31 resultados para Marks of origin
Mud volcanism on the Mediterranean Ridge is caused by extrusion of overpressured sediments, with consequent formation of spectacular dome-shaped features composed of mud breccias at the seafloor. The organic material in the mud breccia of the Napoli mud volcano is a mixture of different facies, stratigraphic origin and thermal maturities. One portion is synsedimentary organic material with only minor diagenetic alterations and represents sedimenting material that was embedded into the mud volcano during its extrusion. The mud breccia also contains thermally mature organic material of mainly terrestrial provenance with algae of fresh- and brackish-water origin. Vitrinite reflectance data of this maturity generation range from 0.65 to 0.90% R(oil) and thus characterize thermally mature source rocks, a rank which is corroborated by fluorescence and molecular characteristics. The predominance of vitrinite in the maceral assemblages and the occurrence of biomarkers of terrigenous origin suggest that the major part of the mud matrix derives from a lacustrine or riverine sedimentary unit in the subsurface, possibly from the Messinian stage. A third generation of organic material includes inertinites and vitrinites of high reflectance, which represent recycled organic matter present in any marine sediment. By use of the Lopatin method for modelling the thermal maturation of hydrocarbon source rocks from the vitrinite reflectance data, we calculated that the depth of mobilization ranges from 4900 m to 7500 m, depending upon the temperature gradient used.
The family Munnopsidae was the most abundant and diverse among 22 isopod families collected by the ANDEEP deep-sea expeditions in 2002 and 2005 in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. A total of 219 species from 31 genera and eight subfamilies were analysed. Only 20% species were known to science, and 11% of these were reported outside the ANDEEP area mainly from other parts of the SO or the South Atlantic deep sea. One hundred and five species (50%) were rare, occurring at only 1 or 2 stations. Seventy-two percent of all munnopsid specimens belong to the most numerous 25 species with a total abundance of more than 75 specimens; 5 of these species (40% of all specimens) belong to the main genera of the world munnopsid fauna, Eurycope, Disconectes, Betamorpha, and Ilyarachna. About half of all munnopsid specimens and 34% of all species belong to the subfamily Eurycopinae, which is followed in occurrence by the Lipomerinae (19%). Munnopsinae is the poorest represented subfamily (1.5%). The composition of the subfamilies for the munnopsid fauna of the ANDEEP area differs from that of northern faunas. Lipomerinae show a lower percentage (7%) in the North Atlantic and are absent in the Arctic and in the North Pacific. This subfamily is considered as young and having a centre of origin and diversification in the Southern Ocean. The analyses of the taxonomic diversity and the distribution of Antarctic munnopsids and the distribution of the world fauna of all genera of the family revealed that species richness and diversity of the genera are highest in the ANDEEP area. The investigated fauna is characterised also by high percentage of endemic species, the highest richness and diversity of the main munnopsid genera and subfamily Lipomerinae. This supports the hypothesis that the Atlantic sector of SO deep sea may be considered as the main contemporary centre of diversification of the Munnopsidae. It might serve as a diversity pump of species of the Munnopsidae to more northern Atlantic areas via the deep water originating in the Weddell Sea.
An analysis of earlier measurements and author's data serves as a basis for a discussion of origin of deep-sea hydrogen. High hydrogen concentrations (0.001 ml/l or higher) in geothermal brines of the Atlantis II Deep depression are of abiogenic origin.
By means of spectrographic analysis 96 samples of marine sediments were analyzed quantitatively for V, Ti, Zr, Co, Ni, Sc, Cr, and La, and semi-quantitatively for Ba and Sr. Ca has been estimated by visual comparison of spectrographic plates, and several Fe values have also been determined in the same way. Geographically 40 of these samples are from the Pacific Ocean basin, one of which is a manganese nodule, 21 from the Gulf of Mexico, 11 from Atchafalaya Bay, 8 from American Devonian to Miocene sedimentary rocks, 4 from the Mississippi Delta, 3 from the San Diego trough, 3 from off Grand Isle, 3 from Lake Pontchartrain, from Bay Rambour, 1 from Laguna Madre off the Texas coast, and 1 from the Guadalupe River, Texas. The afore-mentioned elements were sought using PdCl2 as an internal standard, after the method developed by Ahrens (1950) and his co-workers. Samples were run in duplicate, and standard deviations varied from 5 to 14 percent. Working curves, from which final values were obtained, were constructed with the use of standard granite, G1, and the standard diabase, W1, as standards. See Fairbairn and others (1951). An experiment was carried out to determine the effect of matrix change, involving CaCO3, on the spectral line intensities of the quantitatively analyzed elements. The distribution of each of the elements is discussed separately, and particular emphasis is given to oceanic "red clay", in which many elements are enriched. A general discussion is given to mineralogy of the sediments, cation exchange in its bearing on this thesis, and a brief recount of the two hypotheses of origin of oceanic "red clay". An application of the findings of this thesis to aid in the choice of the more likely hypothesis is made.
