52 resultados para Cosmology of Theories beyond the SM


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In order to assess recent submarine volcanic contributions to the sediments from the active Kolbeinsey Ridge, surface samples were analyzed chemically. The contribution of major and trace elements studied differ within the study area. A statistical analysis of the geochemical variables using factor analysis and cluster method allows to distinguish possible sample groups. Cluster method identifies three distinct sediment groups located in different areas of sedimentation. Group 1 is characterized by highest contents of Fe2O3, V, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn demonstrating the input of volcaniclastic material. Group 2 comprises high values of CaCO3, CaO and Sr representing biogenic carbonate. Group 3 is characterized by the elements K, Rb, Cs, La and Pb indicating the terrigenous component. The absolute percentage of the volcanic, biogenic and terrigenous components in the bulk sediments was calculated by using a normative sediment method. The highest volcanic component (> 60% on a carbonate free basis) is found on the ridge crest. The biogenic component is highest (10-30%) in the eastern part of the Spar Fracture Zone influenced by the East Iceland Current. Samples from the western and southeastern region of the study area contain more than 90% of terrigenous component which appears to be mainly controlled by input of ice-rafted debris.


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New results on the petrochemistry and geochemistry of dolerites from the Schirmacher Oasis shed light on the development of the Karoo-Maud plume in Antarctica. The basalts and dolerites are petrologically identical to the rocks of western Dronning Maud Land (DML), which were previously studied and interpreted as a manifestation of the Karoo-Maud plume in Antarctica. The spatial distribution of the dikes suggests eastward spreading of the plume material, up to the Schirmacher Oasis for at least 10 Ma. The geochemical characteristics of magmas from the Schirmacher Oasis reflect the influence of crustal contamination, which accompanied both the ascent and spreading of the plume. The magmas of the initial stage of plume activity (western DML) appeared to be the most contaminated in crustal components. It was found that the geochemical characteristics of Mesozoic magmas from the Schirmacher Oasis are identical to those of enriched tholeiites from the Afanasy Nikitin Rise and the central Kerguelen Plateau (Hole 749), which indicates that their enrichment was related to the ancient material of the Gondwana continent. This was caused by the opening of the Indian Ocean under the influence of the Karoo-Maud plume. This process was peculiar in that it occurred in the presence of nonspreading blocks of varying thickness, for instance, Elan Bank in the central Kerguelen Plateau, and was accompanied by the formation of intraplate volcanic rises, which are documented in the seafloor relief of basins around Antarctica. The geochemical characteristics of igneous rocks from the resulting rises (Afanasy Nikitin, Kerguelen, Naturaliste, and Ninetyeast Ridge) indicate the influence of processes related to crustal assimilation. The magmatism that occurred 40 Ma after the main phase of the Karoo-Maud volcanism at the margins of the adjacent continents of Australia (Bunbury basalts) and India (Rajmahal trapps) could be generated by the Karoo-Maud plume flowing along the developing spreading zone. The plume moved subsequently and was localized at the Kerguelen Plateau, where it occurs at present as an active hotspot.


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New magnetometric, petrological, and geochemical data on basalts from the central Romanche Fracture Zone allow to classify these rocks into two groups. Igneous rocks from the active part of the fracture zone that have undergone transtension are referred to alkaline rocks. According to some indications, they are younger that oceanic tholeiites of the southern fault-line ridge, which were affected by elevated pressure in the past. These data indicate with a high probability that the Romanche Fracture Zone belongs to a rare group of magmatically active demarcation transform lines that separate large oceanic domains different in structural and geochemical features.


