49 resultados para Physico-chemical features


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The monograph focuses on the analysis of data addressing the problem of H2S contamination and oxic-anoxic interface in the Black Sea. Regularities of the fine structure of vertical distribution of oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, biogenic elements, organic substances, suspended matter, and metals of the iron-manganese group in the area of contact of aerobic and anaerobic waters have been revealed. Also effects of biochemical, physico-chemical and dynamic processes on their vertical distribution have been examined. Sulfate reduction in seawater and bottom sediments has been studied. Quantitative estimates of H2S fluxes at the water - bottom sediment and O2-H2S interfaces have been done. Features of H2S oxidation have been studied, its budget in the Black Sea has been calculated. Multiyear spatial-temporal variability of the oxic-anoxic interface has been investigated.


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n the framework of the FRUELA project, two oceanographic surveys were conducted by R/V Hespérides in the eastern Bellingshausen Sea, western basin of the Bransfield Strait and Gerlache Strait area during December 1995 and January 1996. The main hydrographic structures of the study domain were the Southern Boundary of the ACC and the Bransfield Front. The characteristics and zonation of local water masses are discussed in terms of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrient and inorganic carbon concentrations. Concentration intervals for water mass labelling, on the basis of chemical parameters in addition to the common theta/S-based classification, are defined. Silicate seems to be a very good discriminator for local water masses.


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In three typical sandy soils of Northern Germany the mobility of radioactive fission products of technetium, iodine, ruthenium and zirconium have been investigated in dependence of the hydrodynamic and physico-chemical soil properties. The laboratory experiments, which simulated fall-out events, used soil columns (1 m length, 30 cm diameter) taken as undisturbed as possible. By measurements of the breakthrough curves in the percolate and of the depth distribution of radionuclides in the soil columns after 6 months the average transport velocity could be determined. These values could be compared with the average water velocity measured by 3H tagging. Three qualitative mobility relations were observed: Ranker: Tc > Ru > I > Zr; Podsol: Tc > Ru > I > Zr; Brown forest soil: Tc = Ru > I > Zr. Relations between some physico-chemical soil properties and the retardation of radionuclides due to adsorption could be observed (eg. retardation of iodine and technetium by organic substances). The average retardation factors of the radionuclides and the hydrodynamic soil parameters are used in a model which gives a quantitative assessment of the hazard of groundwater contamination by a fall-out event in areas covered with comparable soils.


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We investigated surficial sediments for physico-chemical composition from numerous sites of seven study areas in the manganese nodule field of the northern Peru Basin as part of a deep-sea environmental study. Major results from this study are strong variability with respect to water depth, productivity in surface waters, locality, bottom water flow, and seafloor topography. Sediment sites are located mostly in 3900 to 4300 m water depth between the lysocline and the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). Large fluctuations in carbonate content (0% to 80%) determine sediment density and compressional-wave velocity, and, by dilution, contents of opal and non-biogenic material. Mass accumulation rates of biogenic components as well as geochemical proxies (barium and phosphorus) distinguish areas of higher productivity in the northwest near equatorial upwelling and in the northeast close to coastal upwelling, from areas of lower productivity in the west and south. Comparisons between the central Peru Basin area (Discol) and western Peru Basin area (Sediperu) reveals, for the Sediperu area, a shallower CCD, more carbonate but less opal, organic carbon, and non-biogenic material in sediments at the same water depth as well as larger down-core fluctuations of organic carbon and MnO2. Bottom water flow in the abyssal hill topography causes winnowing of material from summits of seamounts and ridges, where organic carbon preservation is poor, to basins where organic carbon preservation is better. Down-core measurements in box cores indicate a three-fold division in the upper 50 cm of the sediment column. An uppermost semi-liquid top layer is dark brown, 5-15 cm thick and contains most of the ferro-manganese nodules. A 5-15 cm thick transition zone of light sediment color has increasing shear strength, lowest opal contents and compressional-wave velocities, but highest carbonate contents and sediment densities. The lowermost layer contains stiffer light gray sediments.


