79 resultados para Calibrations


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We investigate the evolution of Cenozoic climate and ice volume as evidenced by the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater (delta18Osw) derived from benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios to constrain the temperature effect contained in foraminiferal delta18O values. We have constructed two benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca records from intermediate water depth sites (Ocean Drilling Program sites 757 and 689 from the subtropical Indian Ocean and the Weddell Sea, respectively). Together with the previously published composite record of Lear et al. (2002, doi:10.1126/science.287.5451.269) and the Neogene record from the Southern Ocean of Billups and Schrag (2002, doi:10.1029/2000PA000567), we obtain three, almost complete representations of the delta18Osw for the past 52 Myr. We discuss the sensitivity of early Cenozoic Mg/Ca-derived paleotemperatures (and hence the delta18Osw) to assumptions about seawater Mg/Ca ratios. We find that during the middle Eocene (~ 49-40 Ma), modern seawater ratios yield Mg/Ca-derived temperatures that are in good agreement with the oxygen isotope paleothermometer assuming ice-free conditions. Intermediate waters cooled during the middle Eocene reaching minimum temperatures by 40 Ma. The corresponding delta18Osw reconstructions support ice growth on Antarctica beginning by at least 40 Ma. At the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, Mg/Ca ratios (and hence temperatures) from Weddell Sea site 689 display a well-defined maximum. We caution against a paleoclimatic significance of this result and put forth that the partitioning coefficient of Mg in benthic foraminifera may be sensitive to factors other than temperature. Throughout the remainder of the Cenozoic, the temporal variability among delta18Osw records is similar and similar to longer-term trends in the benthic foraminiferal delta18O record. An exception occurs during the Pliocene when delta18Osw minima in two of the three records suggest reductions in global ice volume that are not apparent in foraminiferal delta18O records, which provides a new perspective to the ongoing debate about the stability of the Antarctic ice sheet. Maximum delta18Osw values recorded during the Pleistocene at Southern Ocean site 747 agree well with values derived from the geochemistry of pore waters (Schrag et al., 1996, doi:10.1126/science.272.5270.1930) further highlighting the value of the new Mg/Ca calibrations of Martin et al. (2002, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00472-7) and Lear et al. (2002, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(02)00941-9) applied in this study. We conclude that the application of foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios allows a refined view of Cenozoic ice volume history despite uncertainties related to the geochemical cycling of Mg and Ca on long time scales.


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Over the past decade, the ratio of Mg to Ca in foraminiferal tests has emerged as a valuable paleotemperature proxy. However, large uncertainties remain in the relationships between benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca and temperature. Mg/Ca was measured in benthic foraminifera from 31 high-quality multicore tops collected in the Florida Straits, spanning a temperature range of 5.8° to 18.6°C. New calibrations are presented for Uvigerina peregrina, Planulina ariminensis, Planulina foveolata, and Hoeglundina elegans. The Mg/Ca values and temperature sensitivities vary among species, but all species exhibit a positive correlation that decreases in slope at higher temperatures. The decrease in the sensitivity of Mg/Ca to temperature may potentially be explained by Mg/Ca suppression at high carbonate ion concentrations. It is suggested that a carbonate ion influence on Mg/Ca may be adjusted for by dividing Mg/Ca by Li/Ca. The Mg/Li ratio displays stronger correlations to temperature, with up to 90% of variance explained, than Mg/Ca alone. These new calibrations are tested on several Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) samples from the Florida Straits. LGM temperatures reconstructed from Mg/Ca and Mg/Li are generally more scattered than core top measurements and may be contaminated by high-Mg overgrowths. The potential for Mg/Ca and Mg/Li as temperature proxies warrants further testing.