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Subduction related mafic/ultramafic complexes marking the suture between the Wilson Terrane and the Bowers Terrane in northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) are well-suited for evaluating the magmatic and structural evolu- tion at the Palaeo-Pacific continental margin of Gondwana. One of these intru- sions is the "Tiger Gabbro Complex" (TGC), which is located at the southern end of the island-arc type Bowers Terrane. The TGC is an early Palaeozoic island-arc related layered igneous complex characterized by extraordinarly fresh sequences of ultramafic, mafic and evolved lithologies and extensive development of high-temperature high-strain zones. The goal of the present study is to establish the kinematic, petrogenetic and temporal development of the TGC in order to evaluate the magmatic and structural evolution of the deep crustal roots of this Cambrian-aged island-arc. Fieldwork during GANOVEX X was carried out to provide insight into: (i) the spatial relations between the different igneous lithologies of the TGC, (ii) the nature of the contact between the TGC and Bowers Terrane, and (iii) the high-temperature shear zones exposed in parts of the TGC. Here, we report the results of detailed field and petrological observations combined with new geochronological data. Based on these new data, we tentatively propose a petrogenetic-kinematic model for the TGC, which involves a two-phase evolution during the Ross orogeny. These phases can be summarized as: (i) an early phase (maximum age c. 530 Ma) involving tectono-magmatic processes that were active at the deep crustal level represented by the TGC within the Bowers island arc and within a general NE-SW directed contractional regime and (ii) a late phase (maximum age c. 490 Ma) attributed to the late Ross orogenic intrusion of the TGC into the higher-crustal metasedimentary country rocks of the Bowers Terrane under NE-SW directed horizontal maximum stress and subsequent cooling.


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Lavas from several major bathymetric highs in the eastern Indian Ocean that are likely to have formed as Early to Middle Cretaceous manifestations of the Kerguelen hotspot are predominantly tholeiitic; so too are glass shards from Eocene to Paleocene volcanic ash layers on Broken Ridge, which are believed to have come from eruptions on the Ninetyeast Ridge. The early dominance of tholeiitic compositions contrasts with the more recent intraplate, alkalic volcanism of the Kerguelen Archipelago. Isotopic and incompatible-element ratios of the plateau lavas are distinct from those of Indian mid-ocean ridge basalts; their Nd, Sr, 207Pb/204Pb and 2078b/204Pb isotopic ratios overlap with but cover a much wider range than measured for more recent oceanic products of the Kerguelen hotspot (including the Ninetyeast Ridge) or, indeed, oceanic lavas from any other hotspot in the world. Samples from the Naturaliste Plateau and ODP Site 738 on the southern tip of the Kerguelen Plateau are particularly noteworthy, with e-Nd(T) = -13 to -7, (87Sr/86Sr)T=0.7090 to 0.7130 and high 207Pb/204Pb relative to 206Pb/204Pb. In addition, the low-e-Nd(T) Naturaliste Plateau samples are elevated in SiO2 (>54 wt%). In contrast to "DUPAL" oceanic islands such as the Kerguelen Archipelago, Pitcairn and Tristan da Cunha, the plateau lavas with extreme isotopic characteristics also have relative depletions in Nb and Ta (e.g., Th/Ta, La Nb > primitive mantle values); the lowest e-Nd(T) and highest Th/Ta and La Nb values occur at sites located closest to rifted continental margins. Accepting a Kerguelen plume origin for the plateau lavas, these characteristics probably reflect the shallow-level incorporation of continental lithosphere in either the head of the early Kerguelen plume or in plume-derived magmas, and suggest that the influence of such material diminished after the period of plateau construction. Contamination of asthenosphere with the type of material affecting Naturaliste Plateau and Site 738 magmatism appears unlikely to be the cause of low-206Pb/204Pb Indian mid-ocean ridge basalts. Finally, because isotopic data for the plateaus do not cluster or form converging arrays in isotope-ratio plots, they provide no evidence for either a quickly evolving, positive ?Nd, relatively high-206Pb/204Pb plume composition, or a plume source dominated by mantle with e-Nd of -3 to ~0.


