59 resultados para 1984: Hot Dogs and Croissants
The basement at Catoche Knoll consists of Paleozoic gneiss and amphibolite intruded by several generations of early Jurassic diabase dikes. Upon exposure to a 1-oersted field for 9 days, the diabase and amphibolite acquire a viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) which ranges from 42 to 2047% of their natural remanent magnetization (NRM). A magnetic field of similar intensity is observed in the paleomagnetic facility of the Glomar Challenger, and it is therefore doubtful if accurate measurements of magnetic moments in such rocks can be made on board unless the facility is magnetically shielded. The significant VRM also indicates the futility of attempting to discern magnetic lineations from an ocean floor composed of such rocks. No strong correlation exists between the Königsberger ratio, which is usually less than 1, and the tendency to acquire a VRM. The VRM decay is typical of a Richter aftereffect, but the relaxation times vary widely among the samples studied. A stable remanence is observed after alternating field demagnetization to 200 Oe. The range of magnetic inclinations in the diabase dikes is consistent with 40Ar/39Ar dates of 190 and 160 Ma. The inclinations suggest that the Catoche Knoll block tilted more than 20° to the north after the final dike intrusion.
We detail the petrography and mineralogy of 145 basaltic rocks from the top, middle, and base of flow units identified on shipboard along with associated pyroclastic samples. Our account includes representative electron microprobe analyses of primary and secondary minerals; 28 whole-rock major-oxide analyses; 135 whole-rock analyses each for 21 trace elements; 7 whole-rock rare-earth analyses; and 77 whole-rock X-ray-diffraction analyses. These data show generally similar petrography, mineralogy, and chemistry for the basalts from all four sites; they are typically subalkaline and consanguineous with limited evolution along the tholeiite trend. Limited fractionation is indicated by immobile trace elements; some xenocrystic incorporation from more basic material also occurred. Secondary alteration products indicate early subaerial weathering followed by prolonged interaction with seawater, most likely below 150°C at Holes 552, 553A, and 554A. At Hole 555, greenschist alteration affected the deepest rocks (olivine-dolerite) penetrated, at 250-300°C.
We carried out oxygen and carbon isotope studies on monospecific foraminifer samples from DSDP Sites 522, 523, and 524 of Leg 73 in the central South Atlantic Ocean. The oxygen isotope ratios show a warming of 2 to 3 °C in bottom water and 5°C in surface water during the Paleocene and early Eocene. The carbon isotope values indicate strong upwelling during the early Eocene. The 1% increase in the d18O values of benthic and planktonic foraminifers at Site 523 in the later middle Eocene we ascribe to changes in the pattern of the evaporation and precipitation. The changes may be due to the worldwide Lutetian transgression. The oxygen ratios for the benthic and planktonic foraminifers indicate a cooling at the Eocene/Oligocene transition. The maximum temperature drop (5°C for benthic and 3°C for planktonic foraminifers) is recorded slightly beyond the Eocene/Oligocene boundary and took place over an interval of about 100,000 yr. The pattern of currents in the Southern Hemisphere was mainly structured by a precursor of the subtropical convergence during the Paleocene to late Eocene. The cooling at the Eocene/Oligocene transition led to drastic changes in the circulation pattern, and a precursor of the Antarctic convergence evolved.