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In order to assess the ability of Porites corals to accurately record environmental variations, high-resolution (weekly/biweekly) coral delta18O records were obtained from four coral colonies from the northern Gulf of Aqaba, which grew at depths of 7, 19, 29, and 42 m along one transect. Adjacent to each colony, hourly temperatures, biweekly salinities, and monthly delta18O of seawater were continuously recorded over a period of 14 months (April 1999 to June 2000). Contrary to water temperature, which shows a regular and strong seasonal variation and change with depth, seawater delta18O exhibits a weak seasonality and little change with depth. Positive correlations between seawater delta18O and salinity were observed. The two parameters were related to each other by the equation delta18O Seawater (per mil, VSMOW) = 0.281 * Salinity - 9.14. The high-resolution coral delta18O records from this study show a regular pattern of seasonality and are able to capture fine details of the weekly average temperature records. They resolve more than 95% of the weekly average temperature range. On the other hand, attenuation and amplification of coral seasonal amplitudes were recorded in deep, slow-growing corals, which were not related to environmental effects (temperature and/or seawater delta18O) or sampling resolution. We propose that these result from a combined effect of subannual variations in extension rate and variable rates of spine thickening of skeletal structures within the tissue layer. However, no smoothing or distortion of the isotopic signals was observed due to calcification within the tissue layer in shallow-water, fast-growing corals. The calculations from coral delta18O calibrations against the in situ measurements show that temperature (T) is related to coral delta18O (delta c) and seawater delta18O (delta w) by the equation T (°C) = -5.38 (delta c - delta w) -1.08. Our results demonstrate that coral delta18O from the northern Gulf of Aqaba is a reliable recorder of temperature variations, and that there is a minor contribution of seawater delta18O to this proxy, which could be ignored.


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We explore the applicability of paired Mg/Ca and 18O/16O measurements on benthic foraminifera from Southern Ocean site 747 to paleoceanographic reconstructions on pre-Pleistocene timescales. We focus on the late Oligocene through Pleistocene (27-0 Ma) history of paleotemperatures and the evolution of the d18O values of seawater (d18Osw) at a temporal resolution of ~100-200 kyr. Absolute paleotemperature estimates depend on assumptions of how Mg/Ca ratios of seawater have changed over the past 27 Myr, but relative changes that occur on geologically brief timescales are robust. Results indicate that at the Oligocene to Miocene boundary (23.8 Ma), temperatures lag the increase in global ice-volume deduced from benthic foraminiferal d18O values, but the smaller-scale Miocene glaciations are accompanied by ocean cooling of -1°C. During the mid-Miocene phase of Antarctic ice sheet growth (~15-13 Ma), water temperatures cool by ~3°C. Unlike the benthic foraminiferal d18O values, which remain relatively constant thereafter, temperatures vary (by 3°C) and reach maxima at ~12 and ~8.5 Ma. The onset of significant Northern Hemisphere glaciation during the late Pliocene is synchronous with an ~4°C cooling at site 747. A comparison of our d18Osw curve to the Haq et al. (1987, doi:10.1126/science.235.4793.1156 ) sea level curve yields excellent agreement between sequence boundaries and times of increasing seawater 18O/16O ratios. At ~12-11 Ma in particular, when benthic foraminiferal d18O values do not support a further increase in ice volume, the d18Osw curve comes to a maximum that corresponds to a major mid-Miocene sea level regression. The agreement between the character of our Mg/Ca-based d18Osw curve and sequence stratigraphy demonstrates that benthic foramaniferal Mg/Ca ratios can be used to trace the d18Osw on pre-Pleistocene timescales despite a number of uncertainties related to poorly constrained temperature calibrations and paleoseawater Mg/Ca ratios. The Mg/Ca record also highlights that deep ocean temperatures can vary independently and unexpectedly from ice volume changes, which can lead to misinterpretations of the d18O record.


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B/Ca ratios in Cibicides mundulus and Cibicides wuellerstorfi have been shown to correlate with the degree of calcite saturation in seawater (D[CO32-]). In the South Pacific, a region of high importance in the global carbon cycle, these species are not continuously present in down-core records. Small numbers of epibenthic foraminifera in samples present an additional challenge, which can be overcome by using laser ablation-inductively coupled-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). We present a laser ablation based core-top calibration for Cibicides cf. wuellerstorfi, a C. wuellerstorfi morphotype that is abundant in the South Pacific and extend the existing global core top calibration for C. mundulus and C. wuellerstorfi to this region. B/Ca in C. cf. wuellerstorfi are linearly correlated with D[CO32-] and possibly display a higher sensitivity to calcite saturation changes than C. wuellerstorfi. Trace element profiles through C. wuellerstorfi and C. mundulus reveal an intra-shell B/Ca variation of ±36% around the mean shell value. Mg/Ca and B/Ca display opposite trends along the shell. Both phenomena likely result from ontogenetic effects. Intra-shell variability equals intra-sample variability, mean sample B/Ca values can thus be reliably calculated from averaged spot results of single specimen. In the global B/Ca-D[CO32-] range, we observe an inverse relationship between water mass age and D[CO32-].


