100 resultados para Fairclough, Norman
Calcareous plankton biostratigraphy (foraminifers and nannoplankton) and magnetostratigraphy of the upper Oligocene to Pleistocene have been studied in hydraulic piston Cores 516-1 to 516-44, 516A-5 to 516A-11, and 516F-1 to 516F-11, Rio Grande Rise (water depth 1313 m). Some 80 biostratigraphic datum events have been correlated to the magnetic polarity stratigraphy over an interval representing the Matuyama to Chron 5, and Chrons 16 to 23. Coring disturbance and biostratigraphic evidence of a condensed section preclude unambiguous identification of polarity or biostratigraphic events over an approximately 30-m interval in the middle and upper Miocene. Sedimentation rates varied considerably during the Neogene, but an abnormally thick upper Oligocene and lower Miocene section allows a high degree of magnetobiochronologic resolution. A new planktonic foraminiferal zonation for the Miocene completes the midlatitude Neogene zonation of the South Atlantic. Important magnetobiostratigraphic correlations at Site 516 and their estimated magnetochronology include: (1) Oligocene/ Miocene boundary = first appearance datum (FAD) Globorotalia kugleri = last appearance datum (LAD) Reticulofenestra bisecta = mid-Anomaly 6C (Chron 23) = 23.7 Ma; (2) Aquitanian/Burdigalian boundary = LAD G. kugleri = between base Anomaly 6A and top of unnumbered anomaly between 6A and 6B (Chron 21) = 21.8 Ma; (3) Zone N6/N7 boundary = LAD Catapsydrax dissimilis (= FAD G. pseudomiozea and G. zealandica) = Chron 16/17 boundary = 17.6 Ma; (4) early/middle Miocene (= Burdigalian/Langhian) boundary = FAD Praeorbulina sicana = midpart of Anomaly 5C (Chron 16) = 16.6 Ma or FAD P. glomerosa = just above Anomaly 5C (inferred) = 16.3 Ma; (5) Zone N8/N9 boundary = FAD Orbulina suturalis above Anomaly 5C (later part Chron 16, inferred); (6) Miocene/ Pliocene boundary = LAD Globoquadrina dehiscens LAD Globorotalia lenguaensis = basal Gilbert Chron = 5.3 Ma.
Oceanic zircon trace element and Hf-isotope geochemistry offers a means to assess the magmatic evolution of a dying spreading ridge and provides an independent evaluation of the reliability of oceanic zircon as an indicator of mantle melting conditions. The Macquarie Island ophiolite in the Southern Ocean provides a unique testing ground for this approach due to its formation within a mid-ocean ridge that gradually changed into a transform plate boundary. Detrital zircon recovered from the island records this change through a progressive enrichment in incompatible trace elements. Oligocene age (33-27 Ma) paleo-detrital zircon in ophiolitic sandstones and breccias interbedded with pillow basalt have trace element compositions akin to a MORB crustal source, whereas Late Miocene age (8.5 Ma) modern-detrital zircon collected from gabbroic colluvium on the island have highly enriched compositions unlike typical oceanic zircon. This compositional disparity between age populations is not complimented by analytically equivalent eHf data that primarily ranges from 14 to 13 for sandstone and modern-detrital populations. A wider compositional range for the sandstone population reflects a multiple pluton source provenance and is augmented by a single cobble clast with eHf equivalent to the maximum observed composition in the sandstone (~17). Similar sandstone and colluvium Hf-isotope signatures indicate inheritance from a similar mantle reservoir that was enriched from the depleted MORB mantle average. The continuity in Hf-isotope signature relative to trace element enrichment in Macquarie Island zircon populations, suggests the latter formed by reduced partial melting linked to spreading-segment shortening and transform lengthening along the dying spreading ridge.
