21 resultados para E3 ligase


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The Gurile Dunarii 1978 dataset contains zooplankton data collected in May and October 1978 in 14 station allong 3 transect in front of the Danube Delta (45°05' - 44°45'N, 30°02'- 29°27'E). Zooplankton sampling was undertaken at 14 stations where samples were collected using a Juday closing net in the 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 and 40-50m layer (depending also on the water masses). The dataset includes samples analysed for mesozooplankton species composition and abundance. Sampling volume was estimated by multiplying the mouth area with the wire length. Taxon-specific mesozooplankton abundance was count under microscope. Total abundance is the sum of the counted individuals. Total biomass Fodder, Rotifera , Ctenophora and Noctiluca was estimated using a tabel with wet weight for each species an stage.


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The compositions of natural glasses and phenocrysts in basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 501, 504, and 505, near the Costa Rica Rift, constitute evidence for the existence of a periodically replenished axial magma chamber that repeatedly erupted lavas of remarkably uniform composition. Magma compositions were affected by three general components: (1) injected magmas carrying (in decreasing order of abundance) Plagioclase, olivine, and chrome-spinel phenocrysts (spinel assemblage); (2) injected magmas carrying Plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and olivine phenocrysts, but no spinel (clinopyroxene assemblage); and (3) moderately evolved hybrids in the magma chamber itself. The compositions of the injected phenocrysts and minerals in glomerocrysts are as follows: Plagioclase - An85-94; olivine - Fo87-89; clinopyroxene - high Cr2O3 (0.7-1.1%), endiopside (Wo42En51Fs7), and aluminous chromian spinel (Cr/Cr + Al = 0.3). These minerals resemble those thought to occur in upper mantle sources (9 kbars and less) of ocean-ridge basalts and to crystallize in magmas near those sources. In the magma chamber, more sodic Plagioclase (An79-85), less magnesian olivine (Fo81-86) and low-Cr2O3 (0.1-0.4%) clinopyroxene formed rims on these crystals, grew as other phenocrysts, and formed cumulus segregations on the walls and floors of the magma chamber. In the spinel-assemblage magmas, magnesiochromite (Cr/Cr + Al = 0.4-0.5) also formed. Some cumulus segregations were later entrained in lavas as xenoliths. The glass compositions define 16 internally homogeneous eruptive units, 13 of which are in stratigraphic order in a single hole, Hole 504B, which was drilled 561.5 meters into the ocean crust. These units are defined as differing from each other by more than analytical uncertainty in one or more oxides. However, many of the glass groups in Hole 504B show virtually no differences in TiO2 contents, Mg/Mg + Fe2+, or normative An/An + Ab, all of which are sensitive indicators of crystallization differentiation. The differences are so small that they are only apparent in the glass compositions; they are almost completely obscured in whole-rock samples by the presence of phenocrysts and the effects of alteration. Moreover, several of the glass units at different depths in Hole 504B are compositionally identical, with all oxides falling within the range of analytical uncertainty, with only small variations in the rest of the suite. The repetition of identical chemical types requires (1) very regular injection of magmas into the magma chamber, (2) extreme similarity of injected magmas, and (3) displacement of very nearly the same proportion of the magmas in the chamber at each injection. Numerical modeling and thermal considerations have led some workers to propose the existence of such conditions at certain types of spreading centers, but the lava and glass compositions at Hole 504B represent the first direct evidence revealed by drilling of the existence of a compositionally nearly steady-state magma chamber, and this chapter examines the processes acting in it in some detail. The glass groups that are most similar are from clinopyroxene-assemblage lavas, which have a range of Mg/Mg + Fe2"1" of 0.59 to 0.65. Spinel-assemblage basalts are less evolved, with Mg/Mg + Fe2+ of 0.65 to 0.69, but both types have nearly identical normative An/An + Ab (0.65-0.66). However, the two lava types contain megacrysts (olivine, Plagioclase, clinopyroxene) that crystallized from melts with Mg/Mg + Fe2+ values of 0.70 to 0.72. Projection of glass compositions into ternary normative systems suggests that spinel-assemblage magmas originated deeper in the mantle than clinopyroxene-assemblage magmas, and mineral data indicate that the two types followed different fractionation paths before reaching the magma chamber. The two magma types therefore represent neither a low- nor a high-pressure fractionation sequence. Some of the spinel-assemblage magmas may have had picritic parents, but were coprecipitating all of the spinel-assemblage phenocrysts before reaching the magma chamber. Clinopyroxene-assemblage magmas did not have picritic parents, but the compositions of phenocrysts suggest that they originated at about 9 kbars, near the transition between plagioclase peridotite and spinel peridotite in the mantle. Two glass groups have higher contents of alkalis, TiO2, and P2O5 than the others, evidently as a result of the compositions of mantle sources. Eruption of these lavas implies that conduits and chambers containing magmas from dissimilar sources were not completely interconnected on the Costa Rica Rift. The data are used to draw comparisons with the East Pacific Rise and to consider the mechanisms that may have prevented the eruption of ferrobasalts at these sites.


