leg 112 sites on the Peru continental margin (Sites 1227/684, 1228/680, 1229/681 and 1230/685) and analysed for petrography, mineralogy, d13C, d18O and 87Sr/86Sr values. The results are compared with the chemistry, and d13C and 87Sr/86Sr values of the associated porewater. Petrographic relationships indicate that dolomite forms as a primary precipitate in porous diatom ooze and siliciclastic sediment and is not replacing the small amounts of precursor carbonate. Dolomite precipitation often pre-dates the formation of framboidal pyrite. Most dolomite layers show 87Sr/86Sr-ratios similar to the composition of Quaternary seawater and do not indicate a contribution from the hypersaline brine, which is present at a greater burial depth. Also, the d13C values of the dolomite are not in equilibrium with the d13C values of the dissolved inorganic carbon in the associated modern porewater. Both petrography and 87Sr/86Sr ratios suggest a shallow depth of dolomite formation in the uppermost sediment (<30 m below the seafloor). A significant depletion in the dissolved Mg and Ca in the porewater constrains the present site of dolomite precipitation, which co-occurs with a sharp increase in alkalinity and microbial cell concentration at the sulphate-methane interface. It has been hypothesized that microbial 'hot-spots', such as the sulphate-methane interface, may act as focused sites of dolomite precipitation. Varying d13C values from -15 per mil to +15 per mil for the dolomite are consistent with precipitation at a dynamic sulphate-methane interface, where d13C of the dissolved inorganic carbon would likewise be variable. A dynamic deep biosphere with upward and downward migration of the sulphate-methane interface can be simulated using a simple numerical diffusion model for sulphate concentration in a sedimentary sequence with variable input of organic matter. Thus, the study of dolomite layers in ancient organic carbon-rich sedimentary sequences can provide a useful window into the palaeo-dynamics of the deep biosphere.


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During Leg 122, a transect was drilled across the Wombat Plateau, a marginal spur of the Exmouth Plateau, complemented by two sites on the Exmouth Plateau proper. In this report, pore-water analyses for major seawater constituents, alkalinity, Ba, Fe, Mn, Li, Sr, Rb, and silica are presented. Large gradients in the pore-water profiles provide evidence of complex sediment/pore-water interactions associated with carbonate and silica diagenesis and the formation of authigenic minerals. Diffusion affects pore-water profiles but differs considerably from site to site. Advection of freshwater, probably of continental origin, helps maintain negative Cl and salinity gradients deep within the sediments of the Exmouth Plateau.


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Recent discoveries relating to the circulation of fluids within the oceanic crust include the finding of both important fluxes of elements and isotopes into the oceans by ridge-crest hydrothermal convection and important fluxes of heat out of the oceanic crust by convection at ridge crests and at some distance from ridge crests. In the present chapter, I present isotopic, chemical, and physical data from sediments and pore waters of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Holes 503A and 503B. These results are modeled in terms of pore-water diffusion, advection, and production to ascertain the relative contribution of these processes at this location, 7.5 m.y. removed from ridge-crest hydrothermal activity. The observations made here contribute to the understanding of chemical and heat transport in oceanic crust of moderate age.


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Data obtained while investigating the mounds area near the Galapagos Spreading Center demonstrate the direct influence of solutions derived from the interaction of seawater and young oceanic crust on the sedimentary cover. Investigation of metalliferous sediments from the mid-oceanic ridges, the Galapagos mounds, and the FAMOUS-area zone formations have shown that this influence and the resulting products are dependent on composition, temperature, and conditions of solution input. The study of sulfur in upwardly migrating solutions and the interaction of these solutions with sediments is of great interest. Investigations of different types of hydrothermally derived formations (Edmond, et al., 1979; Spiess et al., 1980; Styrt et al., 1981; Rosanova 1976; Grinenko et al., 1978) have shown the significant role of sulfur-bearing minerals in deposits formed from hightemperature solutions. In contrast, the addition of hydrothermal sulfur is negligible in those metalliferous sediments that precipitated as a result of the interaction between the solutions and open seawater (Bonatti et al., 1972, 1976; Gordeev et al., 1979; Migdisov, Bogdanov, et al., 1979). For example, sulfides are absent in clearly oxidized metalliferous sediments from the East Pacific Rise (EPR). Barite sulfur from these sediments is identical with seawater sulfate sulfur in isotope composition (Grinenko et al., 1978). Gurvich and Bogdanov (1977) have suggested that barium from EPR metalliferous sediments results completely from biological activity and from the components of ocean waters. Edmond et al. (1979) report that low-temperature springs from the Galapagos Rift axis contain two types of solutions: those with and those without H2S.


