26 resultados para Himalayas


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Variations in the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) intensity during the last 16.7?ka have been studied using organic carbon (Corg), d15N of sedimentary organic matter, CaCO3, sediment texture, d18OC, and Mg/Ca-derived sea surface temperature, d18O of sea water and sea surface salinity, in a 14C-dated sediment core from the eastern Arabian Sea. The d18O in water and planktonic foraminifera shells off the central west coast of India may be controlled by the ISM intensity as this area receives high precipitation and land runoff. Also, the Corg and CaCO3 contents of sediments and d15N of sedimentary organic matter may be linked to ISM-induced productivity and denitrification. The results of the present study reveal that between 16 and 15.2 ka BP, the ISM was weak with minor fluctuations and started intensifying around 15.2 ka BP, at the onset of the Bølling-Ållerød (B-A) event. The B-A event is characterized by higher water column denitrification rates comparable to the present day. The ISM signatures observed in the d18OC record of B-A event compare well with those from Timta cave of the western Himalayas and also the Asian summer monsoon signatures from the Hulu caves in China and warming signatures in Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) suggesting atmospheric teleconnections through Intertropical Convergence Zone. The boundary between the Younger Dryas and the Holocene is discernible with small episodes of abrupt events of increased ISM intensity. This decrease in d18OC values at ~11.8 ka BP is contemporary with June solar insolation maximum at 30° north and the increase in methane in the GISP2 ice core supporting episodes of warmer climate and increase in ISM intensity. The ISM seems to have been most stable between 7 and 5.6 ka BP. The core exhibits periodicity of 500 years that is comparable to the Atlantic water formation and the Chinese monsoon.


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Sr, Nd, and Os isotopic data are presented for sediments from diverse locations in the Bay of Bengal. These data allow the samples to be divided into three groups, related to their sedimentary contexts. The first group, mainly composed of sediments from the shelf off Bangladesh and the currently active fan, has Sr and Nd characteristics consistent with a dominantly Himalayan source. Their 187Os/188Os ratios (~1.2-1.5) show that the average detrital material delivered by the Ganga-Brahmaputra (G-B) river system is not unusually radiogenic. A large difference in 187Os/188Os ratio exists between these Bengal Fan sediments and Ganga bedloads (187Os/188Os ~2.5, Pierson-Wickmann et al. (2000, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(00)00003-0)). This difference mainly reflects addition of a less radiogenic Brahmaputra component, though mineralogical sorting and loss of radiogenic Os during transport may also play some role. The second sample group contains sediments from elsewhere in the Bay, particularly those located on the continental slope. They display Os isotopic compositions (0.99-1.11) similar to that of present seawater and higher Os and Re concentrations. These characteristics suggest the presence of a large hydrogenous contribution, consistent with the lower sedimentation rate of these samples. Sr and Nd ratios indicate that a significant fraction of these sediments is derived from erosion of non-Himalayan sources, such as the Indo-Burman range. These observations could be explained by the deflection of sediments from the G-B river system by westward currents in the head of the Bay. The third group contains only one sample, but shows that in addition to a Himalayan source, sediment discharge from Sri Lanka may influence the detrital component in the distal part of the fan. The similarity between the isotopic compositions of the group I R/V Sonne samples and those of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 116 (France-Lanord et al., 1993; Reisberg et al., 1997, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(00)00003-0) suggests that the material eroding in the Himalayas has been roughly constant since the Miocene. The high Os isotopic ratios of leachates of both Sonne group I and Miocene Leg 116 sediments imply that much of the leachable highly radiogenic Os component was conserved during transport through the estuary or interaction with seawater. In constrast, samples with lower, but still relatively high, sedimentation rates (Sonne groups II and III and Pliocene Leg 116) seem to have significantly adsorbed or exchanged Os and Re with seawater. This suggests that in some cases the Os isotopic ratios of leachates of detrital sediments can be used to constrain the ancient marine Os record, or conversely, to date unfossiliferous sediments.


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Clay mineral relative abundances in approximately 450 samples from cores recovered during ODP Leg 117 in the Arabian Sea have been used to examine the paleoclimatic, paleoenvironmental, and tectonic histories of the Indus Fan, Owen Ridge, Oman margin, and adjacent continental source regions. Geographic variations in the relative abundances of minerals and correlations with depositional processes support previous interpretations that smectite has been supplied from weathering of the Deccan Traps; illite and chlorite have been supplied either from the Himalayas via marine transport or from the Iran-Makran region by winds; and palygorskite has been supplied from the Arabian peninsula and Somalia by winds. Pleistocene sediments of the Indus Fan record two modes of deposition: turbidites supplied from the Indus drainage and dominated by illite and chlorite, and pelagic carbonates containing smectites and wind-transported palygorskite. Local and regional causes for shifts between these depositional processes cannot be demonstrated conclusively with the data available, but sea-level fluctuations probably exerted a significant control on the rate of turbidite influx. Lower Miocene sediments on the Owen Ridge are also turbidites supplied by the Indus drainage; in the middle Miocene, a shift to pelagic carbonates records the uplift of the Owen Ridge, and is accompanied by the increased relative importance of wind-transported palygorskite. Associations of palygorskite and biosiliceous components in middle to upper Miocene sediments are interpreted to record vigorous monsoonal circulation and accompanying upwelling-produced biological productivity. Mineralogic and geochemical data indicate that light/dark color alternations in upper Miocene sediments on the Owen Ridge record climatic fluctuations, but the climatic significance of similar alternations in Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments is unclear. Palygorskite is the dominant clay on the Oman margin, reflecting proximity to its source areas. On the Oman margin, clay mineral relative abundances are most variable at structurally complex sites, indicating that local depositional settings have been influenced by their tectonic histories since the Miocene.