223 resultados para Archaeal intact polar lipids
In the reconstruction of sea surface temperature (SST) from sedimentary archives, secondary sources, lateral transport and selective preservation are considered to be mainly negligible in terms of influencing the primary signal. This is also true for the archaeal glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) that form the basis for the TEX86 SST proxy. Our samples represent four years variability on a transect off Cape Blanc (NW Africa). We studied the subsurface production, vertical and lateral transport of intact polar lipids and core GDGTs in the water column at high vertical resolution on the basis of suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples from the photic zone, the subsurface oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), nepheloid layers (NL) and the water column between these. Furthermore we compared the water column SPM GDGT composition with that in underlying surface sediments. This is the first study that reports TEX86 values from the precursor intact polar lipids (IPLs) associated with specific head groups (IPL -specific TEX86). We show a clear deviation from the sea surface GDGT composition in the OMZ between 300 and 600 m. Since neither lateral transport nor selective degradation provides a satisfactory explanation for the observed TEX-derived temperature profiles with a bias towards higher temperatures for both core- and IPL -specific TEX86 values, we suggest that subsurface in situ production of archaea with a distinct relationship between lipid biosynthesis and temperature is the responsible mechanism. However, in the NW-African upwelling system the GDGT contribution of the OMZ to the surface sediments does not seem to affect the sedimentary TEX86 as it shows no bias and still reflects the signal of the surface waters between 0 and 60 m.
Marine sediments harbor an enormous quantity of microorganisms, including a multitude of novel species. The habitable zone of the marine sediment column begins at the sediment-water interface and probably extends to depths of several thousands of meters. Studies of the microbial diversity in this ecosystem have mostly relied on molecular biological techniques. We used a complementary method - analysis of intact polar membrane lipids - to characterize the in-situ microbial community in sediments covering a wide range of environmental conditions from Peru Margin, Equatorial Pacific, Hydrate Ridge, and Juan de Fuca Ridge. Bacterial and eukaryotic phospholipids were only detected in surface sediments from the Peru Margin. In contrast, deeply buried sediments, independent of their geographic location, were dominated by archaeal diether and tetraether lipids with various polar head groups and core lipids. We compared ring distributions of archaeal tetraether lipids derived from polar glycosidic precursors with those that are present as core lipids. The distributions of these related compound pools were distinct, suggestive of different archaeal sources, i.e., the polar compounds derive from sedimentary communities and the core lipids are fossil remnants from planktonic communities with possible admixtures of decayed sedimentary archaea. This in-situ production of distinct archaeal lipid populations potentially affects applications of the TEX86 paleotemperature proxy as demonstrated by offsets in reconstructed temperatures between both pools. We evaluated how varying cell and lipid stabilities will influence the sedimentary pool by using a box-model. The results are consistent with (i) a requirement of continuous inputs of freshly synthesized lipids in subsurface sediments for explaining the observed distribution of intact polar lipids, and (ii) decreasing lipid inputs with increasing burial depth.
We have investigated the distributions and carbon isotopic compositions of archaeal membrane lipids in gas-hydrate-bearing sediments collected from the northern Cascadia Margin offshore from Vancouver Island (Sites U1327 and U1328) by the R/V JOIDES Resolution during IODP Expedition 311. Archaeal lipid biomarkers, including glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), tend to become abundant below 100 mbsf (meters below sea floor). Tricyclic biphytane (BP[3]; which is a robust biomarker derived from GDGT), crenarchaeol, and other BPs exhibit d13C values of ca. -20 per mil, and become abundant between 130 and 230 mbsf at Site U1328. In this depth range, concentrations of ammonium and phosphate in interstitial waters also increase, suggesting that a larger population and higher activity of heterotrophic community consisting of crenarchaeota and other archaea decompose the sedimentary organic matter, thereby liberating ammonium and phosphate. Such crenarchaeotic activity can produce other metabolic products such as molecular hydrogen by fermentation of organic matter during diagenesis. Furthermore, near the organic matter decomposition zone (130 to 230 mbsf), a probable methanogen biomarker (13C-depleted BP[1] with d13C values as low as -48.8 per mil) becomes abundant, indicating that methanogens utilize these diagenetic products. The molecular and isotopic distributions of archaeal lipid biomarkers indicate that the archaeal community plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of deep-sea sediments, including both methanogenesis and nutrient recycling.
