145 resultados para Carbon Components


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A multiparameter investigation including organic carbon, carbonate, opal, and planktic foraminifera was carried out on five sediment cores from the coastal upwelling area between 24°S and 33°S along the Peru-Chile Current to reconstruct the history of the paleoproductivity and its driving mechanisms during the last 40,000 years. Inferred from our data, we conclude that the Antarctic Circumpolar Current as the main nutrient source in this region mainly drives the productivity by its latitudinal shifts associated with climate change. Simplified, its northerly position during the last glacial led to enhanced productivities, and its southerly position during the Holocene caused lower productivities. At 33°S the paleoproductivity was additionally affected by the southern westerlies and records highest levels during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). North of 33°S, several factors (e.g., position and strength of the South Pacific anticyclone, wind stress, continental runoff, and El Niño Southern Oscillation events) supplementary influenced upwelling and paleoproductivity, where maximum values occurred prior to the LGM and during the deglaciation.


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A mass budget was constructed for organic carbon on the upper slope of the Middle Atlantic Bight, a region thought to serve as a depocenter for fine-grained material exported from the adjacent shelf. Various components of the budget are internally consistent, and observed differences can be attributed to natural spatial variability or to the different time scales over which measurements were made. The flux of organic carbon to the sediments in the core of the depocenter zone, at a water depth of 1000 m, was measured with sediment traps to be 65 mg C m**-2 day**-1, of which 6-24 mg C m**-2 day**-1 is buried. Oxygen fluxes into the sediments, measured with incubation chambers attached to a free vehicle lander, correspond to total carbon remineralization rates of 49-70 mg C m**-2 day**-1. Carbon remineralization rates estimated from gradients of Corg within the mixed layer, and from gradients of dissolved ammonia and phosphate in pore waters, sum to only 4-6 mg C m**-2 day**-1. Most of the Corg remineralization in slope sediments is mediated by bacteria and takes place within a few mm of the sediment-water interface. Most of the Corg deposited on the upper slope sediments is supplied by lateral transport from other regions, but even if all of this material were derived from the adjacent shelf, it represents <2% of the mean annual shelf productivity. This value is further lowered by recognizing that as much as half of the Corg deposited on the slope is refractory, having originated by reworking from older deposits. Refractory Corg arrives at the sea bed with an average 14C age 600-900 years older than the pre-bomb 14C age of DIC in seawater, and has a mean life in the sediments with respect to biological remineralization of at least 1000 years. Labile carbon supplied to the slope, on the other hand, is rapidly and (virtually) completely remineralized, with a mean life of < 1 year. Carbon-14 ages of fine-grained carbonate and organic carbon present within the interstices of shelf sands are consistent with this material acting as a source for the old carbon supplied to the slope. Winnowing and export of reworked carbon may contribute to the often-described relationship between organic carbon preservation and accumulation rate of marine sediments.


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Site 1085 is located on the continental rise of southwest Africa at a water depth of 1713 m off the mouth of the Orange River in the Cape Basin. The site is part of the suite of locations drilled during Leg 175 on the Africa margin to reconstruct the onset and evolution of the elevated biological productivity associated with the Benguela Current upwelling system (Wefer, Berger, Richter, et al., 1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.175.1998). Three sediment samples were collected per section from Cores 170-1085A-28H through 45X (251-419 mbsf) to provide a survey of the sediment record of paleoproductivity from the middle late Miocene to the early Pliocene (~8.7-4.7 Ma), which is a period that includes the postulated northward migration and intensification of the Benguela Current and the establishment of modern circulation off southwest Africa (Siesser, 1980; Diester-Haass et al., 1992; Berger et al., 1998). Core 170-1085A-30H (270-279 mbsf) had essentially no recovery; this coring gap was filled with samples from Cores 170-1085B-29H and 30H (261-280 mbsf). The results of measurements of multiple paleoproductivity proxies are summarized in this report. Included in these proxies are the radiolarian, foraminiferal, and echinoderm components of the sand-sized sediment fraction. Opal skeletons of radiolarians (no diatoms were found) relate to paleoproductivity and water mass chemistry (Summerhayes et al., 1995, doi:10.1016/0079-6611(95)00008-5; Lange and Berger, 1993, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.130.011.1993; Nelson et al., 1995, doi:10.1029/95GB01070). The accumulation rates of benthic foraminifers are useful proxies for paleoproductivity (Herguera and Berger, 1991, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1991)019<1173:PFBFAG>2.3.CO;2; Nees, 1997, doi:10.1016/S0031-0182(97)00012-6; Schmiedl and Mackensen, 1997, doi:10.1016/S0031-0182(96)00137-X) because these fauna subsist on organic matter exported from the photic zone. Echinoderms also depend mainly on food supply from the photic zone (Gooday and Turley, 1990), and their accumulation rates are an additional paleoproductivity proxy. Concentrations of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and organic carbon in sediment samples are fundamental measures of paleoproductivity (e.g., Meyers, 1997, doi:10.1016/S0146-6380(97)00049-1). In addition, organic matter atomic carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratios and delta13C values can be used to infer the origin of the organic matter contained within the sediments and to explore some of the factors affecting its preservation and accumulation (Meyers, 1994, doi:10.1016/0009-2541(94)90059-0).