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Interstitial water samples from Sites 834 through 839, drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 in the backarc Lau basin (Southwestern Pacific), have been analyzed for major elements, manganese, copper, strontium, barium, vanadium, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic composition values. The concentration-depth profiles of the major chemical components show almost straight concentration gradients at all sites, and seem to reflect slight alteration of volcanic material. However, in the lower part of the sedimentary cover, where volcanogenic material is abundant and where diagenetic minerals occur, systematic decreases in calcium, strontium, manganese, copper, and vanadium concentrations are observed. A downwelling flow of bottom seawater, which affected the diagenetic chemical signature of the interstitial water, is probably responsible for the recorded chemical features. This hypothesis is supported by strontium isotope data obtained from interstitial water samples at Site 835. It is also in accordance with data from heat flow and physical properties.


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We determined the numbers of free-living and associated (aggregated or bonded with particles) bacteria in the coastal water of King George Island at an offshore (St. 1) and a nearshore station (St. 2) as a function of physico-chemical parameters. Water sampIes were collected between March and October at St. 1 and between April and October at St. 2. Direct counts of total bacteria varied from 0.53*10**8 to 5.02*10**8 cells/l. Associated microorganisms accounted for 5 to 20 % of the total number of bacteria. Strong Spearman and Pearson correlations were observed (R = 0.82; P = 0.001) between the numbers of free-living and associated bacteria at St. 1. These two groups of bacteria were nearly evenly distributed in the horizontal transects from inshore to offshore waters at depths of 1-10 m in Ardley Cove. There were no substantial differences in the numbers of either free-living or associated bacteria in vertical transects too. Their number at St. 1, but not at St. 2, correlated significantly with all tested environmental parameters (salinity, temperature, solar radiation, nitrate, phosphate and chlorophyll a concentrations), except nitrite concentrations in water. The most probable reason for these correlations is that a common seasonal trend is characteristic of most tested parameters during the March to October period.


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This study investigated CO2 degassing and related carbon isotope fractionation effects in the Wiesent River that drains a catchment in the karst terrain of the Fraconian Alb, Southern Germany. The river was investigated by physico-chemical and stable isotope analyses of water and dissolved inorganic carbon during all seasons in 2010 along 65 km long downstream transects between source and mouth. This data set contains the results of field and solute parameters (temperature, conductivity, pH, total alkalinity, total CO2, and pCO2) and stable isotope analyses (d2H-H2O, d18O-H2O, d13C-DIC) for the Wiesent River and major tributaries.


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This study relates the organic sedimentation characteristics to the lithostratigraphic successionsthat were observed at Site 767 (Celebes Sea) and Site 768 (Sulu Sea) during ODP Leg 124. It is based on the total organic carbon content (TOC) of the sediments, on the petrographictype and maturity of the organic matter, and on the TOC accumulation rates calculated for the lithostratigraphic units. In the Celebes and Sulu Seas sediments, the organic matter is mainly of terrestrial origin with the highest concentrations and TOC accumulation rates occurring in the middle Miocene turbiditic sequences that correspond to a major compressive event between the Philippine Mobile Belt and the Palawan, Cagayan, and Sulu Ridges. Petrographic analysis of the Eocene and lower Miocene organic matter in the Celebes Sea shows that it consists only of highly degraded terrestrial particles. This observation and the very low TOC accumulation rates indicate poor conditions for organic carbon preservation during this open-ocean phase of the Celebes Basin formation. The organic matter, either of marine or terrestrial origin, is much better preserved in the younger sediments, suggesting physico-chemical changes in the depositional environment. Because of the dilution phenomena by turbidites, it is difficult to observe the progressive improvement of the organic matter preservation throughout the turbiditic series. The same change in preservation is broadly observed in the Sulu Sea from the early Miocene (rapid opening phase of the basin with massive pyroclastic deposits) to the present.


