68 resultados para Cu-Al-Mn alloy
The effects of eutrophication on short term changes in the microbial community were investigated using high resolution lipid biomarker and trace metal data for sediments from the eutrophic Lake Rotsee (Switzerland). The lake has been strongly influenced by sewage input since the 1850s and is an ideal site for studying an anthropogenically altered ecosystem. Historical remediation measures have had direct implications for productivity and microbial biota, leading to community composition changes and abundance shifts. The higher sewage and nutrient input resulted in a productivity increase, which led predominantly to a radiation in diatoms, primary producers and methanogens between about 1918 and 1921, but also affected all microorganism groups and macrophytes between about 1958 and 1972. Bacterial biomass increased in 1933, which may have been related to the construction of a mechanical sewage treatment plant. Biomarkers also allowed tracing of fossil organic matter/biodegraded oil contamination in the lake. Stephanodiscus parvus, Cyclotella radiosa and Asterionella formosa were the dominant sources of specific diatom biomarkers. Since the 1850s, the cell density of methanogenic Archaea (Methanosaeta spp.) ranged within ca. 0.5-1.8 x 10**9 cells/g dry sediment and the average lipid content of Rotsee Archaea was ca. 2.2 fg iGDGTs/cell. An altered BIT index (BITCH), indicating changes in terrestrial organic matter supply to the lake, is proposed.
The main objective of this investigation was to study distribution of main chemical constituents and several minor elements in sediment sections drilled during DSDP Legs 56 and 57 in the Japan Trench, in order to infer geochemical features of different lithologic types of sediments, and to find out how the geochemistry is associated with major lithologic constituents, such as terrigenous detrital matter, clay, volcanic ash, and biogenic particles. The geochemical data may help to indicate the nature of the sediments and to interpret sedimentation processes. The analyzed samples seem to be representative of most lithologic units, sub-units, and sediment types drilled at all sites on both legs, except for some shallow-water deposits at Sites 438 and 439. We analyzed bulk-sediment composition by X-ray fluorescence (Kuzmina and Turanskaya) and routine wet-chemical methods (Mikhailov); amorphous SiO2, extracted in a boiling sodium carbonate solution (Analythical Laboratory, P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology); Cr, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, and Al by atomic absorption (Gordeev); and Sn, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, V, B, and Ag by quantitative spectrographic analyses in both bulk samples and granulometric fractions (Mikhailov). In addition, Fe, Ti, Mn, and CaCO3 have been determined in selected samples by routine wet-chemical methods (Analytical Laboratory, P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology). Murdmaa was responsible for interpretation of the results.
Inorganic geochemistry and mineralogy of Core 171B-1049C-8X, containing a Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary section, was investigated by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The ages of samples analyzed stretched from the latest Maastrichtian into the Danian. XRD measurements were made using the peak height method. A reduction in low-magnesium calcite and an increase in quartz were found above the spherule layer. Substantial amounts of dolomite were noted just above the spherule layer. XRF analyses were performed using the RHSMALL program to measure the abundance of major and minor elements. Replicate analyses for each technique were performed to assess the precision of the results. The section above the spherule bed was found to be characterized by peaks in many elements, including Si, Al, Fe, and Mg, as well as the following elemental ratios: Fe/Al, Ni/Al, Zr/Rb, and Rb/Sr'. Above the spherule bed, there were significant reductions in Ca, Sr/Ca, Ti/Al, K/Al, Rb/Al, Cr/Al, Ba/Al, biogenic Ba, and excess P.
In this paper, we present new detailed data on the trace metal content of more than 200 shallow polar snow samples collected at various depths in numerous locations mainly in Antarctica and Greenland. The samples were collected in ultraclean plexiglass or teflon tubes from the walls of hand dug pits, using stringent contamination free techniques controlled by severe blank tests. They were then analysed for Na, Mg, K, Ca, Fe, Al, Mn, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn and Ag in clean room conditions by flameless atomic absorption, after a preconcentration step (by non boiling evaporation in teflon bulbs) which includes dissolving any solid particles by concentrated nitric and hydrofluoric acids. The overall precision on the measured concentrations is of the order of 10 % for all the metals except Pb (20 %) and Cd (35 %), using 95 % confidence limits. The data obtained are compared with those published previously in the literature. Part of these previous data are shown to be erroneously too high, probably because of con-tamination problems both during field collection and analysis.
