51 resultados para Level 3 evidence


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Massive clinoptilolite authigenesis was observed at about 1105 meters below sea floor (mbsf) in lower Miocene wellcompacted carbonate periplatform sediments from the Great Bahama Bank [Ocean Drilling Program, ODP Leg 166, Site 1007]. The diagenetic assemblage comprises abundant zeolite crystallized within foraminifer tests and sedimentary matrix, as well as Mg smectites. In carbonate-rich deposits, the formation of the zeolite requires a supply of silica. Thus, the objective of the study is to determine the origin of the silica supply, its diagenetic evolution, and consequently the related implications on interpretation of the sedimentary record, in terms of local or global paleoceanographic change. For lack of evidence for any volcaniclastic input or traces of Si-enriched deep fluids circulation, an in situ biogenic source of silica is validated by isotopic data and chemical modeling for the formation of such secondary minerals in shallow-water carbonate sequences. Geochemical and strontium isotopic data clearly establish the marine signature of the diagenetic zeolite, as well as its contemporaneous formation with the carbonate deposition (Sr model ages of 19.6-23.2 Ma). The test of saturation for the pore fluids specifies the equilibrium state of the present mineralogical assemblage. Seawater-rock modeling specifies that clinoptilolite precipitates from the dissolution of biogenic silica, which reacts with clay minerals. The amount of silica (opal-A) involved in the reaction has to be significant enough, at least 10 wt.%, to account for the observed content of clinoptilolite occurring at the most zeolite-rich level. Modeling also shows that the observed amount of clinoptilolite (~19%) reflects an in situ and short-term reaction due to the high reactivity of primary biogenic silica (opal-A) until its complete depletion. The episodic occurrence of these well-lithified zeolite-rich levels is consistent with the occurrence of seismic reflectors, particularly the P2 seismic sequence boundary located at 1115 mbsf depth and dated as 23.2 Ma. The age range of most zeolitic sedimentary levels (biostratigraphic ages of 21.5-22 Ma) correlates well with that of the early Miocene glaciation Mi-1 and Mi-1a global events. Thus, the clinoptilolite occurrence in the shallow carbonate platform environment far from volcanogenic supply, or in other sensitive marine areas, is potentially a significant new proxy for paleoproductivity and oceanic global events, such as the Miocene events, which are usually recognized in deep-sea pelagic sediments and high latitude deposits.


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Presently, the intermediate depths of the North Atlantic Ocean are occupied by a great lens of warm, saline water whose source is the Mediterranean Sea. This water flows both westward and northward, finally entering the Norwegian Sea where it may contribute to the formation of North Atlantic Deep Water. The Late Neogene history of Mediterranean Outflow in the Atlantic can be monitored at DSDP-IPOD Site 548 on the continental slope Southwest of Ireland using benthic Foraminifera oxygen isotope values. Isotopic data from 154 samples indicate that Mediterranean water was absent from the mid-depth North Atlantic from 3.4 to 3.2 Ma ago. However, at about 2.9 Ma ago the isotopic values at Site 548 diverge from those recorded from the deep North Atlantic and they can be interpreted to indicate the appearance of a new water mass, possibly Mediterranean water, in the North Atlantic water column. This appearance may be related to climatic changes that occurred around the Mediterranean Basin at about 2.9 Ma ago. The analysis of 189 samples for grain-size distributions shows that a significant increase in the silt-size fraction occurs at the same level that isotopic analysis indicates a change in bottom waters at Site 548. The grainsize data support the hypothesis that mid-depth water-mass changes occurred at about 2.9 Ma ago.


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Detecting speciation in the fossil record is a particularly challenging matter. Palaeontologists are usually confronted with poor preservation and limited knowledge on the palaeoenvironment. Even in the contrary case of adequate preservation and information, the linkage of pattern to process is often obscured by insufficient temporal resolution. Consequently, reliable documentations of speciation in fossils with discussions on underlying mechanisms are rare. Here we present a well-resolved pattern of morphological evolution in a fossil species lineage of the gastropod Melanopsis in the long-lived Lake Pannon. These developments are related to environmental changes, documented by isotope and stratigraphical data. After a long period of stasis, the ancestral species experiences a phenotypic change expressed as shift and expansion of the morphospace. The appearance of several new phenotypes along with changes in the environment is interpreted as adaptive radiation. Lake-level high stands affect distribution and availability of habitats and, as a result of varied functional demands on shell geometry, the distribution of phenotypes. The on-going divergence of the morphospace into two branches argues for increasing reproductive isolation, consistent with the model of ecological speciation. In the latest phase, however, progressively unstable conditions restrict availability of niches, allowing survival of one branch only.


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Four seismic surveys and a stratigraphic record from southernmost Patagonia (Argentina) based on 51 AMS-14C dates obtained in the framework of ICDP expedition 5022 "Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project" (PASADO) provide a database to compare the 106 m composite profile from the lake centre with piston cores from the littoral and outcrops in the catchment area. Based on event correlation using distinct volcanic ash layers with unique geochemical composition and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates on feldspars, sediment records are firmly linked. This approach allows to match the sediment record with water levels during the past ca. 49 ka providing evidence for lake level variations. Reconstructed lake levels were 20 m higher than today during the last Glacial until the early Holocene. With the migration of the Southern Hemispheric Westerlies over this site the lake level dropped ca. 55 m for a period of two millennia. Thereupon the water balance was more positive again causing a stepwise rise of the lake level until the maximum was reached during the Little Ice Age with a subsequent lowering since the 20th century. We suggest that the mid- to late-Holocene lake level variation is caused by intensity changes of the Southern Hemispheric Westerlies.


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Mid-Cretaceous (Barremian-Turonian) plankton preserved in deep-sea marl, organic-rich shale, and pelagic carbonate hold an important record of how the marine biosphere responded to short- and long-term changes in the ocean-climate system. Oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) were short-lived episodes of organic carbon burial that are distinguished by their widespread distribution as discrete beds of black shale and/or pronounced carbon isotopic excursions. OAE1a in the early Aptian (~120.5 Ma) and OAE2 at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (~93.5 Ma) were global in their distribution and associated with heightened marine productivity. OAE1b spans the Aptian/Albian boundary (~113-109 Ma) and represents a protracted interval of dysoxia with multiple discrete black shales across parts of Tethys (including Mexico), while OAE1d developed across eastern and western Tethys and in other locales during the latest Albian (~99.5 Ma). Mineralized plankton experienced accelerated rates of speciation and extinction at or near the major Cretaceous OAEs, and strontium isotopic evidence suggests a possible link to times of rapid oceanic plateau formation and/or increased rates of ridge crest volcanism. Elevated levels of trace metals in OAE1a and OAE2 strata suggest that marine productivity may have been facilitated by increased availability of dissolved iron. The association of plankton turnover and carbon isotopic excursions with each of the major OAEs, despite the variable geographic distribution of black shale accumulation, points to widespread changes in the ocean-climate system. Ocean crust production and hydrothermal activity increased in the late Aptian. Faster spreading rates [and/or increased ridge length] drove a long-term (Albian-early Turonian) rise in sea level and CO2-induced global warming. Changes in ocean circulation, water column stratification, and nutrient partitioning lead to a reorganization of plankton community structure and widespread carbonate (chalk) deposition during the Late Cretaceous. We conclude that there were important linkages between submarine volcanism, plankton evolution, and the cycling of carbon through the marine biosphere.