37 resultados para Jews, Christians, and Muslims in medieval and early modern times


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Larval stages are among those most vulnerable to ocean acidification (OA). Projected atmospheric CO2 levels for the end of this century may lead to negative impacts on communities dominated by calcifying taxa with planktonic life stages. We exposed Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) sperm and early life stages to pHT levels of 8.0 (current pH) and 7.6 (2100 level) by manipulating pCO2 level (380 and 1000 ppm). Sperm activity was examined at ambient temperatures (16-17 °C) using individual males as replicates. We also assessed the effects of temperature (ambient and = 20 °C) and pH on larval size, survival, respiration and calcification of late trochophore/early D-veliger stages using a cross-factorial design. Increased pCO2 had a negative effect on the percentage of motile sperm (mean response ratio R= 71%) and sperm swimming speed (R= 74%), possibly indicating reduced fertilization capacity of sperm in low concentrations. Increased temperature had a more prominent effect on larval stages than pCO2, reducing performance (RSize = 90% and RSurvival = 70%) and increasing energy demand (RRespiration = 429%). We observed no significant interactions between pCO2 and temperature. Our results suggest that increasing temperature might have a larger impact on very early larval stages of M. galloprovincialis than OA at levels predicted for the end of the century.


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The astronomical-tuned time scale is rapidly extended into the Paleogene but, due to the existence of an Eocene gap, different tuning options had to be presented for the Paleocene. These options differ both in number and tuning of ~405-kyr eccentricity related cycles and are only partially consistent with recalculated 40Ar/39Ar constraints for the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) and Paleocene/Eocene (P/E) boundaries. In this paper, we evaluate the cyclostratigraphic interpretation of records from ODP Leg 198 and 208 sites, and the Zumaia section to solve the problem of the different tuning options. We found that the interval between the K/Pg boundary and the early Late Paleocene biotic event (ELPE) comprises 17 instead of 16 * ~405-kyr eccentricity related cycles as previously proposed, while the entire Paleocene contains 25 * ~405-kyr cycles. Starting from 40Ar/39Ar age constraints for the K/Pg boundary, a new tuning to 405-kyr eccentricity is presented for the Paleocene and earliest Eocene, which results in ages of ~66.0 and ~ 56.0 Ma for the K/Pg and P/E boundaries, respectively. This tuning introduces considerable differences in age for a number of nannofossil events at ODP Sites 1209 and 1262 in the interval between 61 and 63 Ma, but eliminates large and abrupt changes in the seafloor spreading rate. The tuning seems further consistent with recalculated 40Ar/39Ar ages for ash layer -17 of early Eocene age. However, despite this apparent consistency with existing radio-isotopic constraints, an alternative 405-kyr younger or, less likely, older tuning cannot be excluded at this stage.


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Knowledge of the evolution of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) is key to understanding the past evolution of the climatic system. We developed a new rock-magnetic method to determine the constituent magnetic minerals of sediments and report on the evolution of NADW during 2.2-2.9 Ma. We measured isothermal remanence acquisition curves of North Atlantic deep-sea sediments drilled at the Gardar Drift and decomposed the first derivatives of these curves into high-coercivity and low-coercivity components. Residuals of the decomposition were sufficiently small throughout the study interval, confirming that the Gardar Drift sediments represent a mixing of the two end-members. Fractional changes of the high-coercivity component represent variation of the Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water, a branch of NADW formed at the Nordic Seas. The high-coercivity component increased significantly during an interglacial period just after ~2.68 Ma, which suggests that NADW formation in the Nordic Seas abruptly intensified at this time.


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We refined the strontium isotope seawater curve for the Paleocene and early Eocene by analysis of samples recovered from the Walvis Ridge during Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) Leg 208. The highest 87Sr/86Sr values occurred in the earliest Paleocene at 65 Ma and generally decreased throughout the Paleocene, reaching minimum values between 53 and 51 Ma in the early Eocene before beginning to increase again at 50 Ma. A plausible explanation for the 87Sr/86Sr decrease between 65 and 51 Ma is increased rates of hydrothermal activity and/or the eruption and weathering of large igneous provinces (e.g., Deccan Traps and North Atlantic). Strontium isotope variations closely parallel sea level and benthic d18O changes during the late Paleocene and early Eocene, supporting previous studies linking tectonic reorganization and increased volcanism to high sea level, high CO2, and warm global temperatures.