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Quantifying phosphorus (P) concentrations in marine sediments is necessary for constraining the oceanic record of phosphorus burial and helps to constrain P sedimentary geochemistry. To understand P geochemistry in the sediments, we must determine the geochemical forms of P as well as the transformations occurring between these P components with depth and age. Although several records now exist of P geochemistry in the western and eastern equatorial Pacific (Filippelli and Delaney, 1995, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.138.144.1995; 1996, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(96)00042-7), the western equatorial Atlantic (Delaney and Anderson, 1997, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.154.124.1997), the California Current (Delaney and Anderson, in press), and the Benguela Current (Anderson et al., 2001, doi:10.1029/2000GB001270), most of these are Neogene records. Relatively little data exist from sediments of the Paleogene or Cretaceous, time periods when carbon isotope records indicate major carbon shifts and when the nature of P geochemistry has not been well constrained. Samples from several sites at various water depths, oceanographic regions, and ages are needed to understand how P geochemistry and burial in sediments reflect ocean history. We determined P geochemistry and reactive P concentrations in Atlantic sediments of Eocene to Cretaceous age. These are the first records of P geochemistry with good age control from this period. Blake Nose sites are ideal for investigating P geochemistry, as the sediments are shallowly buried at a range of water depths and sedimentation rates. We determined P concentrations and geochemistry, along with calcium carbonate contents, in mid-Cretaceous to upper Eocene sediments drilled on Blake Nose (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 171B) in a depth transect of four sites (Sites 1052, 1051, 1050, and 1049; water depths: 1345, 1983, 2300, and 2656 m, respectively).


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Structure and composition of sub-surface bottom sediments from the southwest Barents Sea have been under study. The study has revealed heterogeneity of sediment structure resulted from temporal irregularity and variability of sedimentation processes. The study of the heavy minerals from 0.1-0.01 mm grain size fraction has shown prevalence of green hornblende, epidote, garnet, and ilmenite in all types of sediments; these minerals are the basis of terrigenous-mineralogical province. At the same time in different areas local terrigenous-mineralogical associations have been identified. Clay mineral composition of in the sediments was quite uniform: biotite, chlorite, hydromica, smectite. Despite this, a number of features indicating initial stages of clay mineral transformation has been identified. Differences in material composition and structure of the studied sediments are associated with rapid change in paleogeographic situation on the land - ice cover melting on the Kola Peninsula and subsequent Holocene climatic situation.