To address growing concern over the effects of fisheries non-target catch on elasmobranchs worldwide, the accurate reporting of elasmobranch catch is essential. This requires data on a combination of measures, including reported landings, retained and discarded non-target catch, and post-discard survival. Identification of the factors influencing discard vs. retention is needed to improve catch estimates and to determine wasteful fishing practices. To do this we compared retention rates of elasmobranch non-target catch in a broad subset of fisheries throughout the world by taxon, fishing country, and gear. A regression tree and random forest analysis indicated that taxon was the most important determinant of retention in this dataset, but all three factors together explained 59% of the variance. Estimates of total elasmobranch removals were calculated by dividing the FAO global elasmobranch landings by average retention rates and suggest that total elasmobranch removals may exceed FAO reported landings by as much as 400%. This analysis is the first effort to directly characterize global drivers of discards for elasmobranch non-target catch. Our results highlight the importance of accurate quantification of retention and discard rates to improve assessments of the potential impacts of fisheries on these species.
Over most of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean a hiatus is present between the lower upper Maastrichtian and lowermost Tertiary deposits; sedimentation resumed ~200 ka (upper zone Pla) after the K-T boundary. Current-bedded volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Sites 536 and 540, which were previously interpreted as impact-generated megawave deposits of K-T boundary age, are biostratigraphically of pre-K-T boundary age and probably represent turbidite or gravity-How deposits. The top 10 to 20 cm of this deposit at Site 536 contains very rare Micula prinsii, the uppermost Maastrichtian index taxon, as well as low values of Ir (0.6 pbb) and rare Ni-rich spinels. These indicate possible reworking of sediments of K-T boundary age at the hiatus. Absence of continuous sediment accumulation across the K-T boundary in the 16 Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean sections examined prevents their providing evidence of impact-generated megawave deposits in this region. Our study indicates that the most complete trans-K-T stratigraphic records may be found in onshore marine sections of Mexico, Cuba, and Haiti. The stratigraphic records of these areas should be investigated further for evidence of impact deposits.
Oxygen and carbon isotopic records have been developed for the Cenozoic carbonate oozes of Sites 752, 754, 756, and 757 based on the analysis of monospecific benthic foraminifers. The intent of this report is to provide a basic isotopic stratigraphy for use in other paleoceanographic studies. The oxygen isotope record displays the enrichments associated with cooling or ice volume buildup at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, in the middle Miocene, and in the upper Pliocene. The carbon isotopic record contains the Chron 16 enrichment in the lower Miocene and the Chron 6 depletion in the uppermost Miocene.
The compatibility of vanadium (V) during mantle melting is a function of oxygen fugacity (fO2): at high fO2's, V becomes more incompatible. The prospects and limitations of using the V content of peridotites as a proxy for paleo-fO2 at the time of melt extraction were investigated here by assessing the uncertainties in V measurements and the sensitivity of V as a function of degree of melt extracted and fO2. V-MgO and V-Al2O3 systematics were found to be sensitive to fO2 variations, but consideration of the uncertainties in measurements and model parameters indicates that V is sensitive only to relative fO2 differences greater than ~2 log units. Post-Archean oceanic mantle peridotites, as represented by abyssal peridotites and obducted massif peridotites, have V-MgO and -Al2O3 systematics that can be modeled by 1.5 GPa melting between FMQ - 3 and FMQ - 1. This is consistent with fO2's of the mantle source for mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) as determined by the Fe3+ activity of peridotitic minerals and basaltic glasses. Some arc-related peridotites have slightly lower V for a given degree of melting than oceanic mantle peridotites, and can be modeled by 1.5 GPa melting at fO2's as high as FMQ. However, the majority of arc-related peridotites have V-MgO systematics overlapping that of oceanic mantle peridotites, suggesting that although some arc mantle may melt under slightly oxidizing conditions, most arc mantle does not. The fact that thermobarometrically determined fO2's in arc peridotites and lavas can be significantly higher than that inferred from V systematics, suggests that V retains a record of the fO2 during partial melting, whereas