Membrane lipids of marine planktonic archaea have provided unique insights into archaeal ecology and paleoceanography. However, past studies of archaeal lipids in suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediments mainly focused on a small class of fully saturated glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) homologues identified decades ago. The apparent low structural diversity of GDGTs is in strong contrast to the high diversity of metabolism and taxonomy among planktonic archaea. Furthermore, adaptation of archaeal lipids in the deep ocean remains poorly constrained. We report the archaeal lipidome in SPM from diverse oceanic regimes. We extend the known inventory of planktonic archaeal lipids to include numerous unsaturated archaeal ether lipids (uns-AELs). We further reveal i) different thermal regulations and polar headgroup compositions of membrane lipids between the epipelagic (<= 100 m) and deep (> 100 m) populations of archaea; ii) stratification of unsaturated GDGTs with varying redox conditions; and iii) enrichment of tetra-unsaturated archaeol and fully saturated GDGTs in epipelagic and deep oxygenated waters, respectively. Such stratified lipid patterns are consistent with the typical distribution of archaeal phylotypes in marine environments. We thus provide an ecological context for GDGT-based paleoclimatology and bring about the potential use of uns-AELs as biomarkers for planktonic Euryarchaeota. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Modern microbial mats are widely recognized as useful analogs for the study of biogeochemical processes relevant to paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the Precambrian. We combined microscopic observations and investigations of biomarker composition to investigate community structure and function in the upper layers of a thick phototrophic microbial mat system from a hypersaline lake on Kiritimati (Christmas Island) in the Northern Line Islands, Republic of Kiribati. In particular, an exploratory incubation experiment with 13C-labeled bicarbonate was conducted to pinpoint biomarkers from organisms actively fixing carbon. A high relative abundance of the cyanobacterial taxa Aphanocapsa and Aphanothece was revealed by microscopic observation, and cyanobacterial fatty acids and hydrocarbons showed 13C-uptake in the labeling experiment. Microscopic observations also revealed purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) in the deeper layers. A cyclic C19:0 fatty acid and farnesol were attributed to this group that was also actively fixing carbon. Background isotopic values indicate Calvin-Benson cycle-based autotrophy for cycC19:0 and farnesol-producing PSBs. Biomarkers from sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the top layer of the mat and their 13C-uptake patterns indicated a close coupling between SRBs and cyanobacteria. Archaeol, possibly from methanogens, was detected in all layers and was especially abundant near the surface where it contained substantial amounts of 13C-label. Intact glycosidic tetraether lipids detected in the deepest layer indicated other archaea. Large amounts of ornithine and betaine bearing intact polar lipids could be an indicator of a phosphate-limited ecosystem, where organisms that are able to substitute these for phospholipids may have a competitive advantage.
Hydroxylated glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (hydroxy-GDGTs) were detected in marine sediments of diverse depositional regimes and ages. Mass spectrometric evidence, complemented by information gleaned from two-dimensional (2D) 1H-13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy on minute quantities of target analyte isolated from marine sediment, allowed us to identify one major compound as a monohydroxy-GDGT with acyclic biphytanyl moieties (OH-GDGT-0). NMR spectroscopic and mass spectrometric data indicate the presence of a tertiary hydroxyl group suggesting the compounds are the tetraether analogues of the widespread hydroxylated archaeol derivatives that have received great attention in geochemical studies of the last two decades. Three other related compounds were assigned as acyclic dihydroxy-GDGT (2OH-GDGT-0) and monohydroxy-GDGT with one (OH-GDGT-1) and two cyclopentane rings (OH-GDGT-2). Based on the identification of hydroxy-GDGT core lipids, a group of previously reported unknown intact polar lipids (IPLs), including the ubiquitously distributed H341-GDGT (Lipp J. S. and Hinrichs K. -U. (2009) Structural diversity and fate of intact polar lipids in marine sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73, 6816-6833), and its analogues were tentatively identified as glycosidic hydroxy-GDGTs. In addition to marine sediments, we also detected hydroxy-GDGTs in a culture of Methanothermococcus thermolithotrophicus. Given the previous finding of the putative polar precursor H341-GDGT in the planktonic marine crenarchaeon Nitrosopumilus maritimus, these compounds are synthesized by representatives of both cren- and euryarchaeota. The ubiquitous distribution and apparent substantial abundance of hydroxy-GDGT core lipids in marine sediments (up to 8% of total isoprenoid core GDGTs) point to their potential as proxies.