We compared the responses of native and non-native populations of the seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla to heat shock in common garden-type experiments. Specimens from six native populations in East Asia and from eight non-native populations in Europe and on the Mexican Pacific coast were acclimated to two sets of identical conditions before their resistance to heat shock was examined. The experiments were carried out twice - one time in the native range in Qingdao, China and one time in the invaded range in Kiel, Germany - to rule out effects of specific local conditions. In both testing sites the non-native populations survived heat shock significantly better than the native populations, The data underlying this statement are presented in https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.859335. After three hours of heat shock G. vermiculophylla exhibited increased levels of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and of a specific isoform of haloperoxidase, suggesting that both enzymes could be required for heat shock stress management. However, the elevated resistance toward heat shock of non-native populations only correlated with an increased constitutive expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70). The haloperoxidase isoform was more prominent in native populations, suggesting that not only increased HSP70 expression, but also reduced allocation into haloperoxidase expression after heat shock was selected during the invasion history. The data describing expression of HSP70 and three different isoforms of haloperoxidase are presented in https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.859358.
Ocean acidification (OA) is likely to exert selective pressure on natural populations. Our ability to predict which marine species will adapt to OA, and what underlies this adaptive potential, are of high conservation and resource management priority. Using a naturally low pH vent site in the Mediterranean Sea (Castello Aragonese, Ischia) mirroring projected future OA conditions, we carried out a reciprocal transplant experiment to investigate the relative importance of phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation in two populations of the sessile, calcifying polychaete /Simplaria /sp. (Annelida, Serpulidae, Spirorbinae): one residing in low pH and the other from a nearby ambient (i.e. high) pH site. We measured a suite of fitness related traits (i.e. survival, reproductive output, maturation, population growth) and tube growth rates in laboratory-bred F2 generation individuals from both populations reciprocally transplanted back into both ambient and low pH /in situ/ habitats. Both populations showed lower expression in all traits, but increased tube growth rates, when exposed to low pH compared to high pH conditions, regardless of their site of origin suggesting that local adaptation to low pH conditions has not occurred. We also found comparable levels of plasticity in the two populations investigated, suggesting no influence of long-term exposure to low pH on the ability of populations to adjust their phenotype. Despite high variation in trait values among sites and the relatively extreme conditions at sites close to the vents (pH < 7.36), response trends were consistent across traits. Hence, our data suggest that, for /Simplaria /and possibly other calcifiers, neither local adaptations nor sufficient phenotypic plasticity levels appear to suffice in order to compensate for the negative impacts of OA on long-term survival. Our work also underlines the utility of field experiments in natural environments subjected to high level of /p/CO_2 for elucidating the potential for adaptation to future scenarios of OA.