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In the Tromper Wiek northeast of Rügen, acoustical investigations using Air Gun, Boomer, Chirp Sonar and Sediment-Echosounder were carried out. Together with sediment core information, it allowed the identification of five seismostratigraphic units (E1 to E5). Conventional and AMS-14C-datings supported their chronostratigraphical classification. The uppermost till (E1) was incised by late glacial channels filled with glaciolacustrine sediments (E2) of the early Baltic Ice Lake stages. These were regionally overlain with a sharp unconformity by a thick (locally >20 m) sedimentary complex (E3) of acoustically laminated silts of freshwater origin. This lower part of the E3-complex (E3a) is overlain by fluvial to coastal silty fine sands (E3b) deeper towards the Arkona Basin. Fine plant debris in the uppermost part of sub-unit E3a yielded ages of 10,100 and 10,500 14C-years B.P., representing the final phase of the Baltic Ice Lake. The fine sands of sub-unit E3b were deposited after the final drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake. In the shallower central part of the bay, the silts of sub-unit E3a were covered by a younger unit (E4) of fine sand with plant debris. A sedge peat occurring at the basis of unit E4 yielded an age of 9,590 14C-years B.P. The fine sands overlying the unit E3 in the central part of Tromper Wiek were deposited in the Ancylus Lake. Their position at about 20 m below present sea level (b.s.l.) reflects the maximum highstand in this area. The character and distribution of the Early Holocene deposits at greater depth suggest a lake water level at about 30 m b.s.l. after this highstand. Below 25 m b.s.l. muddy Littorina Sea sediments are observed. The thickness of these muds and sandy muds increases gradually towards the Arkona Basin. Locally, they are found in a channel-like structure immediately north of Jasmund.


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An in situ iron enrichment experiment was carried out in the Southern Ocean Polar Frontal Zone and fertilized a patch of water within an eddy of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (EisenEx, Nov. 2000). During the experiment, a physical speciation technique was used for iron analysis in order to understand the changes in iron distribution and size-fractionations, including soluble Fe (<200 kDa), colloidal Fe (200 kDa-0.2 µm) and labile particle Fe (>0.2 µm), throughout the development of the phytoplankton bloom. Prior to the first infusion of iron, dissolved (<0.2 µm) iron concentrations in the ambient surface seawater were extremely low (0.06±0.015 nM) with colloidal iron being a minor fraction. For the iron addition, an acidified FeSO4 solution was released three times over a 23-day period to the eddy. High levels of dissolved iron concentrations (2.0±1.1 nM) were measured in the surface water until 4 days after the first iron infusion. After every iron infusion, when high iron concentrations were observed before storm events, there was a significant correlation between colloidal and dissolved iron concentrations ([Colloidal Fe]=0.7627[Dissolved Fe]+0.0519, R2=0.9346). These results indicate that a roughly constant proportion of colloidal vs. dissolved iron was observed after iron infusion (~76%). Storm events caused a significant decrease in iron concentrations (<0.61 nM in dissolved iron) and changed the proportions of the three iron size-fractions (soluble, colloidal and labile particle). The changes in each iron size-fraction indicate that colloidal iron was eliminated from surface mixed layer more easily than particulate and soluble fractions. Therefore, particle and soluble iron efficiently remain in the mixed layer, probably due to the presence of suspended particles and naturally dissolved organic ligands. Our data suggest that iron removal through colloidal aggregation during phytoplankton bloom should be considered in the oceanic iron cycle.