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Rocks of the lower sheeted dike complex of Hole 504B sampled during Leg 140 were analyzed for major and trace element compositions to investigate the effects of igneous processes and hydrothermal alteration on the compositions of the rocks. The rocks are relatively uniform in composition and similar to the shallower dikes. They are moderately evolved mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORB) with relatively high MgO (7.9-10 wt%) and Mg# (0.60-0.70), and have unusually low incompatible element contents (TiO2 = 0.42-1.1 wt%, Zr = 23-62 ppm). Discrete compositional intervals in the hole reflect varying degrees of differentiation, and olivine and plagioclase accumulation in the rocks, and may be related to injection of packets of dikes having similar compositions. Systematic depletions of total REE, Zr, Y, TiO2, and P2O5 in centimeter-size patches are most likely attributed to exclusion of highly differentiated, late-stage interstitial liquids from small portions of the rocks. The rocks exhibit increased H2O+ reflecting hydrothermal alteration. Replacement of primary plagioclase by albite and oligoclase led to local gains of Na2O, losses of CaO, and slightly positive Eu anomalies. Some mobility of P2O5 led to minor increases and decreases in P2O5 contents, and some local mobility of Ti may have occurred during alteration of titanomagnetite to titanite. Higher temperatures of alteration in the lower sheeted dikes led to breakdown of pyroxene and sulfide minerals and losses of Zn, Cu, and S to hydrothermal fluids. Later addition of anhydrite to the rocks in microfractures and replacing plagioclase caused local increases in sulfur contents. The lower sheeted dikes are a major source of metals to hydrothermal fluids for the formation of metal sulfide deposits on and within the seafloor.


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Continental margin sediments of SE South America originate from various terrestrial sources, each conveying specific magnetic and element signatures. Here, we aim to identify the sources and transport characteristics of shelf and slope sediments deposited between East Brazil and Patagonia (20°-48°S) using enviromagnetic, major element, and grain-size data. A set of five source-indicative parameters (i.e., chi-fd%, ARM/IRM, S0.3T, SIRM/Fe and Fe/K) of 25 surface samples (16-1805 m water depth) was analyzed by fuzzy c-means clustering and non-linear mapping to depict and unmix sediment-province characteristics. This multivariate approach yields three regionally coherent sediment provinces with petrologically and climatically distinct source regions. The southernmost province is entirely restricted to the slope off the Argentinean Pampas and has been identified as relict Andean-sourced sands with coarse unaltered magnetite. The direct transport to the slope was enabled by Rio Colorado and Rio Negro meltwaters during glacial and deglacial phases of low sea level. The adjacent shelf province consists of coastal loessoidal sands (highest hematite and goethite proportions) delivered from the Argentinean Pampas by wave erosion and westerly winds. The northernmost province includes the Plata mudbelt and Rio Grande Cone. It contains tropically weathered clayey silts from the La Plata Drainage Basin with pronounced proportions of fine magnetite, which were distributed up to ~24° S by the Brazilian Coastal Current and admixed to coarser relict sediments of Pampean loessoidal origin. Grain-size analyses of all samples showed that sediment fractionation during transport and deposition had little impact on magnetic and element source characteristics. This study corroborates the high potential of the chosen approach to access sediment origin in regions with contrasting sediment sources, complex transport dynamics, and large grain-size variability.