24 resultados para Aberdeenshire (Scotland)
The first part of this thesis includes some topics of a non-geochemical nature but which are of importance in interpreting the geochemistry of nodules. The points covered include their distribution, petrography, structure, mineralogy and internal compositional variations. Part Two includes the geochemistry of both nodules and that of their surrounding sediments, This geochemical study has been divided into firstly, a general geochemical study of both nodules and sediments using a statistical approach to the interpretation of the data, secondly, the regional geochemistry of Pacific and Indian Ocean nodules and sediments, the latter entirely uninvestigated in the past, and thirdly, local variations in the composition of nodules. Throughout, emphasis has been placed on the geochemistry of nodules in terms of their environment of formation.
During the "Challenger" Deep-Sea Exploring Expedition a great many peculiar-looking manganese nodules or concretions were dredged from the floor of the ocean at great depths, chiefly in the Red Clay areas of the Pacific. In the present paper we propose to point out the distribution of the oxides of manganese in the geological series of rocks, in fresh and sea water, and in marine deposits, with special reference to our explorations in the lochs of the west of Scotland; to give an account of investigations undertaken to ascertain the source of the manganese present in marine deposits in the form of the higher oxides, and thereafter to discuss the various views that have been advanced to explain the formation and distribution of manganese concretions in marine deposits in general.