559 resultados para 151-912B
A novel and promising biomarker proxy for reconstruction of Arctic sea ice conditions was developed and is based on the determination of a highly branched isoprenoid with 25 carbons (IP25). IP25 records have been restricted to the last 150 kyr BP. We present a biomarker record from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 912, going back to the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary and indicating that sea ice of variable extent occurred in the Fram Strait/southern Yermak Plateau area at least since about 2.2 Ma. Furthermore, our data support the idea that a combination of IP25 and open water, phytoplankton biomarker data ("PIP25 index") may give a more reliable and quantitative estimate of past sea ice cover (at least for the study area). The study reveals that the novel IP25/PIP25 biomarker approach has potential for semi-quantitative paleo-sea ice studies covering the entire Quaternary and could motivate further detailed high resolution research on ODP/IODP material using this proxy.
The magnetic polarity stratigraphy at Site 907 obtained from the shipboard pass-through magnetometer and from discrete samples is readily interpretable back to the onset of the Gilbert Chron (5.89 Ma). From this level to the base of the section at ~14 Ma, the interpretation is corroborated by silicoflagellate datums with predictable correlation to polarity chrons. The resulting magnetostratigraphic interpretation differs from those proposed in the Leg 151 (Hole 907A) and 162 (Holes 907B and 907C) Initial Reports volumes. An important hiatus in the 7-10 Ma interval at Site 907 caused sedimentation to slow or cease for ~2.7 m.y. We have revised the shipboard correlation among the three holes at Site 907, resulting in a new composite section splice and recalculation of composite depths. For Site 985, magnetostratigraphic interpretation is possible down to ~150 meters below seafloor (mbsf) (C3An/C3Ar) at ~6 Ma. There are no useful biostratigraphic datums from Site 985 to support this interpretation; however, the interpretation is supported by the correlation of Sites 985 and 907 using natural gamma data from the shipboard multisensor track. Below ~150 mbsf at Site 985, drilling-related deformation at the onset of extended core barrel drilling precluded magnetostratigraphic interpretation.