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Middle Jurassic basaltic lavas obtained from Site 801 in the western Pacific Pigafetta Basin represent ocean crust from the oldest segment of the present-day Pacific Ocean. A composite 131 m section shows the basement to be composed of an upper alkalic basalt sequence (about 157 Ma) with ocean island basalt chemical features and a lower tholeiitic basalt sequence (about 167 Ma) with typical normal-type mid-ocean ridge basalt features. The basalt sequences are separated by a quartz-cemented, yellow goethite hydrothermal deposit. Most basalts are altered to some degree and exhibit variable, low-grade smectite-celadonite-pyrite-carbonate-zeolite assemblages developed under a mainly hydrated anoxic environment. Oxidation is very minor, later in development than the hydration assemblages, and largely associated with the hydrothermal deposit. The tholeiitic normal-type mid-ocean ridge basalt has characteristically depleted incompatible element patterns and all compositions are encompassed by recent mid-ocean ridge basalt from the East Pacific Rise. Chemically, the normal-type mid-ocean ridge basalt is divided into a primitive plagioclase-olivine +/- spinel phyric group (Mg* = 72-60) and an evolved (largely) aphyric group of olivine tholeiites (Mg* = 62-40). Both groups form a single comagmatic suite related via open-system fractionation of initial olivine-spinel followed by olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene. The alkalic ocean island basalt are largely aphyric and display enriched incompatible element abundances within both relatively primitive olivine-rich basalts and evolved olivine-poor hawaiites related via mafic fractionation. In gross terms, the basement lithostratigraphy is a typical mid-ocean ridge basalt crust, generated at a spreading center, overlain by an off-axis seamount with ocean island basalt chemical characters.


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Cold-water corals provide an important habitat for a rich fauna along the continental margins and slopes. Although these azooxanthellate corals are considered particularly sensitive to ocean acidification, their responses to natural variations in pH and aragonite saturation are largely unknown due to the difficulty of studying their ecology in deep waters. Previous SCUBA investigations have shown an exceptionally shallow population of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus in near-surface waters of Comau Fjord, a stratified 480 m deep basin in northern Chilean Patagonia with suboxic deep waters. Here, we use a remotely operated vehicle to quantitatively investigate the distribution of D. dianthus and its physico-chemical drivers in so far uncharted naturally acidified waters. Remarkably, D. dianthus was ubiquitous throughout the fjord, but particularly abundant between 20 and 280 m depth in a pH range of 8.4 to 7.4. The persistence of individuals in aragonite-undersaturated waters suggests that present-day D. dianthus in Comau Fjord may show pre-acclimation or pre-adaptation to conditions of ocean acidification predicted to reach over 70% of the known deep-sea coral locations by the end of the century.


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The deployment of CCS (carbon capture and storage) at industrial scale implies the development of effective monitoring tools. Noble gases are tracers usually proposed to track CO2. This methodology, combined with the geochemistry of carbon isotopes, has been tested on available analogues. At first, gases from natural analogues were sampled in the Colorado Plateau and in the French carbogaseous provinces, in both well-confined and leaking-sites. Second, we performed a 2-years tracing experience on an underground natural gas storage, sampling gas each month during injection and withdrawal periods. In natural analogues, the geochemical fingerprints are dependent on the containment criterion and on the geological context, giving tools to detect a leakage of deep-CO2 toward surface. This study also provides information on the origin of CO2, as well as residence time of fluids within the crust and clues on the physico-chemical processes occurring during the geological story. The study on the industrial analogue demonstrates the feasibility of using noble gases as tracers of CO2. Withdrawn gases follow geochemical trends coherent with mixing processes between injected gas end-members. Physico-chemical processes revealed by the tracing occur at transient state. These two complementary studies proved the interest of geochemical monitoring to survey the CO2 behaviour, and gave information on its use.


