169 resultados para Allan and Brother


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The sedimentary sequence recovered at Site 840, on the Tonga frontal-arc platform, is 597.3 m thick and is subdivided into three lithostratigraphic units. The lowermost, late Miocene Unit III is 336.8 m thick and consists of a sequence of volcaniclastic mass-flow deposits (predominantly turbidites) interbedded with pelagic/hemipelagic deposits. Unit III was deposited in the forearc basin of the Lau volcanic arc, probably on a slope dominated by mass flows that built eastward from the ridge front and across the forearc. Upward through the unit a thinning and fining of individual turbidites takes place, interpreted to reflect a reduced sediment supply and a change from large to smaller flows. Decreasing volcanic activity with time is inferred from a decrease in coarse-grained volcaniclastic content in the upper part of the unit. The majority of the turbidites show the typical Bouma-type divisions, although both high- and low-density turbidity currents are inferred. High-density turbidity currents were especially common in the lower part of the unit. Geochemical analyses of detrital glass lie mainly in the low-K tholeiite field with a compositional range from basalt to rhyolite. A coherent igneous trend indicates derivation from a single volcanic source. This source was probably situated on the rifted part of the Lau-Tonga Ridge, within the present Lau backarc basin. The initial opening of the Lau Basin may have been around 6.0 m.y. ago. The onset of more extensive rifting, approximately 5.6 m.y. ago, is reflected in an increase in the silica content of volcanic glass. At the boundary toward Unit II, at approximately 5.25 Ma, an influx of thicker bedded and coarser grained volcaniclastic material is interpreted to reflect increasing volcanism and tectonism during the final breakup of the Lau-Tonga Ridge.


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Molecular methods provide promising tools for routine detection and quantification of toxic microalgae in plankton samples. To this end, novel TaqMan minor groove binding probes and primers targeting the small (SSU) or large (LSU) ribosomal subunit (rRNA) were developed for two species of the marine dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium (A. minutum, A. tamutum) and for three groups/ribotypes of the A. tamarense species complex: Group I/North American (NA), Group II/Mediterranean (ME) and Group III/Western European (WE). Primers and probes for real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) were species-specific and highly efficient when tested in qPCR assays for cross-validation with pure DNA from cultured Alexandrium strains. Suitability of the qPCR assays as molecular tools for the detection and estimation of relative cell abundances of Alexandrium species and groups was evaluated from samples of natural plankton assemblages along the Scottish east coast. The results were compared with inverted microscope cell counts (Utermöhl technique) of Alexandrium spp. and associated paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxin concentrations. The qPCR assays indicated that A. tamarense (Group I) and A. tamutum were the most abundant Alexandrium taxa and both were highly positively correlated with PSP toxin content of plankton samples. Cells of A. tamarense (Group III) were present at nearly all stations but in low abundance. Alexandrium minutum and A. tamarense (Group II) cells were not detected in any of the samples, thereby arguing for their absence from the specific North Sea region, at least at the time of the survey. The sympatric occurrence of A. tamarense Group I and Group III gives further support to the hypothesis that the groups/ribotypes of the A. tamarense species complex are cryptic species rather than variants belonging to the same species.


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Equilibrium melting and controlled cooling experiments were undertaken to constrain the crystallization and cooling histories of tholeiitic basalts recovered by the Ocean Drilling Program drilling of Site 989 on the Southeast Greenland continental margin. Isothermal experiments conducted at 1 atm. and at the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer using lava sample Section 163-989B-10R-7 yielded the equilibrium appearance sequence with decreasing temperature: olivine at 1184 ± 2ºC; plagioclase at 1177ºC ± 5ºC; augite at 1167 ± 5ºC; and pigeonite at 1113 ± 12ºC. In controlled cooling experiments using the same starting composition and cooling rates between 10ºC/hr and 2000ºC/hr, we find a significant temperature delay in the crystallization of olivine, plagioclase, and augite (relative to the equilibrium appearance temperature); pigeonite does not form under any dynamic crystallization conditions. Olivine exhibits the largest suppression in appearance temperature (e.g., 30º for 10ºC/hr and >190º at 100ºC/hr), while plagioclase shows the smallest (~10ºC at 10ºC/hr; 30ºC at 100ºC/hr, and ~80ºC at 1000ºC/hr). These results are in marked contrast to those obtained on lunar basalts, which generally show a large suppression of plagioclase crystallization and modest suppression of olivine crystallization with an increased cooling rate. The results we report agree well with the petrography of lavas recovered from Site 989. Furthermore, the textural analysis of run products, representing a large range of cooling rates and quench temperatures (1150ºC to 1000ºC), provide a framework for evaluating cooling conditions necessary for glass formation, rates of plagioclase growth, and kinetic factors governing plagioclase growth morphology. Specifically, we use these insights to interpret the textural and mineralogical features of the unusual compound flow recovered at Site 989. We concluded from the analysis that this flow most likely records multiple breakouts from a distal tube at an abrupt break in slope, possibly a fault scarp, resulting in the formation of a lava fan delta. This interpretation implies that normal faulting of the oldest lava sequences (lower and, possibly, middle series) preceded eruption of Site 989 lavas.