Electron microprobe and X-ray diffraction data for north Pacific manganese nodules reveal that the transition metal distributions are controlled by the mineralogy. Microlayers rich in 10Å-manganates generally have high Mn/Fe ratios and positive correlations between Ni, Cu and Mn, and between Co and Fe. Microlayers rich in vernadite, on the other hand, show low Mn/Fe ratios, and Co, Ni and Cu all show positive correlations with Mn. The 10Å-manganates form mainly in porewaters with high Mn/Fe ratios. The Ni2+ and Cu2+ ions are post-depositionally incorporated into the interlayers of the manganates, whereas Co3+ is substituted for Fe3+ in ferric oxyhydroxides. In seawater with a low Mn/Fe ratio, on the other hand, the adsorption of positively charged ferric oxyhydroxides on negatively charged [MnO6] octahedral layers suppresses the growth of 10Å-manganates, enhancing the formation of vernadite. Positively charged hydroxides of Co3+, Ni2+ and Cu2+ are also adsorbed on the [MnO6] layers. These mechanisms of mineral formation and metal uptake are corroborated by data for other oceanic non-hydrothermal manganese nodules and crusts.
Heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) concentrations were determined in different tissues (muscle, kidney, liver, brain, gonads, heart and feathers) of Glaucous Gulls (Larus hyperboreus) from Bjornoya and Jan Mayen. The age and spatial dependent variations in heavy metals were quantified and interpreted in view of the three chemometric techniques, i.e. non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test, redundancy gradient analysis and detrended correspondence analysis. The Glaucous Gulls from Bjornoya contained significantly higher (p < 0.05) levels of Cd, Cu and Zn than those inhabited Jan Mayen. Adult birds were characterized by greater (p < 0.01) concentration of muscle, hepatic and renal heavy metals in comparison to chicks. Insignificantly higher slope constant Zn/Cd for the liver than for the kidney may reflect insignificant Cd exposure. Estimate of transfer factor (TF) allows us to assess variations in heavy metal concentrations during the individual development of Glaucous Gulls. It may be stated that there is a distinct increase of bioaccumulation of all the studied metals during subsequent stages of the bird life.
To establish a natural background and its temporal and spatial variability for the area around Casey Station in the Windmill Islands, East Antarctica, the authors studied major and trace element concentrations and the distribution of organic matter in marine and lacustrine sediments. A wide range of natural variability in trace metal concentrations was identified between sites and within a time scale of 9 ka (e.g., Ni 5-37 mg/kg, Cu 20-190 mg/kg, Zn 50-300 mg/kg, Pb 4.5- 34 mg/kg). TOC concentrations are as high as 3 wt.% at the marine sites and 20 wt.% at the lacustrine sites, and indicate highly productive ecosystems. These data provide a background upon which the extent of human impact can be established, and existing data indicate negligible levels of disturbance. Geochemical and lithological data for a lacustrine sediment core from Beall Lake confirm earlier interpretation of recent climatic changes based on diatom distribution, and the onset of deglaciation in the northern part of the Windmill Islands between 8.6 and 8.0 ka BP. The results demonstrate that geochemical and lithological data can not only be used to define natural background values, but also to assess long-term climatic changes of a specific environment. Other sites, however, preserve a completely different sedimentary record. Therefore, inferred climatic record, and differences between sites, can be ascribed to differences in elevation, distance from the shore, water depth, and local catchment features. The extreme level of spatial variability seems to be a feature of Antarctic coastal areas, and demonstrates that results obtained from a specific site cannot be easily generalized to a larger area.
Nd isotopes are useful tracers for paleoceanography due to the short Nd residence time in seawater and the large differences between the isotopic signatures of various geological reservoirs. Therefore, ?Nd variations reflect the geological history of individual oceanic basins. Using a differential dissolution technique, which extracts Nd isotopes of seawater trapped in MnO2 coatings and carbonates in marine sediment, we measured almost two hundred samples from ODP Sites 758 and 757 in the Northern Bay of Bengal covering the last 4 Ma. For the first time, we have shown a covariation between epsilon-Nd and d18O over at least the last 800 ka. We also show that from 4 Ma to 2.6 Ma, epsilon-Nd is almost constant and starts to fluctuate at 2.6 Ma when northern glaciations increased. From 2.6 Ma to 1 Ma the fluctuation period is close to 40 ka while from 1 Ma to present it is dominantly 100 ka. We attribute these findings to mixing between Himalayan river water (that ultimately originates as Indian summer monsoon rain) and normal Bay of Bengal seawater. Previous studies on seawater, using epsilon-Nd, d18O analyzed on planktonic foraminifera and sedimentary data, can be integrated into this model. A simple quantitative binary mixing model suggests that the summer monsoon rain was more intense during interglacial than glacial periods. During last glacial episode, the monsoon trajectory was deviated to the east. At a large scale, the Indian monsoon is fully controlled by the variations in Northern Hemisphere climate but with a complex response function to this forcing. Our study clearly establishes the large potential of Nd isotope data to evaluate the hydrological river regime during the Quaternary and its relationship with climate fluctuations, particularly when the sediment archive is sampled close to sediment sources.
