56 resultados para Metals mass balances
In order to investigate production pathways of methyl iodide and controls on emissions from the surface ocean, a set of repeated in-vitro incubation experiments were performed over an annual cycle in the context of a time-series of in-situ measurements in Kiel Fjord (54.3 N, 10.1E). The incubation experiments revealed a diurnal variation of methyl iodide in samples exposed to natural light, with maxima during day time and losses during night hours. The amplitude of the daily accumulation varied seasonally and was not affected by filtration (0.2µm), consistent with a photochemical pathway for CH3I production. The methyl iodide loss rate during night time correlated with the concentration accumulated during daytime. Daily (24 hour) net production (Pnet) was similar in magnitude between in vitro and in situ mass balances. However, the estimated gross production (Pgross) of methyl iodide ranged from -0.07 to 2.24 pmol/day and were 5 times higher in summer than Pnet calculated from the in-situ study [Shi et al., 2014]. The large excess of Pgross over Pnet revealed by the in-vitro (incubation) experiments in summer is a consequence of large losses of CH3I by as-yet uncharacterized processes (e.g. biological degradation or chemical pathways other than Cl- substitution).
Substantial retreat or disintegration of numerous ice shelves have been observed on the Antarctic Peninsula. The ice shelf in the Prince Gustav Channel retreated gradually since the late 1980's and broke-up in 1995. Tributary glaciers reacted with speed-up, surface lowering and increased ice discharge, consequently contributing to sea level rise. We present a detailed long-term study (1993-2014) on the dynamic response of Sjögren Inlet glaciers to the disintegration of Prince Gustav Ice Shelf. We analyzed various remote sensing datasets to observe the reactions of the glaciers to the loss of the buttressing ice shelf. A strong increase in ice surface velocities was observed with maximum flow speeds reaching 2.82±0.48 m/d in 2007 and 1.50±0.32 m/d in 2004 at Sjögren and Boydell glaciers respectively. Subsequently, the flow velocities decelerated, however in late 2014, we still measured about two times the values of our first measurements in 1996. The tributary glaciers retreated 61.7±3.1 km² behind the former grounding line of the ice shelf. In regions below 1000 m a.s.l., a mean surface lowering of -68±10 m (-3.1 m/a) was observed in the period 1993-2014. The lowering rate decreased to -2.2 m/a in recent years. Based on the surface lowering rates, geodetic mass balances of the glaciers were derived for different time steps. High mass loss rate of -1.21±0.36 Gt/a was found in the earliest period (1993-2001). Due to the dynamic adjustments of the glaciers to the new boundary conditions the ice mass loss reduced to -0.59±0.11 Gt/a in the period 2012-2014, resulting in an average mass loss rate of -0.89±0.16 Gt/a (1993-2014). Including the retreat of the ice front and grounding line, a total mass change of -38.5±7.7 Gt and a contribution to sea level rise of 0.061±0.013 mm were computed. Analysis of the ice flux revealed that available bedrock elevation estimates at Sjögren Inlet are too shallow and are the major uncertainty in ice flux computations. This temporally dense time series analysis of Sjögren Inlet glaciers shows that the adjustments of tributary glaciers to ice shelf disintegration are still going on and provides detailed information of the changes in glacier dynamics.
The location of the seaward tip of a subduction thrust controls material transfer at convergent plate margins, and hence global mass balances. At approximately half of those margins, the material of the subducting plate is completely underthrust so that no accretion or even subduction erosion takes place. Along the remaining margins, material is scraped off the subducting plate and added to the upper plate by frontal accretion. We here examine the physical properties of subducting sediments off Costa Rica and Nankai, type examples for an erosional and an accretionary margin, to investigate which parameters control the level where the frontal thrust cuts into the incoming sediment pile. A series of rotary-shear experiments to measure the frictional strength of the various lithologies entering the two subduction zones were carried out. Results include the following findings: (1) At Costa Rica, clay-rich strata at the top of the incoming succession have the lowest strength (µres = 0.19) while underlying calcareous ooze, chalk and diatomite are strong (up to µres = 0.43; µpeak = 0.56). Hence the entire sediment package is underthrust. (2) Off Japan, clay-rich deposits within the lower Shikoku Basin inventory are weakest (µres = 0.13-0.19) and favour the frontal proto-thrust to migrate into one particular horizon between sandy, competent turbidites below and ash-bearing mud above. (3) Taking in situ data and earlier geotechnical testing into account, it is suggested that mineralogical composition rather than pore-pressure defines the position of the frontal thrust, which locates in the weakest, clay mineral-rich (up to 85 wt.%) materials. (4) Smectite, the dominant clay mineral phase at either margin, shows rate strengthening and stable sliding in the frontal 50 km of the subduction thrust (0.0001-0.1 mm/s, 0.5-25 MPa effective normal stress). (5) Progressive illitization of smectite cannot explain seismogenesis, because illite-rich samples also show velocity strengthening at the conditions tested.
