116 resultados para HYDROCARBON RADICALS


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Total organic carbon (TOC) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) concentrations were determined for 304 samples, and biomarkers were analyzed for 101 samples from Core 167-1016C-1H. TOC varies between 1% and 2%, and CaCO3 is typically 1%-4%, with peaks reaching 14%. Paleotemperature estimated from Uk'37 varies from 8.5° to 17.5°C. The Uk'37 variation implies that Core 167-1016C-1H covers oxygen isotope Stages 1-6. Peaks of diatom-derived C25:1 HBI alkene concentrations occur during warming intervals, suggesting intensified upwelling during deglaciation. The concentrations of haptophyte-derived alkenones and diatom-derived C25:1 HBI alkene vary out of phase, which presumably resulted from the changes in the mode of nutrient supply to surface mixed layer. Maximal CaCO3 contents (>10%) were observed in both warming and cooling intervals. The peak in cooling interval relates to an alkenone maximum, whereas the peaks in warming intervals do not. This implies that carbonate production is not the only factor controlling carbonate compensation depth at this site, and it suggests considering the changes in North Pacific deep-water chemistry. Petroleum-type compounds are present in Site 1016 sediments. Their concentrations are maximized in the warming intervals that correspond to the timing of destruction of a huge tar mound off Point Conception. The tarry material was presumably transported by the Arguello Fan system to Site 1016.


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Bottom-simulating reflectors were observed beneath the southeastern slope of the Dongsha Islands in the South China Sea, raising the potential for the presence of gas hydrate in the area. We have analyzed the chemical and isotopic compositions of interstitial water, headspace gas, and authigenic siderite concretions from Site 1146. Geochemical anomalies, including a slight decrease of chlorine concentration in interstitial water, substantial increase of methane concentration in headspace gas, and 18O enrichment in the authigenic siderite concretion below 400 meters below seafloor are probably caused by the decomposition of gas hydrate. The low-chlorine pore fluids contain higher molecular-weight hydrocarbons and probably migrate to Site 1146 along faults or bedded planes.


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Geochemical studies at three ODP Leg 104 sites on the Wring Plateau help define the distribution of hydrocarbon gases in sediment of this prominent feature of the Norwegian continental margin. Low levels of hydrocarbon gas were encountered in sediment of the outer part of the plateau, but sediment of the inner part of the plateau is very gassy. The molecular composition of inner plateau gases (>99.9% methane) and the carbon isotopic composition of the methane (avg. = -76 per mil relative to the PDB standard) clearly show that the gas is biogenic. Heavier hydrocarbon gases accompany this methane, and their presence is probably a result of both chemical and microbial low-temperature diagenesis. Although these heavier hydrocarbons were not detected in sediment of the outer part of the plateau during shipboard analyses, subsequent shore-based analyses showed that these compounds are present at very low concentrations. Methane in the gassy sediment of the inner part of the plateau may be present as gas hydrates, judging from sedimentological and inorganic geochemical considerations, but no discernible gas hydrates were recovered during drilling.


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The organic geochemistry of Sites 1108 and 1109 of the Woodlark Basin, offshore Papua New Guinea, was studied to determine whether thermally mature hydrocarbons were present in the penetrated section and, if present, whether they are genetically related to the penetrated "coaly" interval. Both the organic carbon and pyrolysis data indicate that there is no significant hydrocarbon source-rock potential at Site 1108. The hydrocarbons encountered during drilling appear to be indigenous and not migrated products or contaminants. In contrast, the coaly interval at Site 1109 contains zones with significant hydrocarbon-generation potential. Several independent lines of evidence indicate that the coaly sequence encountered at Site 1109 is thermally immature. The Site 1108 methane stable-carbon isotope composition does not display a clear trend with depth as would be expected if it was solely reflecting a maturation profile. The measured isotopic composition of methane has most probably been altered by fractionation during sample handling and storage. This fractionation would result in isotopically heavier values than would be obtained on free gas. The organic geochemical data gathered indicate that Site 1108 can be safely revisited and that the organic-rich sediments encountered at Site 1109 were not the source of the gas encountered at Site 1108.


