93 resultados para Galaxies : Elliptical And Lenticular, Cd


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Paleoceanographic studies using benthic foraminiferal Cd as a nutrient tracer have provided a robust means of reconstructing glacial Atlantic Ocean water mass geometry, but a paucity of data from the South Atlantic above 1200 m has limited investigation of Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) configuration and formation. A new Cd depth profile from Brazil margin sediments suggests that AAIW penetrated northward at 1100 m to at least 27°S in the glacial Atlantic. It exhibited substantially reduced d13Cas values, confirming preliminary evidence that this AAIW was unique to the glacial Atlantic and that it formed differently than today, with less atmospheric contact.


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A depth transect of cores from 1268 to 3909 m water depth in the western South Atlantic are ideally situated to monitor the interocean exchange of deep water and variations in the relative strength of northern and southern sources of deep water production. Benthic foraminiferal Cd/Ca and d13C data suggest that Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water (GNAIW) extended at least as far south as 28°S in the western South Atlantic. The core of nutrient-depleted water was situated at ~1500 m, above and below water masses with higher nutrient concentrations. When examined in conjunction with published paired Cd/Ca and d13C from intermediate depth cores from other basins, it appears that the extent of GNAIW influence on the intermediate waters of the world's oceans was less than suggested previously. Differentiating among possible pathways for the glacial deep ocean (>3 km) requires a better understanding of the controls on Cd/Ca and d13C values of benthic foraminifera.


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Four species of planktic foraminifera from core-tops spanning a depth transect on the Ontong Java Plateau were prepared for Mg/Ca analysis both with (Cd-cleaning) and without (Mg-cleaning) a reductive cleaning step. Reductive cleaning caused etching of foraminiferal calcite, focused on Mg-rich inner calcite, even on tests which had already been partially dissolved at the seafloor. Despite corrosion, there was no difference in Mg/Ca of Pulleniatina obliquiloculata between cleaning methods. Reductive cleaning decreased Mg/Ca by an average (all depths) of ~ 4% for Globigerinoides ruber white and ~ 10% for Neogloboquadrina dutertrei. Mg/Ca of Globigerinoides sacculifer (above the calcite saturation horizon only) was 5% lower after reductive cleaning. The decrease in Mg/Ca due to reductive cleaning appeared insensitive to preservation state for G. ruber, N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata. Mg/Ca of Cd-cleaned G. sacculifer appeared less sensitive to dissolution than that of Mg-cleaned. Mg-cleaning is adequate, but SEM and contaminants (Al/Ca, Fe/Ca and Mn/Ca) show that Cd-cleaning is more effective for porous species. A second aspect of the study addressed sample loss during cleaning. Lower yield after Cd-cleaning for G. ruber, G. sacculifer and N. dutertrei confirmed this to be the more aggressive method. Strongest correlations between yield and Delta[CO3^2-] in core-top samples were for Cd-cleaned G. ruber (r = 0.88, p = 0.020) and Cd-cleaned P. obliquiloculata (r = 0.68, p = 0.030). In a down-core record (WIND28K) correlation, r, between yield values > 30% and dissolution index, XDX, was -0.61 (p = 0.002). Where cleaning yield < 30% most Mg-cleaned Mg/Ca values were biased by dissolution.


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The Western Boundary Undercurrent (WBUC), off eastern America, is an important component of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation and is the principal route for southward transport of North Atlantic waters and southward return of Southern Source Water (SSW). Here a direct flow speed proxy (mean grain size of the sortable silt) is used to infer the vigour of flow of the palaeo-WBUC at Blake Outer Ridge, (ODP Site 1060, depth 3481 m) during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. The overall shape of the flow speed proxy record shows a complex pattern of variability, with generally more vigorous flow and larger-scale flow variations between 35 and 60 ka than in the younger part of MIS 3 and MIS 2 (b35 ka). Six events of reduced bottom flow vigour (Slow Events, SEs) occur. These appear uncorrelated with Heinrich events, but are instead synchronous with the warming phases of Antarctic Warm Events A-1 to A-4 (with one new one, A-1a and one poorly defined, 'A-0'). This indicates that Antarctic climate exerts a stronger control on deep flow vigour in the North Atlantic during MIS 3 than Northern Hemisphere climate. The correspondence of SEs with Antarctic warming suggests a weaker WBUC flow due to reduced volume flux at SSW source or reduced SSW density. Because the variability of the lower limb of the WBUC was not connected to sharp North Atlantic changes in temperature, it is unlikely that the Dansgaard/Oeschger cycles were associated with a mode of MOC variation involving wholeocean overturn, but more likely with perturbations of only the shallow Glacial Gulf Stream-Glacial Northern Source Intermediate Water cell. Nutrient proxies (benthic carbon isotopes and Cd/Ca of Uvigerina peregrina) at this site show similar trends to the GRIP delta18O record. This correlation has previously been attributed mainly to hydrographic and flow changes but is here shown to be better explained by variations in surface ocean productivity and subsequent decomposition of 12C rich organic material on the sea floor.