44 resultados para Frost heave, Fine content, Laboratory, Frost heave test, Thermal conductivity


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Ocean acidification and associated shifts in carbonate chemistry speciation induced by increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) have the potential to impact marine biota in various ways. The process of biogenic calcification, for instance, is usually shown to be negatively affected. In coccolithophores, an important group of pelagic calcifiers, changes in cellular calcification rates in response to changing ocean carbonate chemistry appear to differ among species. By applying a wider CO2 range we show that a species previously reported insensitive to seawater acidification, Coccolithusbraarudii, responds both in terms of calcification and photosynthesis, although at higher levels of CO2. Thus, observed differences between species seem to be related to individual sensitivities while the underlying mechanisms could be the same. On this basis we develop a conceptual model of coccolithophorid calcification and photosynthesis in response to CO2-induced changes in seawater carbonate chemistry speciation.


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Frost flowers are ice crystals that grow on refreezing sea ice leads in Polar Regions by wicking brine from the sea ice surface and accumulating vapor phase condensate. These crystals contain high concentrations of mercury (Hg) and are believed to be a source of reactive halogens, but their role in Hg cycling and impact on the fate of Hg deposited during atmospheric mercury depletion events (AMDEs) are not well understood. We collected frost flowers growing on refreezing sea ice near Barrow, Alaska (U.S.A.) during an AMDE in March 2009 and measured Hg concentrations and Hg stable isotope ratios in these samples to determine the origin of Hg associated with the crystals. We observed decreasing Delta199Hg values in the crystals as they grew from new wet frost flowers (mean Delta199Hg = 0.77 ± 0.13 per mil, 1 s.d.) to older dry frost flowers (mean Delta199Hg = 0.10 ± 0.05 per mil, 1 s.d.). Over the same time period, mean Hg concentrations in these samples increased from 131 ± 6 ng/L (1 s.d.) to 180 ± 28 ng/L (1 s.d.). Coupled with a previous study of Hg isotopic fractionation during AMDEs, these results suggest that Hg initially deposited to the local snowpack was subsequently reemitted during photochemical reduction reactions and ultimately accumulated on the frost flowers. As a result of this process, frost flowers may lead to enhanced local retention of Hg deposited during AMDEs and may increase Hg loading to the Arctic Ocean.


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The chemistry of snow and ice cores from Svalbard is influenced by variations in local sea ice margin and distance to open water. Snow pits sampled at two summits of Vestfonna ice cap (Nordaustlandet, Svalbard), exhibit spatially heterogeneous soluble ions concentrations despite similar accumulation rates, reflecting the importance of small-scale weather patterns on this island ice cap. The snow pack on the western summit shows higher average values of marine ions and a winter snow layer that is relatively depleted in sulphate. One part of the winter snow pack exhibits a [SO4-/Na+] ratio reduced by two thirds compared with its ratio in sea water. This low sulphate content in winter snow is interpreted as the signature of frost flowers, which are formed on young sea ice when offshore winds predominate. Frost flowers have been described as the dominant source of sea salt to aerosol and precipitation in ice cores in coastal Antarctica but this is the first time their chemical signal has been described in the Arctic. The eastern summit does not show any frost flower signature and we interpret the unusually dynamic ice transport and rapid formation of thin ice on the Hinlopen Strait as the source of the frost flowers.


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Efforts to evaluate the response of coral larvae to global climate change (GCC) and ocean acidification (OA) typically employ short experiments of fixed length, yet it is unknown how the response is affected by exposure duration. In this study, we exposed larvae from the brooding coral Pocillopora damicornis to contrasts of temperature (24.00 °C [ambient] versus 30.49 °C) and pCO2 (49.4 Pa versus 86.2 Pa) for varying periods (1-5 days) to test the hypothesis that exposure duration had no effect on larval response as assessed by protein content, respiration, Symbiodinium density, and survivorship; exposure times were ecologically relevant compared to representative pelagic larval durations (PLD) for corals. Larvae differed among days for all response variables, and the effects of the treatment were relatively consistent regardless of exposure duration for three of the four response variables. Protein content and Symbiodinium density were unaffected by temperature and pCO2, but respiration increased with temperature (but not pCO2) with the effect intensifying as incubations lengthened. Survival, however, differed significantly among treatments at the end of the study, and by the 5th day, 78% of the larvae were alive and swimming under ambient temperature and ambient pCO2, but only 55-59% were alive in the other treatments. These results demonstrate that the physiological effects of temperature and pCO2 on coral larvae can reliably be detected within days, but effects on survival require > or = 5 days to detect. The detection of time-dependent effects on larval survivorship suggests that the influence of GCC and OA will be stronger for corals having long PLDs.


