359 resultados para anoxic


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The distribution and microhabitat of living benthic fora- minifera (15 calcareous and 6 agglutinated) have been studied in two box cores from the Tagus Prodelta. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes were analysed for eight different species from six surface samples from the Tagus Prodelta and Estuary. At the two box core stations, most of the living foraminifera were restricted to the oxygenated top cm of the sediment and generally show a shallow infaunal behavior. Those taxa are e.g. Rectuvigerina phlegeri, Stainforthia fusiformis and species of the genus Bolivina, which is the most abundant genus in the Tagus Prodelta. Infaunal species are found down to 10 cm depth, and some infaunal taxa, e.g. Bulimina marginata, Globobulimina auriculata and Nonionella turgida, inhabit the low oxic or anoxic sediments. The deep infaunal species are suggested to feed selectively, on refractory organic matter or on the bacterial stocks, while the opportunistic shallow infaunal species are believed to feed on fresh phytodetritus or labile organic matter. Our data show that there is a close connection between the concentration of foraminifera and the distribution of organic matter in the area. The highest abundance of living benthic foraminifera was found in sediments close to the Tagus river plume, where the sediments have relatively high organic carbon contents. The spatial distribution of the stable isotope values of different benthic foraminifera reflects the distribution of the low salinity and relatively high temperature water with high organic carbon fluxes within the Tagus Estuary.


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Remineralization of organic matter in reactive marine sediments releases nutrients and dissolved organic matter (DOM) into the ocean. Here we focused on the molecular-level characterization of DOM by high-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) in sediment pore waters and bottom waters from contrasting redox regimes in the northern Black Sea with particular emphasis on nitrogen-bearing compounds to derive an improved understanding of the molecular transformations involved in nitrogen release. The number of nitrogen-bearing molecules is generally higher in pore waters than in bottom waters. This suggests intensified degradation of nitrogen-bearing precursor molecules such as proteins in anoxic sediments: No significant difference was observed between sediments deposited under oxic vs anoxic conditions (average O/C ratios of 0.55) suggesting that the different organic matter quality induced by contrasting redox conditions does not impact protein diagenesis in the subseafloor. Compounds in the pore waters were on average larger, less oxygenated, and had a higher number of unsaturations. Applying a mathematical model, we could show that the assemblages of nitrogen-bearing molecular formulas are potential products of proteinaceous material that was transformed by the following reactions: (a) hydrolysis and deamination, both reducing the molecular size and nitrogen content of the products and intermediates; (b) oxidation and hydration of the intermediates; and (c) methylation and dehydration.


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Dark, organic-rich sediments were recovered from the lower Miocene section (~16.6 Ma) in Hole 985A in the Norway Basin during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 162. Organic carbon and total sulfur contents of the dark sediments showed a maximum concentration of 5.6 and 26.1 wt%, respectively. Sulfur enrichment in the sediments indicates that these dark layers were formed under anoxic conditions in bottom water. Four dark and eight greenish gray sediment samples, ranging in age from early Miocene to Pleistocene, were analyzed for lipid-class compounds (aliphatic hydrocarbons, fatty alcohols, and sterols) using gas chromatography (GC) and GC/mass spectrometry to better understand the formation processes of the organic-rich dark layers and to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental changes. The molecular distributions of n-alkanes and fatty alcohols indicate that terrigenous organic matter largely contributed to both types of sediments. Significant amounts of hopanoid hydrocarbons, such as diploptene and hop-17(21)-ene, however, were detected characteristically in the dark sediments, which suggests that prokaryotes such as methane-oxidizing bacteria or cyanobacteria may have significantly contributed to the formation of these organic-rich, dark sediments. These results indicate that the bottom waters of the Norway Basin had been subjected to anoxic conditions during the early Miocene.


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Radiolabeled products were formed from labeled substrates during anaerobic incubation of sediments from Sites 618, 619, and 622. One set of experiments formed 14CO2, 14CH4, and 35SH2 from 2-14C-acetate and 35S-sulfate; a second set formed 14CH4 from 14C-methylamine or 14C-trimethylamine. Levels of 14CO2 and 35S2 formed were two to three orders of magnitude greater than 14CH4. Production of 14CH4 by Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sediments was four to five orders of magnitude less than that formed by anoxic San Francisco Bay sediment. However, incubation of Site 622 sediment slurries under H2 demonstrated production of small quantities of CH4. These results indicate that DSDP sediments recovered from 4 to 167 m sub-bottom (age 85,000-110,000 yr.) harbor potential microbial activity which includes sulfate reducers and methanogens. Analysis of pore waters from these DSDP sites indicates that bacterial substrates (acetate, methylated amines) were present.


