311 resultados para strontium 90
The carbonate-free metalliferous fraction of thirty-nine sediment samples from four DSDP Leg 92 sites has been analyzed for 12 elements, and a subset of 16 samples analyzed for Pb isotopic composition. The main geochemical features of this component are as follows: i) very high concentrations of Fe and Mn, typically 25-39% and 5-14%, respectively; ii) Al and Ca contents generally less than 2% and 5%, respectively; iii) high Cu (1000-2000 ppm), and Zn and Ni (500-1000 ppm) values; and iv) Co and Pb concentrations of 100-250 ppm. In terms of element partitioning within the metalliferous fraction, amorphous to poorly crystallized oxide-oxyhydroxides removed by the second leach carry virtually all of the Mn, and about 90% of the Ca, Sr and Ni. The well-crystallized goethite-rich material removed by the third leach carries the majority of Fe, Cu, and Pb. These relations hold for sediments as young as ~1-2 Ma, indicating early partitioning of hydrothermal Fe and Mn into separate phases. Calculated mass accumulation rates (MAR) for Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn and Ni in the bulk sediment show the same overall trends at three of the sites, with greatest MAR values near the basement, and a general decrease in MAR values towards the tops of the holes (for sediments deposited above the lysocline). These relations strongly support the concept of a declining hydrothermal contribution of these elements away from a ridge axis. Nevertheless, MAR values for these metals up to ~200 km from the ridge axis are orders of magnitude higher than on abyssal seafloor plains where there is no hydrothermal influence. Mn/Fe ratios throughout the sediment column at two sites indicate that the composition of the hydrothermal precipitates changed during transport through seawater, becoming significantly depleted in Mn beyond ~200-300 km from the axis, but maintaining roughly the same proportion of Fe. Most of the Pb isotope data for the Leg 92 metalliferous sediments form approximately linear arrays in the conventional isotopic plots, extending from the middle of the field for mid-ocean ridge basalts toward the field for Mn nodules. The array of data lying between these two end-members is most readily interpreted in terms of simple linear mixing of Pb derived from basaltic and seawater end-member sources. The least radiogenic sediments reflect the average Pb isotope composition of discharging hydrothermal solutions and ocean-ridge basalt at the EPR over the ~4-8 Ma B.P. interval. Pb in sediments deposited up to 250 km from the axis can be almost entirely of basaltic-hydrothermal origin. Lateral transport of some basaltic Pb by ocean currents appears to extend to distances of at least 1000 km west of the East Pacific Rise.
Eocene through Pliocene benthic foraminifers were examined from seven sites located at middle and lower bathyal depths on the Lord Howe Rise in the Tasman Sea, from another site at lower bathyal depths in the Coral Sea, and from a site in the intermediate-depth, hemipelagic province of the Chatham Rise, east of southern New Zealand. Age-related, depth-related, and bioprovincial faunal variations are documented in this chapter. One new species, Rectuvigerina tasmana, is named. The paleoecologic indications of several key groups, including the miliolids, uvigerinids, nuttallitids, and cibicidids, are combined with sedimentologic and stable isotopic tracers to interpret paleoceanographic changes in the Tasman Sea. Because the total stratigraphic ranges of many bathyal benthic foraminifers are not yet known, most endpoints in the Tasman Sea are considered ecologically controlled events. The disappearances of Uvigerina rippensis and Cibicidoidesparki and the first appearances of U. pigmaea, Sphaeroidina bulloides, and Rotaliatina sulcigera at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary can be considered evolutionary events, as also can the first appearance of Cibicides wuellerstorfi in Zone NN5. Species which are restricted to the lower bathyal zone except during discrete pulses, most of which are related to the development of glacial conditions, include Melonis pompilioides, M. sphaeroides, Pullenia quinqueloba, Nuttallides umbonifera, and U. hispido-costata. Middle bathyal indigenes include U. spinulosa, U. gemmaeformis, Ehrenbergina marwicki, R. sulcigera, and all rectuvigerinids except Rectuvigerina spinea. Although the miliolids first occurred at lower bathyal depths, they were more common in the middle bathyal zone. Although the Neogene hispido-costate uvigerinids first developed at lower bathyal depths and at higher middle latitude sites, in the later Neogene this group migrated to shallower depths and became predominant also in the middle