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Downhole temperature and thermal conductivity measurements in core samples recovered during Legs 127 and 128 in the Japan Sea resulted in five accurate determinations of heat flow through the seafloor and accurate estimates of temperature vs. depth over the drilled sections. The heat flows measured at these sites are in excellent agreement with nearby seafloor measurements. Drilling sampled basaltic rocks that form the acoustic basement in the Yamato and Japan basins and provided biostratigraphic and isotopic estimates of the age of these basins. The preliminary age estimates are compared with predicted heat flow values for two different thermal models of the lithosphere. A heat flow determination from the crest of the Okushiri Ridge yielded an anomalously high heat flow of 156 mW/m**2. This excessive heat flow value may have resulted from frictional heating on an active reverse fault that bounds the eastern side of the Ridge. Accurate estimates of sedimentation rates and temperatures in the sedimentary section combined with models of basin formation provide an opportunity to test thermochemical models of silica diagenesis. The current location of the opal-A/opal CT transition in the sedimentary section is determined primarily by the thermal history of the layer in which the transition is now found. Comparison of the ages and temperatures of the layer where the opal-A/opal-CT is found today is compatible with an activation energy of 14 to 17 kcal/mole.


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Detailed comparison of mineralogy, and major and trace geochemistry are presented for the modern Lau Basin spreading centers, the Sites 834-839 lavas, the modern Tonga-Kermadec arc volcanics, the northern Tongan boninites, and the Lau Ridge volcanics. The data clearly confirm the variations from near normal mid-ocean-ridge basalt (N-MORB) chemistries (e.g., Site 834, Central Lau Spreading Center) to strongly arc-like (e.g., Site 839, Valu Fa), the latter closely comparable to the modern arc volcanoes. Sites 835 and 836 and the East Lau Spreading Center represent transitional chemistries. Bulk compositions range from andesitic to basaltic, but lavas from Sites 834 and 836 and the Central Lau Spreading Center extend toward more silica-undersaturated compositions. The Valu Fa and modern Tonga-Kermadec arc lavas, in contrast, are dominated by basaltic andesites. The phenocryst and groundmass mineralogies show the strong arc-like affinities of the Site 839 lavas, which are also characterized by the existence of very magnesian olivines (up to Fo90-92) and Cr-rich spinels in Units 3 and 6, and highly anorthitic plagioclases in Units 2 and 9. The regional patterns of mineralogical and geochemical variations are interpreted in terms of two competing processes affecting the inferred magma sources: (1) mantle depletion processes, caused by previous melt extractions linked to backarc magmatism, and (2) enrichment in large-ion-lithophile elements, caused by a subduction contribution. A general trend of increasing depletion is inferred both eastward across the Lau Basin toward the modern arc, and northward along the Tongan (and Kermadec) Arc. Numerical modeling suggests that multistage magma extraction can explain the low abundances (relative to N-MORB) of elements such as Nb, Ta, and Ti, known to be characteristic of island arc magmas. It is further suggested that a subduction jump following prolonged slab rollback could account for the initiation of the Lau Basin opening, plausibly allowing a later influx of new mantle, as required by the recognition of a two-stage opening of the Lau Basin.


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Thirty-five samples from the drill core of the three Leg 163 sites (Sites 988, 989, and 990) off the southeast coast of Greenland were analyzed for 27 major, minor, and trace elements by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and for 25 trace elements, including 14 rare-earth elements (REEs), by an inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometer (ICP/MS). Sr- and Nd-isotope data are reported for seven samples and oxygen-isotope data are reported for 19 plagioclase separates. In addition, a reconnaissance survey of the composition of the main mineral phases, plagioclase, pyroxene, and oxides was determined on an electron microprobe to provide the basic information required for petrogenetic modeling. Olivine pseudomorphs are present in many of the samples, but in no case was an olivine grain found that was fresh enough to give a reliable analysis. The chemical and isotopic data recorded here were determined to provide a comparison with the larger data sets acquired by the Edinburgh, Copenhagen, and Leicester laboratories from both Legs 152 and 163 drill cores. This will permit a detailed comparison of the North Atlantic flood basalt province as a whole with the better known Columbia River, Deccan, and Karoo continental flood basalt provinces, for which substantial chemical data sets are already available at Washington State University.