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The paper presents characteristics of the Nd and Sr isotopic systems of ultrabasic rocks, gabbroids, plagiogranites, and their minerals as well as data on helium and hydrocarbons in fluid inclusions of the same samples. Materials presented in this publication were obtained by studying samples dredged from the MAR crest zone at 5°-6°N (U/Pb zircon dating, geochemical and petrological-mineralogical studies). It was demonstrated that variations in the isotopic composition of He entrapped in rocks and minerals were controlled by variable degrees of mixing of juvenile He, which is typical of basaltic glass for MAR (DM source), and atmospheric He. Increase in the atmospheric He fraction in plutonic rocks and, to a lesser degree, in their minerals reflects involvement of seawater or hydrated material of the oceanic crust in magmatic and postmagmatic processes. This conclusion finds further support in positive correlation between the fraction of mantle He (R ratio) and 87Sr/86Sr ratio. High-temperature hydration of ultrabasic rocks (amphibolization) was associated with increase in the fraction of mantle He, while their low-temperature hydration (serpentinization) was accompanied by drastic decrease in this fraction and significant increase in 87Sr/86Sr ratio. Insignificant variations in 143Nd/144Nd (close to 0.5130) and 87Sr/86Sr (0.7035) in most of gabbroids and plagiogranites as well as the fraction of mantle He in these rocks, amphibolites, and their ore minerals indicate that the melts were derived from the depleted mantle. Similar e-Nd values of gabbroids, plagiogranites, and fresh harzburgites (6.77-8.39) suggest that these rocks were genetically related to a single mantle source. e-Nd value of serpentinized lherzolites (2.62) likely reflects relations of these relatively weakly depleted mantle residues to another source. Aforementioned characteristics of the rocks generally reflect various degrees of mixing of depleted mantle components with crustal components (seawater) during metamorphic and hydrothermal processes that accompanied formation of the oceanic crust.


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At the active continental margin off Costa Rica substantial amounts of hydrocarbon gases are encountered in sediments. The molecular composition (C1-C3) of free hydrocarbon gas as well as the isotopic composition (d13C of methane and ethane and D of methane) was analysed on core samples (ranging between 50 and 380 m depth) collected at sites 1040-1043 which was drilled during ODP Leg 170. In addition, the molecular composition of the C1-C3 hydrocarbons and the d13C composition of C1 and C2 hydrocarbons was determined on adsorbed gas from selected depth intervals at Site 1041 (50-380 mbsf). The molecular composition, and stable carbon and hydrogen isotope signature of low molecular weight hydrocarbons from core sediments and gas pockets indicate that most of the gas was generated by microbial CO2-reduction. Beside d13C values of about -80 per mil for methane (which is typical for microbially- generated methane) extremely light d13C values of -55 per mil were measured for ethane. The carbon isotope composition of methane and ethane, as well as the C1/(C2+C3) ratio display distinct trends with increasing depth. Gas mixing calculations indicate that the percentage of thermally-generated ethane increases from 10% at about 75 mbsf to almost 80% at 380 mbsf. The fraction of thermogenic methane in this depth interval is calculated to range from 0.03 to 1.8% of the total methane. The small contribution of thermogenic methane would increase the d13C value by <1 per mil. Therefore, the increase of d13C of methane (by about 12 per mil) with depth cannot be explained by gas mixing alone. Instead, the observed d13C trend is caused by successive isotope depletion of the methane precursor within the sedimentary organic matter due to progressing microbial gas generation.


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The organic geochemical character of rocks selected from Aptian, Valanginian, and Berriasian clay stone and siltstone sequences encountered in Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Holes 762C and 763C on the Exmouth Plateau was determined by means of a variety of analytical procedures. These sequences represent distal portions of the Mesozoic Barrow delta, in which petroleum source rocks and reservoirs exist on the Australian continent. The organic matter at the ODP sites is thermally immature type III material. Biomarker hydrocarbon compositions are dominated by long-chain, waxy n-alkanes and by C29 steranes, which reflect the land-plant origin of organic matter. Organic carbon d13C values ranged from -26 per mil to -28 per mil, consistent with a C3 land-plant source. Kerogen pyrolysate compositions and hopane isomerization ratios revealed progressively larger contributions of recycled organic matter as the depth of the deltaic sedimentary layers became greater.


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Two newly developed coring devices, the Multi-Autoclave-Corer and the Dynamic Autoclave Piston Corer were deployed in shallow gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the northern Gulf of Mexico during research cruise SO174 (Oct-Nov 2003). For the first time, they enable the retrieval of near-surface sediment cores under ambient pressure. This enables the determination of in situ methane concentrations and amounts of gas hydrate in sediment depths where bottom water temperature and pressure changes most strongly influence gas/hydrate relationships. At seep sites of GC185 (Bush Hill) and the newly discovered sites at GC415, we determined the volume of low-weight hydrocarbons (C1 through C5) from nine pressurized cores via controlled degassing. The resulting in situ methane concentrations vary by two orders of magnitudes between 0.031 and 0.985 mol kg**-1 pore water below the zone of sulfate depletion. This includes dissolved, free, and hydrate-bound CH4. Combined with results from conventional cores, this establishes a variability of methane concentrations in close proximity to seep sites of five orders of magnitude. In total four out of nine pressure cores had CH4 concentrations above equilibrium with gas hydrates. Two of them contain gas hydrate volumes of 15% (GC185) and 18% (GC415) of pore space. The measurements prove that the highest methane concentrations are not necessarily related to the highest advection rates. Brine advection inhibits gas hydrate stability a few centimeters below the sediment surface at the depth of anaerobic oxidation of methane and thus inhibits the storage of enhanced methane volumes. Here, computerized tomography (CT) of the pressure cores detected small amounts of free gas. This finding has major implications for methane distribution, possible consumption, and escape into the bottom water in fluid flow systems related to halokinesis.