478 resultados para Instrução Normativa 62


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The wide distribution of sapropelic deposits in the sedimentary cover of the oceans, their Cretaceous age, and their possible oil- and gas-generating characteristics allow us to regard these deposits as a regular global stage in the history of oceanic sedimentation. So, Cretaceous sapropelic deposits are a unique object for study. Cretaceous sapropelic deposits of DSDP Sites 463, 465, and 466, as well as similar sediments of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, are characterized by enrichment in organic matter, which sometimes reaches 33% (Cape Verde Basin, DSDP Sites 367 and 368). The objective of this study is the elucidation of genesis, paleogeographic environment of sedimentation, and oil-generating potential of Cretaceous sapropelic deposits at these sites. Attention is given to petrographic composition and distribution of the organic matter.


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Labradorite is the principal feldspar in tholeiitic basalt from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 464, on northern Hess Rise. Andesine and oligoclase constitute most primary feldspar in the reportedly trachytic rocks from southern Hess Rise at Site 465. Secondary sanidine(?) has replaced the primary phases at Site 465. The secondary potassium feldspar probably resulted from reaction of trachyte with potassium-bearing hydrothermal fluids or sea water.


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Hess Rise, a major structural feature in the northern Pacific, is one of several oceanic plateaus which apparently possess anomalous seismic structures (Sutton et al., 1971). Hence, Laboratory measurements of compressional- and shear-wave velocities in rocks from oceanic plateau regions are of considerable interest. Several questions come to mind: (1) Are compressional - wave velocities of volcanic rocks from oceanic plateaus similar to basalts of equivalent age from normal oceanic crust? (2) Do velocity-density relations for plateau rocks fit the well-established trends for Layer 2 basalts? (3) How do Poisson's ratios, determined from compressional- and shear-wave velocities, of oceanic plateau rocks compare with those of normal sea-floor basalts? To answer these questions, we have selected for velocity measurements five volcanic samples from different depths from Hole 465A, on southern Hess Rise. It is particularly significant that all the rocks are vesicular and have been highly altered, which significantly affects their elastic properties.


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The complete Paleocene section begins with the basal Tertiary Globigerina eugubina Zone. This zone occurs at 465A-3-3, 4 cm to 465A-3-3, 144 cm and belongs to Lithologic Unit I (Site 465 report, this volume), a homogeneous, white, moderately to highly disturbed nannofossil ooze.


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Well-preserved Mesozoic radiolarian faunas have been recovered at four sites of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62. Late Early Cretaceous assemblages, which occur always with foraminifers or calcareous nannoplankton, allow the description of 21 new species, the introduction of a new zone scheme, and calibration of the radiolarian zones with the geochronological scale.