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The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lower the pH in ocean waters, a process termed ocean acidification (OA). Despite its potentially detrimental effects on calcifying organisms, experimental studies on the possible impacts on fish remain scarce. While adults will most likely remain relatively unaffected by changes in seawater pH, early life-history stages are potentially more sensitive, due to the lack of gills with specialized ion-regulatory mechanisms. We tested the effects of OA on growth and development of embryos and larvae of eastern Baltic cod, the commercially most important fish stock in the Baltic Sea. Cod were reared from newly fertilized eggs to early non-feeding larvae in 5 different experiments looking at a range of response variables to OA, as well as the combined effect of CO2 and temperature. No effect on hatching, survival, development, and otolith size was found at any stage in the development of Baltic cod. Field data show that in the Bornholm Basin, the main spawning site of eastern Baltic cod, in situ levels of pCO2are already at levels of 1,100 µatm with a pH of 7.2, mainly due to high eutrophication supporting microbial activity and permanent stratification with little water exchange. Our data show that the eggs and early larval stages of Baltic cod seem to be robust to even high levels of OA (3,200 µatm), indicating an adaptational response to CO2.


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Sarcya 1 dive explored a previously unknown 12 My old submerged volcano, labelled Cornacya. A well developed fracturation is characterised by the following directions: N 170 to N-S, N 20 to N 40, N 90 to N 120, N 50 to N 70, which corresponds to the fracturation pattern of the Sardinian margin. The sampled lavas exhibit features of shoshonitic suites of intermediate composition and include amphibole-and mica-bearing lamprophyric xenoliths which are geochemically similar to Ti-poor lamproites. Mica compositions reflect chemical exchanges between the lamprophyre and its shoshonitic host rock suggesting their simultaneous emplacement. Nd compositions of the Cornacya K-rich suite indicate that continental crust was largely involved in the genesis of these rocks. The spatial association of the lamprophyre with the shoshonitic rocks is geochemically similar to K-rich and TiO2-poor igneous suites, emplaced in post-collisional settings. Among shoshonitic rocks, sample SAR 1-01 has been dated at 12.6±0.3 My using the 40Ar/39Ar method with a laser microprobe on single grains. The age of the Cornacya shoshonitic suite is similar to that of the Sisco lamprophyre from Corsica, which similarly is located on the western margin of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Thus, the Cornacya shoshonitic rocks and their lamprophyric xenolith and the Sisco lamprophyre could represent post-collisional suites emplaced during the lithospheric extension of the Corsica-Sardinia block, just after its rotation and before the Tyrrhenian sea opening. Drilling on the Sardinia margin (ODP Leg 107) shows that the upper levels of the present day margin (Hole 654) suffered tectonic subsidence before the lower part (Hole 652). The structure of this lower part is interpreted as the result of an eastward migration of the extension during Late Miocene and Early Pliocene times. Data of Cornacya volcano are in good agreement with this model and provide good chronological constraints for the beginning of the phenomenon.


