20 resultados para Chondroitin Sulfates
In near-shore Pacific bottom sediments to the east of Japan unusually high content of free H2S ocurs. H2S resulting from bacterial reduction of sulfates from interstitial waters has a number of derivatives; pyrite dominates among them. Contents of other derivatives of H2S: sulfide sulfur and organic sulfur do not exceed 0,01%, content of organic sulfur does not exceed 0.1%. Due to reduction content of sulfates can reduce to 0,03% S. Capacity of the process of sulfate reduction, estimated by sum of all reduced forms of S - derivatives of H2S, is a function of organic matter content in sediments. Ability of bottom sediments to accumulate free H2S depends on content of reactive forms of Fe. Spatial distribution of reduced forms of S in the studied sediments is considered.
Concentrations of minor and trace elements (Li, Rb, Sr, Ba, Fe, and Mn) in interstitial water (IW) were found in samples collected during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 166 from Sites 1005, 1006, and 1007 on the western flank of the Great Bahama Bank (GBB). Concentrations of Li range from near-seawater values immediately below the sediment/water interface to a maximum of 250 µM deep in Site 1007. Concentrations determined during shore-based studies are substantially lower than the shipboard data presented in the Leg 166 Initial Reports volume (range of 28-439 µM) because of broad-band interferences from high dissolved Sr concentrations in the shipboard analyses. Rubidium concentrations of 1.3-1.7 µM were measured in IW from Site 1006 when salinity was less than 40 psu. A maximum of 2.5 µM is reached downhole at a salinity of 50 psu. Shipboard and shore-based concentrations of Sr2+ are in excellent agreement and vary from 0.15 mM near the sediment water interface to 6.8 mM at depth. The latter represent the highest dissolved Sr2+ concentrations observed to date in sediments cored during the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) or ODP. Concentrations of Ba2+ span three orders of magnitude (0.1-227µM). Concentrations of Fe (<0.1-14 µM) and Mn (0.1-2 µM) exhibit substantially greater fluctuations than other constituents. The concentrations of minor and trace metals in pore fluids from the GBB transect sites are mediated principally by changes in pore-water properties resulting from early diagenesis of carbonates associated with microbial degradation of organic matter, and by the abundance of detrital materials that serve as a source of these elements. Downcore variations in the abundance of detrital matter reflect differences in carbonate production during various sea-level stands and are more evident at the more proximal Site 1005 than at the more pelagic Site 1006. The more continuous delivery of detrital matter deep in Site 1007 and throughout all of Site 1006 is reflected in a greater propensity to provide trace elements to solution. Concentrations of dissolved Li+ derive principally from (1) release during dissolution of biogenic carbonates and subsequent exclusion during recrystallization and (2) release from partial dissolution of Li-bearing detrital phases, especially ion-exchange reactions with clay minerals. A third but potentially less important source of Li+ is a high-salinity brine hypothesized to exist in Jurassic age (unsampled) sediments underlying those sampled during Leg 166. The source of dissolved Sr2+ is almost exclusively biogenic carbonate, particularly aragonite. Concentrations of dissolved Sr2+ and Ba2+ are mediated by the solubility of their sulfates. Barite and detrital minerals appear to be the more important source of dissolved Ba2+. Concentrations of Fe and Mn2+ in anoxic pore fluids are mediated by the relative insolubility of pyrite and incorporation into diagenetic carbonates. The principal sources of these elements are easily reduced Fe-Mn-rich phases including Fe-rich clays found in lateritic soils and aoelian dust.
At present, when the influence of human economic activity is progressively increasing, significant attention is devoted to the state of water ecosystems. All researchers engaged in these problems agree that the state of the water system (pollution and eutrophication) can only be estimated on the basis of long-term researches. Systemic monitoring (at least once per month) of ionic components (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, bicarbonates, sulfates, and chlorides) in unfiltered water of Lake Baikal and its tributaries had been carried out under the supervision of Votintsev since 1947. Based on the analysis of systematic data on trophic components obtained during 1965-2005, we tried to estimate the present-day trophic status of the pelagic zone in the lake, define the trend of long-term changes of trophic components and understand the reasons of the distortion of cyclicity in the development of spring diatom algae, which create a favorable environment in any water basin. It should be noted that the station near Cape Polovinnyi is located 20 km away from the town of Baikal'sk. Wastewaters of the Baikal'sk pulp and paper mill is the main source of dioxins and furans in Baikal. Based on the significant difference between sulfate contents in wastewaters of the plant (>300 mg/l), tributaries of Baikal (7.5 mg/l), and waters in the southern part of the lake (3.9 mg/l), we defined the following periods: (i) period of natural seasonal patterns until 1967-1968 (prior to putting the Baikal'sk Mill into operation; (ii) period of weak anthropogenic pollution (1969-1985); and (iii) period of strong anthropogenic pollution since 1986.