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The paper is devoted to a marine geophysical-geological research in the West Antarctic. This researche contributed to establishing the base geodesic network of the West Antarctic and supplemented geokinematic monitoring based on this network with geophysical and geologic information on structure and features of geomorphological and tectonic development of the South Ocean floor. Collected materials allow to conclude about the inhomogeneity of the Scotia Sea floor and about combination of fragments of a continental massif with young rift structures in conditions of the upwelling mantle. The ancient continental bridge, faunal connections between the South America and the West Antarctic has been destroyed by processes of destruction, taphrogeny and sea floor spreading. Structures of the Scotia and Caribbean Seas, North Fiji and Arctic Basins are similar.


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Melt inclusions in olivine and plagioclase phenocrysts from rocks (magnesian basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, ignimbrite, and dacite) of various age from the Gorely volcanic center, southern Kamchatka, were studied by means of their homogenization and by analyzing the glasses in 100 melt inclusions on an electron microprobe and 24 inclusions on an ion probe. The SiO2 concentrations of the melts vary within a broad range of 45-74 wt%, as also are the concentrations of other major components. According to their SiO2, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, and P2O5 concentrations, the melts are classified into seven groups. The mafic melts (45-53 wt% SiO2) comprise the following varieties: potassic (on average 4.2 wt% K2O, 1.7 wt% Na2O, 1.0 wt% TiO2, and 0.20 wt% P2O5), sodic (3.2% Na2O, 1.1% K2O, 1.1% TiO2, and 0.40% P2O5), and titaniferous with high P2O5 concentrations (2.2% TiO2, 1.1% P2O5, 3.8% Na2O, and 3.0% K2O). The melts of intermediate composition (53-64% SiO2) also include potassic (5.6% K2O, 3.4% Na2O, 1.0% TiO2, and 0.4% P2O5) and sodic (4.3% Na2O, 2.8% K2O, 1.3% TiO2, and 0.4% P2O5) varieties. The acid melts (64-74% SiO2) are either potassic (4.5% K2O, 3.6% Na2O, 0.7% TiO2, and 0.15% P2O5) or sodic (4.5% Na2O, 3.1% K2O, 0.7% TiO2, and 0.13% P2O5). A distinctive feature of the Gorely volcanic center is the pervasive occurrence of K-rich compositions throughout the whole compositional range (silicity) of the melts. Melt inclusions of various types were sometimes found not only in a single sample but also in the same phenocrysts. The sodic and potassic types of the melts contain different Cl and F concentrations: the sodic melts are richer in Cl, whereas the potassic melts are enriched in F. We are the first to discover potassic melts with very high F concentrations (up to 2.7 wt%, 1.19 wt% on average, 17 analyses) in the Kuriles and Kamchatka. The average F concentration in the sodic melts is 0.16 wt% (37 analyses). The melts are distinguished for their richness in various groups of trace elements: LILE, REE (particularly HREE), and HFSE (except Nb). All of the melts share certain geochemical features. The concentrations of elements systematically increase from the mafic to acid melts (except only for the Sr and Eu concentrations, because of active plagioclase fractionation, and Ti, an element contained in ore minerals). The paper presents a review of literature data on volcanic rocks in the Kurile-Kamchatka area in which melt inclusions with high K2O concentrations (K2O/Na2O > 1) were found. K-rich melts are proved to be extremely widespread in the area and were found on such volcanoes as Avachinskii, Bezymyannyi, Bol'shoi Semyachek, Dikii Greben', Karymskii, Kekuknaiskii, Kudryavyi, and Shiveluch and in the Valaginskii and Tumrok Ranges.