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The site for CRP-2, 14 km east of Cape Roberts (77.006°S; 163.719°E), was selected to overlap the early Miocene strata cored in nearby CRP-1, and to sample deeper into the east-dipping strata near the western margin ofe he Victoria Land Basin to investigate Palaeogene climatic and tectonic history. CRP-2 was cored from 5 to 57 mbsf (metres below the sea floor) (core recovery 91 %), with a deviation resulting in CRP-2A being cored at the same site. CRP-2A reached down to 624mbsf (recovery 95%), and to strata with an age of c. 33-35 Ma. Drilling took place from 16 October to 25 November 1998, on 2.0-2.2 m of sea ice and through 178 m of water. Core fractures and other physical properties, such as sonic velocity, density and magnetic susceptibility, were measured throughout the core. Down-hole logs for these and other properties were run from 63 to 167 mbsf and subsequently from 200 to 623 mbsf, although density and velocity data could be obtained only to 440 mbsf because of hole collapse. Sonic velocity averages c. 2.0 km S-1 for the upper part of the hole, but there is an sharp increase to c. 3.0 km s-1 and also a slight angular unconformity, at 306 mbsf, corresponding most likely to the early/late Oligocene boundary (c. 28-30 Ma). Velocity then increases irregularly to around 3.6 km s-1 at the bottom of the hole, which is estimated to lie 120 m above the V4/V5 boundary. The higher velocities below 306 mbsf probably reflect more extensive carbonate and common pyrite cementation, in patches, nodules, bedding-parallel masses and as vein infills. Dip of the strata also increases down-hole from 3° in the upper 300 in to over 10° at the bottom. Temperature gradient is 21° k-1. Over 2 000 fractures were logged through the hole. Borehole televiewer imagery was obtained for the interval from 200 to 440 mbsf to orient the fractures for stress field analysis. Lithostratigraphical descriptions on a scale of 1:20 are presented for the full length of the core, along with core box images, as a 200 page supplement to this issue. The hole initially passed through a layer of muddy gravel to 5.5 mbsf (Lithological Sub-Unit or LSU 1.1), and then into a Quaternary diatom-bearing clast-rich diamicton to 21 mbsf (LSU 2. l), with an interval of alternating compact diamicton and loose sand, and containing a rich Pliocene foraminiferal fauna, to 27 mbsf (LSU 2.2). The unit beneath this (LSU 3.1) has similar physical properties (sonic velocity, porosity, magnetic susceptibility) and includes diamictites of similar character to those of LSU 2.1 and 2.2, but an early Miocene (c. 19 Ma) diatom assemblage at 28 mbsf (top of LSU 3.1) shows that this sub-unit is part of the older section. The strata beneath 27 mbsf, primary target for the project, extend from early Miocene to perhaps latest Eocene age, and are largely cyclic glacimarine nearshore to offshore sediments. They are described as 41 lithological sub-units and interpreted in terms of 12 recurrent lithofacies. These are 1) mudstone, 2) inter-stratified mudstone and sandstone, 3) muddy very fine to coarse sandstone, 4) well-sorted stratified fine sandstone, 5) moderately to well-sorted, medium-grained sandstone, 6) stratified diamictite, 7) massive diamictite, 8) rhythmically inter-stratified sandstone and mudstone, 9) clast-supported conglomerate, 10) matrix-supported conglomerate, 11) mudstone breccia and 12) volcaniclastic sediment. Sequence stratigraphical analysis has identified 22 unconformity-bounded depositional sequences in pre- Pliocene strata. They typically comprise a four-part architecture involving, in ascending order, 1) a sharp-based coarse-grained unit (Facies 6,7,9 or 10), 2) a fining-upward succession of sandstones (Facies 3 and 4), 3) a mudstone interval (Facies l), in some cases coarsening upward to muddy sandstones (Facies 3), and 4) a sharp-based sandstone dominated succession (mainly Facies 4). The cyclicity recorded by the strata is interpreted in terms of a glacier ice margin retreating and advancing from land to the west, and of rises and falls in sea level. Analysis of sequence periodicity awaits afirmer chronology. However, apreliminary spectral analysis of magnetic susceptibility for a deepwater mudstone within one of the sequences (from 339 to 347 mbsf) reveals ratios between hierarchical levels that are similar to those of the three Milankovitch orbital forcing periodicities. The strata contain a wide range of fossils, the most abundant being marine diatoms. These commonly form up to 5% of the sediment, though in places the core is barren (notably between 300 and 412 mbsf). Fifty samples out of 250 reviewed were studied in detail. The assemblages define ten biostratigraphical zones, some of them based on local or as yet undescribed forms. The assemblages are neritic, and largely planktonic, suggesting that the sea floor was mostly below the photic zone throughout deposition of the corcd sequence. Calcareous nannofossils, representing incursions of ocean surface waters, are much less common (72 out of 183 samples examined) and restricted to mudstone intervals a few tens of metres thick, but are important for dating. Foraminifera are also sparse (73 out of 135 samples) and represented only by calcareous benthic species. Changing assemblages indicate a shift from inshore environments in the early Oligocenc to outer shelf in the late Oligocenc, returning to inshore in the early Miocene. Marine palynomorplis yielded large numbers of well-preserved forms from most