A growing body of geologic evidence suggests that emplacement of the North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP) played a major role in global warming during the early Paleogene as well as in the transient Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) event. A ~5 million year record of major and trace element abundances spanning 56 to 51 Ma at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 401 and 549 confirms that the majority of NAIP volcanism occurred as subaerial flows. Thus the trace element records provide constraints on the nature and scope of the environmental impact of the NAIP during the late Paleocene-early Eocene interval. Subaerial volcanism would have injected mantle CO2 directly into the atmosphere, resulting in a more immediate increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas abundances than CO2 input through submarine volcanism. The lack of significant hydrothermalism contradicts recently proposed mechanisms for thermally destabilizing methane hydrate reservoirs during the PETM. Any connection between NAIP volcanism and PETM warming had to occur through the atmosphere.
Comparison of calcareous dinoflagellate cyst assemblages with Ba, Al, Mn, and Fe records from three sediment cores collected in the eastern Mediterranean Sea indicate that calcareous dinoflagellate cysts are generally resistant to postdepositional dissolution. Cyst association changes during and after sapropel S1 formation can therefore be closely related to variability in surface water productivity. Two groups of cysts are defined: those having highest abundances within the sapropelic and postsapropelic sediments. The temporal cyst distributions suggest increased freshwater input mainly from the Nile and a shallowing of the pycnocline as the most important processes increasing nutrient concentration in the photic zone, thus leading to increased productivity and organic carbon fluxes during sapropel formation. Furthermore, a general warming trend at the beginning of S1 formation and a slight salinity decrease are reconstructed.
Here, we present results from sediments collected in the Argentine Basin, a non-steady state depositional marine system characterized by abundant oxidized iron within methane-rich layers due to sediment reworking followed by rapid deposition. Our comprehensive inorganic data set shows that iron reduction in these sulfate and sulfide-depleted sediments is best explained by a microbially mediated process-implicating anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to iron reduction (Fe-AOM) as the most likely major mechanism. Although important in many modern marine environments, iron-driven AOM may not consume similar amounts of methane compared with sulfate-dependent AOM. Nevertheless, it may have broad impact on the deep biosphere and dominate both iron and methane cycling in sulfate-lean marine settings. Fe-AOM might have been particularly relevant in the Archean ocean, >2.5 billion years ago, known for its production and accumulation of iron oxides (in iron formations) in a biosphere likely replete with methane but low in sulfate. Methane at that time was a critical greenhouse gas capable of sustaining a habitable climate under relatively low solar luminosity, and relationships to iron cycling may have impacted if not dominated methane loss from the biosphere.
The bulk rock geochemistry and inoceramid isotopic composition from Cenomanian to Santonian, finely laminated, organic-rich black shales, recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 on Demerara Rise (western tropical North Atlantic), suggest persistent anoxic (free H2S) conditions within the sediments and short-term variations within a narrow range of anoxic to episodically dysoxic bottom waters over a ~15 Ma time interval. In addition to being organic-rich, the 50-90 m thick sections examined exhibit substantial bulk rock enrichments of Si, P, Ba, Cu, Mo, Ni, and Zn relative to World Average Shale. These observations point to high organic burial fluxes, likely driven by high primary production rates, which led to the establishment of intensely sulfidic pore waters and possibly bottom waters, as well as to the enrichments of Cr, Mo, U, and V in the sediments. At the same time, the irregular presence of benthic inoceramids and foraminifera in this facies demonstrates that the benthic environment could not have been continuously anoxic. The d13C and d15N values of the inoceramid shell organics provide no evidence of chemosymbiosis and are consistent with pelagic rain as being a significant food source. Demerara Rise inoceramids also exhibit well-defined, regularly spaced growth lines that are tracked by d13C and d18O variations in shell carbonate that cannot be simply explained by diagenesis. Instead, productivity variations in surface waters may have paced the growth of the shells during brief oxygenation events suitable for benthic inoceramid settlement. These inferences imply tight benthopelagic coupling and more dynamic benthic conditions than generally portrayed during black shale deposition. By invoking different temporal scales for geochemical and paleontological data, this study resolves recent contradictory conclusions (e.g., sulfidic sedimentary conditions versus dysoxic to suboxic benthic waters) drawn from studies of either sediment geochemistry or fossil distributions alone on Demerara Rise. This variability may be relevant for discussions of black shales in general.
Ferromanganese concretions from ten stations in the Barents Sea have been analysed for 24 elements. The deposits occur as discoidal and flat concretions and as coatings, in the latter case on lithified or detrital material or as extensive pavements on the Svalbard shelf. The concretions are compositionally similar to Baltic concretions but differ considerably from deep-ocean nodules, particularly in Cu, Ni and Co contents. Statistical analyses reveal distinct correlations between Mn, Na, Ba, Ni and Cu; the Mn-rich coatings showed enrichment of Mo, Zn and possibly Co in a Mn-phase. The iron phase holds high concretions of P and As. Two iron-rich concretions with high contents of P, Ca, Sr, Y, Yb and La were found east and northeast of Spitsbergen Banken, probably indicating upwelling of nutrient-rich, cold polar water along the Svalbard shelf.