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Coastal communities around the world face increasing risk from flooding as a result of rising sea level, increasing storminess, and land subsidence. Salt marshes can act as natural buffer zones, providing protection from waves during storms. However, the effectiveness of marshes in protecting the coastline during extreme events when water levels and waves are highest is poorly understood. Here, we experimentally assess wave dissipation under storm surge conditions in a 300-m-long wave flume that contains a transplanted section of natural salt marsh. We find that the presence of marsh vegetation causes considerable wave attenuation, even when water levels and waves are high. From a comparison with experiments without vegetation, we estimate that up to 60% of observed wave reduction is attributed to vegetation. We also find that although waves progressively flatten and break vegetation stems and thereby reduce dissipation, the marsh substrate remained remarkably stable and resistant to surface erosion under all conditions.The effectiveness of storm wave dissipation and the resilience of tidal marshes even at extreme conditions suggest that salt marsh ecosystems can be a valuable component of coastal protection schemes.


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Bulk chemical fine-grained sediment compositions from southern Victoria Land glacimarine sediments provide significant constraints on the reconstruction of sediment provenance models in the McMurdo Sound during Late Cenozoic time. High-resolution (~ 1 ka) geochemical data were obtained with a non-destructive AVAATECH XRF Core Scanner (XRF-CS) on the 1285 m long ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf Project (MIS) sediment core AND-1B. This data set is complemented by high-precision chemical analyses (XRF and ICP-OES) on discrete samples. Statistical analyses reveal three geochemical facies which are interpreted to represent the following sources for the sediments recovered in the AND-1B core: 1) local McMurdo Volcanic Group (MVG) rocks, 2) Transantarctic Mountain rocks west of Ross Island (W TAM), and 3) Transantarctic Mountain rocks from more southerly areas (S TAM). Data indicate in combination with other sediment facies analyses (McKay et al., 2009, doi:10.1130/B26540.1) and provenance scenarios (Talarico and Sandroni, 2009, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2009.04.007) that diamictites at the drill site are largely dominated by local sources (MVG) and are interpreted to indicate cold polar conditions with dry-based ice. MVG is interpreted to indicate cold polar condition with dry-based ice. A mixture of MVG and W TAM is interpreted to represent polar conditions and the S TAM facies is interpreted to represent open-marine conditions. Down-core variations in geochemical facies in the AND-1B core are interpreted to represent five major paleoclimate phases over the past 14 Ma. Cold polar conditions with major MVG influence occur below 1045 mbsf and above 120 mbsf. A section of warmer climate conditions with extensive peaks of S TAM influence characterizes the rest of the core, which is interrupted by a section from 525 to 855 mbsf of alternating influences of MVG and W TAM.


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Frost flowers have been proposed to be the major source of sea-salt aerosol to the atmosphere during polar winter and a source of reactive bromine during polar springtime. However little is known about their bulk chemical composition or microstructure, two important factors that may affect their ability to produce aerosols and provide chemically reactive surfaces for exchange with the atmosphere. Therefore, we chemically analyzed 28 samples of frost flowers and parts of frost flowers collected from sea ice off of northern Alaska. Our results support the proposed mechanism for frost flower growth that suggests water vapor deposition forms an ice skeleton that wicks brine present on newly grown sea ice. We measured a high variability in sulfate enrichment factors (with respect to chloride) in frost flowers and seawater from the vicinity of freezing sea ice. The variability in sulfate indicates that mirabilite precipitation (Na2SO4 x 10 H2O) occurs during frost flower growth. Brine wicked up by frost flowers is typically sulfate depleted, in agreement with the theory that frost flowers are related to sulfate-depleted aerosol observed in Antarctica. The bromide enrichment factors we measured in frost flowers are within error of seawater composition, constraining the direct reactive losses of bromide from frost flowers. We combined the chemical composition measurements with temperature observations to create a conceptual model of possible scenarios for frost flower microstructure development.


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The Arctic sea-ice environment has been undergoing dramatic changes in the past decades; to which extent this will affect the deposition, fate, and effects of chemical contaminants remains virtually unknown. Here, we report the first study on the distribution and transport of mercury (Hg) across the ocean-sea-ice-atmosphere interface in the Southern Beaufort Sea of the Arctic Ocean. Despite being sampled at different sites under various atmospheric and snow cover conditions, Hg concentrations in first-year ice cores were generally low and varied within a remarkably narrow range (0.5-4 ng/L), with the highest concentration always in the surface granular ice layer which is characterized by enriched particle and brine pocket concentration. Atmospheric Hg depletion events appeared not to be an important factor in determining Hg concentrations in sea ice except for frost flowers and in the melt season when snowpack Hg leaches into the sea ice. The multiyear ice core showed a unique cyclic feature in the Hg profile with multiple peaks potentially corresponding to each ice growing/melting season. The highest Hg concentrations (up to 70 ng/L) were found in sea-ice brine and decrease as the melt season progresses. As brine is the primary habitat for microbial communities responsible for sustaining the food web in the Arctic Ocean, the high and seasonally changing Hg concentrations in brine and its potential transformation may have a major impact on Hg uptake in Arctic marine ecosystems under a changing climate.