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The euphotic depth (Zeu) is a key parameter in modelling primary production (PP) using satellite ocean colour. However, evaluations of satellite Zeu products are scarce. The objective of this paper is to investigate existing approaches and sensors to estimate Zeu from satellite and to evaluate how different Zeu products might affect the estimation of PP in the Southern Ocean (SO). Euphotic depth was derived from MODIS and SeaWiFS products of (i) surface chlorophyll-a (Zeu-Chla) and (ii) inherent optical properties (Zeu-IOP). They were compared with in situ measurements of Zeu from different regions of the SO. Both approaches and sensors are robust to retrieve Zeu, although the best results were obtained using the IOP approach and SeaWiFS data, with an average percentage of error (E) of 25.43% and mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.10 m (log scale). Nevertheless, differences in the spatial distribution of Zeu-Chla and Zeu-IOP for both sensors were found as large as 30% over specific regions. These differences were also observed in PP. On average, PP based on Zeu-Chla was 8% higher than PP based on Zeu-IOP, but it was up to 30% higher south of 60°S. Satellite phytoplankton absorption coefficients (aph) derived by the Quasi-Analytical Algorithm at different wavelengths were also validated and the results showed that MODIS aph are generally more robust than SeaWiFS. Thus, MODIS aph should be preferred in PP models based on aph in the SO. Further, we reinforce the importance of investigating the spatial differences between satellite products, which might not be detected by the validation with in situ measurements due to the insufficient amount and uneven distribution of the data.


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Numerous veins are present in basalts recovered from Hole 462A, Leg 61 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Three mineral assemblages are recognized and stratigraphically controlled. These assemblages are (1) a zeolite-bearing, quartz-poor assemblage which occurs from Core 44 to the bottom of the hole and contains smectite, clinoptilolite, calcite, pyrite, ± chabazite, ± analcime, ± quartz, ± apophyllite, ± talc (?); (2) a quartz-rich, pyrite-bearing assemblage, found between Cores 19 and 29, which contains smectite, calcite, quartz, and pyrite; and (3) a quartz-rich, celadonite-bearing assemblage which occurs from Cores 14 through 17 and contains smectite, calcite, quartz, celadonite, and Fe oxide. These data are interpreted to represent two episodes of vein mineral formation with an oxidative overprint on the more recent. The first episode followed the outpourings of basaltic lavas onto the sea floor. Zeolite-bearing veins were formed at elevated temperatures under low PCO2 while the thermal gradient was high and before a cover of calcareous sediments had formed. The second mineralization episode followed injection of basalt and microdiabase sills into a thick layer of sediments, and produced all the vein minerals now occurring between Cores 14 and 29. These veins formed at lower temperature and higher PCO2 than zeolite-bearing veins. The presence of pyrite indicates a nonoxidative environment. After the initial formation of these veins, oxygenated seawater diffused through the sedimentary cover and oxidized the pyrite and smectite, forming celadonite and Fe oxides.