30 resultados para K-39
The collection of ferromanganese nodules at Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden has been donated by Pr. Boström, K. and Ingri, J. from the Technical University of Lulea. They have been collected in the Bothnia Gulf, the Baltic Sea anfd the Barents sea from 1976 until 1985. In 1997 it is was put to the care custody of the Laboratory for Isotope Geology (LIG) of NRM. As part of the Access Project at LIG, Curt Boman has gone through the collection and established a database with detailed information about the samples it contains. Ferromanganese nodules typically display a rounded shape and are formed by redox processes at the interface between the seabed sediment and water. In addition to iron and manganese they also contain other metal elements. Nodules chemical composition reflects the substances found in the sediment to which they are associated. Since the nodules grow continuously, they reflect changes in the sedimentary environment chemistry on a yearly basis, which makes them very interesting as environmental archives. The nodules can be found locally in large quantities and due to their metal content they are also economically interesting as a source of raw materials.
Conventional K-Ar, 40Ar/39Ar total fusion, and 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating data on hawaiite and tholeiitic basalt samples from Ojin (Site 430), alkalic basalt samples from Nintoku (Site 432), and alkalic and tholeiitic basalt samples from Suiko (Site 433) seamounts in the Emperor Seamount chain give the following best ages for these volcanoes: Ojin = 55.2 ± 0.7 m.y., Nintoku = 56.2 ± 0.6 m.y., and Suiko = 64.7 ± 1.1 m.y. These new data bring to 27 the number of dated volcanoes in the Hawaiian-Emperor volcanic chain. The new dates prove that the age progression from Kilauea Volcano on Hawaii (0 m.y.) through the Hawaiian-Emperor bend (- 43 m.y.) to Koko Seamount (48.1 m.y.) in the southernmost Emperor Seamounts continues more than halfway up the Emperor chain to Suiko Seamount. The age versus distance data for the Hawaiian-Emperor chain are consistent with the kinematic hot-spot hypothesis, which predicts that the volcanoes are progressively older west and north away from the active volcanoes of Kilauea and Mauna Loa. The data are consistent with an average volcanic propagation velocity of either 8 cm/year from Suiko to Kilauea or of 6 cm/year from Suiko to Midway followed by a velocity of 9 cm/year from Midway to Kilauea, but it appears that the change in direction that formed the Hawaiian- Emperor bend probably was not accompanied by a major change in velocity.
Site 39 was located in the region between the Pioneer and Murray Fracture Zones, with the objective of recovering a continuous sediment core for paleontologic and stratigraphic study of the longitudinal variations in sediment components in the eastern Pacific. This site was selected, together with the adjacent ones in the north-south line along 140°W, to provide information on the geologic history of the North Pacific gyral, insofar as this might be recorded in the sediments.