of the 116 samples examined. The new in situ assemblagc found last year in CRP-1 is extended down into the late Oligocene and a further new assemblage is found in the early Oligoccnc. Many taxa are new, and cannot us yet contribute to an improved understanding of chronology or ecology. Marine invertebrate macrofossils, mostly molluscs and serpulid tubes, are scattered throughout the core. Preservation is good in mudstones but poor in other lithologies. Climate on land is reflected in the content of terrestrial palynomorphs, which are extremely scarce down to c. 300 mbsf. Some forms are reworked, and others represent a low growing sparse tundra with at least one species of Nothofagus. Beneath this level, a significantly greater diversity and abundance suggests a milder climate and a low diversity woody vegetation in the early Oligocene, but still far short of the richness found in known Eocene strata of the region. Sedimentary facies in the oldest strata also suggest a milder climate in the oldest strata cored, with indications of substantial glacial melt-water discharges, but are typical of a coldcr climate in late Oligocene and early Miocene times. Clast analyses from diamictites reveal weak to random fabrics, suggesting either lack of ice-contact deposition or post-depositional modification, but periods when ice grounded at the drill site are inferred from thin zones of in-situ brecciated rock and soft-sediment folding. These are more common above c. 300 mbsf, perhaps reflecting more extensive glacial advances during deposition of those strata. Erosion of the adjacent Transantarctic Mountains through Jurassic basalt and dolerite-intruded Beacon strata into basement rocks beneath is recorded by petrographical studies of clast and sand grain assemblages. Core below 310 mbsf contains a dominance of fine-grained Jurassic dolerite and basalt fragments along with Beacon-derived coal debris and rounded quartz grains, whereas the strata above this level have a much higher proportion of basement derived granitoids, implying that the large areas of the adjacent mountains had been eroded to basement by the end of the early Oligocene. There is little indication of rift-related volcanism below 310 mbsf. Above this, however, basaltic and trachytic tephras are common, especially from 280 to 200 mbsf, from 150 to 46 mbsf, and in Pliocene LSU 2.2 from 21 to 27 mbsf. The largest volcanic eruptions generated layers of coarse (up to 1 cm) trachytic pumice lapilli between 97 and 114 mbsf. The thickest of these (1.2 m at 112 mbsf) may have produced an eruptive column extending tens of km into the stratosphere. A source within a few tens of km of the drill site is considered most likely. Present age estimates for the pre-Pliocene sequence are based mainly on biostratigraphy (using mainly marine diatoms and to a lesser extent calcareous nannofossils), with the age of the tephra from 112 to 114 mbsf (21.44k0.05 Ma from 84 crystals by Ar-Ar) as a key reference point. Although there are varied and well-preserved microfossil assemblages through most of the sequence (notably of diatoms and marine palynomorphs), they comprise largely taxa either known only locally or as yet undescribed. In addition, sequence stratigraphical analysis and features in the core itself indicate numerous disconformities. The present estimate from diatom assemblages is that the interval from 27 to 130 mbsf is early Miocene in age (c. 19 to 23.5 Ma), consistent with the Ar-Ar age from 112 to 114 mbsf. Diatom assemblages also indicate that the late Oligocene epoch extends from c. 130 to 307 mbsf, which is supported by late Oligocene nannofossils from 130 to 185 mbsf. Strata from 307 to 412 mbsf have no age-diagnostic assemblages, but below this early Oligocene diatoms and nannofossils have been recovered. A nannoflora at the bottom of the hole is consistent with an earliest Oligocene or latest Eocene age. Magnetostratigraphical studies based on about 1000 samples, 700 of which have so far undergone demagnetisation treatment, have provided a polarity stratigraphy of 12 pre-Pliocene magnetozones. Samples above 270 mbsf are of consistently high quality. Below this, magnetic behaviour is more variable. A preliminary age-depth plot using the Magnetic Polarity Time Scale (MPTS) and constrained by biostratigraphical data suggests that episodes of relatively rapid sedimentation took place at CRP-2 during Oligocene times (c. 100 m/My), but that more than half of the record was lost in a few major and many minor disconformities. Age estimates from Sr isotopes in shell debris and further tephra dating are expected to lead to a better comparison with the MPTS. CRP-2/2A has recorded a history of subsidence of the Victoria Land Basin margin that is similar to that found in CIROS-170 km to the south, reflecting stability in both basin and the adjacent mountains in late Cenozoic times, but with slow net accumulation in the middle Cenozoic. The climatic indicators from both drill holes show a similar correspondence, indicating polar conditions for the Quaternary but with sub-polar conditions in the early Miocene-late Oligocene and indications of warmer conditions still in the early Oligocene. Correlation between the CRP-2A core and seismic records shows that seismic units V3 and V4, both widespread in the Victoria Land Basin, represent a period of fluctuating ice margins and glacimarine sedimentation. The next drill hole, CRP-3, is expected to core deep into V5 and extend this record of climate and tectonics still further back in time.