The distribution of acyclic and cyclic biphytanediols, the putative breakdown products of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), was investigated for recent marine sediments from Nankai Trough, offshore Kii Peninsula. The most abundant diol is tricyclic biphytanediol, whose relative abundance is in the range 32-46%. Its carbon skeleton, with two cyclopentane rings and one cyclohexane ring, is the same as would be expected via a crenarchaeol origin. Based on the structure of crenarchaeol, the tricyclic biphytanediol is considered to be derived not only from crenarchaeol but also from other unknown sources. The ring distributions of the biphytanediols are different from those of the biphytanes obtained from intact polar lipids by way of chemical treatment, suggesting that biphytanediols are not solely the diagenetic products of in situ GDGTs.
We observed significant changes in the elemental and intact polar lipid (IPL) composition of the archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis (KOD1) in response to growth stage and phosphorus supply. Reducing the amount of organic supplements and phosphate in growth media resulted in significant decreases in cell size and cellular quotas of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P), which coincided with significant increases in cellular IPL quota and IPLs comprising multiple P atoms and hexose moieties. Relatively more cellular P was stored as IPLs in P-limited cells (2-8%) compared to control cells (<0.8%). We also identified a specific IPL biomarker containing a phosphatidyl-N-acetylhexoseamine headgroup that was relatively enriched during rapid cell division. These observations serve as empirical evidence of IPL adaptations in Archaea that will help to interpret the distribution of these biomarkers in natural systems. The reported cell quotas of C, N, and P represent the first such data for a specific archaeon and suggest that thermophiles are C-rich compared to the cell carbon-to-volume relationship reported for planktonic bacteria.
Deep drilling into the marine sea floor has uncovered a vast sedimentary ecosystem of microbial cells (Parkes et al., 1994, doi:10.1038/371410a0; D'Hondt et al., 2004, doi:10.1126/science.1101155). Extrapolation of direct counts of stained microbial cells to the total volume of habitable marine subsurface sediments suggests that between 56 Pg (Parkes et al., 1994, doi:10.1038/371410a0) and 303 Pg (Whitman et al., 1998) of cellular carbon could be stored in this largely unexplored habitat. From recent studies using various culture-independent techniques, no clear picture has yet emerged as to whether Archaea or Bacteria are more abundant in this extensive ecosystem (Schippers et al., doi:10.1038/nature03302; Inagaki et al., doi:10.1073/pnas.0511033103 ; Mauclaire et al., doi:10.1111/j.1472-4677.2004.00035.x; Biddle et al., doi:10.1073/pnas.0600035103). Here we show that in subsurface sediments buried deeper than 1 m in a wide range of oceanographic settings at least 87% of intact polar membrane lipids, biomarkers for the presence of live cells (Biddle et al., doi:10.1073/pnas.0600035103; Sturt et al., 2004, doi:10.1002/rcm.1378), are attributable to archaeal membranes, suggesting that Archaea constitute a major fraction of the biomass. Results obtained from modified quantitative polymerase chain reaction and slot-blot hybridization protocols support the lipid-based evidence and indicate that these techniques have previously underestimated archaeal biomass. The lipid concentrations are proportional to those of total organic carbon. On the basis of this relationship, we derived an independent estimate of amounts of cellular carbon in the global marine subsurface biosphere. Our estimate of 90 Pg of cellular carbon is consistent, within an order of magnitude, with previous estimates, and underscores the importance of marine subsurface habitats for global biomass budgets.