37 resultados para Aperture antennas.
Within the last decade, the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) and its surroundings have experienced record high surface temperatures (Mote, 2007, doi:10.1029/2007GL031976; Box et al., 2010), ice sheet melt extent (Fettweis et al., 2011, doi:10.5194/tc-5-359-2011) and record-low summer sea-ice extent (Nghiem et al., 2007, doi:10.1029/2007GL031138). Using three independent data sets, we derive, for the first time, consistent ice-mass trends and temporal variations within seven major drainage basins from gravity fields from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE; Tapley et al., 2004, doi:10.1029/2004GL019920), surface-ice velocities from Inteferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR; Rignot and Kanagaratnam, 2006, doi:10.1126/science.1121381) together with output of the regional atmospheric climate modelling (RACMO2/ GR; Ettema et al., 2009, doi:10.1029/2009GL038110), and surface-elevation changes from the Ice, cloud and land elevation satellite (ICESat; Sorensen et al., 2011, doi:10.5194/tc-5-173-2011). We show that changing ice discharge (D), surface melting and subsequent run-off (M/R) and precipitation (P) all contribute, in a complex and regionally variable interplay, to the increasingly negative mass balance of the GrIS observed within the last decade. Interannual variability in P along the northwest and west coasts of the GrIS largely explains the apparent regional mass loss increase during 2002-2010, and obscures increasing M/R and D since the 1990s. In winter 2002/2003 and 2008/2009, accumulation anomalies in the east and southeast temporarily outweighed the losses by M/R and D that prevailed during 2003-2008, and after summer 2010. Overall, for all basins of the GrIS, the decadal variability of anomalies in P, M/R and D between 1958 and 2010 (w.r.t. 1961-1990) was significantly exceeded by the regional trends observed during the GRACE period (2002-2011).
The Denmark Strait Overflow (DSO) today compensates for the northward flowing Norwegian and Irminger branches of the North Atlantic Current that drive the Nordic heat pump. During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), ice sheets constricted the Denmark Strait aperture in addition to ice eustatic/isostatic effects which reduced its depth (today ~630 m) by ~130 m. These factors, combined with a reduced north-south density gradient of the water-masses, are expected to have restricted or even reversed the LGM DSO intensity. To better constrain these boundary conditions, we present a first reconstruction of the glacial DSO, using four new and four published epibenthic and planktic stable-isotope records from sites to the north and south of the Denmark Strait. The spatial and temporal distribution of epibenthic delta18O and delta13C maxima reveals a north-south density gradient at intermediate water depths from sigma0 ~28.7 to 28.4/28.1 and suggests that dense and highly ventilated water was convected in the Nordic Seas during the LGM. However, extremely high epibenthic delta13C values on top of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge document a further convection cell of Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water to the south of Iceland, which, however, was marked by much lower density (sigma0 ~28.1). The north-south gradient of water density possibly implied that the glacial DSO was directed to the south like today and fed Glacial North Atlantic Deep Water that has underthrusted the Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water in the Irminger Basin.
Multibeam data were measured as part of the project HERMES during R/V Polarstern cruise ARK-XXII/1 (2007-05-29 to 2007-07-25) along transits and survey profiles and partly during stationary work. Data were achieved mainly in the coastal areas of northern Norway, at the Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano at the continental margin approx. 200 nm off the norwegian coast and the AWI-Hausgarten area approx. 150 nm west of Svalbard. A number of surveys were carried out in the coastal areas of northern Norway (Sula Reef, Roest Reef, Traena area, Floholmen area, Sotbakken area) and around the area of the Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano. The multibeam sonar system Atlas Hydrosweep DS-2 (Atlas Hydrographic, http://www.atlashydro.com) was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle. The refraction correction was achieved using CTD profiles measured during this cruise or, during transits, utilizing the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions (only in the AWI-Hausgarten area). This dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
Multibeam data were collected without operator supervision on R/V Polarstern cruise ANT-XVI/4 along track lines of 6385 NM total length. Data were achieved during transits and stationary work on the route from Cape Town to Bremerhaven via the Cape Verde Islands and the Canary Islands. The multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS-2 was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
Our understanding of the effects of ocean acidification on whole organism function is growing, but most current information is for adult stages of development. Here, we show the effects of reduced pH seawater (pH 7.6) on aspects of the development, physiology and behaviour of encapsulated embryos of the marine intertidal gastropod Littorina obtusata. We found reduced viability and increased development times under reduced pH conditions, and the embryos had significantly altered behaviours and physiologies. In acidified seawater, embryos spent more time stationary, had slower rotation rates, spent less time crawling, but increased their movement periodicity compared with those maintained under control conditions. Larval and adult heart rates were significantly lower in acidified seawater, and hatchling snails had an altered shell morphology (lateral length and spiral shell length) compared to control snails. Our findings show that ocean acidification may have multiple, subtle effects during the early development of marine animals that may have implications for their survival beyond those predicted using later life stages.
