102 resultados para CDXZN1-XS
Biogenic particle fluxes from highly productive surface waters, boundary scavenging, and hydrothermal activity are the main factors influencing the deposition of radionuclides in the area of the Galapagos microplate, eastern Equatorial Pacific. In order to evaluate the importance of these three processes throughout the last 100 kyr, concentrations of the radionuclides 10Be, 230Th, and 231Pa, and of Mn and Fe were measured at high resolution in sediment samples from two gravity cores KLH 068 and KLH 093. High biological productivity in the surface waters overlying the investigated area has led to 10Be and 231Pa fluxes exceeding production during at least the last 30 kyr and probably the last 100 kyr. However, during periods of high productivity at the up welling centers off Peru and extension of the equatorial high-productivity zone, a relative loss of 10Be and 231Pa may have occurred in these sediment cores because of boundary scavenging. The effects of hydrothermal activity were investigated by comparing the 230Thex concentrations to the Mn/Fe ratios and by comparing the fluxes of 230Th and 10Be which exceed production. The results suggest an enhanced hydrothermal influence during isotope stages 4 and 5 and to a lesser extent during isotope stage 1 in core KLH 093. During isotope stages 2 and 3, the hydrothermal supply of Mn was deposited elsewhere, probably because of changes in current regime or deep water oxygenation. A strong increase of the Mn/Fe ratio at the beginning of climatic stage 1 which is not accompanied by an increase of the 230Thex concentration is interpreted to be an effect of Mn remobilization and reprecipitation in the sediment.
We present a reconstruction of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability spanning the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA, A.D. 800-1300) and the Little Ice Age (LIA, A.D. 1500-1850). Changes in ENSO are estimated by comparing the spread and symmetry of d18O values of individual specimens of the thermocline-dwelling planktonic foraminifer Pulleniatina obliquiloculata extracted from discrete time horizons of a sediment core collected in the Sulawesi Sea, at the edge of the western tropical Pacific warm pool. The spread of individual d18O values is interpreted to be a measure of the strength of both phases of ENSO while the symmetry of the d18O distributions is used to evaluate the relative strength/frequency of El Niño and La Niña events. In contrast to previous studies, we use robust and resistant statistics to quantify the spread and symmetry of the d18O distributions; an approach motivated by the relatively small sample size and the presence of outliers. Furthermore, we use a pseudo-proxy approach to investigate the effects of the different paleo-environmental factors on the statistics of the d18O distributions, which could bias the paleo-ENSO reconstruction. We find no systematic difference in the magnitude/strength of ENSO during the Northern Hemisphere MCA or LIA. However, our results suggest that ENSO during the MCA was skewed toward stronger/more frequent La Niña than El Niño, an observation consistent with the medieval megadroughts documented from sites in western North America.
Uranium series nuclide concentrations have been measured on sediments from five box cores from an equatorial Pacific transect. 230Thexcess activities show discontinuities at the Holocene-glacial boundary as dated by 14C. The glacial sedimentation rates determined by 230Th and 14C are 2.5-3.0 cm/kyr. The Holocene rates from 230Th are much lower than those dated by 14C (1.9-2.3 cm/kyr) because of carbonate dissolution. 230Th sedimentation fluxes exceed water column supply by factors of 1.2-1.8 in the Holocene and 1.8-3.0 in the glacial sections. A number of models have been applied to calculate carbonate dissolution rates. The results show that carbonate dissolution rates in the Holocene (in g/cm**2 kyr) equal 1.5 * 10**-3 exp (1.4D) where D is water depth in kilometers. A point-by- point estimation of sediment fluxes through time show that clay accumulation rates in the area have been near constant at 0.1-0.2 g/cm**2 kyr over the past 20 kyr whereas carbonate accumulation rates have decreased dramatically from 0.6-1.0 g/cm**2 kyr in the glacial sections of the cores to 0.2-0.6 g/cm**2 kyr in the Holocene. The errors caused by the uncertainties in the age of the termination of the last glacial period have been investigated and results show that a range of 11-14 kyr leads to an error upper limit of about 30% in the estimation of CaCO3 dissolution rates. The response time of CaCO3 and 230Thex concentrations in the mixed layer of sediments due to an impulse of change in CaCO3 dissolution rate has also been discussed, showing that the observed changes in carbonate dissolution may be explained in terms of a single or a continuous change, depending upon the thickness of the mixed layer.
