801 resultados para Western Indian Ocean
Analysis of 66 samples from DSDP Site 263 (Cores 263-4R-4 to 263-29R-4) reveals a unique faunal composition with a predominance of agglutinated taxa, many of them previously unrecorded from any other DSDP and ODP Indian Ocean sites. A total of 66 agglutinated and 31 calcareous taxa are documented and five new species are described: Hippocrepina gracilis n.sp., "Textuluriopsis" elegans n.sp., Aaptotoichus challengeri n.sp., "Gaudryinopsis" pseudobettenstaedti n.sp. and "Gaudryina" cuvierensis n.sp. Three assemblages are recognized based on changes in the composition of dominant taxa and occurrences of stratigraphically important species: (1) a high-diversity Valanginian to Barremian Bulbobaculites-Recurvoides Assemblage (Cores 263-29R to - 18R), comprised of numerous elongate agglutinated forms, rare nodosariids, and variable numbers of tubes and ammodiscids; (2) a moderately diverse Aptian to Albian Rhizammina-Ammodiscus-Glomospira Assemblage (Cores 263-18R to -7R) with highly fluctuating numbers of the nominate taxa and Haplophragmoides, Trochammina, Verneuilinoides spp., and Verneuilina howchini; (3) a very low diversity Albian or younger Assemblage (Cores 263-6R to -4R) containing sparse agglutinated foraminifera, rare nodosariids and rotaliids. We interpret the assemblages as shelf to lower slope and consider them to reflect a deepening palaeobathymetry as the Cuvier margin subsided after the initial breakup of East Gondwana during the Valanginian. Our interpretation is in sharp contrast with initial palaeodepth estimates of less than 100 m, as well as with original chronostratigraphic interpretations based on foraminifera and nannofossils which correlated the base of the recovered interval with the Aptian. The absence of many cosmoplitan forms, despite high diversity suggests strong faunal differentiation in the Austral realm or endemisn within the Cuvier Basin during the Early Cretaceous.
Distribution of urea in different water layers of the northwestern Indian Ocean is described. It was found to be non-uniformly distributed. High concentration was found in waters close to the bottom. Urea may serve as an indicator of state of the water environment.
The present work is based on mineralogical studies of sand and silt layers from a number of Deep Sea Drilling Project sites in the Indian Ocean belonging to different physiographic provinces of different ages. The minerals can be grouped into two major associations: a hornblende-opaque association with varying amounts of pyroxene, garnet, epidote, zircon, etc. and a biotite-chlorite-muscovite assemblage. The dominance of unstable minerals indicates a first generation, though evidence of reworking is reflected in the zircon and tourmaline grains at some sites. A large variety of minerals at some sites indicates a complex source. The mineral composition is nearly homogeneous at different sites for the entire length of the core, indicating that they have been derived from the same source during the deposition of that interval. However, the provenance changed by tectonic activity, the effect of which has been reflected in the mineralogy of some sites. An attempt was made to describe the mineralogic characteristics and their tectonic interpretations in the Pliocene and Miocene periods in the Ganges and Indus fan sites and also in the Wharton and Mozambique basin sites. Similar attempts could not be made for other ages in other physiographic provinces as the numbers of samples were too few. Within the limited scope, some idea about the mineralogical character of different basins and different physiographic provinces can be obtained from the present study. Mineralogical evidence also suggests very long transport of sediments in the deep sea. Regional variation of mineralogy has resulted due to source, sea-floor configuration, selective removal, reworking by different agencies and the processes operating in the ocean. There is no relation between a particular age and a set mineral assemblage for the Cenozoic sediments of the Indian Ocean.
Petrographic description as well as data on chemical composition and K-Ar age of basalts from the floor of the Indian Ocean are reported in the paper.
The mineral component of pelagic sediments recovered from the Indian Ocean provides both a history of eolian deposition related to climatic changes in southern Africa and a record of terrigenous input related to sediment delivery from the Himalayas. A composite Cenozoic dust flux record from four sites in the central Indian Ocean is used to define the evolution of the Kalahari and Namib desert source regions. The overall record of dust input is one of very low flux for much of the Cenozoic indicating a long history of climate stability and regional hyperaridity. The most significant reduction in dust flux occurred near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary and is interpreted as a shift from semiarid climates during the Paleocene to more arid conditions in the early Eocene. Further aridification is recorded as stepwise reductions in the input of dust material which occur from about 35 to 40 Ma, 27 to 32 Ma, and 13 to 15 Ma and correlate to significant enrichments in benthic foraminifer delta18O values. The mineral flux in sediments from the northern Indian Ocean, site 758, records changes in the terrigenous input apparently related to the erosion of the Himalayas and indicates a rapid late Cenozoic uplift history. Three major pulses of increased terrigeneous sediment flux are inferred from the depositional record. The initial increase began at about 9.5 Ma and continued for roughly 1.0 million years. A second pulse with approximately the same magnitude occurred from about 7.0 to 5.6 Ma. The largest pulse of enhanced terrigenous influx occurred during the Pliocene from about 3.9 to 2.0 Ma when average flux values were severalfold greater than at any other time in the Cenozoic.
Study of phosphorus distribution in grain size fractions of eupelagic clays showed high (up to 3%) content of P in Fe-Mn micronodules that can contain up to 20-30% of total P. Mineral P associated with Fe in ocean sediments is an analog of manganese in ocean sedimentogenesis. Sharp decrease of P contents in ocean Fe-Mn nodules compared to ones from seas results from decrease of Fe contents and partial neutralization of Fe activity by Mn.
The monograph presents results of comprehensive geological and geophysical studies carried out in 1973 and 1976 during Cruises 54 and 58 of R/V "Vityaz" in the Eastern Indian Ocean. On the base of obtained data a description of topography, magnetic and gravity fields, structure of the sedimentary series and deep crustal structure of the East Indian Ridge, Central, West Australian and Cocos Basins, the Sunda Trench has been done. Materials on petrography, petrochemistry and geochemistry of igneous rocks in the region have been summarized. New geological and geophysical information has been compared with with DSDP materials. Tectonics and geological history of the Eastern Indian Ocean are under consideration.
Abyssal agglutinated foraminifers allow biostratigraphic correlation of Upper Cretaceous brown zeolitic claystones in Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 196A and 198A and Ocean Drilling Program Holes 800A and 801 A. Three agglutinated foraminiferal zones subdivide the strata overlying the Campanian to Cenomanian cherts. The lower zone is characterized by Hormosina gigantea, which is a Campanian zonal marker in the North Atlantic Ocean and western Tethys. A major correlation level, which was observed in all holes studied, is based on the acme of evolute Haplophragmoides spp. This acme zone was observed in Sample 129-801A-6R-CC, about 9 m above the first occurrence of H. gigantea in Sample 129-801A-7R-1, 62-67 cm (approximately middle Campanian). The uppermost zone is characterized by dominant Paratrochamminoides spp. and in some instances common Bolivinopsis parvissimus (late Campanian to Maestrichtian). The available biostratigraphic data for the Upper Cretaceous of Sites 196, 198, 800, and 801 are correlated with the biochronologic framework of the North Atlantic, western Mediterranean, and Carpathians. Additionally, we use quantitative estimates of the diversity and abundance of agglutinated foraminiferal species to monitor general faunal trends with time in the western Pacific.