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Lipids are used for the evaluation of the different organic matter contributions in the north eastern Norwegian sea (M23258 site; 75ºN, 14ºE) over the last 15,000 years. Development of a mass balance model based on the down core quantification of the C37 alkenones, the odd carbon numbered n-alkanes (Aodd) and the unresolved complex mixture of hydrocarbons (UCM) has allowed three main organic matter inputs involving marine, continental and ancient reworked organic matter to be recognized. The model shows a good agreement between measured and reconstructed TOC values. Similarly, a strong parallelism is observed between predicted components such as marine TOC and carbonate content (CaCO3), which was determined independently. Representation of the model results within a time-scale based on 15 AMS-14C measurements shows that the main changes in organic matter constituents are coincident with the major climatic events of the last 15,000 a. Thus, the predominance of reworked organic matter is characteristic of Termination Ia (up to 70%), continental organic matter was dominant during the Bølling-Allerød (B-A) and Younger Dryas (YD) periods (about 85%) and a strong increase of marine organic matter occurred in the Holocene (between 50 and 75%). This agreement reflects the main hydrographic changes that determined the deposition of sedimentary materials during the period studied: ice-rafted detritus from the Barents continental platform, ice-melting waters from the Arctic fluvial system discharging into the Barents sea and dominance of north Atlantic currents, respectively. In this respect, the high-resolution down core record resulting from the mass balance and lipid measurements allows the identification of millennial-scale events such as the increase of reworked organic matter at the final retreat of the Barents ice sheet at the end of the deglaciation period (Termination Ib).


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We determined changes in equatorial Pacific phosphorus (µmol P/g) and barite (BaSO4; wt%) concentrations at high resolution (2 cm) across the Paleocene/Eocene (P/E) boundary in sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 199 Site 1221 (153.40 to 154.80 meters below seafloor [mbsf]). Oxide-associated, authigenic, and organic P sequentially extracted from bulk sediment were used to distinguish reactive P from detrital P. We separated barite from bulk sediment and compared its morphology with that of modern unaltered biogenic barite to check for diagenesis. On a CaCO3-free basis, reactive P concentrations are relatively constant and high (323 µmol P/g or ~1 wt%). Barite concentrations range from 0.05 to 5.6 wt%, calculated on a CaCO3-free basis, and show significant variability over this time interval. Shipboard measurements of P and Ba in bulk sediments are systematically lower (by ~25%) than shore-based concentrations and likely indicate problems with shipboard standard calibrations. The presence of Mn oxides and the size, crystal morphology, and sulfur isotopes of barite imply deposition in sulfate-rich pore fluids. Relatively constant reactive P, organic C, and biogenic silica concentrations calculated on a CaCO3-free basis indicate generally little variation in organic C, reactive P, and biogenic opal burial across the P/E boundary, whereas variable barite concentrations indicate significant changes in export productivity. Low barite Ba/reactive P ratios before and immediately after the Benthic Extinction Event (BEE) may indicate efficient nutrient burial, and, if nutrient burial and organic C burial are linked, high relative organic C burial that could temporarily drawdown CO2 at this site. This interpretation requires postdepositional oxidation of organic C because organic C to reactive P ratios are low throughout the section. After the BEE, higher barite Ba/reactive P ratios combined with higher barite Ba concentrations may imply that higher export productivity was coupled with unchanged reactive P burial, indicating efficient nutrient and possibly also organic C recycling in the water column. If the nutrient recycling is decoupled from organic C, the high export production could be indicative of drawdown of CO2. However, the observation that organic C burial is not high where barite burial is high may imply that either C sequestration was restricted to the deep ocean and thus occurred only on timescales of the deep ocean mixing or that postdepositional oxidation (burn down) of organic matter affected the sediments. The decoupling of barite and opal may result from low opal preservation or production that is not diatom based.


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We reconstruct paleoproductivity at three sites in the Atlantic Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 982, 925, and 1088) to investigate the presence and extent of the late Miocene to early Pliocene 'biogenic bloom' from 9 to 3 Ma. Our approach involves construction of multiple records including benthic foraminiferal and CaCO3 accumulation rates, Uvigerina counts, dissolution proxies, and geochemical tracers for biogenic and detrital fluxes. This time interval also contains the so-called late Miocene carbon isotope shift, a well-known decrease in benthic foraminiferal d13C values. We find that the timing of paleoproductivity maxima differs among the three sites. At Site 982 (North Atlantic), benthic foraminifera and CaCO3 accumulation were both at a maximum at ~5 Ma, with smaller peaks at ~6 Ma. The paleoproductivity maximum was centered earlier (~6.6-6.0 Ma) in the tropical Atlantic (Site 925). In the South Atlantic (Site 1088), paleoproductivity increased even earlier, between 8.2 Ma and 6.2 Ma, and remained relatively high until ~5.4 Ma. We note that there is some overlap between the interval of maximum productivity between Sites 925 and 1088, as well as the minor productivity increase at Site 982. We conclude that the paleoproductivity results support hypotheses aiming to place the biogenic bloom into a global context of enhanced productivity. In addition, we find that at all three sites the d13C shift is accompanied by carbonate dissolution. This observation is consistent with published studies that have sought a relationship between the late Miocene carbon isotope shift and carbonate preservation.


