141 resultados para Amblyseius californicus
Paleogene calcareous nannofossils from split spoon cores recovered from five wells along the Coastal Plain of New Jersey and Maryland have been analyzed in order to provide onshore information complementary to that derived from the offshore DSDP Site 605 (upper continental rise off New Jersey). Hiatuses are more numerous and of greater extent in the onshore sections, but the major ones correlate well with those noted in the offshore section. At one site at least (Leggett Well), sedimentation may well have been continuous across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, as it is believed to have been at DSDP Site 605. These various correlations are discussed elsewhere in a companion paper (Olsson and Wise, this volume). Important differences in nannofossil assemblages are noted between the onshore (shelf paleoenvironment) and offshore (slope-rise paleoenvironment) sections. Lithostromation simplex, not present offshore, is consistently present onshore and seems to be confined to the Eocene shelf sediments of this region. The same relationship holds for the zonal marker, Rhabdosphaera gladius Locker. The Rhomboaster-Tribrachiatus plexus is more diverse and better preserved in the onshore sections, where the lowermost Eocene Zone CP9 is well represented. Differential preservation is postulated to account for two morphotypes of Tribrachiatus bramlettei (Brönnimann and Stradner). Type A is represented at DSDP Site 605 by individuals with short, stubby arms, but these forms are not present in the equivalent onshore sections. There they are replaced by the Type B morphotypes, which exhibit a similar basic construction but possess much longer, more delicate arms.
Three of the six DSDP Leg 77 sites drilled in the western approaches to the Straits of Florida yielded thick sequences of Cenozoic sediment rich in calcareous nannofossils. Hiatuses are prominent in each of these continuously cored intervals. A prominent upper Oligocene hiatus, observed at each of these three sites, can be correlated to a large-scale "global" regression event. Other disconformable horizons present in the study area cannot be positively related to sealevel fluctuations and may be caused by a number of factors including local tectonic activity. Paleogene sections are generally marked by thick accumulations within the upper Oligocene Sphenolithus ciperoensis Zone and by a pronounced braarudosphaerid-holococcolith bloom recorded in the lower Oligocene and upper Eocene. This bloom is particularly well developed at Site 540. All samples examined contain abundant nannofossils. Preservation fluctuates throughout the sections from good to poor.
Tropical planktonic foraminifers occur throughout the sequences at all sites of Leg 85, and the standard planktonic foraminiferal zonation of Blow (1969) is applicable to most of the recovered sequences. However, the abundance and state of preservation of foraminifers decline markedly in certain intervals because of the effects of dissolution. Although siliceous microfossils studied on this leg indicate recovery of nearly complete records for the Pleistocene to Oligocene interval, the planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy is interrupted by strongly dissolved sections at all sites. Particularly, faunas assignable to Zone N7 (early Miocene) and Zone N15-16 (early late Miocene) are almost totally unrecognizable throughout the eastern equatorial Pacific. Well-preserved and diverse planktonic foraminifers occur in the lower middle Miocene, where the evolutionary developments of Orbulina universa d'Orbigny and Globorotalia fohsi Cushman and Ellisor are well represented. The Orbulina first appearance datum is observed to be nearly coincident with the last occurrence level of the diatom Annellus californicus Tempère, thus .establishing an age of 15 Ma for this datum by using the paleomagnetic calibration of the diatom datum. Moderately well-preserved late Eocene planktonic foraminifers occur in the carbonate sediments immediately overlying the basalt basement at Sites 573 and 574. The Eocene-Oligocene faunal transition, however, is masked at both sites by an intercalation of metalliferous layers containing no planktonic foraminifers.
Leg 90 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project drilled 18 holes at eight sites (Sites 587-594) on several shallow-water platforms in the southern Coral Sea, Tasman Sea, and southwestern Pacific Ocean. The results from an additional hole (Hole 586B) drilled at Site 586 during Leg 89 are included in this report. Together, these sites form a latitudinal traverse which extends from the equator (Site 586) to 45°S (Site 594) and includes all the major water masses from tropical to subantarctic. Samples recovered at these sites range in age from middle Eocene to late Quaternary. The calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy for Leg 90 has divided into two parts: part 1, the Neogene and Quaternary of Sites 586-594. (this chapter); and part 2, the Paleogene of Sites 588, 592, and 593 (Martini, 1986). A slightly modified version of the Martini (1971) standard Tertiary and Quaternary zonation scheme was used to make age determinations on over 700 samples. All of the relevant Neogene and Quaternary zone-defining nannoplankton are present at Sites 586-591 (0°-30°S) but become increasingly rare or are absent at Sites 592-594 (35°-45°S). Species diversity increases southward from the equator (Site 586) and reaches a peak at 20°S (Site 587). A decrease at 25°S (Site 588) and 30°S (Sites 589-591) is followed by an increase in species diversity at 35°S (Site 592). South of 35°S, species diversity again decreases and reaches a low at 45 °S (Site 594). Species diversity for all sites as a group generally increases through the early, middle, and late Miocene, reaches a peak in the early Pliocene, then gradually decreases through the late Pliocene and Quaternary
During Leg 43, six holes (Sites 382-387) were drilled in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean; locations of sites are shown in Figure 1. Lower Cretaceous to Quaternary calcareous nannofossils were found in 127 of 189 cores recovered during the leg. The ages and zonal assignments of these fossiliferous cores based upon light-microscopical observation are given in Table 1. An almost continuous succession of nannofossil assemblages of the lower Maestrichtian to upper Paleocene is present at Site 384. A detailed investigation was conducted on samples at this site, and the evolution of approximately 50 species is documented through almost the entire Paleocene epoch.
Late Aptian through middle Eocene nannofossil assemblages were recovered from a continuously cored section at Site 585. Poorly preserved assemblages of low diversity were observed in samples taken throughout both upper Aptian and/or lower Albian sandstone and mudstone and middle Cenomanian to lower Turonian claystone at the base of this section. A 70-m interval barren of nannofossils separates these poorly preserved assemblages from those recovered from an upper Campanian chalk farther uphole. This chalk marks the most significant change in carbonate deposition at this site, and deposition of interbedded zeolitic claystone and sediment of varied nannofossil content proceeded without major interruption until the early Paleocene (Fasciculithus tympaniformis Zone, CP4). A middle Eocene chalk (dated by nannofossils) unconformably overlies lower Paleocene sediment in both Holes 585 and 585A. Only a few interbeds of zeolitic claystone are present within 100 m of nannofossil-rich sediment above this unconformity. This entire interval is cautiously assigned to the Discoaster sublodoensis Zone (CP 12), which indicates a sedimentation rate almost an order of magnitude higher than expected from normal pelagic sedimentation. The most obvious feature of the assemblages examined from these cores is the amount of reworked material. Rare Nannoconus elongatus and Braarudosphaera sp. in several upper Campanian to middle Eocene samples demonstrate the contribution of pelagic material from upslope and, along with other reworked species throughout the Upper Cretaceous samples examined, provide evidence contradictory to an excursion of the calcium compensation depth to deep basinal settings in the western Pacific during the Campanian-Maestrichtian time (Thierstein, 1979). The overwhelming dominance of reworked species in all middle Eocene samples examined and the persistence of these assemblages throughout such a large thickness of sediment suggest that currents that redeposited material intensified at this time and may be associated with the formation of the lower Paleocene/middle Eocene unconformity at this site. A single surface core of calcareous ooze taken from Hole 585A dated as early Pleistocene contains abundant and well-preserved late Miocene and Pliocene species.