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The basement cored at Site 1201 (west Philippine Basin) during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 195 consists of a 91-m-thick sequence of basalts, mostly pillow lavas and perhaps one sheet lava flow, with a few intercalations of hyaloclastite and interpillow sedimentary material. Hydrothermal alteration pervasively affected the basalt sequence, giving rise to a variety of secondary minerals such as K-Fe-Mg-clay minerals, oxyhydroxides and clay minerals mixtures, natrolite group zeolites, analcite, alkali feldspar, and carbonate. The primary minerals of pillow and sheet basalts that survived the intense hydrothermal alteration were investigated by electron microprobe with the aim of characterizing their chemical composition and variability. The primary minerals are mostly plagioclase, ranging in composition from bytownite through labradorite to andesine, chromian-magnesian-diopside, and spinels, both Ti magnetite (partially maghemitized) and chromian spinel. Overall, the chemical features of the primary minerals of Site 1201 basalts correspond to the primitive character of the bulk rocks, suggesting that the parent magma of these basalts was a mafic tholeiitic magma that most likely only suffered limited fractional crystallization and crystallized at high temperatures (slightly below 1200°C) and under increasing fO2 conditions. The major element composition of clinopyroxene suggests a backarc affinity of the mantle source of Site 1201 basement.


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This study reports the first crystal chemical database resulting from a detailed structural investigation of trioctahedral micas found in xenolithic ejecta produced during the AD 1631, 1872 and 1944 eruptions, three explosive episodes of recent volcanic period of Vesuvius volcano (Southern Italy). Three xenolith types were selected: metamorphic/metasomatic skarns, pyrometamorphic/hydrothermally altered nodules and mafic cumulates. They are related to different magma chemistry and effusive styles: from sub-plinian and most evolved (AD 1631 eruption) to violent strombolian with medium evolution degree (AD 1872 eruption) to vulcanian-effusive, least evolved (AD 1944 eruption) event, respectively. Both xenoliths and micas were investigated employing multiple techniques: the xenoliths were characterized by X-ray fluorescence, inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and quantitative energy-dispersive microanalysis; the micas were studied by electron probe microanalysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction. The mica-bearing xenoliths show variable texture and mineralogical assemblage, clearly related to their different origin. Based on the major oxide chemistry, only one xenolithic sample falls in the skarn compositional field from the Somma-Vesuvius literature, some fall close to the skarns and cumulate fields, others plot close to the syenite/foidolite/essexite field. A subgroup of the selected ejecta does not fall or approach any of the compositional fields. Trace and rare earth element patterns show some petrological affinity between studied xenoliths and erupted magmas with typical Eu, Ta and Nb negative anomalies. Strongly depleted patterns were detected for the 1631 metamorphic/metasomatic skarns xenoliths. Three distinct mica groups were distinguished: 1) Mg-, Al-rich, low Ti-bearing, low to moderate F-bearing varieties (1631 xenolith), 2) Al-moderate, F- and Mg-rich, Ti-, Fe-poor varieties (1872 xenolith), and 3) Al-, Ti- and Fe-rich, F-poor phases (1944 xenolith). All the analysed mica crystals are 1M polytypes with the expected space group C2/m. Micas from xenoliths of the 1631 Vesuvius eruption are phlogopites characterized by a combination of low extent of oxy-type and variable extent OH-F-substitutions, as testified by the range of F concentration (from ~ 0.20 to 0.80 apfu). Micas from xenoliths of the 1872 Vesuvius eruption exhibit structural peculiarities typical of fluorophlogopites, i.e. OH-F-substitution is predominant. Micas from the xenolith of the 1944 Vesuvius eruption display features typical of oxy-substituted micas. The variability of the crystal chemical features of the studied micas are consistent with the remarkable variation of their host rocks. Micas from 1631 nodules are related to metasomatic, skarn-type environment, deriving from the metamorphosed wall-rocks hosting the magma reservoir. The fluorophlogopites from the 1872 xenoliths testify for strongly dehydrated environmental conditions compared to those of the 1631 and 1944 hosts. Finally, magma storage condition at depth, associated to a decreasing aH2O may have promoted major oxy-type substitutions in 1944 biotites.