Today the western tropical Atlantic is the most important passage for cross-equatorial transfer of heat in the form of warm surface water flowing from the South into the North Atlantic. Circulation changes north of South America may thus have influenced the global thermohaline circulation system and high northern latitude climate. Here we reconstruct late Quaternary variations of western equatorial Atlantic surface circulation and Amazon lowland climate obtained from a multiproxy sediment record from Ceará Rise. Variations in the illite/smectite ratio suggest drier climatic conditions in the Amazon Basin during glacials relative to interglacials. The 230Thex-normalized fluxes and the 13C/12C record of organic carbon indicate that sea level fluctuations, shelf topography, and changes of the surface circulation pattern controlled variations and amplitude of terrigenous sediment supply to the Ceará Rise. We attribute variations in thermocline depth, reconstructed from vertical planktic foraminiferal oxygen isotope gradients and abundances of the phytoplankton species Florisphaera profunda, to changes in southeast trade wind intensity. Strong trade winds during ice volume maxima are associated with a deep western tropical Atlantic thermocline, strengthening of the North Brazil Current retroflection, and more vigorous eastward flow of surface waters.
Geomagnetic excursions are recognized as intrinsic features of the Earth's magnetic field. High-resolution records of field behaviour, captured in marine sedimentary cores, present an opportunity to determine the temporal and geometric character of the field during geomagnetic excursions and provide constraints on the mechanisms producing field variability. We present here the highest resolution record yet published of the Blake geomagnetic excursion (~125 ka) measured in three cores from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1062 on the Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge. The Blake excursion has a controversial structure and timing but these cores have a sufficiently high sedimentation rate (~10cm/ka) to allow detailed reconstruction of the field behaviour at this site during the excursion. Palaeomagnetic measurements of the cores reveal rapid transitions (<500 yr) between the contemporary stable normal polarity and a completely reversed state of long duration which spans a stratigraphic interval of 0.7 m. We determine the duration of the reversed state during the Blake excursion using oxygen isotope stratigraphy, combined with 230Th excess measurements to assess variations in the sedimentation rates through the sections of interest. This provides an age and duration for the Blake excursion with greater accuracy and with constrained uncertainty. We date the directional excursion as falling between 129 and 122 ka with a duration for the deviation of 6.5±1.3 kyr. The long duration of this interval and the fully reversed field suggest the existence of a pseudo-stable, reversed dipole field component during the excursion and challenge the idea that excursions are always of short duration.
A manganese oxide crust from an extensive deposit in the median valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was found to be unusually high in manganese (up to 39.4% Mn), low in Fe (as low as 0.01% Fe), low in trace metals and deficient in Th230 and Pa231 with respect to the parent uranium isotopes in the sample. The accumulation rate is 100 mm to 200 mm/10 million year, or 2 orders of magnitude faster than the typical rate for deep-sea ferromanganese deposits. The rapid growth rate and unusual chemistry are consistent with a hydrothermal origin or with a diagenetic origin by manganese remobilized from reduced sediments. Because of the association with an active ridge, geophysical evidence indicative of hydrothermal activity, and a scarcity of sediment in the sampling area, we suggest that a submarine hot spring has created the deposit.
Since 1979/80, glaciological studies have been carried out at Ekströmisen, Antarctica, including accumulation-stake measurements, snow-pit and shallow-firn-core studies. Snowstratigraphy, chemical properties and stable-isotope ratios (d18O) were investigated. This study focuses on three cores taken between 1982 and 1998. The 1998 core was dated using dielectric profiling, d18O profiles and stake measurements. Accumulation rates showhigh interannual and spatial variability due to the extreme wind influence. No significant trend was found for the last 50 years; during the first half of the 20th century, accumulation decreased. The high spatial and interannual variability, however, means that trends must be interpreted with care. In spite of the highly irregular accumulation distribution, stable-isotope ratios show little spatial variability. The mean annual d18O values of cores B04 and FB0198 agree fairly well for the time period 1955-82 covered by both cores. d18O values have increased during most of the 20th century; since the late 1980s a decrease is observed. This change is not related to air temperature, since mean annual air temperatures at Neumayer show no significant trend over the last two decades.
In the monograph metalliferous sediments of the East Pacific Rise near 21°S are under consideration. Distribution trends of chemical, mineral and grain size compositions of metalliferous sediments accumulated near the axis of this ultrafast spreading segment of the EPR are shown. On the basis of lithological and geochemical investigations spatial and temporal variations of hydrothermal activity are estimated. Migration rates of hydrothermal fields along the spreading axis are calculated. The model of cyclic hydrothermal process is suggested as a result of tectono-magmatic development of the spreding centre.