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A detailed study of strontium isotope variations in Neogene marine carbonate sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 590B, using techniques that allow the 87Sr/86Sr ratio to be determined to better than +/-0.00001, gives a high-resolution record of the Sr isotopic evolution of seawater. The data show that the rate of change of the marine 87Sr/86Sr ratio has varied significantly even on time scales as short as 1 m.y. Periods of particularly rapid growth appear to follow major marine regressions and probably reflect an increase in the delivery of radiogenic Sr from the continents coupled with a decreased submarine carbonate dissolution rate (greater carbonate compensation depth). Periods of relatively slowly changing 87Sr/86Sr follow major marine transgressions. On the basis of correlations with the marine oxygen isotope record and the times of major continental glacier growth, it is inferred that the effects of sea-level variations are modified by climatic factors that affect the intensity of continental weathering and runoff. The effects of sea-floor generation rate variations are not discernible for the Neogene. The maximum attainable stratigraphic resolution using Sr isotopes is between 0.1 and 2 m.y. for this time period.


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Fifty-seven interstitial water samples from six sites (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1225-1229 and 1231) in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean and the Peru margin were analyzed for the stable sulfur isotopic composition (34S/32S) of dissolved sulfate along with major and minor ions. With the exception of Site 1231, sulfate from the interstitial fluids (d34S values as much as 89 per mil vs. the SF6-based Vienna-Canyon Diablo troilite standard) is found at depth to be enriched in 34S with respect to modern seawater sulfate (d34S = ~21 per mil), indicating that microbial sulfate reduction (MSR) took place to different extents at all investigated sites. Deeper sediments at Sites 1228 and 1229 are additionally influenced by diffusion of a sulfate-rich brine that has already undergone sulfate reduction. The intensity of MSR depends on the availability of substrate (organic matter), sedimentation conditions, and the active bacterial community structure. Formation of isotopically heavy diagenetic barite at the sulfate-methane transition zone is expected at Sites 1227 (one front), 1229 (two fronts), and probably Site 1228. At Site 1231, the constant sulfur isotopic composition of sulfate and concentrations of minor pore water ions indicate that suboxic (essentially iron and manganese oxide based) diagenesis dominates and no net MSR occurs.


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Cores from Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 501, 504B and 505B have an unusual near-vein zonation in basalts. Megascopically, zonation occurs as differently colored strips and zones whose typical thickness does not exceed 6 to 7 cm. Microscopically, the color of zones depends on variably colored clay minerals which are the products of low-temperature hydrothermal alteration in basalt. These differently colored zones form the so called "oxidative" type of alteration of basalts. Another "background," or, less precisely termed, "non-oxidative," type of alteration in basalts is characterized by large-scale, homogeneous replacement of olivine, and filling of vesicles and cracks by an olive-brown or olive-green clay mineral. The compositions of clay minerals of the "background" type of alteration, as well as the composition of co-existing titanomagnetites, were determined with an electron microprobe. There are sharp maxima in potassium and iron content, and minima in alumina, silica, and magnesia in clay minerals in the colored zones near veins. Coloring of clay and rock-forming minerals by iron hydroxides and a decrease of the amount of titanomagnetite, which apparently was the source of redeposited iron, occur frequently in colored zones. We assume that the large-scale "background" alteration in the basalts occurred under the effect of pore waters slowly penetrating through bottom sediments. Faulting can facilitate access of fresh sea water to basalts; thus above the general homogeneous background arise zones of "oxidative" alteration along fractures in basalts. The main factors controlling these processes are time (age of basalt), grain size, temperature, thickness of sedimentary cover, and heat flow.