bathyal zone. Despite the relatively similar sedimentologic settings at the six middle bathyal Tasman sites, there was extensive intrageneric and intraspecific geographic variation. Mililiolids, strongly ornamented brizalinids, bolivinitids, Bulimina aculeata, Osangularia culter, and strongly porous morphotypes were more common at higher latitudes. Osangularia bengalensis, striate brizalinids such as Brizalina subaenariensis, Gaudryina solida, osangularids in general, and finely porous morphotypes were more common in the subtropics. There was strong covariance between faunas at lower middle latitude, lower bathyal Site 591, and higher middle latitude, middle bathyal Site 593. The following oceanographic history of the Tasman Sea is proposed; using the stable isotopic record as evidence for glacials and examining the ecologic correlations between (1) miliolids and carbonate saturation, (2) nuttallitids and undersaturated, cooled, or "new" water masses, (3) uvigerinids with high organic carbon in the sediment and high rates of sediment accumulation, and (4) cibicidids and terrestrial organic carbon. The glacial located near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary is characterized by the penetration of cooler, more corrosive waters at intermediate depths in high southern latitudes. This may have caused overturn, upwelling pulses, in other Tasman areas. The development of Neogenelike conditions began in the late Oligocene (Zone NP24/NP25) with the evolution of several common Neogene species. A large number of Paleogene benthics disappeared gradually through the course of the early Miocene, which was not well preserved at any Tasman site. Corrosive conditions shallowed into the middle bathyal zone in several pulses during the early Miocene. The development of glacial conditions in the middle Miocene was accompanied by major changes throughout the Tasman Sea. Sediment accumulation rates increased and high-productivity faunas and corrosive conditions developed at all but the lowest-latitude Site 588. This increase in productivity and accumulation rate is attributed to the eutrophication of Antarctic water masses feeding Tasman current systems, as well as to invigorated circulation in general. It overlaps with the beginning of the Pacific High-productivity Episode (10-5 Ma). During the latest Miocene glacial episode, corrosive conditions developed at lower bathyal depths, while cooler water and lower nutrient levels shallowed to middle bathyal depths. Lower input of terrestrial organic carbon may be related to the lower nutrient levels of this time and to the termination of the Pacific High-productivity Episode. The moderate glacial episode during the mid-Pliocene (Zone NN15/NN16, ~3.2 Ma) corresponds to a decline in sediment accumulation rates and a reorganization of faunas unlike that of all other times. New genera proliferate and indices for cool, noncorrosive conditions and high organic carbon expand throughout the middle bathyal zone coeval with the sedimentation rate decreases. By the latest Pliocene (about 2.5 Ma), however, during another glacial episode, faunal patterns typical of this and later glacials develop throughout the Tasman Sea. Benthic foraminiferal patterns suggest increased input of terrestrial organic matter to Tasman Sea sediments during this episode and during later glacials.
Canonical correspondence analysis indicates that the distribution of Neogene benthic foraminiferal faunas (>63 µm) in seven DSDP and ODP sites (500-4500 m water depth) east of New Zealand (38-51°S, 170°E-170°W) is most strongly influenced by depth (water mass stratification), and secondly by age (palaeoceanographic changes influencing faunal composition and biotic evolution). Stratigraphic faunal changes are interpretted in terms of the pulsed sequential development of southern, and later northern, polar glaciation and consequent cooling of bottom waters, increased vertical and lateral stratification of ocean water masses, and increased overall and seasonal surface water productivity. Oligocene initiation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC), flowing northwards past New Zealand, resulted in extensive hiatuses throughout the Southwest Pacific, some extending through into the Miocene. Planktic foraminiferal fragmentation index values indicate that carbonate dissolution was significant at abyssal depths throughout most of the Neogene, peaking at upper abyssal depths in the late Miocene (11-7 Ma), with the lysocline progressively deepened thereafter. Miocene abyssal faunas are dominated by Globocassidulina subglobosa and Oridorsalis umbonatus, with increasing Epistominella exigua after 16 Ma at upper abyssal depths. Peak abundances of Epistominella umbonifera indicate increased