Particle mixing rates have been determined for 5 South Atlantic/Antarctic and 3 equatorial Pacific deep-sea cores using excess 210Pb and 32Si measurements. Radionuclide profiles from these siliceous, calcareous, and clay-rich sediments have been evaluated using a steady state vertical advection diffusion model. In Antarctic siliceous sediments210Pb mixing coefficients (0.04-0.16 cm**2/y) are in reasonable agreement with the 32Si mixing coefficient (0.2 or 0.4 cm**2/y, depending on 32Si half-life). In an equatorial Pacific sediment core, however, the 210Pb mixing coefficient (0.22 cm**2/y) is 3-7 times greater than the 32Si mixing coefficient (0.03 or 0.07 cm**2/y). The difference in 210Pb and 32Si mixing rates in the Pacific sediments results from: (1) non-steady state mixing and differences in characteristic time and depth scales of the two radionuclides, (2) preferential mixing of fine-grained clay particles containing most of the 210Pb activity relative to coarser particles (large radiolaria) containing the 32Si activity, or (3) the supply of 222Rn from the bottom of manganese nodules which increases the measured excess 210Pb activity (relative to 226Ra) at depth and artificially increases the 210Pb mixing coefficient. Based on 32Si data and pore water silica profiles, dissolution of biogenic silica in the sediment column appears to have a minor effect on the 32Si profile in the mixed layer. Deep-sea particle mixing rates reported in this study and the literature do not correlate with sediment type, sediment accumulation rate, or surface productivity. Based on differences in mixing rate among three Antarctic cores collected within 50 km of each other, local variability in the intensity of deep-sea mixing appears to be as important as regional differences in sediment properties.
The European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) focuses on the drilling of two deep ice cores, the first at Dome C and the second at Kohnen station (75°00' S, 0°04' E) in Dronning Maud Land (DML). This paper deals with stable-isotope records from ice cores drilled in DML. In the first season, the deep EPICA DML core reached a depth of 450 m, recovering ice approximately 7000 years old. Generally, the d18O record indicates a stable Holocene climate and shows low variability. However, during the last 4000 years (based on a preliminary time-scale) the d18O values decrease continuously by about 0.6%, and the deuterium excess values increase by about 0.5%. The correlation between d18O and the deuterium excess d is investigated for a 50m long core section and the near-surface snow. High-pass filtered profiles are positively correlated, whereas the correlation between low-pass filtered profiles is negative. A post-depositional effect due to diffusion processes can be seen in a sub-annually resolved profile from snow-pit samples. Changes in the seasonality of the evolution of the snow cover and the consequences for stable-isotope content are demonstrated with data from ice core B31.
The eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) is an important center of biological productivity, generating significant organic carbon and calcite fluxes to the deep ocean. We reconstructed paleocalcite flux for the past 30,000 years in four cores collected beneath the equatorial upwelling and the South Equatorial Current (SEC) by measuring ex230Th-normalized calcite accumulation rates corrected for dissolution with a newly developed proxy for "fraction of calcite preserved". This method produced very similar results at the four sites and revealed that the export flux of calcite was 30-50% lower during the LGM compared to the Holocene. The internal consistency of these results supports our interpretation, which is also in agreement with emerging data indicating lower glacial productivity in the EEP, possibly as a result of lower nutrient supply from the southern ocean via the Equatorial Undercurrent. However, these findings contradict previous interpretations based on mass accumulation rates (MAR) of biogenic material in the sediment of the EEP, which have been taken as reflecting higher glacial productivity due to stronger wind-driven upwelling.
The accumulation of extraterrestrial 3He, a tracer for interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), in sediments from the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP; western equatorial Pacific Ocean) has been shown previously to exhibit a regular cyclicity during the late Pleistocene, with a period of ~100 ka. Those results have been interpreted to reflect periodic variability in the global accretion of IDPs that, in turn, has been linked to changes in the inclination of Earth's orbit with respect to the invariable plane of the solar system. Here we show that the accumulation in OJP sediments of authigenic 230Th, produced by radioactive decay of 234U in seawater, exhibits a 100-ka cyclicity similar in phase and amplitude to that evident in the 3He record. We interpret the similar patterns of 230Th and 3He accumulation to reflect a common origin within the ocean-climate system. Comparing spatial and temporal patterns of sediment accumulation against regional patterns of biological productivity and against the well-established pattern of CaCO3 dissolution in the deep Pacific Ocean leads to the further conclusion that a common 100-ka cycle in accumulation of biogenic, authigenic and extraterrestrial constituents in OJP sediments reflects the influence of climate-related changes in sediment focusing, rather than changes in the rate of production or supply of sedimentary constituents.
