60 resultados para Elizabeth (Ship)
The numbers and distributions of Peary caribou (Rangiier tarandus pearyi) on western Queen Elizabeth Islands, Northwest Territories were determined by aerial surveys based on a standard census strip method. Surveys were flown in March-April and July-August periods in 1972, 1973, and 1974. Comparison of the 1973 and 1974 survevs with those results of a comparable survey in 1961 showed an overall decline of 89% in numbers of caribou between 1961 and 1974. Percentage reduction of caribou numbers from 1961 to 1874 followed a west-cast gradient on the three major islands: Prince Patrick 72%, Melville 87% , and Bathurst 92%. The marked decrease in numbers of caribou is attributed to a combination of high winter mortality in some years and an overall low rate of births and recruitment from 1961 to 1974.
The hydraulic effect of asymmetric compound bedforms on tidal currents was assessed from field measurements of flow velocity in the Knudedyb tidal inlet, Denmark. Large asymmetric bedforms with smaller superimposed ones are a common feature of sandy shallow water environments and are known to act as hydraulic roughness elements in dependence with flow direction. The presence of a flow separation zone on the bedform lee was estimated through analysis of the measured velocity directions and the calculation of the flow separation line. The Law of the Wall was used to calculate roughness lengths and shear velocities from log-linear segments sought on transect-averaged and single-location velocity profiles. During the ebb tide a permanent flow separation zone was established over the steep (10-20°) lee sides of the ebb-oriented primary bedforms, which generated a consequent drag on the flow. During the flood, no flow separation was induced by the gentle (2°) lee side of the primary bedforms except over the steepest (10°) part of the lee side where a small separation zone was sometimes observed. As a result, hydraulic roughness was only due to the superimposed bedforms. The parameterized flow separation line was found to underestimate the length of the flow separation zone of the primary bedforms. A better estimation of the presence and shape of the flow separation zone over complex bedforms in a tidal environment still needs to be determined; in particular the relationship between flow separation zone and bedform geometry (asymmetry, relative height or slope of the lee side) is unclear. This would improve the prediction of complex bedform roughness in tidal flows.