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The high-altitude lake Tso Moriri (32°55'46'' N, 78°19'24'' E; 4522 m a.s.l.) is situated at the margin of the ISM and westerly influences in the Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh. Human settlements are rare and domestic and wild animals are concentrating at the alpine meadows. A set of modern surface samples and fossil pollen from deep-water TMD core was evaluated with a focus on indicator types revealing human impact, grazing activities and lake system development during the last ca. 12 cal ka BP. Furthermore, the non-pollen palynomorph (NPP) record, comprising remains of limnic algae and invertebrates as well as fungal spores and charred plant tissue fragments, were examined in order to attest palaeolimnic phases and human impact, respectively. Changes in the early and middle Holocene limnic environment are mainly influenced by regional climatic conditions and glacier-fed meltwater flow in the catchment area. The NPP record indicates low lake productivity with high influx of freshwater between ca. 11.5 and 4.5 cal ka BP which is in agreement with the regional monsoon dynamics and published climate reconstructions. Geomorphologic observations suggest that during this period of enhanced precipitation the lake had a regular outflow and contributed large amounts of water to the Sutlej River, the lower reaches of which were integral part of the Indus Civilization area. The inferred minimum fresh water input and maximum lake productivity between ca. 4.5-1.8 cal ka BP coincides with the reconstruction of greatest aridity and glaciation in the Korzong valley resulting in significantly reduced or even ceased outflow. We suggest that lowered lake levels and river discharge on a larger regional scale may have caused irrigation problems and harvest losses in the Indus valley and lowlands occupied by sedentary agricultural communities. This scenario, in turn, supports the theory that, Mature Harappan urbanism (ca. 4.5-3.9 cal ka BP) emerged in order to facilitate storage, protection, administration, and redistribution of crop yields and secondly, the eventual collapse of the Harappan Culture (ca. 3.5-3 cal ka BP) was promoted by prolonged aridity. There is no clear evidence for human impact around Tso Moriri prior to ca. 3.7 cal ka BP, with a more distinct record since ca. 2.7 cal ka BP. This suggests that the sedimentary record from Tso Moriri primarily archives the regional climate history.


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The evolution of calcareous dinoflagellate communities has been investigated for the latest Cretaceous to earliest Neogene interval of the mid-latitude South Atlantic. In doing so, the response of calcareous dinoflagellates to Cenozoic climatic change has been addressed for the first time. Trends in species composition and distribution patterns of wall types indicate significant changes which correlate with major palaeoenvironmental modifications. A first major shift concerning the relative abundance of species and wall types occurred across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. The associations remained stable during the entire Paleocene and Eocene. Only in the late Eocene did a dramatic decrease in temperature cause a slight diversification. A second major shift in the abundance patterns occurred across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. The early Miocene warming is possibly reflected in the distinct increase in relative abundance of one species. The assemblages of calcareous dinoflagellates evidently react to major climatic changes during the Cenozoic. These poorly investigated organisms may thus provide an important contribution to the understanding of earth's palaeoclimatic evolution.