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During the 1965 Atlantic Expedition of the "Meteor" concentrations of various atmospheric trace gases were measured. The following gases were considered: carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogene dioxide (NO2), and nitric oxide (NO). The air whereof these components were measured was sucked in from a height of 14 m above the surface of the sea. The results allow conclusions upon the long term global increase of the atmospheric CO2 content, the meridional distribution of the CO2 on the Atlantic Ocean, and the dependance of its concentration upon the time of the day and the thermal structure of the atmosphere. Attempts at determining concentrations of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide of non-continental origin failed at large. Concentrations of NO2, however, could succesfully be measured.


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"Bound" and "free" solvent-extractable lipids have been examined from Sections 440A-7-6, 440B-3-5, 440B-8-4, 440B-68-2, and 436-11-4. The compound classes studied include aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols, and carboxylic acids. Carotenoids and humic acids have also been examined. The quantitative results are considered in terms of input indicators, diagenesis parameters, and structural classes. A difference in input is deduced across the Japan Trench, with a higher proportion of autochthonous components on the western inner trench slope compared with the more easterly, outer trench, wall and greater input in the early Pleistocene than in the Miocene. A variety of diagenetic transformations is observed at Site 440 as sample depth increases. Results are compared with those of samples from Atlantic Cretaceous sediments and from the Walvis Bay high productivity area.


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On the basis of analysis of satellite and field data collected in Russian Arctic Seas maps of distribution of primary production for different months of the vegetation period were compiled. These maps were used to estimate annual primary production of organic carbon: 55 million tons in the Barents Sea; about 20 million tons in the Kara Sea; 10-15 million tons in the Laptev Sea and in the East Siberian Sea, 42 million tons in the Chukchi Sea. In the central and eastern parts of the Barents Sea during the vegetation period values of primary production decreased by factor >5 (from >500 to <100 mg C/m**2/day). By reviewing results of studies with sediment traps vertical fluxes of organic carbon in different regions of the Arctic Basin were estimated. Significant temporal variability of Corg fluxes with maxima during phytoplankton blooms (by 830 mg C/m**2/day) was noted. Typical summer fluxes of Corg are 10-40 mg C/m**2/day in the southern Barents Sea, 1-10 mg C/m**2/day in the northern Barents Sea and in the Kara Sea, and up to 370 mg C/m**2/day in the zone of marginal filters of the Ob and Yenisey rivers.


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As the length of marine cores increases and sampling intervals decrease, the need for rapid and inexpensive means of determining sediment composition has become apparent. In this study we examine one potentially useful technique for assessing compositional changes in marine cores, diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry. We examined near-ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared reflectance spectra from five data sets. Each data set consists of calibration samples and test samples. The calibration samples' spectra were related to a sediment component using multiple linear regression. The resulting regression or calibration equations were then evaluated using the test samples. Calibration equations were written relating spectra to several sediment components incduding carbonate (Atlantic and east Pacific Rise ODP Site 847), organic carbon content (Atlantic and east Pacific Rise), and opal content (east Pacific Rise). The correlation coefficients for the regression equations ranged from a high of 0.99 for carbonate and opal at ODP Site 847 to a low of 0.97 for Atlantic carbonate indicating that spectral variations are highly correlated to sediment composition. All of the equations include a substantial number of variables from shorter visible and longer near ultraviolet wavelengths suggesting that these wavelengths are especially important for devices designed specifically to scan marine cores. Although equations for estimating organic and carbonate content appear independent of other sediment components, the opal equation is strongly dependent on carbonate content indicating that opal concentration is correlated to carbonate content. Tests of the calibration equations indicated that all our equations reasonably estimate the pattern of changes, either down core or in surface sediments. Where our spectral estimates have difficulty is with absolute values, frequently over or underestimating observed values by a substantial amount. Within these limitations diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry can be a useful tool for characterizing marine cores and as our understanding of the relationship between spectra and mineralogy improves so will estimates of absolute values.