input of cold Southern Component Water to the DWBC at 7-6 Ma. Faunal association changes imply establishment of the modern Oxygen Minimum Zone (upper Circumpolar Deep Water) in the latest Miocene. Significant latitudinal differences between the benthic foraminiferal faunas at lower bathyal depths indicate the existence of an oceanic front along the Chatham Rise (location of present Subtropical Front), since the early late Miocene at least, with more pulsed productivity (higher E. exigua) along the south side. Modern Antarctic Intermediate Water faunal associations were established north of the Chatham Rise at 10-9 Ma, and south of it at 3-1.5 Ma. Middle-upper bathyal faunas on the Campbell Plateau are dominated by reticulate bolivinids during the early and middle Miocene, indicative of sustained productivity above relatively sluggish, suboxic bottom waters. Faunal changes and hiatuses indicate increased current vigour over the Campbell Plateau from the latest Miocene on. Surface water productivity (food supply) appears to have increased in three steps (at times of enhanced global cooling) marked by substantially increased relative abundance of: (1) Abditodentrix pseudothalmanni, Alabaminella weddellensis, Cassidulina norvangi (16-15 Ma, increased pulsed productivity); (2) Bulimina marginata f. aculeata, Nonionella auris, Trifarina angulosa, Uvigerina peregrina (3-1.5 Ma, increased overall productivity); and (3) Cassidulina carinata (1-0.5 Ma, increased overall productivity). Three intervals of deep-sea benthic foraminiferal taxonomic turnover are recognised (16-15, 11.5-10, 2-0.5 Ma) corresponding to intervals of enhanced global cooling and possible productivity changes. The late Pliocene-middle Pleistocene extinction, associated with increasing Northern Hemisphere glaciation, culminating in the middle Pleistocene climatic transition, was more significant in the study area than the earlier Neogene turnovers.
The relationship between the distribution of benthic foraminifera and sediment type and depositional environment in the Arabian Sea is discussed. The benthic foraminiferal fauna were sampled in nineteen Recent surface sediment samples, and geochemical variables of the sediment of the same samples were measured. The water depths for the box core samples varies from 440 to 4040 m. A total of 103 species and six species-complexes were identified. The geochemical properties were found to correspond well to the sediment type and depositional environment and six different sediment/depositional environment types could be distinguished. Analysis of the benthic foraminiferal fauna reveals specific faunal assemblages that are closely related to these sediment/depositional environment types.
A 87Sr/86Sr isotope curve of the middle Eocene to Oligocene was produced from analysis of foraminifera in Ocean Drilling Program Hole 689B, Maud Rise, near the coast of Antarctica. Sediments from the hole are well preserved with no evidence of diagenetic alteration. The sequence is nearly complete from 46.3 to 24.8 Ma, with an average sampling interval of 166 kyr. Excellent magnetostratigraphy in Hole 689B allows calibration to the geomagnetic polarity time scale of Cande and Kent (1992). Marine strontium isotopic ratios were nearly stable from 46.3 to 35.5 Ma, averaging near 0.70773, after which they began to increase. A slow increase began after 40.4 Ma, rising at a rate of only about 8*10**-6/m.y. from base values of 0.707707. From 35.5 Ma to 24.8 Ma the average slope increased to 40*10**-6/m.y. The slope remained constant at least until 24.8 Ma, when the record becomes discontinuous owing to unconformities. We evaluate several possible controls on the marine strontium isotope curve that could have led to the observed growth in 87Sr/86Sr ratios near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. Three mechanisms are considered, including the onset of Antarctic glaciation, increased mountain building in the Himalayan-Tibetan region, and decreased hydrothermal activity. None of the mechanisms alone seems to adequately explain the increased 87Sr/86Sr ratios during the Oligocene. Glaciation as a weathering agent was too episodic and probably began too late to explain the upturn in marine 87Sr/86Sr ratios. There is evidence that uplift in the Himalayan-Tibetan region began in the Miocene, much too late to control Oligocene strontium isotope ratios. Lastly, hydrothermal flux changes since the Eocene were apparently not great enough alone to account for the rise in marine 87Sr/86Sr ratios. We suggest that a combination of causes, such as decreased hydrothermal activity perhaps followed by increased glaciation and mountain building, might best explain the growth of the marine 87Sr/86Sr curve during the Oligocene.