Multibeam data were collected without operator supervision on R/V Polarstern cruise ANT-XV/4 along track lines of about 7000 NM total length. Data were achieved during transits and stationary work in the western Weddell Sea, at the Weddell-Scotia Confluence, and on a transect along the Prime Meridian of about 1300 NM length, between 69°S and 47°S. The multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS-2 was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
Glacier thickness is an important factor in the course of glacier retreat in a warming climate. Thiese study data presents the results (point data) of GPR surveys on 66 Austrian mountain glaciers carried out between 1995 and 2014. The glacier areas range from 0.001 to 18.4 km**2, and their ice thickness has been surveyed with an average density of 36 points/km**2 . The glacier areas and surface elevations refer to the second Austrian glacier inventory (mapped between 1996 and 2002). According to the glacier state recorded in the second glacier inventory, the 64 glaciers cover an area of 223.3±3.6 km**3. Maps of glacier thickness have been calculated by Fischer and Kuhn (2013) with a mean thickness of 50±3 m and contain an glacier volume of 11.9±1.1 km**3. The mean maximum ice thickness is 119±5 m. The ice thickness measurements have been carried out with the transmitter of Narod and Clarke (1994) combined with restively loaded dipole antennas (Wu and King, 1965; Rose and Vickers, 1974) at central wavelengths of 6.5 (30 m antenna length) and 4.0 MHz (50 m antenna length). The signal was recorded trace by trace with an oscilloscope. 168 m/µs as used by Haeberli et al. (1982), Bauder (2001), and Narod and Clarke (1994), the signal velocity in air is assumed to be 300 m/µs. Details on the method can be are found in Fischer and Kuhn (2013), as well as Span et al. (2005) and Fischer et al. (2007).
Multibeam data were measured as part of the project HERMES during R/V Polarstern cruise ARK-XXII/1 (2007-05-29 to 2007-07-25) along transits and survey profiles and partly during stationary work. Data were achieved mainly in the coastal areas of northern Norway, at the Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano at the continental margin approx. 200 nm off the norwegian coast and the AWI-Hausgarten area approx. 150 nm west of Svalbard. A number of surveys were carried out in the coastal areas of northern Norway (Sula Reef, Roest Reef, Traena area, Floholmen area, Sotbakken area) and around the area of the Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano. The multibeam sonar system Atlas Hydrosweep DS-2 (Atlas Hydrographic, http://www.atlashydro.com) was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle. The refraction correction was achieved using CTD profiles measured during this cruise or, during transits, utilizing the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions (only in the AWI-Hausgarten area). This dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
This dataset provides scaling information applicable to satellite derived coarse resolution surface soil moisture datasets following the approach by Wagner et al. (2008). It is based on ENVISAT ASAR data and can be utilized to apply the Metop ASCAT dataset (25 km) for local studies as well as to assess the representativeness of in-situ measurement sites and thus their potential for upscaling. The approach based on temporal stability (Wagner et al. 2008) consists of the assessment of the validity of the coarse resolution datasets at medium resolution (1 km, product is the so called 'scaling layer').