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Hypabyssal rocks of the Omgon Range, Western Kamchatka that intrude Upper Albian-Lower Campanian deposits of the Eurasian continental margin belong to three coeval (62.5-63.0 Ma) associations: (1) ilmenite gabbro-dolerites, (2) titanomagnetite gabbro-dolerites and quartz microdiorites, and (3) porphyritic biotite granites and granite-aplites. Early Paleocene age of ilmenite gabbro-dolerites and biotite granites was confirmed by zircon and apatite fission-track dating. Ilmenite and titanomagnetite gabbro-dolerites were produced by multilevel fractional crystallization of basaltic melts with, respectively, moderate and high Fe-Ti contents and contamination of these melts with rhyolitic melts of different compositions. Moderate- and high-Fe-Ti basaltic melts were derived from mantle spinel peridotite variably depleted and metasomatized by slab-derived fluid prior to melting. The melts were generated at variable depths and different degrees of melting. Biotite granites and granite aplites were produced by combined fractional crystallization of a crustal rhyolitic melt and its contamination with terrigenous rocks of the Omgon Group. The rhyolitic melts were likely derived from metabasaltic rocks of suprasubduction nature. Early Paleocene hypabyssal rocks of the Omgon Range were demonstrated to have been formed in an extensional environment, which dominated in the margin of the Eurasian continent from Late Cretaceous throughout Early Paleocene. Extension in the Western Kamchatka segment preceded the origin of the Western Koryakian-Kamchatka (Kinkil') continental-margin volcanic belt in Eocene time. This research was conducted based on original geological, mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic (Rb-Sr) data obtained by the authors.


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Sr and Nd isotopic compositions have been measured on the lithic fraction of last climatic cycle sediments from the North Atlantic (~40°N/~60°N), in order to identify the origins of the particles. From the reconstruction of their transport pathways, we deduce the mechanisms that explain their distributions. The main source regions are the Canadian shield (mostly the area of Baffin Bay and western Greenland), the Scandinavian shield, the European region (British Isles and Bay of Biscay), and Iceland. We observe a significant glacial/interglacial contrast, characterized by a dominant Icelandic input via near-bottom transport by North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) during the interglacials and a largely continent-derived contribution of surface-transported, ice-rafted detritus (IRD) during the glacial period. During the last glacial period, the Heinrich events (abrupt, massive discharges of IRD) originated not only from the Laurentide ice sheet as heretofore envisioned but also from other sources. Three other major North Atlantic ice sheets (Fennoscandian, British Isles, and Icelandic) probably surged simultaneously, discharging ice and IRD into the North Atlantic. As opposed to theories implying a unique, Laurentide origin [Gwiazda et al., 1996 doi:10.1029/95PA03135] driven by an internal mechanism [MacAyeal, 1993 doi:10.1029/93PA02200], we confirm that the Icelandic and the Fennoscandian ice sheets also surged as recently proposed by other authors, and we here also distinguish a possible detrital contribution from the British Isles ice sheet. This pan-North Atlantic phenomenon thus requires a common regional, external forcing.


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Thirteen sediment samples, including calcareous ooze, sandy clay, volcanic sand, gravel, and volcanic breccia, from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 732B, 734B, 734G and Conrad Cruise 27-9, Station 17, were examined. Contents of major and trace elements were determined using XRF or ICP (on samples <0.5 g). Determinations of rare earth elements (REE) were performed using ICP-MS. Mineralogy was determined using XRD. On the basis of the samples studied, the sediments accumulating in the Atlantis II Fracture Zone are characterized by generally high MgO, Cr, and Ni contents compared with other deep-sea sediments. A variety of sources are reflected in the mineralogy and geochemistry of these sediments. Serpentine, brucite, magnetite, and high MgO, Cr, and Ni contents indicate derivation from ultramafic basement. The occurrence of albite, analcime, primary mafic minerals, and smectite/chlorite in some samples, coupled with high SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, Fe2O3, V, and Y indicate contribution from basaltic basement. A third major sediment source is characterized as biogenic material and is reflected primarily in the presence of carbonate minerals, and high CaO, Sr, Pb, and Zn in certain samples. Kaolinite, illite, quartz, and some chlorite are most likely derived from continental areas or other parts of the ocean by long-distance sediment transport in surface or other ocean currents. Proportions of source materials in the sediments reflect the thickness of the sediment cover, slope of the seafloor, and the nature of and proximity to basement lithologies. REE values are low compared to other deep-sea sediments and indicate no evidence of hydrothermal activity in the Atlantis II Fracture Zone sediments. This is supported by major- and trace-element data.