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Benthic foraminiferal biofacies may vary independently of water depth and water mass; however, calibration of biofacies and stratigraphic ranges with independent paleodepth estimates allows reconstruction of age-depth patterns applicable throughout the deep Atlantic (Tjalsma and Lohmann, 1983). We have attempted to test these faunal calibrations in a continental margin setting, reconstructing Eocene benthic foraminiferal distributions along a dip section afforded by the New Jersey Transect (DSDP Sites 612, 108, 613). The following independent estimates of Eocene depths for the transect were obtained by "backtracking," "backstripping," and by assuming increasing depth downdip ("paleoslope"): Site 612, near the middle/lower bathyal boundary (about 1000 m); Site 108, in the middle bathyal zone (about 1600 m); and Site 613, near the lower bathyal/upper abyssal boundary (about 2000 m). Within uncertainties of backtracking (hundreds of meters), these estimates agree with estimates of paleodepth based on comparison of the New Jersey margin biofacies with other backtracked faunas. The stratigraphic ranges of many benthic taxa correspond to those found at other Atlantic DSDP sites. The major biofacies patterns show: (1) a depth dichotomy between an early to middle Eocene Nuttallides truempyidominated biofacies (greater than 2000 m) and a Lenticulina-Osangularia-Alabamina cf. dissonata biofacies (1000- 2000 m); and (2) a difference between a middle and a late Eocene biofacies at Site 612. The faunal boundary at about 2000 m, between bathyal and abyssal zones, occurs not only on the margin, but also throughout the deep Atlantic. The faunal change between the middle and late Eocene at Site 612 was due to a decrease of Lenticulina spp., the local disappearance of N. truempyi, and establishment of a Bulimina alazanensis-Gyroidinoides spp. biofacies. Although this change could be attributed to local paleoceanographic or water-depth changes, we argue that it is the bathyal expression of a global deep-sea benthic foraminiferal change which occurred across the middle/late Eocene boundary.


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We present Mg/Ca data for Globigerina bulloides from 10 core top sites in the southwest Pacific Ocean analyzed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS). Mg/Ca values in G. bulloides correlate with observed ocean temperatures (7°C-19°C), and when combined with previously published data, an integrated Mg/Ca-temperature calibration for 7°C-31°C is derived where Mg/Ca (mmol/mol) = 0.955 * e**(0.068 * T) (r**2 = 0.95). Significant variability of Mg/Ca values (20%-30%) was found for the four visible chambers of G. bulloides, with the final chamber consistently recording the lowest Mg/Ca and is interpreted, in part, to reflect changes in the depth habitat with ontogeny. Incipient and variable dissolution of the thin and fragile final chamber, and outermost layer concomitantly added to all chambers, caused by different cleaning techniques prior to solution-based ICPMS analyses, may explain the minor differences in previously published Mg/Ca-temperature calibrations for this species. If the lower Mg/Ca of the final chamber reflects changes in depth habitat, then LA-ICPMS of the penultimate (or older) chambers will most sensitively record past changes in near-surface ocean temperatures. Mean size-normalized G. bulloides test weights correlate negatively with ocean temperature (T = 31.8 * e**(-30.5*wtN); r**2 = 0.90), suggesting that in the southwest Pacific Ocean, temperature is a prominent control on shell weight in addition to carbonate ion levels.