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A felsic volcanic series (605-825 mbsf) overlain by upper Eocene shallow-water sediments (500-605 mbsf) and basalticandesitic sills that intruded into sediments of Holocene to Miocene age (0-500 mbsf) was drilled in the forearc region of the Lau Basin at a water depth of 4810 m. The volcanic sequence at Site 841 includes altered and mineralized calc-alkaline rhyolites and dacites, dacitic tuffs, lapilli tuffs, flow breccias, and welded tuffs. These rocks formed subaerially or in a very shallow-water environment suffering a subsidence of >5000 m since Eocene times. Calculations of gains and losses of the major components during alteration show most pronounced changes in the uppermost 70 m of the volcanic sequence. Here, Al, Fe, Mg, and K are enriched, whereas Si and Na are strongly depleted. Illite, vermiculite, chlorite, and hematite predominate in this part of the hole. Throughout the section, quartz, plagioclase, kaolinite, and calcite are present. Sulfide mineralization (up to 10 vol%) consisting mainly of disseminated pyrite (with minor pyrrhotite inclusions) and marcasite together with minor amounts of chalcopyrite is pervasive throughout. Locally, a few sulfide-bearing quartz-carbonate veins as well as Ti-amphibole replacement by rutile and then by pyrite were observed. Strong variations in the As content of sulfides (from 0 to 0.69 wt%) from the same depth interval and local enrichments of Co, Ni, and Cu in pyrite are interpreted to result from fluctuations in fluid composition. Calculations of oxygen and sulfur fugacities indicate that fO2 and fS2 were high at the top and lower at the bottom of the sequence. Sulfur isotope determinations on separated pyrite grains from two samples give d34S values of +6.4ë and +8.4ë, which are close to those reported from Kuroko and Okinawa Trough massive sulfide deposits and calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of the Japanese Ryukyu Island Arc. Calculated chlorite formation temperatures of 265°-290°C at the top of the sequence are consistent with minimum formation temperatures of fluid inclusions in secondary quartz, revealing a narrow range of 270°-297°C. Chlorite formation temperatures are constant downhole and do not exceed 300°C. The presence of marcasite and 4C-type pyrrhotite indicates a formation temperature of <= 250°C. At a later stage, illite was formed at the top of the volcanic series at temperatures well below 200°C.


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Paleomagnetic and rock-magnetic investigations of basalts from Hole 834B in the Lau backarc basin and of sediments from Holes 841A and 841B at the Tonga Ridge are reported. Three groups of blocking temperatures in the basalts suggest the presence of at least three magnetic phases: pure magnetite, a Ti-poor titanomagnetite, and a Ti-rich phase. The drill-string-induced remanence in the basalts is typically between three and six times the original normal remanent magnetization intensity, but it is mostly removed by alternating-field (AF) cleaning in 5 mT. Volume susceptibility values range from 0.04 * 10**-3 to 4 * 10**-3 cgs. The modified Q-ratio J5/sus ranges from 0.5 to 10. The drill-string-induced remanence behaves different in the two sediment cores from Holes 841A and 841B, which may be the result of differences in the sediment or caused by the different drilling equipment used. The AF-cleaned inclinations of the sediment in Holes 841A and 841B suggest a slight flattening with increasing depth (up to 6° under a load of 400 m of sediment) to be present. This flattening is likely to be caused by the differential rotation of detrital particles under compaction during diagenesis.


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To understand the late Cenozoic glacial history of the Northern Hemisphere, continuous long-term proxy records from climatically sensitive regions must be examined. Ice-rafted debris (IRD) from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 918, located in the Irminger Basin, is one such record. IRD in marine sediments is a direct indicator of the presence of glacial ice extending to sea level on adjacent landmasses, and, therefore, is an important paleoclimatic signal from the mid- to high latitudes. The IRD record at Site 918 is the first long-term ice-rafting record available for southeast Greenland, a region that may have been a key nucleation area for widespread glaciation during the late Cenozoic (Larsen et al, 1994, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.152.1994). This data report presents the results of coarse sand-size IRD mass accumulation rate (MAR) analyses for Site 918 from the late Miocene through the Pleistocene. In addition, a preliminary analysis of IRD compositions is included. Detailed discussions of the local, regional, and global paleoclimatic implications of this data, and of the companion Site 919 Pleistocene IRD MAR data (Krissek, 1999, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.163.118.1999), are in preparation. Such future work will include comparisons of these IRD MAR data sets to the Site 919 oxygen isotope stratigraphy developed by Flower (1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.152.219.1998).