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Despite its importance in the global climate system, age-calibrated marine geologic records reflecting the evolution of glacial cycles through the Pleistocene are largely absent from the central Arctic Ocean. This is especially true for sediments older than 200 ka. Three sites cored during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program's Expedition 302, the Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), provide a 27 m continuous sedimentary section from the Lomonosov Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean. Two key biostratigraphic datums and constraints from the magnetic inclination data are used to anchor the chronology of these sediments back to the base of the Cobb Mountain subchron (1215 ka). Beyond 1215 ka, two best fitting geomagnetic models are used to investigate the nature of cyclostratigraphic change. Within this chronology we show that bulk and mineral magnetic properties of the sediments vary on predicted Milankovitch frequencies. These cyclic variations record "glacial" and "interglacial" modes of sediment deposition on the Lomonosov Ridge as evident in studies of ice-rafted debris and stable isotopic and faunal assemblages for the last two glacial cycles and were used to tune the age model. Potential errors, which largely arise from uncertainties in the nature of downhole paleomagnetic variability, and the choice of a tuning target are handled by defining an error envelope that is based on the best fitting cyclostratigraphic and geomagnetic solutions.


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Siderophilic element concentrations are high in sediments from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. An extraterrestrial source is indicated. Concentrations are too high to be understood in terms of the impact of a chondritic asteroid. Either the projectile was a metal-sulphide core or the infalling material (probably weak cometary matter) was slowed down during atmospheric passage.


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The ca. 1880 Ma Circum-Superior Large Igneous Province (LIP) consists of a number of discontinuous segments known to cover a significant portion of the margin of the Superior Province craton in North America. New geochemical and isotopic data from western segments of this LIP support a common origin for the these segments and suggest that magmatism in the Lake Superior region may have been fed through the ~ 600 km long Pickle Crow dyke from a source north of the Fox River Belt in northeastern Manitoba. The Fox River Belt, Pickle Crow dyke and sections of the Hemlock Formation in the Lake Superior region possess trace element signatures which are similar to those of more recent oceanic plateaux. The Hemlock Formation displays a heterogeneous geochemical signature. This chemical heterogeneity can in part be explained by lithospheric contamination and possibly by source heterogeneity. The tectonomagmatic setting in which these igneous rocks were formed could have involved a mantle plume. Evidence supporting a plume origin includes high MgO volcanic rocks, high calculated degrees of partial melting and geochemical signatures similar to those of oceanic plateaux.


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Secular variations in geochemistry and Nd isotopic data have been documented in sediment samples at ODP Site 1148 in the South China Sea. Major and trace elements show significant changes at ca. 29.5 Ma and 26-23 Ma, whereas epsilon-Nd values show a single change at ca. 26-23 Ma. Increases in Al/Ti, Al/K, Rb/Sr, and La/Lu ratios and a decrease in the Th/La ratio of the sediments beginning at 29.5 Ma are consistent with more intense chemical weathering in the source region. The abrupt change in Nd isotopes and geochemistry at ca. 26-23 Ma coincides with a major discontinuity in the sedimentology and physical properties of the sediments, implying a drastic change in sedimentary provenance and environment at the drill site. Comparison of the Nd isotopes of sediments from major rivers flowing into the South China Sea suggests that pre-27 Ma sediments were dominantly derived from a southwestern provenance (Indochina-Sunda Shelf and possibly northwestern Borneo), whereas post-23 Ma sediments were derived from a northern provenance (South China). This change in provenance from southwest to north was largely caused by ridge jumping during seafloor spreading of the South China Sea, associated with a southwestward expansion of the ocean basin crust and a global rise in sea level. Thus, the geochemical and Nd isotopic changes in the sediments at ODP Site 1148 are interpreted as a response to a major plate reorganization in SE Asia at ca. 25 Ma.