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Boron isotopic and elemental systematics are used to define the vital effects for the temperate shallow water Mediterranean coral Cladocora caespitosa. The corals are from a range of seawater pH conditions (pHT ~ 7.6 to ~ 8.1) and environmental settings: (1) naturally living colonies harvested from normal pH waters offshore Levanto, (2) colonies transplanted nearby a subsea volcanic vent system, and (3) corals cultured in aquaria exposed to high (700 µatm) and near present day (400 µatm) pCO2 levels. B/Ca compositions measured using laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) show that boron uptake by C. caespitosa cultured at different pCO2 levels is independent of ambient seawater pH being mainly controlled by temperature-dependent calcification. In contrast, the boron isotope compositions (delta11Bcarb) of the full suite of corals determined by positive thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (PTIMS) shows a clear trend of decreasing delta11Bcarb (from 26.7 to 22.2 %o) with decreasing seawater pH, reflecting the strong pH dependence of the boron isotope system. The delta11Bcarb compositions together with measurements of ambient seawater parameters enable calibration of the boron pH proxy for C. caespitosa, by using a new approach that defines the relationship between ambient seawater pH (pHsw) and the internally controlled pH at the site of calcification (pHbiol). C. caespitosa exhibits a linear relationship between pHsw and the shift in pH due to physiological processes (deltapH = pHbiol - pHsw) giving the regression deltapHClad = 4.80 - 0.52* pHsw for this species. We further apply this method ("deltapH-pHsw") to calibrate tropical species of Porites, Acropora, and Stylophora reported in the literature. The temperate and tropical species calibrations are all linearly correlated (r2 > 0.9) and the biological fractionation component (deltapH) between species varies within ~ 0.2 pH units. Our "deltapH-pHsw" approach provides a robust and accurate tool to reconstruct palaeoseawater pHsw for both temperate and tropical corals, further validating the boron fractionation factor (alphaB3-B4 = 1.0272) determined experimentally by Klochko et al. (2006) and the boron isotope pH proxy, both of which have been the foci of considerable debate.


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Paired Mg/Ca and d18O measurements on planktonic foraminiferal species (G. ruber white, G. ruber pink, G. sacculifer, G. conglobatus, G. aequilateralis, O. universa, N. dutertrei, P. obliquiloculata, G. inflata, G. truncatulinoides, G. hirsuta, and G. crassaformis) from a 6-year sediment trap time series in the Sargasso Sea were used to define the sensitivity of foraminiferal Mg/Ca to calcification temperature. Habitat depths and calcification temperatures were estimated from comparison of d18O of foraminifera with equilibrium calcite, based on historical temperature and salinity data. When considered together, Mg/Ca (mmol/mol) of all species, except two, show a significant (r = 0.93) relationship with temperature (T °C) of the form Mg/Ca = 0.38 (±0.02) exp 0.090 (±0.003)T, equivalent to a 9.0 ± 0.3% change in Mg/Ca for a 1°C change in temperature. Small differences exist in calibrations between species and between different size fractions of the same species. O. universa and G. aequilateralis have higher Mg/Ca than other species, and in general, data can be best described with the same temperature sensitivity for all species and pre-exponential constants in the sequence O. universa > G. aequilateralis = G. bulloides > G. ruber = G. sacculifer = other species. This approach gives an accuracy of ±1.2°C in the estimation of calcification temperature. The 9% sensitivity to temperature is similar to published studies from culture and core top calibrations, but differences exist from some literature values of pre-exponential constants. Different cleaning methodologies and artefacts of core top dissolution are probably implicated, and perhaps environmental factors yet understood. Planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca temperature estimates can be used for reconstructing surface temperatures and mixed and thermocline temperatures (using G. ruber pink, G. ruber white, G. sacculifer, N. dutertrei, P. obliquiloculata, etc.). The existence of a single Mg thermometry equation is valuable for extinct species, although use of species-specific equations will, where statistically significant, provide more accurate evaluation of Mg/Ca paleotemperature.


