24 resultados para Hypsiboas faber


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In the years 2000 and 2001 we measured methane concentrations exceeding up to two orders of magnitude the equilibrium with the atmosphere in the water column on the SW-Spitsbergen continental shelf. This methane anomaly extended from its centre on the shelf westwards over the upper slope and eastwards well into the inner basins of the two southernmost Spitsbergen fjords, the Hornsundfjord and the van Mijenfjord. Methane concentrations and stable carbon isotopic ratios varied between 2 and 240 nM, and between -53 per mill and -20 per mill VPDB, respectively. Methane in high concentrations was depleted in 13C whereas in low concentrations d13CCH4 values were highly variable. On the continental shelf we found that methane discharged from seeps on top of sandy and gravelly banks is isotopically heavier than methane escaping from troughs filled with silty and clayey sediments. These distinct isotopic signatures suggest that methane is gently released from several inter-granular seepages or micro-seepages widely spread over the shelf. A potential migration path for thermogenic or hydrate methane may be the Hornsund Fracture Zone, a south-north running reactivated fault system created by stretching of the continental crust. After discharge into the water column, local water currents fed by Atlantic water, coastal water, and freshwater outflows from the fjords further determine pathways and fate of the methane. We used d18Owater and 222Rn data to trace origin and advection of the local water masses and water mixing processes. Methane spreads predominantly along pycnoclines and by vertical mixing. During transport methane is influenced simultaneously by oxidation and dilution, as well as loss into the atmosphere. Together these processes cause the spatial variability of the anomaly and heterogeneity in d13CCH4 in this polar shelf environment.


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A suite of gas samples obtained from gas pockets and sediments of the Nankai accretionary prism (Site 808) has been analyzed for their gas composition and carbon and hydrogen isotope ratios. Gases collected from gas pockets between 10 and 555 mbsf consist of CH4 and CO2. Stable carbon isotope ratios of these two components point to a bacterial formation of methane via CO2-reduction that is also supported by D/H ratios of methane. Methane desorbed from sediments by a vacuum/acid treatment is of bacterial and thermal origin. Mixing between these gas types is indicated by molecular composition and carbon isotope ratios. Diagenetic processes at low temperatures can explain ethane to pentane concentrations from 0 to 850 mbsf. Between 850 mbsf and the basaltic basement hydrocarbon occurrences are related to catagenetic processes at elevated temperatures. Thermal alteration of organic matter is reflected through different gas parameters. Propane carbon isotope values of a sample from the zone of the frontal thrust indicate that the gas likely migrated from sediments of a higher maturity into the immature sediments at 366 mbsf.


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Methane is the major hydrocarbon gas measured in Vacutainer samples from Holes 603D and 613 ( C1/sumCn > 0.999). In Hole 613 the concentration of this dry hydrocarbon gas is highest (7.4 x 10 **5 ppm max.) in the upper 60 to 120 m, then decreases erratically to low trace levels by 261 m sub-bottom (lower Pliocene). No gas accumulations were observed in older sediments. Methane from both holes is strongly depleted in both 13C (d13C, - 75 to -85 per mil) and deuterium (D/H, - 175 to -262 per mil), indicating the biogenic origin of the methane. The C and H isotopic compositions support methanogenesis via the CO2-reduction pathway; this is also corroborated by the dissolved-sulfate and alkalinity minima at these depths. The relationship between D/H of the methane and coexisting interstitial water from Site 613 further show the methanogenesis to be primarily by CO2 reduction.