Multibeam data were measured as part of the project HERMES during R/V Polarstern cruise ARK-XXII/1 (2007-05-29 to 2007-07-25) along transits and survey profiles and partly during stationary work. Data were achieved mainly in the coastal areas of northern Norway, at the Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano at the continental margin approx. 200 nm off the norwegian coast and the AWI-Hausgarten area approx. 150 nm west of Svalbard. A number of surveys were carried out in the coastal areas of northern Norway (Sula Reef, Roest Reef, Traena area, Floholmen area, Sotbakken area) and around the area of the Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano. The multibeam sonar system Atlas Hydrosweep DS-2 (Atlas Hydrographic, http://www.atlashydro.com) was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle. The refraction correction was achieved using CTD profiles measured during this cruise or, during transits, utilizing the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions (only in the AWI-Hausgarten area). This dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
Multibeam data were measured during R/V Polarstern cruise ANT-XIX/5 along track lines of approximately 4000 NM total length in the Scotia Sea. Data were achieved along the Scotia Arc from Burdwood Bank to King George Island. A multibeam box survey was conducted at the southern part of the Discovery Rise, located at 50°55'S / 35°30'W and covering an area of 90 x 15 NM. A bathymetric survey of 25 x 60 NM was carried out at the eastern part of the South Shetland Trench and its intersection with the Shackleton Fracture Zone, continuing multibeam data from former expeditions. The multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS-2 was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle. The refraction correction was achieved utilizing the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
Multibeam data were measured during R/V Polarstern cruise ANT-XIX/2 along track lines of about 6,100 NM total length along transits, survey profiles and during stationary work, mainly in the Weddell Sea. A multibeam survey was conducted in the eastern Weddell Sea at a potential earthquake area, located east of Fimbul Canyon. The tracks complemented data from former expeditions and extended the surveyed area to 60 by 80 NM. Data were achieved during the transit to the eastern Weddell Sea and by several wide spaced track lines at the continental margin east of Antarctic Peninsula. Between 66°30'S and 67°S a systematic survey of about 35 by 40 NM was carried out at a slump area. The multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS-2 was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle. The refraction correction was achieved utilizing the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
Multibeam data were measured during R/V Polarstern cruise ANT-XXII/2 along track lines of approximately 6800 NM total length during transits and the Ice Station POLarstern (ISPOL) experiment. Data were achieved during the transit from Cape Town via Bouvet Island towards Antarctic Peninsula for three weeks, crossing Agulhas Ridge, Agulhas Basin and Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and during the transit to Cape Town via South Georgia for two weeks. During the ISPOL station, data were gained while the vessel was drifting for five weeks anchored to an ice floe in the south-western Weddell Sea, starting at 68°13'S/54°47'W. The multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS-2 was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle. The refraction correction was achieved using CTD profiles or utilizing the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
Multibeam data were measured during R/V Polarstern cruise ARK-XXIII/3 along track lines of 7248 NM total length in the Arctic Ocean during transits and stationary work. Data were achieved on the transit from Iceland through the Northwestern Passage and the Beaufort Sea to the East Siberian Sea, crossing Northwind Ridge and Chukchi Plateau. The continental margin of East Siberian was surveyed by several wide spaced transects for almost three weeks. The Mendeleev Ridge and the surrounding deep sea bassins were investigated by a transect of about 1000 NM length, located at 80°-81°N. Lomonosov Ridge and Gakkel Ridge were also crossed. The multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS-2 was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle, 120° in shallow water areas. The refraction correction was achieved utilizing 14 CTD profiles measured during the cruise or by the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
Multibeam data were measured during R/V Polarstern cruise ANT-XV/2 along track lines of approximately 10200 NM total length during transits, surveys and partly during stationary work, mainly in the Scotia Sea and the Weddell Sea. Areal multibeam surveys were performed in the vicinity of the South Shetland trench, the Bransfield Basin, the South Sandwich trench, and off the Ekstrom Ice Shelf for time periods of three to eight days. The multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS-2 was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle, in some shallow areas 120°. The refraction correction was achieved utilizing sound velocity profiles sampled during the cruise, and by the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.