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Stalagmites are important palaeo-climatic archives since their chemical and isotopic signatures have the potential to record high-resolution changes in temperature and precipitation over thousands of years. We present three U/Th-dated records of stalagmites (MA1-MA3) in the superhumid southern Andes, Chile (53°S). They grew simultaneously during the last five thousand years (ka BP) in a cave that developed in schist and granodiorite. Major and trace elements as well as the C and O isotope compositions of the stalagmites were analysed at high spatial and temporal resolution as proxies for palaeo-temperature and palaeo-precipitation. Calibrations are based on data from five years of monitoring the climate and hydrology inside and outside the cave and on data from 100 years of regional weather station records. Water-insoluble elements such as Y and HREE in the stalagmites indicate the amount of incorporated siliciclastic detritus. Monitoring shows that the quantity of detritus is controlled by the drip water rate once a threshold level has been exceeded. In general, drip rate variations of the stalagmites depend on the amount of rainfall. However, different drip-water pathways above each drip location gave rise to individual drip rate levels. Only one of the three stalagmites (MA1) had sufficiently high drip rates to record detrital proxies over its complete length. Carbonate-compatible element contents (e.g. U, Sr, Mg), which were measured up to sub-annual resolution, document changes in meteoric precipitation and related drip-water dilution. In addition, these soluble elements are controlled by leaching during weathering of the host rock and soils depending on the pH of acidic pore waters in the peaty soils of the cave's catchment area. In general, higher rainfall resulted in a lower concentration of these elements and vice versa. The Mg/Ca record of stalagmite MA1 was calibrated against meteoric precipitation records for the last 100 years from two regional weather stations. Carbonate-compatible soluble elements show similar patterns in the three stalagmites with generally high values when drip rates and detrital tracers were low and vice versa. d13C and d18O values are highly correlated in each stalagmite suggesting a predominantly drip rate dependent kinetic control by evaporation and/or outgassing. Only C and O isotopes from stalagmite MA1 that received the highest drip rates show a good correlation between detrital proxy elements and carbonate-compatible elements. A temperature-related change in rainwater isotope values modified the MA1 record during the Little Ice Age (~0.7-0.1 ka BP) that was ~1.5 °C colder than today. The isotopic composition of the stalagmites MA2 and MA3 that formed at lower drip rates shows a poor correlation with stalagmite MA1 and all other chemical proxies of MA1. 'Hendy tests' indicate that the degassing-controlled isotope fractionation of MA2 and MA3 had already started at the cave roof, especially when drip rates were low. Changing pathways and residence times of the seepage water caused a non-climatically controlled isotope fractionation, which may be generally important in ventilated caves during phases of low drip rates. Our proxies indicate that the Neoglacial cold phases from ~3.5 to 2.5 and from ~0.7 to 0.1 ka BP were characterised by 30% lower precipitation compared with the Medieval Warm Period from 1.2 to 0.8 ka BP, which was extremely humid in this region.


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The R/V METEOR cruise M60/3 took place from January 13 through February 14, 2004. Target area was the Logatchev hydrothermal field situated on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) with main spots around 14°45'N and 44°59'W and 14°55'N and 44°55'W. The active Logatchev hydrothermal field lies on a small plateau on the eastern flank of the inner rift valley in 2900 m to 3060 m water depth. It is characterized by sites of active, high-T fluid emanation and sulfide precipitation as well as by inactive sites. CTD data for 17 stations located in the vicinity of the Logatchev hydrothermal field were recorded using a SEABIRD CTD Type 911, mostly for the entire water column. CTD sensors had been calibrated by SEABIRD directly before the cruise; additional calibrations of the data obtained, e.g. by salinometer measurements of selected samples were not accomplished. For most stations, no indication of hydrothermal plumes could be identified within the CTD-profiles. An exception is station M60/3-37-CTD-R for which the S/T plot evidences the intrusion of a component relatively depleted in salinity for the depth area from 2600m to 2700m water depth.


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A laser ablation system connected to an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer was used to determine Mg/Ca ratios of the benthic foraminifera Oridorsalis umbonatus. A set of modern core top samples collected along a depth transect on the continental slope off Namibia (320-2300 m water depth; 2.9° to 10.4°C) was used to calibrate the Mg/Ca ratio against bottom water temperature. The resulting Mg/Ca-bottom water temperature relationship of O. umbonatus is described by the exponential equation Mg/Ca = 1.528*e**0.09*BWT. The temperature sensitivity of this equation is similar to previously published calibrations based on Cibicidoides species, suggesting that the Mg/Ca ratio of O. umbonatus is a valuable proxy for thermocline and deep water temperature.