Terrigenous sediment supply, marine transport, and depositional processes along tectonically active margins are key to decoding turbidite successions as potential archives of climatic and seismic forcings. Sequence stratigraphic models predict coarse-grained sediment delivery to deep-marine sites mainly during sea-level fall and lowstand. Marine siliciclastic deposition during transgressions and highstands has been attributed to sustained connectivity between terrigenous sources and marine sinks facilitated by narrow shelves. To decipher the controls on Holocene highstand turbidite deposition, we analyzed 12 sediment cores from spatially discrete, coeval turbidite systems along the Chile margin (29° - 40°S) with changing climatic and geomorphic characteristics but uniform changes in sea level. Sediment cores from intraslope basins in north-central Chile (29° - 33°S) offshore a narrow to absent shelf record a shut-off of turbidite deposition during the Holocene due to postglacial aridification. In contrast, core sites in south-central Chile (36° - 40°S) offshore a wide shelf record frequent turbidite deposition during highstand conditions. Two core sites are linked to the Biobío river-canyon system and receive sediment directly from the river mouth. However, intraslope basins are not connected via canyons to fluvial systems but yield even higher turbidite frequencies. High sediment supply combined with a wide shelf and an undercurrent moving sediment toward the shelf edge appear to control Holocene turbidite sedimentation and distribution. Shelf undercurrents may play an important role in lateral sediment transport and supply to the deep sea and need to be accounted for in sediment-mass balances.
Leg 165 of the Ocean Drilling Program afforded a unique opportunity to investigate organic and inorganic geochemistry across a wide gradient of sediment compositions and corresponding chemical pathways. The solid fractions at Sites 998, 999, 1000, and 1001 reveal varying proportions of reactive carbonate species, a labile volcanic ash fraction occurring in discrete layers and as a dispersed component, and detrital fluxes that derive from continental weathering. The relative proportions and reactivities of these end-members strongly dictate the character of the diagenetic profiles observed during the pore-water work of Leg 165. In addition, alteration of the well-characterized basaltic basement at Site 1001 has provided a strong signal that is reflected in many of the dissolved components. The relative effects of basement alteration and diagenesis within the sediment column are discussed in terms of downcore relationships for dissolved calcium and magnesium. With the exception of Site 1002 in the Cariaco Basin, the sediments encountered during Leg 165 were uniformly deficient in organic carbon (typically <0.1 wt%). Consequently, rates of organic oxidation were generally low and dominated by suboxic pathways with subordinate levels of bacterial sulfate reduction and methanogenesis. The low rates of organic remineralization are supported by modeled rates of sulfate reduction. Site 1000 provided an exception to the generally low levels of microbially mediated redox cycling. At this site the sediment is slightly more enriched in organic phases, and externally derived thermogenic hydrocarbons appear to aid in driving enhanced levels of redox diagenesis at great depths below the seafloor. The entrapment of these volatiles corresponds with a permeability seal defined by a pronounced Miocene minimum in calcium carbonate concentration recognized throughout the basin and with a dramatic downcore increase in the magnitude of limestone lithification. The latter has been tentatively linked to increases in alkalinity associated with microbial oxidation of organic matter and gaseous hydrocarbons. Recognition and quantification of previously unconstrained large volumes and frequencies of Eocene and Miocene silicic volcanic ash within the Caribbean Basin is one of the major findings of Leg 165. High frequencies of volcanic ash layers manifest as varied but often dominant controls on pore-water chemistry. Sulfur isotope results are presented that speak to secondary metal and sulfur enrichments observed in ash layers sampled during Leg 165. Ultimately, a better mechanistic understanding of these processes and the extent to which they have varied spatially and temporally may bear on the global mass balances for a range of major and minor dissolved components of seawater.