In recent years, temporal fluctuations in the abundance of C. d. davisiana have been used frequently as a highresolution stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental tool. The modern ecology and morphologic variation (temporal and geographic) of this radiolarian species is evaluated to ascertain its potential stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental significance. Statistics were obtained on the width and height of all C. d. davisiana segments from Pleistocene populations of differing ages from the Northern Hemisphere (Labrador Sea and Iceland-Faeroe Ridge) and Southern Hemisphere (Namibian shelf and Meteor Rise). Results reveal that segment height variations between and within populations are more conservative than segment width. The mean sizes of the thorax and first abdominal segment have distinguishable differences between C. d. davisiana found in the North and South Atlantic. All populations have no significant difference in first abdominal segment width, however, mean heights of this segment differ greatly between populations of the North and South Atlantic. Second abdominal segment sizes show no clear population grouping. Size differences in post-cephalic segment size of these populations would appear to be related to some isolation of gene pools and possibly unknown paleoenvironmental factors. Temporal changes in the postcephalic size of C. d. davisiana may be used to: (1) identify temporally equivalent peaks in abundance of the species in a given region, (2) possibly evaluate the degree of mixing of water'masses between regions, and (3) trace the initial spread of the species from its area of origin. Cleve's 1887 plankton samples, between Greenland and Spitzsbergen, were studied and used in conjunction with other data to make the following conclusions on the modern ecology of C. d. davisiana in the Arctic and Greenland-Norwegian Seas. (1) It is presently absent in surface water plankton samples, (2) it currently lives at depths below 500 m, where it is rare, (3) it does not live in the upper 200 m under Arctic ice but is rare at greater depths, (4) it is absent in the upper 200 m near permanent Greenland Sea ice where normal oceanic salinity prevails, and (5) it is most common in deep marginal fjord environments which may serve as a refuge for the species during interglacial periods. In the Atlantic Ocean, the abundance of C. d. davisiana does not exceed 1% of the assemblage between the Subtropical Convergence of each hemisphere. In the Norwegian and Labrador Seas the species may occasionally be in the range of 1-5% of the modern radiolarian assemblage and never more than 5% in the southern high latitudes. Apparently only in the modern Sea of Okhotsk, does the species presently occur in high abundance. We concur with Morley and Hays (1983) that increased abundances are likely caused by the development of a strong low-salinity surface layer associated with seasonal sea ice melting and a strong temperature minimum above warmer and higher salinity intermediate waters. Similar conditions were frequent during the Pleistocene in the high latitudes and its modern scarcity outside the Sea of Okhotsk must be related to the absence of the presently unique conditions in the latter region.
Hypotheses of origin of ocean deep red clays are under discussion. On an example of the Pacific Ocean grain size, mineralogy and chemical composition of clays are considered. It is shown that they formed from atmospheric dust and andesite pyroclastics. Accumulation of the clays occurred through deposition particle-by-particle and by pellet transport.
We performed bird predation experiments (dummy experiments), using artificial prey and bird community data to investigate the importance of predator diversity vs. predator identity in cacao agroforestry landscapes. All sample sites were situated at the northern tip of Napu Valley in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. After an initial mapping of the study area, we selected 15 smallholder cacao plantations as sites for our exclosure experiments in March 2010. For our predation experiment, we selected 10 (out of 15) study sites and 5 cacao trees per site for the application of artificial prey for birds (dummy caterpillars made of plasticine). Our study trees (numbered from 1 to 5 per site) were randomly chosen and we kept spacing of at least two unmanipulated cacao trees between two study trees to avoid clumped distribution. To quantify both daytime/diurnal predation and night-time/nocturnal predation (e.g. birds vs. bats), we applied 7 caterpillar dummies on all study trees and controlled them for predation marks in the early morning (05:00-06:00 am), in the evening (17:00-18:00 pm) and in the early morning on the next day (completing one survey round). In total, we performed four survey rounds per study site (in June and July 2011). The caterpillar dummies were always applied in the same order and on three different parts of each cacao study tree: One 'control dummy' (located on first branching of the cacao tree); 3 'branch dummies' (located on one main branch coming from first branching; 20-25 cm between single dummies) and 3 'leaf dummies' (3 medium aged cacao trees adjacent to main branch were selected and single dummies placed in the center of each cacao leaf). The different positions were chosen to control for different foraging modes of predators (e.g. branch gleaners versus leaf gleaners). During day- and nighttime surveys, we controlled if the dummy caterpillars were still present in their original position, if they were absent and could not be relocated on the ground or if they were fallen to the ground, but could still be recorded. Eaten dummies were counted as 1 mark usually, except for those dummies, where two or more different kind of arthropods had eaten parts of the dummy (2 marks or more). Other predation marks were added to this number. For each dummy, we counted the total number of different predation marks. We focused on predation marks that could be identified with certainty (based on preliminary observations and/or literature): marks of birds, rodents and snails. Finally, we analysed the relationship of bird predation marks and bird community parameters (abundance vs. diversity), as well as effects of local and landscape management on the avian predation success.
