143 resultados para Ceriodaphnia dubia


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In recent years a global increase in jellyfish (i.e. Cnidarians and Ctenophores) abundance and a rise in the recurrence of jellyfish outbreak events have been largely debated, but a general consensus on this matter has not been achieved yet. Within this debate, it has been generally recognised that there is a lack of reliable data that could be analysed and compared to clarify whether indeed jellyfish are increasing throughout the world ocean as a consequence of anthropogenic impact and hydroclimatic variability. Here we describe different jellyfish data sets produced within the EU program EUROBASIN, which have been assembled with the aim of presenting an up to date overview on the diversity and standing stocks of North Atlantic jellyfish. Abundance and species composition were determined in samples collected in the epipelagic layer (0- 200m), using a net well adapted to quantitatively catching gelatinous zooplankton. The samples were collected in spring-summer (April-August) 2010-2013, in inshore and offshore North Atlantic waters, between 59-68LatN and 62W-5ELong. Jellyfish were also identified and counted in samples opportunistically collected by other sampling gears in the same region and in two coastal stations in the Bay of Biscay and in the Gulf of Cadiz. Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) samples collected in 2009-2012 were re-analysed with the aim of identifying the time and location of jellyfish blooms across the North Atlantic basin.


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Several studies have shown that submerged macrophytes provide a refuge for zooplankton against fish predation, whereas the role of emergent and floating-leaved species, which are often dominant in eutrophic turbid lakes, is far less investigated. Zooplankton density in open water and amongst emergent and floating-leaved vegetation was monitored in a small, eutrophic lake (Frederiksborg Slotsso) in Denmark during July-October 2006. Emergent and floating-leaved macrophytes harboured significantly higher densities of pelagic as well as plant-associated zooplankton species, compared to the open water, even during periods where the predation pressure was presumably high (during the recruitment of 0+ fish fry). Zooplankton abundance in open water and among vegetation exhibited low values in July and peaked in August. Bosmina and Ceriodaphnia dominated the zooplankton community in the littoral vegetated areas (up to 4,400 ind/l among Phragmites australis and 11,000 ind/l between Polygonum amphibium stands), whereas the dominant species in the pelagic were Daphnia (up to 67 ind/l) and Cyclops (41 ind/l). The zooplankton density pattern observed was probably a consequence of concomitant modifications in the predation pressure, refuge availability and concentration of cyanobacteria in the lake. It is suggested that emergent and floating-leaved macrophytes may play an important role in enhancing water clarity due to increased grazing pressure by zooplankton migrating into the plant stands. As a consequence, especially in turbid lakes, the ecological role of these functional types of vegetation, and not merely that of submerged macrophyte species, should be taken into consideration.


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Upper Jurassic calcareous nannofossil assemblages have been studied from strata cored over basement blocks now buried under the Iberia Abyssal Plain (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 173 Sites 1065 and 1069). The youngest Jurassic assemblages at each site are Tithonian in age, the same as those at nearby Leg 149 Site 901, an age that predates the breakup of the Iberia continental margin. The paucity of the assemblages, the prevalence of coccospheres, and the relatively high organic contents of the fine clastic sediments in which they occur are characteristic of a restricted interior basin that had little communication with the open ocean. During the major rifting episode (a Berriasian event), the Jurassic sequences were dispersed along with their underlying blocks of presumed continental crust across the ocean-continent transition of the Iberia Abyssal Plain, probably as a result of detachment faulting.


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