The Yari-Hotaka Mountain Range is one of the most famous formerly-glaciated areas of Japan. Many glacial landforms remain in three neighbouring U-shaped valleys, named Yarisawa, Yokoo and Migimata. Moraines and outwash terraces can be classified into four groups according to their location and to the amount of glacial quartz grains contained in the deposits. A glaciation is proved for other parts of the Northern Japanese Alps before 100 000 years B.P., but not for the Yari-Hotaka Mountain Range, because the corresponding glacial landforms cannot be found here. The oldest known Ichinomata stage before and after 60 000 years B.P. corresponds to the Yokoo glacial which is proved wirhin the whole Japanese Alps. The three younger stages, Babadaira stage (before 30 000 years B.P.), Yarisawa stage I (about 30000 years B.P.) and Yarisawa stage II (about 15000 years B.P.), belong to the Karasawa glacial. About 10 000 years B.P. the glaciers melted away. At all times the relief-influence was especially important for Ihe mass-balances of Japanese glaciers. Wind-drifted snow from the west-exposed windward slopes to the slopes in eastern (lee) exposition, and a voluminous snow accumulation by avalanches from the high rocky walls onto the glacier surfaces beneath, caused very low situated glaciers as well as low equilibrium-lines. In most cases the snow-lines were situated 100 m or more above the equilibrium-lines. During the Ichinomata stage the snow-line reached an altitude of 2400-2450 m. It rose about 100 m to the Babadaira stage, 300 m to Yarisawa stage I and about 450 m to Yarisawa stage II. At present the snow-line is situated above the Northern Japanese Alps at over 4000 m. Therefore only perennial snow-patches exist. If the snow-line would go down by a few hundred meters, this region would be highly interesting Ifor studies on the beginning of mountain glaciation.
In connection with hydropower investigations in West Greenland mass balance measurements have been carried out 1982/83 on the Inland lce at Päkitsup ilordlia north-east of Jakobshavn. The mass balance was measured at seven stakes drilled into the ice at altitudinal intervals of 200 metres from 300 m to 1500 m a.s.l. The measurements show that mass balance conditions in the Jakobshavn area must have been abnormally positive for the 1982/83 hydrological year.
The magnitude and the chronology of anthropogenic impregnation by Hg and other trace metals of environmental concern (V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ag, Cd and Pb, including its stable isotopes) in the sediments are determined at the DYFAMED station, a site in the Ligurian Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean) chosen for its supposed open-sea characteristics. The DYFAMED site (VD) is located on the right levee of the Var Canyon turbidite system, at the end of the Middle Valley. In order to trace the influence of the gravity current coming from the canyon on trace metal distribution in the sediment, we studied an additional sediment core (VA) from a terrace of the Var Canyon, and material collected in sediment traps at the both sites at 20 m above sea bottom. The patterns of Hg and other trace element distribution profiles are interpreted using stable Pb isotope ratios as proxies for its sources, taking into account the sedimentary context (turbidites, redox conditions, and sedimentation rates). Major element distributions, coupled with the stratigraphic examination of the sediment cores point out the high heterogeneity of the deposits at VA, and major turbiditic events at both sites. At the DYFAMED site, we observed direct anthropogenic influence in the upper sediment layer (<2 cm), while on the Var Canyon site (VA), the anthropization concerns the whole sedimentary column sampled (19 cm). Turbiditic events superimpose their specific signature on trace metal distributions. According to the 210Pbxs-derived sedimentation rate at the DYFAMED site (0.4 mm yr-1), the Hg-enriched layer of the top core corresponds to the sediment accumulation of the last 50 years, which is the period of the highest increase in Hg deposition on a global scale. With the hypothesis of the absence of significant post-depositional redistribution of Hg, the Hg/C-org ratio changes between the surface and below are used to estimate the anthropogenic contribution to the Hg flux accumulated in the sediment. The Hg enrichment, from pre-industrial to the present time is calculated to be around 60%, consistent with estimations of global Hg models. However, based on the chemical composition of the trapped material collected in sediment traps, we calculated that epibenthic mobilization of Hg would reach 73%. Conversely, the Cd/C-org ratio decreases in the upper 5 cm, which may reflect the recent decrease of atmospheric Cd inputs or losses due to diagenetic processes.