Ocean acidification will likely have negative impacts on invertebrates producing skeletons composed of calcium carbonate. Skeletal solubility is partly controlled by the incorporation of "foreign" ions (e.g. magnesium) into the crystal lattice of these skeletal structures, a process that is sensitive to a variety of biological and environmental factors. Here we explore effects of life stage, oceanographic region of origin, and changes in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in seawater (pCO2) on trace elemental composition in the purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus). We show that, similar to other urchin taxa, adult purple sea urchins have the ability to precipitate skeleton composed of a range of biominerals spanning low- to high-Mg calcites. Mg / Ca and Sr / Ca ratios were substantially lower in adult spines compared to adult tests. On the other hand, trace elemental composition was invariant among adults collected from four oceanographically distinct regions spanning a range of carbonate chemistry conditions (Oregon, Northern California, Central California, and Southern California). Skeletons of newly settled juvenile urchins that originated from adults from the four regions exhibited intermediate Mg / Ca and Sr / Ca between adult spine and test endmembers, indicating that skeleton precipitated during early life stages is more soluble than adult spines and less soluble than adult tests. Mean skeletal Mg / Ca or Sr / Ca of juvenile skeleton did not vary with source region when larvae were reared under present-day, global-average seawater carbonate conditions (400 µatm; pHT = 8.02 ± 0.03 1 SD; Omega calcite = 3.3 ± 0.2 1 SD). However, when reared under elevated pCO2 (900 µatm; pHT = 7.73 ± 0.03; Omega calcite = 1.8 ± 0.1), skeletal Sr / Ca in juveniles exhibited increased variance across the four regions. Although larvae from the northern populations (Oregon, Northern California, Central California) did not exhibit differences in Mg or Sr incorporation under elevated pCO2 (Sr / Ca = 2.10 ± 0.06 mmol/mol; Mg / Ca = 67.4 ± 3.9 mmol/mol), juveniles of Southern California origin partitioned ~8% more Sr into their skeletons when exposed to higher pCO2 (Sr / Ca = 2.26 ± 0.08 vs. 2.09 ± 0.005 mmol/mol 1 SD). Together these results suggest that the diversity of carbonate minerologies present across different skeletal structures and life stages in purple sea urchins does not translate into an equivalent geochemical plasticity of response associated with geographic variation or temporal shifts in seawater properties. Rather, composition of S. purpuratus skeleton precipitated during both early and adult life history stages appears relatively robust to spatial gradients and predicted future changes in carbonate chemistry. An exception to this trend may arise during early life stages, where certain populations of purple sea urchins may alter skeletal mineral precipitation rates and composition beyond a given pCO2 threshold. This potential for geochemical plasticity during early development in contrast to adult stage geochemical resilience adds to the growing body of evidence that ocean acidification can have differing effects across organismal life stages.
Strontium and O isotope compositions of green clay minerals from sediment cores of three boreholes drilled into (sites 424A and 509B) and close to a hydrothermal mound (site 424B) near the Galapagos Spreading Center (DSDP Legs 54 and 70) were determined. The green clays consist mostly of a transition from Fesmectite (nontronite) to glauconite. 87Sr/86Sr ratios were measured on clay size-fractions after gentle acid leaching and on the recovered leachates from different samples. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the clay residues from both the 424A and B sites are well below the modern seawater value, which points consistently to precipitation from hydrothermal fluids that contained variable amounts of seawater, even away from mound. However, most of the clay residues from mound site 509B have 87Sr/86Sr ratios significantly above the seawater value, suggesting the occurrence of a detrital component together with the new authigenic particles. The clay minerals of the hydrothermal mound are mixed with detrital components, and that of the sample taken outside but near the mound as a reference for the surrounding oceanic environment, yields a hydrothermal signature. Crystallization temperatures of the clays range from 32 to 63 °C assuming a d18O value of +2.2 per mil for the mineralizing fluids. Hydrothermal fluids generated in the underlying oceanic crust, mixed in varied proportions with ambient seawater and migrated into beds of the mound in a sequence of recurrent processes that ultimately resulted in the formation of the observed clay minerals. No significant temperature differences were detected for crystallization of the K-rich glauconite and K-depleted nontronite. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the Sr leached off the clay particles are near the value of modern seawater, inferring a progressive replacement of the hydrothermal fluids by seawater in the pore space of the mound sediments.
Since its discovery in 1974 (Klitgord and Mudie, 1974), the Galapagos mounds hydrothermal field has received much attention. Sediment samples were taken during Leg 54 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and by other expeditions to the area (e.g., Corliss et al., 1978). While a hydrothermal origin for the mounds sediments has been generally accepted, several different theories of origin for the mounds themselves have been proposed (e.g., Corliss et al., 1978; Natland et al., 1979; Williams et al., 1979). One of the aims of DSDP Leg 70 was to return to the mounds field and, using the new hydraulic piston cor er described elsewhere in this volume, to obtain more complete recovery of mounds sediments than had previously been possible. It was our hope that this would help in our understanding of the nature and origin of these deposits. In this chapter, we describe the results of chemical analysis of over 250 sediment samples taken during the course of Leg 70.