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We analyzed strontium/calcium ratios (Sr/Ca) in four colonies of the Atlantic coral genus Montastrea with growth rates ranging from 2.3 to 12.6 mm/a. Derived Sr/Ca-sea surface temperature (SST) calibrations exhibit significant differences among the four colonies that cannot be explained by variations in SST or seawater Sr/Ca. For a single coral Sr/Ca ratio of 8.8 mmol/mol, the four calibrations predict SSTs ranging from 24.0° to 30.9°C. We find that differences in the Sr/Ca-SST relationships are correlated systematically with the average annual extension rate (ext) of each colony such that Sr/Ca (mmol/mol) = 11.82 (±0.13) - 0.058 (±0.004) * ext (mm/a) - 0.092 (±0.005) * SST (°C). This observation is consistent with previous reports of a link between coral Sr/Ca and growth rate. Verification of our growth-dependent Sr/Ca-SST calibration using a coral excluded from the calibration reconstructs the mean and seasonal amplitude of the actual recorded SST to within 0.3°C. Applying a traditional, nongrowth-dependent Sr/Ca-SST calibration derived from a modern Montastrea to the Sr/Ca ratios of a conspecific coral that grew during the early Little Ice Age (LIA) (400 years B.P.) suggests that Caribbean SSTs were >5°C cooler than today. Conversely, application of our growth-dependent Sr/Ca-SST calibration to Sr/Ca ratios derived from the LIA coral indicates that SSTs during the 5-year period analyzed were within error (±1.4°C) of modern values.


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Shell chemistry of planktic foraminifera and the alkenone unsaturation index in 69 surface sediment samples in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean off West and South Indonesia were studied. Results were compared to modern hydrographic data in order to assess how modern environmental conditions are preserved in sedimentary record, and to determine the best possible proxies to reconstruct seasonality, thermal gradient and upper water column characteristics in this part of the world ocean. Our results imply that alkenone-derived temperatures record annual mean temperatures in the study area. However, this finding might be an artifact due to the temperature limitation of this proxy above 28°C. Combined study of shell stable oxygen isotope and Mg/Ca ratio of planktic foraminifera suggests that Globigerinoides ruber sensu stricto (s.s.), G. ruber sensu lato (s.l.), and G. sacculifer calcify within the mixed-layer between 20 m and 50 m, whereas Globigerina bulloides records mixed-layer conditions at ~50 m depth during boreal summer. Mean calcifications of Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, and Globorotalia tumida occur at the top of the thermocline during boreal summer, at ~75 m, 75-100 m, and 100 m, respectively. Shell Mg/Ca ratios of all species show a significant correlation with temperature at their apparent calcification depths and validate the application of previously published temperature calibrations, except for G. tumida that requires a regional Mg/Ca-temperature calibration (Mg/Ca = 0.41 exp (0.068*T)). We show that the difference in Mg/Ca-temperatures of the mixed-layer species and the thermocline species, particularly between G. ruber s.s. (or s.l.) and P. obliquiloculata, can be applied to track changes in the upper water column stratification. Our results provide critical tools for reconstructing past changes in the hydrography of the study area and their relation to monsoon, El Niño-Southern Oscillation, and the Indian Ocean Dipole Mode.


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DSDP Leg 73 sediment cores allow direct calibrations of magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy for much of the latest Cretaceous to Cenozoic in the mid-latitude South Atlantic Ocean. A complete record of the Cenozoic was not obtained, however, because strong dissolution, poor core recovery and intense core disturbance have masked the biostratigraphy or magnetostratigraphy over some intervals of all recovered sections. DSDP Leg 73 results show the following correlations: Early/middle Miocene in Chron 16 Oligocene/Miocene within Subchron C6CN Eocene/Oligocene within Subchron C13R Middle/late Eocene top of Chron C17 Early/late Paleocene top of Subchron C27N Cretaceous/Tertiary within Subchron C29R