25 resultados para Mn-based catalysts


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The cores described in this report were taken on AMPHITRITE Expedition in Decenber 1963 - February 1964 by Scripps Institution of Oceanography from, the R/V Argo. A total of 148 cores were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study. The coring sites, all in the tropical central Pacific. The AMPHITRITE cores are here briefly described to identify visually distinct units based on lithology, color, texture, or other characteristic unique to an interval of sediment. For determination of lithology, the slides prepared from samples of the cores were examined microscopically in conjuction with the visual examination.


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Fe-Mn-concretions of a spheroidal type were found according to electron probe determinations to consist of alternating iron- and manganese-rich layers. This pattern was ascribed to seasonal variations in the physico-chemical conditions governing the precipitation of the hydrous oxides of iron and manganese. Calculations based on the rhythmic growth of the concretions investigated gave a mean accumulation rate of 0.15-0.20 mm/yr. The rather high phosphorus content (average 3.5 % P2O5) of the concretions was found to be concentrated in the iron-rich layers, probably as a result of the scavenging effect of ferric hydroxide.


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Hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts were dredged from four seamounts in the western Pacific, OSM7, OSM2, Lomilik, and Lemkein, aligned in a NW-SE direction parallel to Pacific Plate movement. The crusts consist of four well-defined layers with distinct textural and geochemical properties. The topmost layer 1 is relatively enriched in Mn, Co, Ni, and Mo compared to the underlying layer 2, which is relatively enriched in Al, Ti, K, and Rb and Cu, Zn, and excess Ba. Textural and geochemical properties of layer 2 suggest growth conditions under high biogenic and detrital flux. Such conditions are met in the equatorial Pacific (i.e., between the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and equatorial high-productivity zone). Layer 2 likely formed when each seamount was beneath the equatorial Pacific along its back track path. On the other hand, layer 1 probably started to grow after seamounts moved northwest from the ITCZ. This interpretation is consistent with the thickness of layer 1 across the four crusts, which increases to the northwest. Ages of the layer 1-layer 2 boundary in each crust, a potential proxy for northern margin of the ITCZ, also increase to the northwest at 17, 11, 8, and 5 Ma for OSM7, OSM2, Lomilik, and Lemkein, respectively. Assuming Pacific Plate motion of 0.3°/Myr, the seamounts were located at 12°N, 11°N, 9°N, and 8°N at the time of boundary formation. This result suggests that the north edge of the ITCZ has shifted south since the middle Miocene in the western Pacific, which agrees with information from the eastern Pacific.


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Deep-sea sediment cores from Scripps Institution of Oceanography's ANTIPODE Expedition were described to identify visually distinct units based on color, texture, or other feature, sedimentary structures, lithology and abundance of component grains, and paleontology. Sixty-eight cores were examined, of which 34 are large diameter piston cores. Photographs and graphic lithology legs are included as PLATES 1-48. ANTIPODE Expedition recovered cores from: the Monterey-Ascension Fan, the Northeast Pacific, the Aleutians, the Northwest Pacific, the Philippine Sea, Indonesia, the Tonga Ridge, the Seychelles, Chagos Archipelago, the Mid-Indian Ridge, the Bay of Bengal, near Sumatra, and near the Cocos Island in the Indian Ocean. The purpose of this report is to present sufficient basic data on ANTIPODE cores for invesiigators to choose samples for their own research.


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New information on possible resource value of sea floor manganese nodule deposits in the eastern north Pacific has been obtained by a study of records and collections of the 1972 Sea Scope Expedition. Nodule abundance (percent of sea floor covered) varies greatly, according to photographs from eight stations and data from other sources. All estimates considered reliable are plotted on a map of the region. Similar maps show the average content of Ni, Cu, Mn and Co at 89 stations from which three or more nodules were analyzed. Variations in nodule metal content at each station are shown graphically in an appendix, where data on nodule sizes are also given. Results of new analyses of 420 nodules from 93 stations for mn, fe, ni, cu, CO, and zn are listed in another appendix. Relatively high Ni + Cu content is restricted chiefly to four groups of stations in the equatorial region, where group averages are 1.86, 1.99, 2.47, and 2.55 weight-percent. Prepared for United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Grant no. GO284008-02-MAS. - NTIS PB82-142571.


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For much of the Mesozoic record there has been an inconclusive debate on the possible global significance of isotopic proxies for environmental change and of sequence stratigraphic depositional sequences. We present a carbon and oxygen isotope and elemental record for part of the Early Jurassic based on marine benthic and nektobenthic molluscs and brachiopods from the shallow marine succession of the Cleveland Basin, UK. The invertebrate isotope record is supplemented with carbon isotope data from fossil wood, which samples atmospheric carbon. New data elucidate two major global carbon isotope events, a negative excursion of ~2 per mil at the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary, and a positive excursion of ~2 per mil in the Late Pliensbachian. The Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary event is similar to the slightly younger Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event and is characterized by deposition of relatively deepwater organic-rich shale. The Late Pliensbachian strata by contrast are characterized by shallow marine deposition. Oxygen isotope data imply cooling locally for both events. However, because deeper water conditions characterize the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary in the Cleveland Basin the temperature drop is likely of local significance; in contrast a cool Late Pliensbachian shallow seafloor agrees with previous inference of partial icehouse conditions. Both the large-scale, long-term and small-scale, short-duration isotopic cycles occurred in concert with relative sea level changes documented previously from sequence stratigraphy. Isotope events and the sea level cycles are concluded to reflect processes of global significance, supporting the idea of an Early Jurassic in which cyclic swings from icehouse to greenhouse and super greenhouse conditions occurred at timescales from 1 to 10 Ma.


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The proposed location of Site 33 was over north-south Magnetic Anomaly 10 (Pittman-Heirtzler, 32 million years) in order (a) to provide a basis for comparison of the age of the basal sediments with the age based on the magnetic anomaly, (b) to provide a basis for evaluation of relative movement along the Pioneer and Mendocino Fracture Zones, and (c) by being paired with Site 34, to provide comparison of basement materials for adjacent positive and negative magnetic anomalies.


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In May 1964 the Institute of Marine Science (University of Miami), Scripps Institution of Oceanography (University of California), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and Lamont Geological Observatory (Columbia University) joined in the establishment of the JOINT OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTIONS DEEP EARTH SAMPLING (JOIDES) program. The long range purpose of this organization is to obtain continuous core samples of the entire sedimentary column from the floors of the oceans. It was decided that initial efforts would be limited to water depths of less than 1000 fathoms (6000 feet), and tentative locations were selected for drilling operations off the eastern, western and Gulf coasts of the United States. Near the end of December 1964 it was found that the M/V Caldrill I, a drilling vessel capable of working to depths of 6000 feet, was to engage in drilling operations on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland during the summer of 1965 for the Pan American Petroleum Corporation. Thus it was agreed to organize a drilling program along the track of Caldrill between California and the Grand Banks. Selection was made of an area on the continental shelf and the Blake Plateau off Jacksonville, Florida. Based upon many previous geological and geophysical investigations by the participating laboratories, a considerable body of knowledge had been gained about this region of the continental-oceanic border. For this initial program of JOIDES, the Lamont Geological Observatory was chosen as the operating institution with J. L. Worzel as principal investigator, and C. L. Drake and H. A. Gibbon as program planners.