41 resultados para Argon plasmas


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Despite the different scientific objectives of Legs 185 and 191, the sedimentary sections recovered from Sites 1149 and 1179 are the two most complete sections recovered from the northwestern Pacific Basin by either the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) (i.e., Legs 6, 20, 32, and 86) or ODP (i.e., Legs 185 and 191). During Leg 185, a complete sedimentary section (410 m) and an additional 133 m of highly altered volcanic basement were recovered. The Miocene to Pleistocene section (i.e., upper ~150 m) recovered from Site 1149 includes lithostratigraphic Unit I (0-118.2 meters below sea floor [mbsf]) and Subunit IIA (118.2-149.5 mbsf) of Plank, Ludden, Escutia, et al. (2000, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.185.2000) and consists of ash- and biogenic silica- bearing clay, radiolarian-bearing clay, silt-bearing clay, ash-bearing siliceous ooze, and diatomaceous clay, with numerous discrete volcanic ash layers (Plank, Ludden, Escutia, et al., 2000, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.185.2000). During Leg 191, a near-continuous 375-m-thick sedimentary section was recovered in addition to 100 m of basaltic basement. The upper 221.5 m of the sedimentary section at Site 1179 (i.e., within lithostratigraphic Unit I of Kanazawa, Sager, Escutia et al. [2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.191.2001]) consists of upper Miocene to Pleistocene clay- and radiolarian-bearing diatom ooze containing numerous discrete ash layers. The presence of discrete ash layers within the Miocene to Pleistocene sedimentary section at both Site 1149 and 1179 provides a unique opportunity to conduct 40Ar/39Ar ash chronology to refine the excellent magnetostratigraphic records (based on the scale of Berggren et al., 1995) obtained shipboard from both sites (Plank, Ludden, Escutia, et al., 2000, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.185.2000; Kanazawa, Sager, Escutia, et al., 2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.191.2001).In this data report we present the analytical results from the 40Ar/39Ar incrementally heated analyses and provide a new combined late Miocene to Pleistocene 40Ar/39Ar and magnetostratigraphic chronology for the northwestern Pacific.


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A thick Neogene section was recovered in the upper ~300 m of Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1138A, drilled on the Central Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Sediment lithologies consist primarily of mixed carbonate and biosiliceous clays and oozes, with several thin (1-3 cm) tephra horizons. The tephras are glass rich, well sorted, and dominantly trachytic to rhyolitic in composition. Volcaniclastic material in these horizons is interpreted to have originated from Heard Island, 180 km northwest of Site 1138, and was likely emplaced through both primary ash fall and turbiditic, submarine flows. A Neogene age-depth model for Hole 1138A is constructed primarily from 36 diatom biostratigraphic datums. Nannofossil and planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy provides supporting age information. Additionally, four high-precision 40Ar-39Ar ages are derived from ash and tephra horizons, and these radiometric ages are in close agreement with the biostratigraphic ages. The integrated age-depth model reveals a reasonably complete lower Miocene to upper Pleistocene section in Hole 1138A, with the exception of a ~1-m.y. hiatus at the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. Another possible hiatus is also identified at the Oligocene/Miocene boundary. High Neogene sedimentation rates and the presence of both calcareous and siliceous microfossils, combined with datable tephra horizons, establish Site 1138 as a suitable target for future drilling legs with paleoceanographic objectives. This report also proposes two new diatom species, Fragilariopsis heardensis and Azpeitia harwoodii, from Pliocene strata of Hole 1138A.


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Neutron activation analysis was used to determine content of dissolved argon at five points in the Atlantic Ocean at depths of 2 m.


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The Hawaiian-Emperor bend has played a prominent yet controversial role in deciphering past Pacific plate motions and the tempo of plate motion change. New ages for volcanoes of the central and southern Emperor chain define large changes in volcanic migration rate with little associated change in the chain's trend, which suggests that the bend did not form by slowing of the Hawaiian hot spot. Initiation of the bend near Kimmei seamount about 50 million years ago (MA) was coincident with realignment of Pacific spreading centers and early magmatism in western Pacific arcs, consistent with formation of the bend by changed Pacific plate motion.