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Along the N-S-transect of DSDP-Sites 5446, 397, 141, and 366, oxygen and carbon isotopes, flux rates of calcium carbonate, terrigenous matter, and biogenic opal, clay minerals and the size distribution of terrigenous partictes were determined in order to assess the ties between atmospheric and oceanic surface and deep-water circulation off northwest Africa during the late Neogene. During the last 9 m.y., both the paleoceanography in the eastern Atlantic and west African paleodimates were intimately correlated with the evolution of the polar ice sheets as reflected in the benthos d18O curves of the 4 DSDP-Sites. These records make it possible to distinguish six major time intervals which were charaterized by long-term persistent regimes of climatic stability or climatic change. Short-term, "Milankovitch"-type cycles superimpose the long-term climatic evolution and may reflect the chronostratigraphic control fluctuations of the solar insolation persisting back to pre-Pleistocene times. Relatively stable, warm climates prevailed during the late Tortonian/early Messinean, 9 to 6 m.y., and the early Pliocene, 4.5 to 3.5 m.y. ago. Based on d18O curves, the amplitudes of short-term climatic variation were generally low, and the ice sheets were smaller than during peak Holocene time. Oceanic circulation and resulting paleoproductivity in upwelling zones were insignificant. The strength of dust supplying meridional trade winds was low (3 to 5 m/s), interglacial-style zonal winds near the ITCZ were dominant, as indicated by the high abundance of kaolinite. Phases of fluvial sediment supply were common. Humidity was characteristic of the climate in northwest Africa for the major part of this time. Major episodes of climatic deterioration in the subtropics occurred in the latest Miocene/early Pliocene, between some 5.6 and 5.2 and between 4.9 and 4.6 m.y. ago, in the late Pliocene, between 3.2 and 2.4 m.y. ago, and again in the Quaternary, near 1 m.y. ago. The episodes were correlated with marked increases of the global ice volume, as revealed by drastic increases of d18O values. They suggest sea-level falls of up to 70 m below the present sea level in the latest Miocene and earliest Pliocene and of 145 m in the latest Pliocene and Quaternary. The climatic changes resulted in strongly enhanced meridional trade winds as suggested by coarser terrigenous grain-sizes, increased mass accumulation rates of eolian dust, and changes in clay-mineral composition from dominantly kaolinite to illite and chlorite. The meridional trade winds reached speeds of 8 to 10 m/s with a maximum near 15 m/s. The enhanced winds probably led t o intensified coastal upwelling as shown by the contemporaneous local increase i n the deposition of biogenic silica and the local depletion of 13C at Site 397. The most drastic environmental changes near 2.4 and 1 m.y. ago coincide with hiatuses which may indicate phases of general erosion due to strongly enhanced deep-water circulation in the northeast At1antic along the northwest African continental margin. The occasional occurrence of quartz grains coarser than 250 µm may suggest ice-rafted debris in sediments off Morocco. During these time intervals the climate in NW-Africa was dominantly arid. Nevertheless, fluvial runoff (and humidity) continued to be important during intermittent warm phases of the short-term climatic cycles. During the end and the beginning of (inter-) glacial times, fluvial supply of nutrients seems to be the dominant factor, controling phases of enhanced paleoproductivity observed off northwest Africa, whereas during phases of glacial maximum strenger fertility of (increased) coastal upwelling becomes more important. A long-term evolution of paleoenvironments during the last 40 m.y. is depicted in the sediments of Site 366 and is clearly controlled by the plate tectonic route of this Site. During Oligocene times, Site 366 lay in the center of the equatorial upwelling, as shown by the high content of biogenic silica contributing up to 100 % of the carbonate-free sediment fraction >6 µm. The influence of equatorial upwelling abruptly terminated near 15 m.y. ago, a change in the record exaggerated by a hiatus of about 2 m.y. Prior to 25 m.y., the terrigenous input at the paleolatitude of Site 366 was restricted t o eolian sediment supply from South Africa by southeasterly trade winds, as shown by dominantly illite and chlorite in the clay fraction and extremely fine-grained terrigenous matter. Near the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, Site 366 drifted across the equator into the belt of the northeasterly trade winds, which is inferred from the increased content of kaolinite and coarser grain sizes of the terrigenous sediment fraction. The clay-mineral and grain-size compositions of Site 366 do not reflect a noteworthy northward shift of the ITCZ during late Miocene and early Pliocene times, i.e. no marked global circulation asymmetry due to the possible absence of a major Northern Hemisphere glaciation (Flohn 1981). This lack of a more northerly position of the ITCZ may result from a bipolar glaciation already existing during late Miocene times, such as also suggested by the evidence of tillites on Iceland and in southern Alaska during those intervals (e.g., Denton & Amstrong 1969, Mudie & Helgason 1983).