Speciation of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Cr, Pb, and Cd was studied in 52 samples of bottom sediments collected during Cruise 49 of the R/V "Dmitry Mendeleev" to the estuaries of the Ob and Yenisei rivers and to the southwest Kara Sea. Immediately after sampling the samples were subjected to on-board consecutive extraction to separate metal species according to their modes of occurrence in the sediments: (1) adsorbed, (2) amorphous Fe-Mn hydroxides and related metals, (3) organic + sulfide, and (4) residual, or lithogenic. Atomic absorption spectroscopy of the extracts was carried out at a stationary laboratory. Distribution of Fe, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Cr, Pb, and Cd species is characterized by predominance of lithogenic or geochemically inert modes (70-95% of bulk contents), in which the metals are bound in terrigenous and clastic mineral particles and organic detritus. About half of total Mn amount and 15-30% of Zn and Cu are contained in geochemically mobile modes. Spatiotemporal variations in proportions of the metal species in the surface layer of sediments along sub-meridional sections and through vertical sections of bottom sediment cores testify that Mn and, to a lesser extent, Cu are the most sensitive to changes in sedimentation environment. The role of their geochemically mobile species notably increases under reducing conditions.
Measurements of winter balance (bw) and summer balance (bs) have been carried out at Storbreen since 1949. Here we apply a simple mass balance model to study the climate sensitivity and to reconstruct the mass balance series prior to 1949. The model is calibrated and validated with data from an automatic weather station (AWS) operating in the ablation zone of Storbreen since 2001. Regression analysis revealed that bw was best modelled using precipitation data southwest of the glacier. Results from the model compared well with reported mass balance values for the period 1949-2006, obtained correlations (r) for bw and bs varied between 0.83 and 0.87 depending on model set up. Reconstruction of the mass balance series for the period 1924/1925-1948/1949 suggested a cumulative mass deficit of c. 30 m w.e. mainly due to highly negative summer balances, but also lower bw than the average for 1949-2006. Calculated change in specific mass balance for a ±1°C change in air temperature was ±0.55 m w.e., whereas a ±10 % increase in precipitation represented a change of ± 0.20 m w.e. Model results further indicated that for a 2°C warming, the ablation season will be extended by c. 30 days and that the period of ice melt at the AWS location will increase from c. 40 to c. 80 days.
Organic carbon, lead and cadmium contents of 20 sediments were determined and compared with the colony counts of anaerobic heterotrophic, anaerobic nitrogen fixing, chitinoclastic and cellulolytic bacteria. Organic carbon content, which is dependent on the sediment type, was positively correlated with lead and cadmium as well as with colony counts of all 4 physiological groups of bacteria. Even the sediments with the highest concentrations of 251.7 ppm Pb and 3.1 ppm Cd showed no reduction in their colony counts. From 2 different sediment sampIes with lead contents of 140 ppm and 21 ppm lead tolerance of the aerobic heterotrophic bacteria was investigated. However, no significant difference in lead tolerance of the 2 heterotrophic populations was found. Water from 6 stations was analysed for dissolved and particulate organic carbon, lead and cadmium. Dissolved lead concentrations were in the range of 0.2-0.5 µg/l and the particulate lead contents were between 0.05 and 4.3 µg/l. The concentrations of total lead for the stations off-shore were only one order of magnitude from the concentrations of the near-shore stations. The same phenomenon was observed for dissolved cadmium (0.02 - 0.25 µg/l) and particulate cadmium (0.003 - 0.15 µg/I) concentrations. Correlations between dissolved (1.6 - 10.8 mg/I) and particulate organic carbon (0.25 - 1.53 mg/I) with dissolved and particulate lead or cadmium were not found.