the activity of Fe3+ in arc peridotitic minerals and lavas reflect subsequent metasomatic overprints and magmatic differentiation/emplacement processes, respectively. Peridotites associated with middle to late Archean cratonic mantle are characterized by highly variable V-MgO systematics. Tanzanian cratonic peridotites have V systematics indistinguishable from post-Archean oceanic mantle and can be modeled by 3 GPa partial melting at ~FMQ - 3. In contrast, many South African and Siberian cratonic peridotites have much lower V contents for a given degree of melting, suggesting at first glance that partial melting occurred at high fO2's. More likely, however, their unusually low V contents for a given degree of melting may be artifacts of excess orthopyroxene, a feature that pervades many South African and Siberian peridotites but not the Tanzanian peridotites. This is indicated by the fact that the V contents of South African and Siberian peridotites are correlated with increases in SiO2 content, generating data arrays that cannot be modeled by partial melting but can instead be generated by the addition of orthopyroxene through processes unrelated to primary melt depletion. Correction for orthopyroxene addition suggests that the South African and Siberian peridotites have V-MgO systematics similar to those of Tanzanian peridotites. Thus, if the Tanzanian peridotites represent the original partial melting residues, and if the South African and Siberian peridotites have been modified by orthopyroxene addition, then there is no indication that Archean cratonic mantle formed under fO2's significantly greater than that of modern oceanic mantle. Instead, the fO2's inferred from the V systematics in these three cratonic peridotite suites are within range of modern oceanic mantle. This also suggests that the transition from a highly reducing mantle in equilibrium with a metallic core to the present oxidized state must have occurred by late Archean times.
In arctic populations of Macrothrix hirsuticornis life cycles are mainly governed by temperature. This was found by using laboratory cultures in combination with the analysis of population samples from waters in Svalbard. In arctic waters ex-ephippio-++ usually produce gamogenetic F1-++ together with a high percentage of oo, which have to fertilize the resting eggs. Temperatures around 14°C, which are very rare in waters of Svalbard, will induce parthenogenetic oo in the F1 and even the F2-generation, a mode of reproduction normally found in Macrothrix-populations of Central Europe. This was found in laboratory cultures of M. hirsuticornis from Bear Island, and there was evidence, that a similar cycle occurs in warm wells in Spitsbergen. The arctic distribution of M. hirsuticornis mainly depends on temperature, which regulates the speed of individual development. But this can only be understood together with the length of time, during which suitable life conditions are given. Physiological adaptations to life in waters in high latitudes could not be found, in spite of the extreme northern occurrence of M. hirsuticornis.
Knowledge of the biology of deep-sea benthic foraminifera was used to interpret the results of multivariate analyses (factor and cluster) on relative abundance data of benthic foraminifera at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 219 (southeastern Arabian Sea; 1764 m depth) in combination with carbon and oxygen isotope data. Faunal data document major changes in deep-sea ventilation and productivity over the past 5.5 Ma, including the end of the Miocene-Pliocene Indo-Pacific 'biogenic bloom' period at ~4.0 Ma. Interestingly, there is no simple correlation between high productivity and low oxygenation. Productivity fluctuated but became overall more pulsed, whereas overall oxygenation increased. We interpret the records as a combination of local to regional fluctuations in productivity probably caused by changes in monsoonal development, particularly its seasonality, and changes in oxygenation of intermediate depth waters in the Indian Ocean caused by global changes in climate and ocean circulation.
This contribution summarizes the biostratigraphy of planktonic foraminifers, calcareous nannofossils, and benthic foraminifers, in combination with the magnetostratigraphy, carbon and oxygen isotope stratigraphy of benthic foraminifers, and CaCO3 stratigraphy for the Maestrichtian through Paleogene calcareous sequences recovered at Sites 689 and 690 on Maud Rise (at about 65°S, eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica). These data represent the southernmost calciumcarbonate record available for that interval, and thus extend the biostratigraphic and isotopic database to higher latitudes. Sites 689 and 690 form the southernmost anchor of a north-south transect through the Atlantic Ocean for Paleogene biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy.