31 resultados para Gray code
A belt of small but numerous mercury deposits extends for about 500 km in the Kuskokwim River region of southwestern Alaska. The southwestern Alaska mercury belt is part of widespread mercury deposits of the circum Pacific region that are similar to other mercury deposits throughout the world because they are epithermal with formation temperatures of about 200 °C, the ore is dominantly cinnabar with Hg-Sb-As±Au geochemistry, and mineralized forms include vein, vein breccias, stockworks, replacements, and disseminations. The southwestern Alaska mercury belt has produced about 1400 t of mercury, which is small on an international scale. However, additional mercury deposits are likely to be discovered because the terrain is topographically low with significant vegetation cover. Anomalous concentrations of gold in cinnabar ore suggest that gold deposits are possible in higher temperature environments below some of the Alaska mercury deposits. We correlate mineralization of the southwestern Alaska mercury deposits with Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary igneous activity. Our 40Ar/39Ar ages of 70 ±3 Ma from hydrothermal sericites in the mercury deposits indicate a temporal association of igneous activity and mineralization. Furthermore, we suggest that our geological ancl geochemical data from the mercury deposits indicate that ore fluids were generated primarily in surrounding sedimentary wall rocks when they were cut by Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary intrusions. In our ore genesis model, igneous activity provided the heat to initiate dehydration reactions and expel fluids from hydrous minerals and formational waters in the surrounding sedimentary wall rocks, causing thermal convection and hydrothermal fluid flow through permeable rocks and along fractures and faults. Our isotopic data from sulfide and alteration minerals of the mercury deposits indicate that ore fluids were derived from multiple sources, with most ore fluids originating from the sedimentary wall rocks.
Neogene palynofloras of southern California have been all too infrequently studied. Previous investigations of Pacific Coast sediments have been largely restricted to Pacific Northwest locales. Some important studies include those by Gray (1964), Wolfe, Hopkins, and Leopold (1966), Wolfe and Leopold (1967), Hopkins (1968), Piel (1969, 1977), Ballog, Sparks, and Waloweek (1972), and Musich (1973). The only published study of southern California materials is that of Heusser (1978) on Holocene sediments of the Santa Barbara basin. Most of these studies are concerned with the microflora from a particular formation; thus they have limited stratigraphic value and in most cases involve nonmarine to marginal marine rocks where no planktonic zonation was available. Musich's (1973) study was the first attempt at tying pollen assemblages to a planktonic zonation over an extended stratigraphic interval (Miocene to Pleistocene).Its location in the southern California Borderland and the sedimentary sections sampled make Leg 63 extremely valuable in deciphering the palynologic history of the Pacific Coast Neogene. Site 467 was chosen for our initial detailed study, because the relatively slow sedimentation rate provides an almost complete Neogene sequence of mainly terrigenous sediments and reliable planktonic age control is available.The goals of this study were to: (1) establish a reference section of Neogene palynomorph assemblages; (2) develop biostratigraphic criteria for use in correlation with other localities; (3) correlate the palynologic assemblages with the planktonic zonations; and (4) study the paleoenvironmental history in the southern California Neogene.
The upper Holocene marine section from a kasten core taken from the oxygen minimum zone off Karachi (Pakistan) at water depth 700 m contains continuously laminated sediments with a sedimentation rate of 1.2 mm/yr and a unique record of monsoonal climatic variability covering the past 5000 years. Our chronostratigraphy is based on varve counts verified by conventional and AMS14C dating. Individual hemipelagic varve couplets are about 0.8-1.5 mm thick, with light-colored terrigenous laminae (A) deposited mainly during the winter monsoon alternating with dark-colored laminae (B) rich in marine organic matter, coccoliths, and fish debris that reflect deposition during the high-productivity season of the late summer monsoon (August-October). Precipitation and river runoff appear to control varve thickness and turbidite frequency. We infer that precipitation decreased in the river watershed (indicated by thinning varves) after 3500-4000 yr B.P. This is about the time of increasing aridification in the Near East and Middle East, as documented by decreasing Nile River runoff data and lake-level lowstands between Turkey and northwestern India. This precipitation pattern continued until today with precipitation minima about 2200-1900 yr B.P., 1000 yr B.P., and in the late Middle Ages (700-400 yr B.P.), and precipitation maxima in the intervening periods. As documented by spectral analysis, the thickness of varve couplets responds to the average length of a 250-yr cycle, a 125-yr cycle, the Gleissberg cycle of solar activity (95 yr), and a 56-yr cycle of unknown origin. Higher frequency cycles are also present at 45, 39, 29-31, and 14 yr. The sedimentary gray-value also shows strong variability in the 55-yr band plus a 31-yr cycle. Because high-frequency cyclicity in the ENSO band (ca. 3.5 and 5 yr) is only weakly expressed, our data do not support a straightforward interaction of the Pacific ENSO with the monsoon-driven climate system of the Arabian Sea.