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We measured the concentrations of redox-sensitive trace metals (Mn, V, Mo, U, Cd and Re) in sediments from ODP Leg 169S Hole 1033B in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, to determine changes in redox conditions associated with the onset of laminated sediments at ~12.5 kyr. The most striking result is a large peak in authigenic Re along with detrital levels of Mo at the glacial terrigenous clay-diatomaceous sediment transition. In contrast, the underlying glacial terrigenous clay, which extends throughout the bottom section of the core, is chemically similar to detrital concentrations, either Cowichan River particulates or average shale values. These data suggest a period of oxic bottom waters but reducing pore-waters. This could be due to the dramatic transformation of Saanich Inlet during the late deglaciation from an open bay to an inlet, which restricted circulation and slowed bottom water oxygen renewal. A peak and gradual increase in authigenic Mn in younger sediments subsequent to the Re peak suggests that increasingly oxic conditions followed the authigenic enrichment in Re. These conditions could be connected to the Younger Dryas cooling period, which was coincident with an increase in well oxygenated upwelled waters on the west coast of North America that form the bottom waters of Saanich Inlet. Metal concentrations in a gray clay bed (~11 kyr) are similar to their concentrations in the glacial terrigenous clay, implying that they have a common source. Authigenic enrichments of Re with little authigenic Mo and Cd suggest that before the deposition of this bed, bottom waters were oxic and pore-water oxygen was consumed in the top centimeter or less. Laminations above the clay layer suggest anoxic conditions, which are also indicated by higher authigenic Mo and Cd and slightly lower Re/Mo ratios in these sediments. The basin remained mostly anoxic after the gray clay was emplaced, as seen by continuous authigenic enrichment of the redox-sensitive trace metals. These results are consistent with increased stratification of the water column, brought about by an influx of fresh water to the basin by a large flood.


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The prominent negative stable carbon isotope excursion in both carbonate and organic carbon recorded in organic-rich sediments deposited during the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (OAE) has commonly been explained by recycling of 13C-depleted CO2 (the so-called Küspert model). More recently, the massive release of 13C-depleted methane or other forms of 13C-depleted carbon was also proposed to account for the observed negative d13C excursions in organic carbon of terrigenous as well as of marine origin. The occurrence of diagenetic products of the carotenoid isorenieratene (isorenieratane and other aryl isoprenoids) in Toarcian black shales has been regarded as supporting evidence for the Küspert hypothesis as they point to strong stratification of the epicontinental seas. A section of a drill core straddling the Toarcian of the Paris Basin (Cirfontaine-en-Ornois) contained intact isorenieratane, providing evidence that photosynthetic green sulphur bacteria were present at the time of deposition, even prior to the OAE. However, the isorenieratane abundances are very low in the section where the negative d13C excursion in organic carbon and phytane, a chemical fossil derived from chlorophyll, occurs. The abundance of the isorenieratene derivatives increases, once the d13C records have shifted to more positive values. The d13C of isorenieratane (generally circa -13.1 ± 0.5 per mil) indicates that the respired CO2 contribution at the chemocline was low and is thus not likely to be the main cause of the prominent up to 7per mil negative d13C shift recorded in Toarcian organic carbon records.


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A complex of mineralogical techniques used in studies of near-surface layer hemipelagic sediments indicates that disordered todorokite and hexagonal birnessite dominate in manganese micronodules, whereas hexagonal birnessite is the main phase of micronodules from miopelagic sediments. Content of todorokite increases downward through the miopelagic sedimentary sequence; this can be reasonably explained by transformations of some other manganese minerals to todorokite. Occurrence of several manganese minerals in studied samples may reflect temporal and lateral variations in C_org content in sediments and respective local fluctuations in environmental conditions (pH, Eh, geochemical activity of Mn, etc.). Todorokite may have formed under the most anoxic conditions near the water-sediment interface.