39 resultados para Physical-chemical variables
Here we report on data from an oceanographic cruise on the German research vessel Meteor covering large parts of the Mediterranean Sea during spring of 2011. The main objective of this cruise was to conduct measurements of physical, chemical and biological variables on a section across the Mediterranean Sea with the goal of producing a synoptic picture of the distribution of relevant physical and biogeochemical properties, in order to compare those to historic data sets. During the cruise, a comprehensive data set of relevant variables following the guide lines for repeat hydrography outlined by the GO-SHIP group (http://www.go-ship.org/) was collected. The measurements include salinity and temperature (CTD), an over-determined carbonate system, inorganic nutrients, oxygen, transient tracers (CFC-12, SF6), helium isotopes and tritium, and carbon isotopes. The cruise sampled all major basins of the Mediterranean Sea following roughly an east-to-west section from the coast of Lebanon through to the Strait of Gibraltar, and to the coast of Portugal. Also a south-to-north section from the Ionian Sea to the Adriatic Sea was carried out. Additionally, sampling in the Aegean, Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Seas were carried out. The sections roughly followed lines and positions that have been sampled previously during other programs, thus providing the opportunity for comparative investigations of the temporal development of various parameters.
The book is devoted to study of diagenetic changes of organic matter and mineral part of sediments and interstitial waters of the Pacific Ocean due to physical-chemical and microbiological processes. Microbiological studies deal with different groups of bacteria. Regularities of quantitative distribution and the role of microorganisms in geochemical processes are under consideration. Geochemical studies highlight redox processes of the early stages of sediment diagenesis, alterations of interstitial waters, regularities of variations in chemical composition of iron-manganese nodules.
The book is devoted to study of diagenetic changes of organic matter and mineral part of sediments and interstitial waters of the Pacific Ocean due to physical-chemical and microbiological processes. Microbiological studies deal with different groups of bacteria. Regularities of quantitative distribution and the role of microorganisms in geochemical processes are under consideration. Geochemical studies highlight redox processes of the early stages of sediment diagenesis, alterations of interstitial waters, regularities of variations in chemical composition of iron-manganese nodules.
The present volume contains the planktological data collected during the expedition of the "Meteor" to the Indian Ocean in 1964/65. It was the main objective of the expedition to study the up- and downwelling conditioned along the western and eastern coasts of the Arabian Sea by the northeastern monsoon. It is from these areas that the greater part of the data here presented was obtained. A few values from the Red Sea have been added. As the title "Planktological-Chemical Data" implies, it was chiefly with the help of chemical methods that the planktological investigations, with the exception of the particle size analysis and phytoplankton counting conducted optically, were carried out. These investigations were above all devoted to a quantitative survey of particulate matter and plankton, the latter being sampled by water-bottle and net. The zooplankton hauls were taken with the Indian Ocean Standard Net according to the international guidelines laid down for the expedition. As a rule, double catches were made at every station, one sample being intended for laboratory analysis at the Indian Ocean Biological Centre in Ernakulam, South India, and the other for the Institut für Meereskunde in Kiel. In addition to determining the standing stock, the production rate of phytoplankton was measured by the 14C method. These experiments were mainly conducted during the latter half of the expedition. The planktological studies primarily covered the euphotic zone, extending into the underlying water layers up to a depth of 600 m. The investigations were above all directed towards ascertaining the quantity of organic substance, formed by primary production, in its relation to environmental conditions and determining whether or not organic substance is actively transported from the surface into the deeper layers by the periodically migration organisms of the deep scattering layers. Depending on the station time available, a few samples could now and then be taken from deeper layers. The present volume of planktological-chemical data addresses itself to all those concerned processing the extensive material collected during the International Indian Ocean Expedition. As a readily accessible work of reference, it hopes to serve as an aid in the evaluation and interpretation of the expedition results. The complementary ecological data such as temperature, salinity, and oxygen content as well as the figures obtained on abundance and distribution in depth of the nutrients essential for primary production may be found in the volume of physical-chemical data published in Series A of the "Meteor"-Forschungsergebnisse No. 2, 1966 (Dietrich et al., 1966).