The calcareous nannofossil assemblages of Ocean Drilling Program Hole 963D from the central Mediterranean Sea have been investigated to document oceanographic changes in surface waters. The studied site is located in an area sensitive to large-scale atmospheric and climatic systems and to high- and low-latitude climate connection. It is characterized by a high sedimentation rate (the achieved mean sampling resolution is <70 years) that allowed the Sicily Channel environmental changes to be examined in great detail over the last 12 ka BP. We focused on the species Florisphaera profunda that lives in the lower photic zone. Its distribution pattern shows repeated abundance fluctuations of about 10-15%. Such variations could be related to different primary production levels, given that the study of the distribution of this species on the Sicily Channel seafloor demonstrates the significant correlation to productivity changes as provided by satellite imagery. Productivity variations were quantitatively estimated and were interpreted on the basis of the relocation of the nutricline within the photic zone, led by the dynamics of the summer thermocline. Productivity changes were compared with oceanographic, atmospheric, and cosmogenic nuclide proxies. The good match with Holocene master records, as with ice-rafted detritus in the subpolar North Atlantic, and the near-1500-year periodicity suggest that the Sicily Channel environment responded to worldwide climate anomalies. Enhanced Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation, which has been reported as one of the most important forcing mechanisms for Holocene coolings in previous Mediterranean studies, had a remarkable impact on the water column dynamics of the Sicily Channel.
Measurements of benthic foraminiferal cadmium:calcium (Cd/Ca) have indicated that the glacial-interglacial change in deep North Pacific phosphate (PO4) concentration was minimal, which has been taken by some workers as a sign that the biological pump did not store more carbon in the deep glacial ocean. Here we present sedimentary redox-sensitive trace metal records from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 882 (NW subarctic Pacific, water depth 3244 m) to make inferences about changes in deep North Pacific oxygenation - and thus respired carbon storage - over the past 150,000 yr. These observations are complemented with biogenic barium and opal measurements as indicators for past organic carbon export to separate the influences of deep-water oxygen concentration and sedimentary organic carbon respiration on the redox state of the sediment. Our results suggest that the deep subarctic Pacific water mass was depleted in oxygen during glacial maxima, though it was not anoxic. We reconcile our results with the existing benthic foraminiferal Cd/Ca by invoking a decrease in the fraction of the deep ocean nutrient inventory that was preformed, rather than remineralized. This change would have corresponded to an increase in the deep Pacific storage of respired carbon, which would have lowered atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) by sequestering CO2 away from the atmosphere and by increasing ocean alkalinity through a transient dissolution event in the deep sea. The magnitude of change in preformed nutrients suggested by the North Pacific data would have accounted for a majority of the observed decrease in glacial atmospheric pCO2.
In wide areas of Northern Siberia, glaciers have been absent since the Late Pleistocene. Therefore, ground ice and especially ice wedges are used as archives for paleoclimatic studies. In the present study, carried out on the Bykovsky Peninsula, eastern Lena Delta, we were able to distinguish ice wedges of different genetic units by means of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes. The results obtained by this study on the Ice Complex, a peculiar periglacial phenomenon, allowed the reconstruction of the climate history with a subdivision of a period of very cold winters (60-55 ka), followed by a long stable period of cold winter temperatures (50-24 ka), Between 20 ka and I I ka, climate warming is indicated in stable isotope compositions, most probably after the Late Glacial Maximum. At that time, a change of the marine source of the precipitation from a more humid source to the present North Atlantic source region was assumed. For the Ice Complex, a continuous age-height relationship was established, indicating syngenetic vertical ice wedge growth and sediment accumulation rates of 0.7 m/ky. During the Holocene optimum, ice wedge growth was probably limited due to the extensive formation of lacustrine environments. Holocene ice wedges in thermokarst depressions (alases) and thermoerosional valleys (logs) were formed after climate deterioration from about 4.5 ka until the present. Winter temperatures were warmer at this time as compared to the cooler Pleistocene. Migration of bound water between ice wedges and segregated ice may have altered the isotopic composition of old ice wedges. The presence of ice wedges as diagnostic features for permafrost conditions since 60 ka, implies that a large glacier extending over the Laptev Sea shelf did not exist. For the remote non-glaciated areas of Northern Siberia, ice wedges were established as a powerful climate archive.